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SEPTEM~ER 17, 1970 PAGE 3 Schoenbrun to speak on Neville here for "Middle East in Crisis;' research club Award-winning TV commentator, author and teacher Dr. Harvey A. Neville, national treasurer of The Society David Sehoenbrun will speak at Western Maryland of Sigma Xi, will take part in installation of the Western College, Westminster, Thursday, September 24, at 11:00 Maryland College Sigma Xi Club Friday, September 25. a.m. in Alumni Hall. Dr. Neville is president emeritus of Lehigh University. Mr. Schoenbrun was a CBS news correspondent from He will be in charge of the formal ceremony at4:30 p.m. in 1947 to 1963 and is now a lecturer in the graduate school of Decker Lecture Hall. That evening there will bea dinner at international affairs, Columbia University. His topic will the Riding Club in celebration· of the installation. Dr. be "The Middle East in Crisis." The public is invited to Neville will speak on the subject "Observe the Laws-. attend the lecture. No tickets are necessary. Natural and Unnatural ,. The speaker has been called one of the most Recognized as an authority in the field of catalysis and distinguished journalist-historians of modern times. He colloid chemistry, Dr. Neville joined the Lehigh has utilized every modern means of communication-- chemistry faculty in 1927. He became chairman of the radio, television, newspapers, magazines, books, the department and then dean of the Lehigh Graduate School. classroom, and the lecture platform. Prior to being named president in 1961 he was university Mr. Schcenbrun has covered some of the most im- vice president, provost. and director of the University's portant and dramatic events of modern history, from the Institute of Research. American landings in North Africa, through the liberation The Society of Sigma Xi which Dr. Neville will of France, the capture of Berlin, the wars in Indo-China represent is an honorary organization devoted to the and Korea. His beat included the post-war creation-of the encouragement of research in pure and applied science. Marshall plan, the Atlantic Alliance, the Common Members are chosen on the basis of their proficiency and Market, the return to power of Charles deGaulle, the promise in the pure and applied natural sciences, the Kennedy administration and assassination, the Arab- latter including, in general, the physical sciences. the life Israeli wars, civil rights and college conflicts and agricultural sciences. the earth sciences. the medical The correspondent's career began as a teacher of sciences. mathematics, and engineering French and Spanish. He served as a combat correspon- There are two chapters of the society in Maryland. the dent with the 7th U. S. Armv and the First French Army Johns Hopkins University and the University of and was the first American soldier to reach the Rhine. In Maryland, and one other club. United States Naval 1947 he became Paris bureau chief for CBS and his Academy. The Western Maryland club wi!! be the only one broadcasts came from that world capital for the next 14 in Maryland associated with an undcrgraduate liberal years. In 1961, Schoenbrun was appointed chief arts college. correspondent and bureau chief in Washington, D.C. Members of Sigma Xi from thisarea who will take part Following a reporting trip to Hanoi in 1967, he was ap- David Schoenbrun in the installation and contunue as club members include pointed to the faculty of Columbia University. Dr. William T Achor, Mr. G. Samuel Alspach. Jr .. Dr. DISC established Michael M. Brown. Dr. David R. Cross. Dr. Harry L Holloway. Jr., Qr. Donald E. Jones, Dr. Jean Kerschner, draft counciling Dr. Isabel and Dr. Harwell Dr. b.on-is K. Smith. all of the college Dr. Clyde A I. Hoyer, F. Sturdivant, Spicer, faculty: Mr. Robert M. McKinney. county comrnissioncr-: For the past several years thousands of young men have 1\1r. Spencer O. Raezcr Taneytown. had questions concerning the draft, pertaining to their particular classifications, to communiques from local Faculty advancements boards, and to theavailabilityof deferments. Some young men have been fortunate enough to have ministers and teachers qualified to answer their questions; other have announced for W.M.C. not been so fortunate. As a result draft counseling centers have mushroomed Changes and advancements in rank for faculty mem- across the nation. Last year WMC's student government bers at Western Maryland College, Westminster. were authorized the establishment of. a draft information announced at the opening of the faculty and starr Friday, service council (DISC) to be located on campus. This September II, on the campus. service will begin operating Wednesday, September 23, in Presiding at the meeting as his first official act after the seminar room in Baker Memorial Chapel at 7 p.m. returning to the