Page 46 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 46
PAGE 6 THE GOLD Terrors improve record look for sharp contest with Jays By Coe Sherrard against Juniata, by winning 13-10 and made their' After dropping their first two games of the home record 3 wins and 1 loss. The Tenors have season, WMC has come backto win 3 of their last 5 now won 3 consecutive games at Hoffa field. In this contests, bringing the season record to 3-4. The only game the Terrors offense struck early when, in the early minutes of the first quarter, and on another games lost by the Terrors in this period were to Hampden Sydney, who is second in the nation in 4th down situation on the WMC 37, Freshman defense, and a tough Randolph Macon squad, who is Sigual-caller Mike. Bricker tossed touchdown still unbeaten this year pass to split end Buddy Orndorff. Juniata retaliated 2 sets of downs later with a field goal, after taking The_28-21 loss to Macon was, perhaps, the most exciting meeting between these two teams in some advantage of 1 of 4 WMC fumbles. years. The Terrors, much the underdog in this The remainder of the scoring for both teams game. almost spoiled the Raldolph Macon occurred in the second quarter as Juniata and WMC homecoming by landing there first home loss since scored another touchdown a piece. Joe Brock- 1965. As it turned out, however, WMC could not rneyer.un a fine exhibition of broken field running, hang on to the 14-7 lead they had established by evaded the groups _of numerous tacklers, and half-time, and success led to a spirited second-half slithered 38 yards for the Terror's final score; passing attack by yellow-jacket quarterback, Bud however Paul Peksa's attempt at a 2-pt. conversion Toan. Toan. who was able to complete only 5 passes was thwarted, and WMC's total points for the game in the first half for 80 yards, came back after the were to stand at 13. half to complete 13 passes for over 200 yards in- Juniata's final point-maker came as a result of an cluding 3 touchdown passes. Some 160yards of this B5 yard pop-pass play between Juniata q.b. Joe aerial attack was due directly to Macon end, Bill Tanner and Herb Stressor. The play occurred just _Decker who caught 8 passes including two of the after Juniata half-back, ave Spark's, 80 yard touchdown throws. run had been called back due to a Juniata penalty. Mike McNeal kicked the extra point for the Indians and minutes later both teams retired to the McWilliams fights for the ball as Ed Bwala looks on Western Maryland, never out of the game, put lockerroom for half time. from center field. together a balanced offensive.attack which gained The remainder of the game proved uneventful for 380 yards. Joe Brockmeyer, leading gainer for either team, score-wise; however Coach Jones was either team, rushed for 102 yards, and two touch- very pleased that the Terror defense held their Women's basketball downs: however, 93 of his yards were gained in the opponent to no points during the second half, noting Tirst half as the yeUow jacket defense successfully that in all four games that his squad has lost, the bottled up the speedy halfback during the last two winning points have come in the 3rd or 4th quarter. seeks men's techniques quarters. Mike Bucher threw for 168 yards in 11 This week (now last week) the Terrors travel to attempts with 8 completions including one Susquehanna University for their last road-game of dramatic 32 yard touchdown connection to Buddy 1970,hoping to even their seasonal record at 4-4. If Nellie Arrington Orndorff on a 4th and inches play early in the first they are able to accomplish this, the team will have Women's basketball coach Carol Fritz, says this quarter. The Terrors played good football and could a shot at breaking 600 ball against archrival Johns year's team has the "most positive attitude of any ~ot but feel proud, even in the losing cause, of the Hopkins, at home, on November 21st. Win or lose basketball team we've had so far." fine showing they made in Ashland, Va. this week, the Hopkins clash already promises to be The team plays in three states, -Maryland, They carried the momentum they had achieved as exciting a match as ever as the Terrors will go Pennsylvania, and Virginia, - this season. Their at Randolph Macon into the parents day contest for 4 wins in a row at home. aim is to be invited to the Maryland State In- tercollegiate Basketball Tournament at Salisbury, Maryland, later in the season, according to Miss Pessimistic future for women's dorms Fritz. The coach cannot name anyone particular game as the most difficult for the team. Miss Fritz said that every school on Hieschedule has the talent to beat the Western Maryland team. "No school on by :'IiELLIE ARRINGTON Women in McDaniel Hall may use the TV sets in our schedule will be an easy game for us." She did Women residents of Western Maryland College the sorority clubrooms. They also have a lobby and say she would be disappointed if this year's team have few changes in recreational facilities to look may use the piano in McDaniel Lounge for practice. did no better than last year's team's record of 5-5. forwa~d to in the near future, according to a recent McDaniel Lounge, the large room on the ground Interview with Dean Elizabeth Laidlaw. level _of the wing, is presently used for " ...ap- Presently, Blanche Ward facilities include the propnate functions for that particular area" such Coach Fritz said last year's team was in the small front lobby and the women's gym in the as speakers and receptions. Dean Laidlaw said process of transition from a six-player game to a basement. The residents have no television sets. there is no possibility this area might be opened to five-player game which is very similar to the Dean Laidlaw set aside two rooms in Blanche Ward McDaniel residents. Noting this had been tried in present men's game. "Last year we were con- for recreation. This year she was forced to convert the past, she cited the way the room had been left as cerned with just being able to play without learning one of these rooms into student living quarters. At the reason for its closure to general student use. the fine points of the game." This year, Miss Fritz present, the remaining room "may be set up any The Dean mentioned the Lounge contains rather hopes the women can work more on these fine way the girls want..." Tables are presently being expensive furniture and is thus furnished quite points. She looks forward to this especially as the made to furnish the room. differently from Whiteford Lounge. "It just wasn't high. school teams begin to make the change, built and furnished with student use in mind." sending more experienced players to the college. In a.ddition, last year's team had no depth past the a room with have Women in Whiteford Wrestlers begin practice television and tables on the ground floor of the a Iirst string, but Miss Fritz foresees a good bench with this year's squad. dorm. This lounge is set up completely for student use and is in addition to the lobby on the first floor The Western Maryland Mason Dixon Champion and the dayhop lounge in the basement. This year, about twenty-five players came out for wrestling team started practice October 15th this Recently, the Whiteford House President ap- the team. This number is low because of the yea. Led by three returning Mason Dixon, proached Dean Laidlaw with th-e possibility of transition of the game, said Miss Fritz. About seven champions, Gary Scholl, Dick Schmertzler and opening the Whiteford Lounge during Open House, or eight of these are freshmen women, who are Fred Kiemle, the squad is looking forward to providing music and refreshments. These plans are outgoing and enthusiastic and who really want to another fine season. presently under way. play, qualities which their coach looks upon Last year's wrestler Terry Conover, takes over Dean Laidlaw explained that Whiteford Lounge favorably. as head coach this year, replacing Sam Case who is was built to supply the rising number of in- After one week of practice, Miss Fritz sees no on sabbatical leave. Coach Conover's team will dependent women with some facilities because outstanding players. "All five (of the players on the face their toughest schedule in their history. Their " ...we felt the college ought to provide something floor) must playas hard as they possibly can." She first test will be on December Sth in a though for them .." since the college had provided explained there is no room for the skill quadrangular against Ohio State, St. Francis, and sororities with clubrooms. However. according to specialization which could develop in the old six- Old Dominion at Ohio State. Severely handicapping Dean Laidlaw, "It didn't really work out that way." player game. the teams chances at Ohio State are their wrestlers· When asked about the possibility of one of the in fall sports Kiemle, Leverton, and Gibson. These women's dorms being supplied with recreational The basic difference between the men's and starters will have little time to sharpen up with the facilities such as the ping-pong and pool tables in women's basketball now both have a five-player fall season not ending until Thanksgiving. Rouzer Hall basement, Dean Laidlaw replied that team is the experience which the men have because The match could well be an indicator as to how to her knowledge there is a ping-pong table in they are used to playing this style of game. Several good our wrestlers really are, after over- whelming Whiteford Lou e later checking confirmed rule differences exist, including a thirty second all their opposition last year. the presence . able and time limit for one player to hold the ball 'v-fore Other key links this year figure to be Jay revealed that ust shooting in the women's game, different hanwmg of Leverton, Art Blake, and the ever present Leon provide their the ball when it goes out the end line, and a shorter Cronce. All three have had near misses at the Dean Laidlaw explained the student lounge in the quarter for the women's game. Mason Dixon individual championships and this Grille is being furnished, repainted, and carpeted, Miss Fritz listed the returning varsity players as could be the year they reach this mark. and noted a television would be available for use as Melissa Marten, Debbie Clark, Fran McCabe, Mel The first home meet is against Delaware Valley soon as an aerial could be installed. She cited this Coleman, Nancy Dawkins, Yvette Dawson, Janie on December 12th at 2:00. as a place for recreational activities on campus. Watts, and Kathy Walter.
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