Page 52 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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Page 4', The Gold Bug December 14,1970 Lost in the shuffle? 74 Years Ago Today New curriculum changes calendar Marine biologist Dr, Robert Z, Nostaw ,an- nounced in l894 that by combining human sub- By Kevin Montgomery plications of the 4-1-5 is a reduction in hours stances with high alcohol concentrates, he was Basic changes in Western Maryland's curriculum required for graduation from 124 to ll8. able to produce new forms of life, and calendar are presently being considered by the Simultaneously, a new list of basic college faculty, and if accepted would go into effect in the requirements is being considered. This re- 1971-1972school year. The proposal centers around evaluation has become necessary in light of the I the adoption of a 4-1-5 program as the most prac- newly adopted college philosophy and college ob- tical method of making the January term a per- jectives, just recently approved by the Board of manent part of the college curriculum. Trustees. The 4-1-5 means a shortened first semester of 13 Certainly the most controversial change is in the weeks and 12 to l4 credit hours with examinations ' religious literature requirement. This has been ending before Christmas. The second semester of 15 altered to a 3 hour requirement in Religious or Junior Year weeks and 14 to 16 credit hours will remain Philosophical philosophy and allowing for courses in- to both thought, essentially the same. religion troductory The January term itself, will be expanded to all in New York four weeks of January. Students will be expected to satisfy the requirement. itself is in serious debate concerning The faculty attend at least two January terms of three credits each during their college career. The term itself all the Iifferent variables the change implies, and has expressed a desire for student comment and will stay the same as far as its goals and philosophy evaluation' of the program before their final is concerned. However, no regular semester Washington Square College of Arts and Science courses will be offered, and no course taken during decision. Dean Holloway has expressed a desire to of New York University sponsors a meet with the entire student body and the con- Jugior Year in New York. the January term will be allowed to satisfy a basic cerned committees to answer questions, It is hoped college requirement. The College, located in the heart of the city, is an The curriculum committee feels that if the the meeting will -be early next week. integral part of the exciting metropolitan community If anyone has questions, please see any faculty of New York City=-the business, cultural, artistic, January interim is to be retained, and faculty member or the two students on the comrmttee- and financialcenter ot the narion. The city's extracrdi- support of it is strong, a 4-1-5 program represents Cathy Shultz or Kevin Montgomery, The final nary resources greatly enrich both the academic the plan allowing the minimum of readjustment in program and the experience of Jiving at New York the present curriculum. One of the many im- faculty vote will probably take place before University with the most cosmopolitan student body Christmas. in the world. This programis open to students recommended by the deans of the colleges 10 which they will return for Inter-campus communication freed their degrees. There are strong and varied offerings in many areas, such as fine arts. urban studies, languagesincluding Western Maryland dormitories are in the process cost to the students, which would include a $10 in- non-European, mathematics in the College and at the of being equipped with inter-campus telephones stallation fee and a $7.50 monthly charge. Ad- Courant Institute,psychology;andothers which will be available without cost to the students. ditional pay phones on each floor or section were A qualified student may register for courses in all other Following much planning by the buildings and also proposed and turned down, because the schools of the University, including rhc spcciali:>:alionsin grounds committee, the phones were approved and telephone company in Westminster could not Commerce and Education. should all be installed by December 18, Twelve handle the amount of calls that would ensue from The Univershy sponsors programs in Spain and France phones will be divided equally among the six more toll phones. The final alternative was the Write for brochure to Dlrector, dorms. The tentative locations of these phones are; inter-campus system, which the college will pay for Albert Norman Ward, Daniel McLea - second and JnniorYearin New York third sections and handle through its own switchboard. Originally the buildings and grounds committee II University third floors pushed for one inter-campus phone per existing pay New York Rouzer, McDaniel, Blanche Ward - second and New York, N.Y. 10003 explained phones, The telephone representatives third Whiteford first and period, so a compromise was reached to start out . The locations were worked out according floors to that this would require a 26-week installation convenience for the entire dorm. Students will be with 12 phones and eventually expand to the able to call anywhere on campus by dialing an area maximum 28, The aim of the inter-campus system code, and then a number. No off-campus calls will is to alleviate some of the load on the pay phones, register on the phones, either in-coming or out- Emergency calls from out-of-town will be able to going. The phones will not be turned on until all of get through more swiftly on the toll phones with them are installed. The existing pay phone system campus calls conducted on the new phones. was recognized as being inadquate some time ago, Charlie Moore, co-chairman of the buildings and and the ground work for the project was already grounds committee, commented that the system worked out when the issue was formally brought "will increase communications between students up. Several proposals were discussed in the com- and students, and students and faculty, which is mittee hearings on the phone system, which in- really the main thing." Because of the limited cluded representatives from all phases of the number of phones, calls should be limited to ten telephone company. Phones in each room were minutes to allow greater use of the system, he considered and rejected, partly because of the high suggested. Let's Get It StriUgn, NARROW-MINDEDNESS House of Liquors "I can't stand a man who can see two sides of a que.tion." said a cartoon character peevishly. That·snarrow-mindedness. But is all narrow_mindedness bad? Or is bro~d-mi"dedness always good? The answer to both questions is No. You've got to be christ.mas special narrow when you're dealing with the laws of cause and effect I br!~~m:~~l:n~t~:tpe~;~~ri:; Why. then. do .you expect THIS WEEK ONLY The ga., your car. would you? that the Lth~ way ~ou must be saved? about God to be broad-mlflded :~t:~:~~~;::~~ta~::-;~:~~!~~ :::~~l;~:h:;::~::: rage says mechanic Budweiser Bottles $4.99 case ~~::'d_~:~~';e;~n ~;::he~: I ~~:i~~yn~~~~:: ~e ~~:S'Bi~: ~~:s l:~;.,~:' o~::: i:a::~i :~:;u;~e~~e i;ea~~l~f ~~riS~a:~ $1.30 six hydrogenandonepartoxygen.lthecr~toatonefo.ryo~rslfls Any deviatiqn from that form- ' "There IS no salvatIOn 1fl an~- ula is unthinkable_ Nor is there one elSl: at all. for there IS Boones Farm 79 c fifth room for broad_mindedness in nO other name under heaven applied math. In geometry. cal- granted to men. by which we culus. trigonometry there's no may receive salvation." Don't allowance for variations from be afraid of being branded nar- exact accuracy; the solution of 'row_minr.H THANKS FOR YOUR PATRONAGE
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