calT!Pus following a lengthy illness, Manning DISC will be Robert Hartman, Associate President Lowcll S. Ensor announced the following Professor of Theology and Philosophy; Freddy Rudman, changes in departmental chairmen Dr. L. Stanley a spohomore who has counciled for the American Friends Bowlsbey, Jr., education; Dr. Cornelius P. Darcy, history; Service Committee in Baltimore; and Dave Rumbach. a Dr. William J\.1. David, Jr., political science. Dr. local minister. R. Bailor who has Dr. Lowell Ensor The center will not propagate any particular ideological Bowlsbey takes the place of Dr. Joseph and director of the of the department been both chairman ce political views; rather it is hoped that after talking graduate program. Dr. Bailer continues as director of the Dr. Ensor back with WMC's trained decisions students will make graduate many program years the history and political science draft counsellors, their own rational For Students wait for the with draft can't problems Maryland been combined after leave September 23 opening of the service that are urged to contact department at Western of Dr. Theodore had M. Whitfield. Dr under the chairmanship any of the above named counsellors. Whitficld has retired from the chairmanship and Dr. Dr. Lowell S. Ensor, president of Western Maryland Darcy and Dr. David will head separate departments. Dr. College, Westminster, has returned to his office from an Counseling services slated; Whitfield will continue in a fulltime teaching capacity. extended leave of absence. Faculty promotions announced on Friday were: Peter Dr. Ensor, who became president of Western Maryland several progralJ1s set H. Buttner from instructor in modern languages to in 1947. had been on leave since Marchdue to illness. He is assistant professor of modern languages, Dr. H. Ray now recovered and has resumed full-time leadership of Counseling services have been set up for Western Stevens from assistant professor of English to associate the college. During his absence the college was under the Maryland College students according to a spokesman for professor of English, and Dr. William L -. Tribby from direction of Dr. Allan W. Mund as acting president. the counseling staff assistant professor of dramatic art to associate professor As one of his first official acts after returning, Dr. Ensor "The college years are years of growth. of change, of of dramatic art. presided at the opening faculty meeting on Friday, Sep- major transitions in our lives that often bring with them tember 11, and at the faculty dinner that evening. Heand concerns that are not easily or quickly settled. Often a his wife held their annual reception for incoming students person may find himself confronted with very real and their parents on Saturday afternoon, September 12. questions about himself, about what he is doing and why, Dr. Ensor also took part in the college's Fall Convocation about his relationships with other people, about fields of on Wednesday, September 16, at 10:00 a.m. in Alumni study and future occupations and about lifetime goals," Hall. At that tinieawards were presented and new faculty said the group's spokesman and added that the services members introduced to the student body. were to promote the "optimum development of each Dr. Mund is the retired board chairman of the Ellicott student's potential." , Machine Corporation, international dredge designing and There are several different counseling programs set up manufacturing firm. During his tenure as acting for the coming year. They include vocational counseling, president, he presided over the college's l00th graduation educational counseling, educational and vocational on June 7. Dr. Mund will continue as a member of Western resources, personal counseling, individual testing ser- Maryland's Board of Trustees. vices and group processes. Counseling sessions are usually scheduled for 30 to 50 minutes once a week. Many students complete their WANTED counseling in 2 or 3 sessions; others may meet with their for as many SOLICITORS counselors is available. as 10 or 15 sessions. Group counseling To Solicit Subscriptions Counseling information is handled confidentially in For TIle Carroll County Times accordance with practices in psychology and counseling. $1.00 per order The counseling staff members are Dr. William G. Contact Kerry Muse Miller, coordinator; C. Wray Mowbray, Elizabeth Times Office Laidlaw, Ira G. Zepp, Dr. William R. Hiddingtcn, coun- 12 Carroll Street selor of guidance and testing; and Martin Gross, con- Westminster suiting psychiatrist. Appointments can be made either in person or by phone McKeidin speaks to interested WMC students and fac- at your convenience. Generally, most students are able to ulty adding a final note to the freshmen orientation, -receive immediate assistance.
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