Page 59 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 59
December 14,1970 The Gold Bug Page 11 Hopkins Trampled, Tri-Captains Named As Season Ends On Saturday November 21, Western Maryland linemen, particularly Roy Skiles, Tom Brown, Brown, Fred Lawrence and Arn Hines. All these College's Green Terror football team overturned Larry Garro,and Ken Bowman. boys were starters this past season. Hines has MAC title contender Johns Hopkins in the 48th Defensively, the Terrors allowed 298 yards for the started regularly from the beginning of his fresh- meeting of these schools. This traditional rivalry Hopkins. Arn Hines and Roy Anglebarger each man year. 'Co-Captain Mike Hunt earned defensive besides ending the season for both teams, was the p@ed off a Hopkins aerial. Seniors Mike Hunt, player of the year honors. He was also awarded the culmination of several other events: Joe Brock- Jody Waters, Jim Patitucci, and Tom Mavity all coveted Jim Stevens memorial award. Tom Brown meyer broke the rushing record for both game and started on the defensive unit. The shadow, it must earned best blocking lineman honors. The squad season; the loss kept Hopkins from the MAC be added, picked off Hopkin's cannon and ran 75 presented Coach Ron Jones and Maj. Antony / championship'; Hopkins coach Alex Sotir quit after yards to safety. Curcio, USA with awards of appreciation. Maj. the game; and perhaps most importanUly the game The crowd of about 3,000 saw the game end with Curcio has been a line coach here during his tour of marked the fruition of Coach Ron Jones' ex- the score 36 to 20. As a historic al footnote, it must duty here as an ROTC instructor. He willbe sorely perimentation and rebuilding efforts. be noted that this game was indirectly responsible missed by the Terror squad. Western Maryland scored twice early in the for Western Maryland being mentioned in Sports In conclusion it should be pointed out that this game to take the commanding lead they held the Illustrated, thus being enshrined in the national has been a rebuilding year for the-'T'err'brs:' Man," entire game. Freshman quarterback Mike Bricker sports scene. A paragraph in the magazine changes have been tried; some have been adapted. took the ball in himself for the first score, and discussed the resignation of Hopkins' head coach A freshman Mike Bricker, has been placed at tossed a 20 yard pass to Walter Orndorff for touch- Sotir. The article mentioned that Western Mary- quarterback. Two outstanding defensive players down number two. Jesse Houston upstaged kicker land won the game on its home field before a crowd Larry Garro and Ken Bowman were switched to Tom Mavity and took the ball in for a two-point "generously estimated atl400". It seems a real offensive line, where they re-vitalized the attack .. conversion. Hopkins scored once to make the score shame that coach Jones and Dr. Clower have With few depletions due to graduation Whimsee can 15 to 6. It was as close as they came the entire developed and maintained a successful, low- look forward to a successful 1971 season. game. Whimsee controlled the game with an ex- emphasis football team consistant with the goals of plosive offense and a stingy defense. Offensively, a small liberal arts college, only to have the Western Maryland Gridders Make All-State Bricker completed 7 of 14 passes for 96 yards. The community support of the football program sorely real offensive power was on the ground, however, underestimated in a national magazine. Obviously, The Baltimore Sun All-State College Football with a total of 392 yards collected. The bulk of the Sports Illustrated got its information form the yardage went to sophomore tailback Joe Brock- typegraphical error in the Sports Page of the ~::;:~!~o!Mir~~a:.e~~;~o~:r~ir~~~:a~ meyer, who amassed 311 yards, breaking his own November 22 Sunday Sun. Brockmeyer, Safety Am Hines, linebacker Mike school record of 212 yards. He also set a season At the post-season football awards banquet, tri- Hunt, and kicker Tom Mavity were all first team rushing mark of 1,041 yards, breaking Fred Dilke captains were selected and outstanding players selections. Arn Hines was the only repeater from 1960 record. Sophomore fullback Tom Botts rolled were recognized. Juniors Larry Garro, Ken last year's defensive squad. Walter Orndorff, Roy up 73 yards of tough. up-the-middlw yardage. Bowman and Fred Kiemle were selected by a vote Skiles, Joe Zick. Larry Garro, Ken Wagner, Fred Brockmeyer scored thrice on runs of 58, 44, and 