Page 50 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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p, 2 The Gold Bug December 14,1970 W.M.C. joins Maryland College and University Association ByNellieArrington In an attempt to obtain state funds for current At present, Dr. Ensor explained the private We feel that .even though we're not in a critical operating expenses, the presidents of some of colleges must support themselves through student situation at Western Maryland we can see that Maryland's private colleges and universities have tuition, endowments, alumni contributions, and within a year or so we can be in a very critical organized recently. business " ...a student who pays full tuition at situation. . When we, several years ago, decided Western Maryland trustees have voted to become· Western -Maryland College (with no scholarship to move from seven hundred up to a thousand or a member of the newly organized Maryland college offered), is only paying about two-thirds of what it eleven hundred students, we were able to find that and University Association according to Dr,' Lowell costs for the college to educate that student," At more economical, because our overhead did not Ensor in an interview about the financial future of present, no private college in the state receives increase in proportion to the number of additional Western Maryland College. funds for current operating expenses from the students that we were accepting.. .capacity The Maryland College and University state, although some have, on occasion, had grants enrollment. .. has helped us up to this point but as I Association, consisting of private, non-tax- for capital purposes, such as building, according to ·Iook ahead into the next two or three years, if this supported colleges and universities in the state was the president. He added " ...the state used to give inflationary spiral continues, we're going to be in formed when Dr. Lincoln Gordon of Johns Hopkins private institutions, of which Western difficulty just like some of the other institutions are University invited the presidents of the eligible Maryland was one, outright grants for current now." colleges to meet. Related Dr. Ensor, "Informally, operation, in repayment for which we would give a Dr. Ensor feel there is no possibility of Western '(we) talked about the formation of the association certain number of senatorial scholarships." He Maryland becoming a state school. " ... all of us (in of all the private institutions of higher eduatlon in then explained that, under the new scholarship the Association) are convinced of the importance of the state. Its purpose would be one of educating the systerrr; me student gets the grant which he or she the dual system of higher education in America and public as to the value of the private institutions as a uses for tuition bills. the Importance of maintaining the independence of part of our total system of higher education in the According to Dr. Ensor, the state would save our various schools." state. You-see, America has always had what we money by appropriating funds to the private Dr. Ensor also explained the present relationship call a dual system - the public institution and the colleges and universities in Maryland, as well as of Western Maryland College to- the United private institutions. . .each has been acheck and a benefiting the taxpayer and the private colleges. He Methodist Church. "We are in the budget of the stimulus to the other." Thus, the Maryland College cited the facts that the private colleges would Baltimore Conference for $60,000. As far as any and University Association was formed with the already have the buildings and would use such control by the church, there is none. .it is a above purpose in mind. "We will also make funds for upkeep only, wheras the state take-over of traditional relationship. .rwhtch) exists simply overtures to the governor and the legislature in an these private colleges would place a tremendous because Western Maryland is the kind of institution effort to obtain some form of support for- these burden on the individual taxpayer. "It would (to which) the Methodist Church is willing to give private -tnstitutions." Dr. Ensor stressed that, strengthen the private colleges. It would make it some support." contrary to a Baltimore newspaper headline unnecessary for them to keep on pricing them- The present figures being used for the com- published just before the first meeting of the group, selves out of the market as far as tuition is putations of the Association is the instruction and the Association is definitely not a lobby. However, concerned. It would give the individual student research oftgure of $1,064,000. This is the fourth he said the group will have an executive director. a greater freedom of choice in the type of highest budget for such expenditures among The real problem for these private colleges, institution he or she wants to attend, whether Maryland private colleges, according to Dr. Ensor. according to Dr. Ensor, is money. Citing. causes it be a small, private institution, or a state such as increased operating costs and the present- institution, or a community college. .the "As of now our tuition is on the low side in com- inflationary trend', Dr. Ensor noted that many difference in cost would .not be so great as to parison to most of the institutions in this general pri vate colleges across the country are in trouble. make that freedom of choice impossible. " geographical area ... 