Page 66 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 66
The Gold Bug Februa 1 1971 Batman as a textbook? bobby's hobby Comic books assume look of relevancy lobby Superman has an analyst. all of the new directions comics are taking, and It all started when the Man of Steel from outer with Dick Gordon (Robin) going off to college, space suddenly faced up to the fact that he was out "Lmaybe he'll join the SDS." Wall Street Journal 65 east main st. 848-4350 of touch with the real world. His neurosis drove him credits the new characterizations: "The new hero to the couch faster than a speeding bullet. frets over social problems, like pollution, slum ARTS CRAFTS MODELS Lois Lane has changed, too. She's finally realized control, and civil rights, and often suffers from MODEL CAR RACING how much of a male chauvinist that Perry White is, identity crisis. Indeed, many observers contend and she has begun to fight back for her equal rights. that the superhero of yesteryear is giving way to And Batman and Rubin have gone their separate the super anti-hero." ways: Batman to combat pollution and rascism, New York Magazine said that "Buying a comic Robin to enroll in college and lock capes with book today is spending fifteen cents-tor the New GIRLS campus disorders. York Times with four color art and guys in capes, ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SUMMER Comic books have taken a radical departure from playing the role of the Wasp, an exercis~ in Iutility COUNSELING POSITION? their formerly fantastic, future-oriented theme to usually assigned by the Times on a rotating basts to one that is vitally concerned with the issues of John Lindsey, Nelson Rockefeller, and Richard Applicants are now being considered for the 1?71 today. According to Carmine Infantino, editorial Nixon." camp season. director of DC comics which produces Superman, Remember when you had to hide your comic book Must be able to teach one of the following: Batman, Green Arrow, and Wonder Woman, "The so that you wouldn't get caught reading "that Arts and Crafts Director, Dancing, Music, Theater readers of comics have changed. Today's youth has trash?" Director, Archery, Tennis, Tennis Director, Golf, become too aware and too educated to be satisfied Trampoline, Cheerleading, Riflery, Scout Craft and with a constant flow of escapism.". Supergiants Nature Study, A.R.C. Swimming Instructor, Small have been replaced by tougher problems that Craft Instructor or General Athletics. Secretary and cannot be solved simply with a cosmic ray gun. Bookkeeper also needed. -, The change comes at an opportune time, for Write Camp Director, 2409 Shellydale Drive. individual aQ.dgroup cries for human rights have an all-time high 'in the legislation and reached Baltimore, Maryland 21209 policy-making of this country. Comic readers appreciate the more realistic situations their heroes have been plunged into, because the situations relate to the concerns of the day. Green Arrow and Green Lantern met a rude awakening in one of their adventures last spring when a black m style tour of the nation trying to reconcile some of man who knew of their attempts to aid blue, purple, What you should know about diamonds and orange men on other planets cried out, "I want when you know it'~for keeps to know why you never bothered to help black men 1" With that, the duo set off on an Easy-Rider the country's moral problems .. Even Jimmy Olsen, the proverbial wishy-washy ,. cub reporter, has undergone a distinct change. . After sitting on the sidelines for thirty years, Olsen has finally mustered up the courage to attack city ghetto slumlords for their indecencies to tenants. . The beautiful Black Canary joins forces with Green Arrow and Green Lantern to fight the onslaught of \'ou\,d,.am"'abou, your diamondcngag.mont ring"hou population explosion. .. nd .jmo,_ But nOW 'h" \OU DC comics believes that these renovations have know j,', lor kttp., i ... time ". made the comic book market wider and more ~~:u,d~~'~~~'I~:~,i~~~i~~~~r~ popular to people who normally wold never ~:~t~n~:{:1~,~~!~j~~~~;~:,,:~~ consider brousing over the books. Over 3oo million and sales were year, comics were sold last ;.n~~~,·o;?~n,!::~~n
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