Page 51 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 51
December14, 1970 .The Gold Bug Page3 Sing a song for Hickel Nixon hedges' on campaign promise to allow dissent By Donna Herbst * assuming a hard-line position on water pollution and asked him to reconsider before he discounted Ah Wally Hickel-the nation's eyes are upon you as * halting construction of a massive jetport that what today's youth had to say. The White House you prepare to depart for Alaska to ride your would have upset the ecological system of the staff told Hickel to "cool it", that the Oambodian stallion on Gunsmoke Ridge as you said you would Everglades ~ invasion would not amount to anything. From that prior to your "termination." . * ordering studies to be carried out on the delicate moment on, the dismissal became a typical Nixon Hickel was forthrightly fired from his p~t as tundra before allowing a new oil pipeline to be clumsy manuever , Interior Secretary at a Presidential summons constructed in Alaska So now Rogers Morton is chafing at the bit, several Tuesdays back following months of Ad- * ordering hearings against a municipality. a waiting to take up where Hickel left off. Daniel ministration attempts to get Mr. Hickel to resign on mining company, and four steel companies for Moynihan's expected position of U.N. ambassador his own. The normal etiquette, in such matters, is to possible charges of pollution is also vacated, and the story behind that should provoke the undesired element by the cold shoulder * declaring that the government "would take win an Academy award for comedy. It seems that treatment into mumbling such excuses as health or industry to court if necessary to prosecute those Moynihan changed his mind about accepting the personal reasons as they regretfully hand in their who pollute" post after he had accepted a luncheon invitation quitting papers. Hickel is the first cabinet member Hickel even sent so far as to wade into the with former ambassador 'Arthur Goldberg. While to be unvoluntarily removed from office since Everglades to demonstrate the effects that in- he was waiting to hear if his refusal would be ac- Harry Truman fired his attorney general in 1952 creasing, poachjng has had on the alligator life. cepted by the President, Moynihan attended the over tax scandals. Hickel's most outstanding quality, his blunt luncheon and discussed the assignment with Walter J. Hickel is a self-made man who approach, was his worst asset in dealing with the Goldberg, without informing that gentlemen that he emigrated to Alaska from Kansas in 1940 with 37¢ in President. Time magazine, in covering the Hickel would not be accepting the post. his pocket. In 26 years he was running a multi- firing, quoted a White House staff member as Purely and simply, Walter Hickel did not fit in million dollar construction company and occupied saying that "In this business, you're either loyal or with the Nixon administration from the start. the governor's chair in the frontier state. - Hickel you get out-you don't run your own show." Hickel Richard Nixon is looking for yes-men, not self- descended on Washington in 1969 declaring that he was invited by Russia to inspect Siberian pipelines, styled heroes. Hickel wrote a letter to a high school was "against conservation for conservation's and when he accepted without consulting the girl who had written him about environmental sake," which resulted in a five-day grilling by executive desk first he was called down by foreign conditions asking that the youth of America "be Congress to determine if he was right for the job of affairs advisor Henry Kissinger. Then Nixon killed committed-committed in terms of a life-time. Your Interior Secretary. his four-day planned conference on pollution this thought on national issues is urgently needed. Not Hickel proved. himself very right for the job after fall. Hickel's real downfall, however, came because you have all the answers, but because the he was pledged into office two days after the rest of followi.ngthe Kent State: incident, when he privately youth of today have a fresh approach and, above the cabinet. His position made him commander-in- sent Nixon a letter chiding him for not paying more all, have a deep concern for human values." The ~hief of the nation's resources, and he was pushed attention to the nation's youth. The letter was young lady, Michele Frome, when asked how she mto the dilemma of preserving land or developing it leaked out by aides, and wreaked havoc on the felt about Hickel's dismissal, stated "I'm very for the wealth that it was potentially able to Interior department. To add insult to injury, Hickel distressed." Well, Miss Frome, you share the produce. His Alaskan background favored the also criticized Spiro Agnew's campaign tactics this feelings of the rest of us who respected Walter J. fall. Hickel for his outspoken ways and his refusal to ~a~:~~j~~~~dt~;~~ ~;~:i~~~a~!