'we're trying our best to keep Some Maryland private colleges, which have joined Concerning the financial status of Western it and yet do an efficient job, a qualiity educational. the new Association, "are finding themselves very Maryland College, Dr. Ensor said, "If we receive job, which I think we've been pretty successful in deeply in the red." The President stated that some what we did last year (in vouluntary contributions), doing up to the present. ., "said Dr. Ensor. private Maryland colleges "have already priced we might to be able to come up with a balanced It is the future of this quality educational job that themselves out of the picture because their tuitions budget this year .... As those costs increase, that Western Maryland College membership in the are so high" resulting in vacant dormitory halls means tuition is going to have to continue to In- Maryland College and University Association will because of a lack of students. crease unless we get help from some other source. ascertain. Play the numbers with selective service Registrants wishing to drop deferments and be merits occupauonat deferments, agricultural reclassified into Class I-A status to take advantage defer~ents, paternity and hardship defer'!l~nts. of a year-end policy announced last month by the The I-Y classification, unacceptable {or military Selective Service System, have been given until service except in national emergency, is not af- midnight, December 31, 1970, to file for the fected by this new policy. Men classified I -Yare reclassification. Such requests must be received by not able to voluntarily drop this classification. local boards by that date or carry a postmark dated Dr. Tarr pointed out that all deferments are December 31, 1970or earlier issued for limited periods of time, generally for one Tit particular, the instruction to local boards will year, and that it is the respo~sibility of the be of interest to men who hold high numbers in the registrant to submit documentauon.Jor an ex- 1970 draft lottery. Should a young man hold a tension of his deferment. In the absence of number higher than that reached by his local ~sc~:~~tal~~i t~~~:sL~al :r~%~~e~~~;~s~~ board-and No. 195 has been set as the highest registrants into I-A. This means that registran~ number which any local board can reach-it is to his advantage to voluntarily give up his deferment for wishing to continue their deferments should submit a I-A classificiation. In these cases, he will move to the supporting documentation to their local boards. a lower draft priority group on January 1, 1971with other members of the 1970 first priority group with Pakistan relief fund unreached numbers. While recognizing that young men holding lottery numbers over their local board "high" could ef- The American Red Cross and other national relief fectively- limit their vulnerability to the draft by agencies have issued a nationwide appeal for funds being classified into I-A by the year's end, Dr. Tarr to provide life-giving help to East Pakistan. The stated that "the law allows young men to elect cyclone which struck the area a few weeks ago may whether they will apply for a deferment and those be the worst diaster in world history. young men granted deferments should be able to American Red Cross president, George M. Elsey, drop them if they desire." said that the "ultimate death toll is beyond Dr. Tarr said the new policy was issued ~ecause calculation and that up to three million survivors in various boards throughout the country were the disaster are in desperate need of food, shelter scheduling their last meetings of the year at dif- and emergency medical aid." ferent times. By defining a specific cutoff date, the' The Religious Life Council here at Western new policy allows all registrants an equal. ~n:Q,:,nt Maryland is acting as the local channel for relief of time to take advantage of the reclassificiation funds. ..:.. and then there was that day in December offer. You may give your contribution to the following when the wind was powerful enough to unearth one Previous to changing this policy on dropping of students. Gil Connelly, (McLea), F~ of the ancient evergreens in Robinson garden, deferments, registrants holding ,deferments were (Albert Norman Ward), Jeff Jones and Richar-d which nearly took the gazebo with it on its way generally unable to voluntarily relinquis~ th~m as Blucher (Rouzer), Carol Petry CWliifeford), down and which luckily fell five minutes before long as they continued to meet the. criteria for Darlene Richardson (Blanche Ward), Georgia Lord classes changed on an unusual Friday which deferment, except at the end of the deferment (Mclraniel). Faculty and staff may send their started out warm and ended up freezing. In spite of period when they could cancel them simply by not contributions to Chuck Horn, Sue Seney or Dean submitting the necessary documents for an ex- Zepp. Offering plates will be in the Narthex of the the admonitions from the deans' offices bout ter- mites and bark disease, we will probably see an tension. Chapel alter tfieCoihln·iti'H~6'se1-lVicelonWednesday abundance of natural pine stump tables in the The types of deferments affected by the evening. The money will be sent "to the Red Cross dormitories this winter .... memorandum are high school and college December 17.
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