Page 54 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 54
PAGE6 .The Gold Bug December 14,1970 The Gold Bug Letters to the editor--~ The proposed curriculum and calender changes now being considered will give a lift Here & now Coon Branch to the college if accepted. The Curriculum Committee said the new plan better fulfills To the Editor' Dear Friends, the Ideas expressed in the newly accepted The real futility which exists in the Union Street You are great. College Philosophy. situation is not these people's plight, for until We don't know how you did it or what you used, A more convenient calender is one of the Utopia arrives, everyone must suffer in some form. but thank you. The people of Coon Branch Mountain are pleased plusses in the plan. The sessions would not The real. bitch is that in an era of international and surprised over your generosity and support for crises caused by big governments, even local af- interpose a long vacation between the course fairs are not resolved without governmental in- what they are doing. After hitting up against an work and the examination periods. The first tervention. People, wake up! This is here. It's now. unfeeling Board of Education for five months your semester would be more intense than it now is It's not in Cambodia or Kent, Ohio, it's 50 yards desire to give means alot to all of us. because the student would take fewer courses. from Whiteford. Get involved now, don't wait for Dave, Mary, George, Betty, Chris, and Beamo This would allow them to concentrate on the government to further over-extend itself. But we visited us this weekend with over five hundred 50S courses that were being taken. It would be will wait, we all will. 1984 is coming and none of us textbooks and a Jotof good humor. With these books and the money you sent, plus other donations less fractured than the present five or six Tom Yineline generously given, we will be able to put together a course load. library and tutoring center on the mountain. The possibility open to students to "test out " Whether in the consolidated school or out boycot- of any college requirement is long due. Chapel views ting, the children need alot of catching up on their Testing out would allow the student totake a education (forty years worth), and now we will be greater number of courses. To the Editor: able to continue teaching through the winter. (The Adding a non-western studies course to the I think it is a healthy sign that there is enough tent was getting a little chilly.) Seriously, the tent school has more or less basic requirements seems to us like a good concern on this campus to not only have a non- dissolved formally due to the parents current in- idea. It enforces the idea of the liberal arts compulsory chapel service, but to have one that is volvement in taking the issue to court. A bus was _college by broadening the horizons. planned and participated in by students. Another put on the mountain after the completion of very good sign is the recent exchange of ideas seen in the The new athletic curriculum is also an letters to the Editor as to the themes of the chapel minor repairs on the long route to the consolidated improvement and illustrates well the. ideas services. I would like to further this exchange of school, and during a week of rain most of the expressed in the college philosophy. The ideas by adding my feelings on the subject of chapel repairs washed away. Therefore, even though the requirements stress one team sport and one services parents have been issued truancy warrants, they maintain that the road is unsafe for a regular sixty agree with Mr. Schwing that, "the I certainly individual sport..It gives one something to do times they are a changing", but I think the times passenger bus to carry their children off the in college and for the rest ofone's life. . were also changing 2000 years ago in the time of mountain and they are prepared to prove it in court. January term would be assured of Jesus. If one takes a close look at this man's life he Much of the money donated will be used to pay pemanance under this plan-assuming it soon realizes that Christ was not "meek and mild", court fees, lawyer fees, and possibly fines. passes its review in 1973. Two January terms gutless, or passive but rather that he was a We have found that tutoring in the homes on a would be required to fullfilll the 118 hours revolutionary, an activist, and above all a militant daily basis is the most satisfactory approach right required for graduation. The idea behind in his belief that God's love in and through an in- now, until we can build or find a building to house our library and tutoring sessions. January term is the creation of an open, vital dividual was and is the most powerful force that. The children are five to sixteen years old. Some of atmosphere of learning. The definition of the exists. When we separate the gospel into social and their fathers mine coal and others received a check. balance between spiritual or loose the necessary four week period has been left open by the the two we end up with a distorted and less effective The kids are very anxious to learn, so that when committee and this is good. The committee gospel. The gospel is not only that we are loved by they are adults they will have more to choose from said they want to stress independentstudy in God but that we are called to love one another. than the mines or a check. You have contributed a the interim term. This could be done by "If someone says, 'I