Page 56 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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Page 8 The Gold Bug December 14, 1970 Forumsfor thefutu re By Richard N. Anderson ABORTION £OUNSELlNG, INFOR!IATION AND REFERRAL SERVICES "The desire for change is better expressed in as to geographic background, ethnic background common future making than in desputing who is in and socio-economic background." Abortions up to 24 weeks of pregnancy an: and who is out, or- how far" W. Tribby. The panel's implication was that a more diverse now k-gul in New York State. There ure no student body was necessary for Western Maryland residency restrictions ut cooperating hospitals The first AAUP vision forum was entitled com- to become a "first-rate" institution; a label that and clinics. Only the consent of the patient munity. Community means all aspects of a college, they did not feel could be applied to W.M.C. at and th~ performing physician is required. and the forum on community was concerned with a present. Their vision, as they expressed it, was for new vision of the Western Maryland College Western Maryland to become a " ...first-rate, small, If YOIl think you arc pregnant, consult your community. doctor. Don't delay. Easly abortions nrc The panel members were Dean Zepp, and Mike private Liberal Arts College." The question they simpler and safer. posed was whether W.M.C. was committed to its Shultz, Dean of the Chapel and editor of the Gold present image, or did we want to change in the If you need information or professional assist- Bug respectively. direction of a first-rate liberal arts school. ance. including immediate registration into available hospitals and clinics. telephone Presuppositions of Community Admissions in a bind TilE ABORTION INFORIIATION AGENCY, I~c. Dean Zepp began the forum by outlining some The panel recognized that the admissions corn- 160 WEST 861h STREET pre-suppositions of the ideal college community. mittee was important as a source of information to NEW YORK, N. Y. 10024 They were: make high school students aware of Western 1) Communication - "The first pre-supposition for 212-873 -6650 Maryland, and they made the point that the ad- community would be the ability to communicate." missions committee, with the creation of a well 2) "A world society is emerging _~nd an in- funded public relations committee, could do more ternational culture exists, and W.M.C. should be a in the way of image building. Among those present microcosm of the world community." at the vision forum, Mr. Seidel, Dr. Phillips and Dr. 3) " ...the college community would not simply be Hartman all agreed that public relations were often contingent on intellectual transactions, but a the key to the reputation of an institution. community of total persons." The point that quickly developed as the central 4) " is best arrived at and more issue, however, was that the admissions committee deeply felt if there is a strong attitude of could only work with what was already here. Dr. egalitarianism. " Shook concurred strongly with this, saying that the 5) "Community cannot be commanded, but must admissions committee must convey to a arise out of people's willingness to share, to trust, prospective student what this school is really and to establish loyalties beyond their own spheres. like" ...we have to be as brutally honest and frank The goal of the college community, according to as we can with guidance counselors and with Shultz, is the growth of the individual, " ...a place students." where 1can take the culture that is all around me - in the buildings, in the art, in the trees, in the Love it or leave it people, in the courses, and assimilate it for my own personal use." After this point, the forum became a second Mike Shultz presented, as a radical way of vision forum on community. It was recognized that achieving such a college community, the idea of the if Western Maryland needed to become a more college operating like a vil1age. This village is diverse and activated campus, (and this point was based on a common goal-the striving for personal vigorously debated), then the direction of the whole enrichment and enrichment of the community as a school must be changed. As D. Palmer suggested, whole. What is radical about this concept is the idea the admissions committee could not create a more that the College village should be composed of diverse student body if a more diverse body of faculty, students, and administrators, all equal in applicants didn't apply. WMC,the Panel suggested, power-a truly democratic government. This would was in a "lower-middle-class rut." This assertion enhance the independence and personal freedom of was reinforced by Dr. Shook's statement that the students and at the same time free the faculty " ...there is no question when you go through the and especially the administration much of the need applications and read 'How did you become in- for parental type supervision of students. terested in WMC?' it is through our graduates and through people who are tied very closely to the The Environs college." Also the fact came out, again according to Dr. Shook, that 26% of the freshman class were Another element of the ideal college community related directly to graduates. These statistics in Mike Shultz's mind is a well planned and would certainly suggest a great deal of beautiful Environment. Although the living homogeneity and even inbreeding in the present quarters would be decentralized and more apart- college community. As WMCstudents of 20-30years ment-like than student dorms, there would be a ago were even more nearly alike than they are now. college union that would be a central and cen- More widely interracial, interbelief, and in- tralizing part of the campus plan. This building ternational community of faculty and students. A would be designed to encourage interaction bet- unified community, but more varied as to ween all the people of the campus as a central geographical background ethnic background and When you know gathering place. socio-economic background. it's for keeps The implication of the Shultz-Zepp presentation was that a better colJege community could be The human experience Happily, all your special moments together will be developed at Western Maryland. The Tub Paths symbOlized forever by your engagement and towards this utopia would be the encouragement of One of the firtdl statements of this vision forum wedding rings. If the name, Keepsake is in the more interaction between more different types of was by Dave Carrasco, former student of WMC, ring and on Ihe lag, you are assured of fine quality people, and a chance for more interaction with an and editor of the'Goldbug. and lasting satisfaction. The engagement inspiring environment. Dave pointed out that there must be something diamond is flawless, of superb color, and precise more to a school's reputation than a good public cut. Your Keepsake Jeweler has a selection of Vision II relations department. He said that what was behind many lovely styles. He's in the yenow a reputation was a certain quality of human ex- pages under "Jewelers." Dr. Hartman; "The question arises then, are we perience, and that there exists a lack of quality in caught in a vicious circle, does this college simply the human experience at WMC. He pointed out that· appeal to students who are low motivated, socially the deity of the grade-a prevalent fact of life at indifferent, politically indifferent " REGISTERED DI .... OND RINGS L. Panek; "Physically repulsive " WMC was not a sign of academic excellence, but form of was rather a sign of academic decadence-a r------------------------ Dr. Hartman: "I didn't say that...and therefore domestication not the measure of a human ex- A .. .....,C_ .... A."...""", T· ..... S'CO ,.$'0.000 IHOW TO PLAN YOUR ENGAGIOMENT AND WEDDING that's what we get, and then when they get here perience. I~~:r~~'~~l£F~Q:p~!~,~.o;;r;~!{.~~S~I.TI ",;. ';o":·,!'":b~.;~'~••w~·~'i:~~i they find the place is dead ...If this is true then what The existental jump Q 1 does this say about the admissions policy and the of the school?" character 1"------------- In the vision forum on College admissions held As for the chance of achieving a more diverse 1-"",------------ December 1 in Memorial 106, both of these student body, Dave was not optimistic about lco., ~-- ~---~ questions did arise and were the center of lively Western Maryland's chance of attracting more Black and Mexican-American students. He termed 1- . debate. The panel on admissions consisted of Dr. Western Maryland's relationship with the Black Sue Tustin, and Palmer of the English Department, 1 - community as "a joke." He said that if Western L!!!~.!:~:....~~~.£._~~G.!.:_!~_,!.~y!.."_=.'!!~~::..~~1 Sue Phoebus. Maryland did not recognize its narrowness and The panel began the discussion by expressing a desire for a more widely interracial, interbelief, unattractiveness we would not be able to get Black and international community of faculty and students, Chicano students, and other students that to we need to bring other kinds of experiences students. "A.unified community, ~utl11or~varied enhance our own educational experience.
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