~eO~e~~~~e~i~i~f:h The letter to the president was the fat in the fire shape his opinions to a presidential mold. Christian fairness before taking either stand. Previous critics that Nixon needed to edge Hickel out of the cabinet. Century expressed it very nicely before. Hickel was became supporters as Hickel adopted en- In his letter, the secretary recalled such youthful fired: "Men of his courage and candor are all too vironmental problems as his concentrated area of dissenters as Patrick Henry, Jefferson, and rare in public service at this moment and we fear work by taking such action as: Thomas Madison to the Chief Executive's mind, that they may be thinned out much too soon. " Our fears have been realized. Get your multi-medias out: Jan. 22-24 Marshall MacLuhan says, "The media is the possibly hold a bake sale. At lunch there will be an message." But what is the media? And what is the exhibition of spontaneous guerilla theatre. That message? afternoon the Newman Club will put on a program There will be both media and messages at the of film and discussion in Decker Auditorium, and Multi-Media Weekend sponsored by the Religious Saturday night t.he ~GA will show a popular movie Life Council from January 22~24. This unique there. The coffeehouse also promises a special program will include discussion groups, dances, program that evening, with the possibility of movies, a special coffeehouse, guerilla theatre and singers from Baltimore. a worship service by the Majestic Ensemble. The Majestic Ensemble, a Negro choral group The weekend is designed to spark new ways of from Baltimore will climax the weekend with a communication among the students here, to roll all program of spirituals on Sunday morning. On student involvement into one successful weekend. Sunday afternoon the French H01,!sewill hold an Hopefully it will contribute much to January Term open house where foreign food and music may be ' ,. to make it more alive and exciting, and to fulfill its sampled. promise of multi-dimensional creativity and participation. Last spring a visit to a college in Pennsytvama A tentative schedule of events is as follows: on which was holding a multi-media weekend inspired Friday evening the IFC will sponsor a different Western Maryland's own weekend. Then began the type of open party at Frocks' which will include lengthy process of inviting various campus groups films and other departures; Saturday morning's to participate and securing permits for use of agenda includes a discussion on pollution, led by the campus buildings. Most recently an organizational Biology Department in Whiteford Hall Lounge. The meeting was held September 30 for all interested rsc will serve coffee and donuts afterwards and students. Senior class bows to trad ition The senior class has voted to retain the were voiced both ways." Moore commented that traditional caps and gowns for their graduation "One of the most predominant comments was that "Cafeteria rood isn't that bad.. " ceremonies, instead of donating the rental money to the graduation ceremony is for the parents" and a charity. many seniors regard the caps and gowns as sym- bols of success not to be taken lightly. Many people The proposal was made some time ago that the stated that they would have refused to turn the seniors should abandon the traditional garb and money over if the caps and gowns had been voted College Annual Christmas Banquet turn the $5.50 rental fee over to a worthwhile cause. out. 4:·45 to 6:15 P'.M." It was decided before the entire class was polled if Seniors will receive letters from the bookstore at least 80% of the seniors were not in favor of the over the Christmas holidays concerning graduation idea it would be abandoned. Only three-fourths of announcements. Caps and gowns will be given out Trumpeters Christmas Program the seniors responded at all to the poll that was before the investiture ceremony in May, and -circulated. sWIiors will keep them until after the graduation 6:30 to 7:30 P.M. Of the 75% that voted, 52% were in favor of the exercises. Charlie Moore, who was in favor of the idea to either give the money to charity or to pur- motion which would have eliminated the caps and chase a gift for the school. The remaining 48% voted gowns, stated that~""'MiI].Y.students will baveji Wednesday, December 16 to keep the caps and .gowns. According to Charlie greater appreciation fof tne caps and gowns) now Moore, class president, "Some very strong opinions that they have had to make a decision."
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