love God', yet hates his great deal towards their goal. Thank you, all of you. leaving the January period free for the brother, he is a' liar. For he cannot love God, whom Peace, professor and students to create their own he has not seen, if he does not love his brother, Don & Ellen Elmes whom he has seen." 1John4:20 (GNMM) courses. So Imust agree with Mr. Schwing that such topics The whole plan will be discussed in Alumni as "war, poverty, materialism, man's place in Cafeteria gripes Hall, 6:45 p.m., Monday. This meeting. is society, etc" are relevant not only to today but also primarily for the students. There will be two to the gospel of Jesus Christ. It must be said that To the Editor: faculty discussion periods Tuesday. there are those who believe, myself included, that I am sure anyone who reads the "Gold Bug" All students are encouraged to attend the "we love because God first loved us" (l John 4:19) regularly is tired of letters to the Editor com- meeting on Monday. It is primarily designed and that we are unable to love in the highest and plaining about the cafeteria, but I believe my to answer questions and explaining the most open sense of the word without the power and situation might add another weapon to our arsenal in the war against Barney Rice. personal knowledge of Jesus Christ in our Jives. Of program. These changes mean a lot to the course it must be realized that this is a personal Briefly, I suffer from malnutrition. It all began future of the college. If they are not accepted belief as is ttpage 6 he person who believes that man about four weeks ago when I decided to put my faith it will be a long time before the college, is the Ultimate source of good and evil. 1 am trying in Mr. Rice, get up for breakfast five days a week, revitalizes its course structure. to point out that those who really follow Christ want and not buy any between-meal subs. The purpose, not only to celebrate their life in him but also to of course, was to save money I normally would follow his command: "he who loves God must love have spent on food. I assure you, every meal I ate his brother also." (1 John 4:21) When Christ spoke one vegetable, one starch and all the meat I could. about loving he was speaking about concern and Three weeks later Ideveloped a nagging pain in the action in helping one's fellow man. This would front of my mouth. The dentist here told me to take THE GOLD BUG include concern for war, poverty, materialism, etc. two aspirin and get plenty of rest At home in Hwe are going to use the term chapel service and Published bi-weekly, except during vacations and mean a chapel service than we imply an act of Goldsboro, N.C., an Air Force doctor told me it was exams. by and for the students of Western Maryland worship, at least according to Webster. Personally a type of Vincent's Angiva caused by a bad diet. He put me on a legal fugb for two days and more or less College. worship implies a celebration of life and also a helped the pain die down. concern for the condition of life. If we are going to I don't care how the food tastes. Just add more have a chapel service that attempts to meet the vitamins so Idon't go home with a bloated stomach. STAFF needs of a diverse group of believers, then I think Roger Young Editor in Chief Michael Shultz we need to talk about current issues that concern Associate Editor Richard Andenon men and also about our motivation for that concern. Business Mlnager CathyShuJtz There are a large number of students on this To the Editor, A.dveTtisingManagel"S Lee Schwartz campus and among those who attend chapel who Upon forcibly dragging my over-worked body Mary Rudedge from bed at 7:15 this morning, I prepared for the Typing Editor Lynn Tubutton believe that Christ is the motivation for our con- usual breakfast. Low and behold, our infamous Chrll 8othe, Joel Klhm, DUI KorbonUo. Tim Smith, C....OI cern. With this in mind I think it only just that CI"ke. ""rthl Bark,r, Gr" Blrnao, Jlnlt Llvy. RO",nM chapel services represent this view as well as Barney had devised yet another wonderful, ef- Tlnger, 5",11 Ay'rI, G .. U H'rmlnn. Bellndl 80ndl, Jackie others. Hopefully we can all .share a common ficient, and unusual way of serving breakfast - PlnOnl, Linda Vlugh, Pit Lotln. Anne Stubblefilld, N,"Ie Arrlneton, LH MeNlmll. LinnI' Swift, Mll"!llr,t EIIII, concern for our fellow man. that is, everything in or on plastic. Plastic knives, SindI' $Chlnder. Carol Ward. Tom Yingling. Mark Cork .. bowls, spoons, forks, plates, and coffee cups WIlliam Clnctll .Jlm Soller s , Roy Skill. I personally believe that the foundation for all solutions can be found in the Bible. I am naive decorated my usually dull tray. enough to believe that unselfish love is the basis for Christ, what a way to ruin breakfast - as if the . Address all mail to: the solution of man's inhumanity to man. The food isn't bad enough! While trying to cut my • Box 352 practice of unselfish love is one of the most leather stap-woops, I mean bacon, one of the prongs WesternMarylandCollege demanding philosophies to live by but I believe it is on my fork snapped off an almost blinded my X- Westminster.Maryland, 21157 our only solution. I further believe that we are in- friend. Even the cold cereal was a disaster. While 1E,,".1d 11_0l1l:I cia. maUl!" It thl Post OHlce. Wntmlnst capable of achieving this solution without the power trying to get that last sugar pop out of the bowl, I M.ryl ....... Ztt 57. S
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