6 of the Squad. Other Juniors in the running were Lawrence, Jody Waters, and Tom Botts were given yards. Much credit must be given to the offensive Jim Napulous, Ken Wagner, Roy Skiles, Tom Honorable Mention. Commune dwellers depict homestead ·'iving "First we'd like to apologize for being late. We keeping the residents up to date on other left with enough time to take into account a little homestead's activities, and a homesteading accident, but the accident we had took a little seminar is being planned for next spring to instruct longer than that time." And everybody 'laughed, people in planting methods. The residents are and that set the mood for a talk given by members planning to build a yerk, a Mongolian hut that of a 'Baltimore commune who spoke about their would take about $100 and two days to construct. A community to some students last week. yoga seminar is also being planned, along with a "Two members of Heathcote, the commune, were non-violent tactics discussion there, along with a couple of visitors to the place. The question was raised about community The commune is the center of the School of Living, fatality, the number of people who leave the which was started in the thirties by a social worker commune. The speakers said that of those who who wanted to provide needy people with a way to leave, about 90% either start or join another become independent of welfare. The idea was to commune. The ages at Heathcote range from two have several families living together who would co- infants who were born there, to "Mildred" who is in operate with each other in supporting themselves. her seventies. The Maryland Selective Service The commune, or homestead, centers around "a board recognizes the commune as one of the Mike Hunt singing some old slow songs ... Music with Mike Hunt Sunday night, Mike Hunt in the coffee house for a dollar. Mike Hl!!!!....SiD.gj':!_gsome old slow s,?ngs,. country songs or folk songs or whatever you want to call them, some funny songs with a straight face. "You're a hanky, I know, but Merle, you got soul." We all sing that together, sitting on the fioor, lying on mattresses, sitting six on a couch for four. We all big old mill" with· several extra buildings, which alternatives to the draft, and has approved it. 'sing it together because if we don't, he's going to altogether provide a home for 18 people, who take Free schools are being explored as an addition to "make you stand up and everybody's going to look their two meals a day together. The commune has a the commune system, because of the reluctance of at you, just look at you, and love you 'til you sin~." library, dining -area, meeting area, and dormitory the parents to send their children to public schools. Some more songs, some more coffee, and Mike space. Residents pay $37 a month which is used for The speaker cited an incident in which the parents Hunt starts singing some good old rock and roll. We commodities, because the Heathcote people live of one child were told to either leave the state or all badadada so he can sing Cherry Pie, and when there rent-free. They cultivate about 2-1/ 2 acres of face a two-year jail term for not sending their child he sings Poison Ivy or Jonny B. Good, or ~r.iili!!g, ground, and are working on a program for next to school, "so they split." along .in my automobile ... ", all the Chuck Berry year in which each of the 18members would have a The commune offers some valuable things to the freaks grinning at each other and clapping and piece of the land to care for, which would take "a lot people who are living there. The speaker com- singing to themselves. It gets past 11:30 and the of the load off of the one guy who really works the mented that he was anxious to try his hand at the freshmen girls start turning into pumpkins but land." land, because it would be nice to know just how some of them stay anway. Mmmmm, lawdy mama, There are no formal rules at Heathcote. Two much food he was capable of producing himself. love my rock 'n roll. standards have been set: smoking is not allowed in The idea is catching on across the country, and the Sunday night in the coffee house, Mike Hunt for a the dry mill area, and dogs are not permitted in the commune, to its residents.crepresents a turn back dollar, and downstairs people are feeding money to buildings. A newspaper is 'published monthly to self-dependence and the land. I a machine to hear plastic music ... Jri,l:!Jl • a.urn. ;
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