Page 68 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 68
p"ge8 The Gold Bug February I, 1971 Student government seen as progressing;still problematic Committee was jettisoned by the Student Life was the fact that the SGA originated the proposal by JERRY HOPPLE Council. The SRC members, who are all on the SLC after student opinion had crystallized (through the SGA President with one exception, accepted a drastically SRC assembly and poll), During the past semester, the Student weakened compromise proposal in an effort to In terms of general impact, however, the position Government Association has effected several achieve at least some reform at the present time. of the SgGA has not improved. Most students are Democratic unaware of the SGA's existence. worthwhile-- though far from monumental -- There are a plethora of explanations for this theorists posit the existence of a rational, changes. In general, however, the SGA has failed outcome. Two should be noted. First of all, to say concerned, participating citizenry, but reality that occurs change at Western incrementally to emerge as a viable organization. Maryland is an understatement. Furthermore, generally fails to conform to this abstract model. Starting with the accomplishments, most have Similarly, Western Maryland students ideally been in the area of services to students. The draft certain elements of the "college community," should be informed and concerned, but in actuality counseling service was finally made operational, including alumni, parents, and financial donors, are Shockingly uninformed (or misinformed) and after being in the planning stages for a semester. must be prepared very gradually for changes as unconcerned. . The, coffee house has been very successful, and sweeping as those envisioned by the SRC. Another This pervasive attitude extends to members of during the second semester the SGA and the element was the instinctive insistence on the Senate. Several times, the Senate baerely Argonauts are planning to set up a formal tutorial compromise by the SLC faculty members. assembled a quorum and many members are absent system. 'The Building and Grounds committee, Defenders of the status quo invariably use the most of the time. In general, the Senate merely under the able leadership of graduating co- sanctified principles of reasoned, dispassionate, acts as a ratifying agency for decisions made by the chairman Charlie Moore, met with Mr. Willis Aristotelian discussion and compromise in order to five officers. frequently in an effort to effect worthwhile changes impede progress. An obsession with the canons of and represent student interests. The Building and logical debate leads to an outcome that is "My experience with the SGA has convinced me Grounds committee was responsible for securing frequently a placebo rather than a panacea. that the interests of the student body and the final approval for the intracampus phone system. Despite the fact that the SGA failed to secure all administration are distinct and in many ways The Cafeteria committee, under retiring chairman of its objectives, the SRC campaign is important in incompatible. The administration feels obligated to Amos McCoy, was responsible for most of the at least one respect. For the first time in several satisfy an external constituency. The fact that the changes in the cafeteria (salad bowls, peanut years, a major proposal for change emanated administration must maintain the support of butter at lunches, etc.). The biggest service to directly from the SGA. In the recent past, students "alumni and financial contributors is not necessarily students was the Richie Havens concert; Havens, have used the ad hoc group route, as in the anti- wrong or evil, but it does mean that the focus and the biggest name ever to appear at WMC, cost the mandatory ROTC campaign, the Women's Rights outlook of administration and students are SGA over $8000, although tickets were only two ..-Committee last year, and the Vietnam Moratorium inherently different. Students exalt the immediate dollars each. committee in October, 1969. In these instances, and the administration has a radically longer time In the area of policy, the SGA"'s record is students seeking progress were forced to bypass an perspective. somewha' tarnished, The open house- curfew inert, powerless SGA. One of the most salient Both frames of reference are extreme, and pr-oposal of the SGA Student Regulatio~s features of this year's open house-curfew proposal neither group has a monopoly on wisdom. In some cases, the administration feels compelled to subordinate student interests to those of external elements. In other cases, precipitant student action could jeopardize a college's future; some institutions of higher learning are on the verge of bankruptcy because of student radicalism. The optimum situation eschews paralysis by - student radicals or external reactionaires by integrating and balancing the interests of all. However, the fact hat all interests are germane to decision-making' do-es not. mean lhat--aH_inter-ests_ should have equal weight. The college exists primarily to serve the interests of students, and these interests should therefore be paramount. An effective SGA could defend and represent student interests. But the SGA is in a seemingly inescapable situation because its notorious past tradition of weakness reinforces the idea that the SGA is inherently weak. A self-fulfilling prophecy thus prevents the complete atrophy of the SGA, it may be necessary to effect a major structural change, such as the abolition of the Senate or the creation of an All-College (faculty-student) Government. Unfortunately, however, institutional modifications do not ensure a change in attitudes. left to right: Sarah Snodgrass: corresponding secretary, Jerry Hopple. presi- The prospects for genuine reform within the the dent, and Bryson Popham. treasurer, of the SGA. present framework are far form sanguine. ANALYSIS President reverses statement, but will he change policy? by Donna Herbst transfer between service abroad and service at the youthful voice, the president now credited youth home." with having a new force to make their voices heard. Richard Nixon has performed a pleasant and " ...1 intend to make it an agency through which He challenged young people to continue in the radical about-face from his statement following those willing to give their lives and their energy can American tradition: "The whole history of last year's moratorium activities, when he flatly work at cleaning up the environment, combating , democracy in this country is a chronicle of the denied the possibility of being swayed by the illiteracy and malnutrition, suffering and blight, constant broadening of the power to participate. protest movement. either abroad or at home." Each new group receiving the franchise has had ~ Nixon appeared recently before a student-faculty Nixon went on to say that America must open the beneficial effect on the course of America. Each convocation at the university of Nebraska, where door to volunteer service "as we free young new group has given freshness and vitality to the he was called upon to bestow a plaque honoring the Americans from the requirements of the draft and purposes of government. And now it is your turn to school for its victory in the Orange Bowl. He of the war." do the same." commenced his- speech with several well-placed Volunteer service has long been debated as the Richard Nixon's words are in complete contrast jibes such as: "In 1970... you will remember that alternative to the draft for conscientious objectors, with his impenetrable mood. during the peace before the bowl games I said that Texas was but has never been optimistically proposed until it events a little over a year ago. Whereas once he number one, and since then I have never been able' was hinted at in Nixon's words. Whether it was his gave the impression of disregarding student to go to Pennsylvania without a passport." But intent or not, the President appeared to be opinion, he now seems to be directly encouraging it when the jokes were over and the presentation promising a possible program for such an as a necessary means to a better nation. The made, the president got down to the important alternative. Nixon explained that "One thing eighteen year-old right to vote has definitely had a issue of his 'speech. . - . government must do is find more effective ways of concrete effect on the old Nixon hard-time policy. If Richard Nixon announced to we convocation that enlisting the dedication and idealism of those young he sticks to his word and does promote a volunteer he is about to petition the 92nd Congress to unite Americans who want to serve their fellow man." service organization, he will be projecting a better the Peace Corps, Vista, and other voluntary His address did not insure verbatim that this form presidential and self-image than the one he gave assistance organizations into one agency, under the of volunteer service would eliminate required during the October 1969 events. Should he back direction of the present Peace Corps director, military service, but had undertones to that effect. down from encouraging such a program, he will Joseph Blatchford. He called the new agency "a Directly after his statements on the volunteer have little chance of gaining the youthful vote if he volunteer service corps that will give young service corps, President Nixon brought up the issue decides to re-run for the presidency. Americans an expanded opportunity for the service which he had seemed to be leading up to: that of the "To those who have believed the system would they want to give, and that will give them what they now-enforced right of the eighteen year-old vote. not be moved, I say try it, "said Richard Nixon. d...,not now have offered to them - a chance to Whereas previously in moratorium days he ignored But will he listen this time time if we try?
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