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NOVEMBER 16, 1970 TlIE GOLD BUG ,PAGE 7 Memorial to Professor James W. Reese by Kathy Bryant Master, he laid the corner-stone of Old Main on Professor James William Reese, who played a September 6, 1866. major part in designing Western Maryland's seal, An honorary degree of Doctor of Philosophy was as mentioned in last week's Goldbug, is primarily bestowed upon him by Western Maryland in 1872. remembered as the first great teacher here. From When President Lewis took a leave of absence in 1870until retirement he was a Professor of Ancient 1891. Professor Reese became acting president. Languages. The portrait of Professor Reese, which now hangs Ironically, according to President Ward's diary, in McDaniel Lounge, was unveiled at the Com- his appointment to the faculty was originally op- mencement of 1907 as a tribute to his 37 years of posed by several of its members because Reese was service to WMC. On February 26, 1910, Professor an Episcopalian and not a Methodist-Protestant. Reese was guest of honor at the annual mid-winter They objected to him, even though he was equally banquet of the Alumni Association, marking his Catch a sparkle qualified as anyone else and willing to work for far fortieth year of professorship, records the March from the morning sun. less money. However, President Ward, Mr. Hering, 1910WMC Monthly. Hold the magic and Mr. Smith, President of the Board of Trustees, In 1912,Professor Reese retired. President Lewis of a sudden breeze. were ardent Methodist-Protestants themselves, reports in the Trustee's minutes of June 12, 1912, Keep those moments alive and would not listen to such objections because "One important change (in the faculty) is They're yours they recognized the value of the man. necessitated by increasing age and weakness. After for a Ufetime Ward recorded in his diary on February 24, 1870: a conference with the beloved professor, James W. with a diamond "For my own part, 1 see not that there can be any Reese, who for nearly forty-two years has been in engagement ring from reason to not go out of our own denomination for a charge of the Chair of Ancient Languages, I Orange Blossom. man to fill the place, if by so doing we can get one suggest that he be made emeritus professor of the better suited to fill it, or even as well suited on Chair at his full salary ($1200 the top salary at that Colonial Jewelers better terms. Still it seems that it is impossible to time>." 32 West Main St. get brethren to lay aside denominational prejudices, and I expressed to Brs. Smith and When he died in April 1917,the college was given Hering, at the first mention of Br. Reese's name, half a day off so that the faculty might attend his my fears that there would be this difficulty in the funeral. A plaque was erected in 1918to his memory ~s!.=s way of employing him." At a faculty meeting the in Elderdice Hall. Only two other plaques have differences were resolved, and on February 28, ever been ordered: one for J.T. Ward and one for 1870, Reese entered upon his duties. the Board of Trustees. A Westminster native, he was born on October 3, An indication of Professor Reese's reputation 1838.He graduated from Princeton College in 1859. appears in the October 1912 issue of the WMC open 7 days a week An honor given him there was that of "class Monthly "With undivided homage all who have sun to thurs-l G to I I fri &.sat 10 to 1 orator," and he delivered the classical oration on known Western Maryland College acclaim him Commencement Day. In 1861,he was appointed as chief among all the forces that have elevated and a tutor at Princeton, but he declined so that he strengthened and established its reputation for 29 east main street 848-6070 could pursue a course in ministry. A graduate from scholarship and for loyalty to the best traditions of the general Theological Seminary of th..e college ideals. Other names there are to which we Protestant Episcopal Church in New York, he was pay willing obeisance, who are enrolled among the bobby's ordained at St. Anne's Church in Annapolis. From, perpetual benefactors of the college; but when we 1864 to 1870, he served as minister of Ascension think of that peculiar and powerful helpfulness we hobby Church in Westminster. Because he was having call scholarship we bow to the knee first of all to throat problems in 1870, he decided to accept the James W. Reese, and, without a trace of envy lobby appointment as a professor at WMC. As a Masonic reservation, give him our 'Ave Caesar.' " 65 east main st. 848·4350 The ALOHA replaced by a mystery 'h.pad._if; ARTS CRAFTS MODELS MODEL CAR RACING For the first time in years there will be no Aloha, but it will not be called ALOHA. The name has been the college yearbook, according to that chosen, but will remain a secret until the book is publication's Editor Chris Spencer. published. Spencer said that in the past the book has been The moustachioed, blonde-haired Spencer noted "so bloody objective and unbiased that it's been that there are already two and a half years worth of kind of sad." pictures taken-for the book. "When I was a fresh- What will be coming out in place of the old man I dreamed of what could be done with the yearbook is somewhat of a surprise to everyone but yearbook and decided then to get the job," he said. Spencer and his staff. There will be a yearbook, "I've been working on it ever since." "This will be the first time the yearbook has ever caught up with the rest of the country. In the past it phone 848.5860 hasn't had a personality, but we're going to give it one. It's going to have the staff's personality." Spencer said. He noted some of the radical changes that will separate this book from the ones of the past. The book will be two volumes in a slip case. Spencer said the total number of pages will be increased by IIBORl'lON COUNSELI,IG, I~FORIIiTION around 80. He said the first book will be a FILM traditional catalogue of the organizations on Wednesday,November 18 campus while the second book will be what he calls IINII IlEFERR,IL SERVICES FROM EVERY SHE RES ENDE--This film, "a portfolio of campus life." It's. going to show Abortions IIp (0 24 weeks or pregnancy are sponsored by the English department, is about the what life here is really like and WIll depend very now lcgul in New York State. There arc 1)0 world of Chaucer's ptlgrams. It is an attempt to heavily on pictures. There will be very little copy in residency restrictions at cooperating hospitals reconstruct that period in English history. This the second volume. The editor said there would be und clinics. Only the consent of the patient short, color film is expected to have cultural, a special "personalities section" in the second J!HJthcperfurlllingphysicianisJ1;'quired. literary, and historical interest. 4: 00 p.m. Decker. book He noted that already there had been around 180 If you think you are peegnunr. consult your free. rolls of film taken this year for the book. doctor. Don't delay. Easly abortions arc Thursday, November 19 "Everything's going great." he said, "now we just simpler and safer. YOUNG AMERICANS--Soc film series. 4:00 and gotta get some pages laid out." 7:00 p.m. Decker. Free. The new yearbook will cost slighly more than the If you need information or professional assist- ance, including immediate registration into SPORTS old ALOHA because it is bigger and more ex- available hospitals and clinics. telephone: Tuesday, November 17 pensive. The price will be $9.18. Cross-country vs. Johns Hopkins. 3:00 p.m. ! TilE ABORTION INFORM4TION AGENCY, INC_ Saturday, November21 160 WEST 86!h STREET Football vs. Johns Hopkins. 1:30 p.m. Hoff field. The Undergraduate Record Examinations NEW YORK, N. Y. 10024 will be administered to selected senior stu- 212·873 -6650 VACATION dents on Sunday, December 13 at 1:30 P.M. 8A.M.TOIOP_M. Tuesday, November24 in Library 103. If you have questions, please SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Sunday, November 29 contact your department chairman. Thanksgiving vacation begins 5:00 p.m. Thanksgiving vacation ends. 11:30 p.m.
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