Page 108 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 108
PAGES THE GOLD BUG MAY 10,1971 A tool for change: civil disobedience The Morgan State College campus in northern Judge Joseph C. Howard, who was born in Iowa, Baltimore City was nearly deserted on April 16th as went to the University of Iowa, the University of the traffic to and from the city surged around it. Washington, and Drake University. Before his p~one B48.5860 The-College's Murphy Find Arts Building had been election to the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, Judge Howard was the Assistant State's Attorney. on "Democracy, the site for a two-day symposium Law, and Civil Disobedience," of which the panel As the only black on the panel, he had great discussion on "The Limits of Civil Disobedience" popularity with the blacks in the audience, many of ESHELMAN'S which were attending was the climax. Few better whom shouted, "Yea, Howard!" after he spoke. "I consider myself neither a con- sites for such a discussion could have been found. Howard stated, Morgan State has a predominently black\student formist nor a pacifist and I say very clearly to you SHOES population, and has had an exemplary record for its that I consider my allegiance to be to those lack of student unrest. When the five panel mem- deprived, oppressed, and dehumanized citizens of bers and the moderator, Dr. James Fleming, filed this city and country. And as such I find it very ·The Finest in Footwear out onto the stage and sat down at the table, the difficult to set a limitation on that one way that audience of about seventy-five were sprinkled seems to be the most effective way of renegotiating 23 EAST MAIN ST. through the lower half of the auditorium. the social contract. It seems unreasonable to ask a The members of the panel, each of whom gave an people who are oppressed to pit limitations upon WESTMINSTER, MD. opening position on civil disobedience, represented their search for freedom ... .I first think it is difficult • drive in attended the and assuredly. Maximo in Buenos Aires, tom of a disease within this city and within this the fields of education, law, and religion. to limit civil disobedience because of the inherent Phone 848·3606 Professor of the It appears to me good involved for all concerned. Otto R. Begus is a member of Morgan State and has philosophy department that civil disobedience is not a cause, but a symp- Colegio the Woodstock College in Maryland, and the J.S. country. And that as a symptom, it carries with it in Frankfurt, Germany. Goethe University His the hope for a cure .... I think that civil disobedience top hat short stature, craggy face, and longish shock of as a symptom again points out, possibly more blond hair mark his Austrian birth. Begus spoke as of the than anything else, the instability vividly one would expect a doctor of philosophy to speak; institutions in this country and the shaky grounds upon which the social structure is existing ... He first set a definitive assertively DINING ROOM COFFEE SHOP action against the law, is limited by that other action disobedience because, as far as I'm concerned, as FOUNTAIN of the law, called crime. which is a transgression far as I can see, it's the most effective means of change that we have .... I don't think I'm quite He Civil disobedience ends where crime begins." open 24 hours SUBS limit on his subject. "Civil disobedience, as an Furthermore, Ithink it is dangerous to restrict civil mon.sat closed sun. 3am .11pm went on to place civil disobedience in the context of prepared to say there should be no limits on civil a society as part of the growth and restructuring route 140 phone 876.1030 that society experiences throughout its history, and disobedience. I don't think as black people, and as poor people, and as oppressed people, we can afford a method of challenging a too-rigid social structure. to permit civil disobedience to degenerate into DAVIDS JEWELERS "The limit of civil disobedience is the very purpose criminal activity .... If there is going to be any we on civil disobedience, restriction for what society is established all together, and that whatsoever, is the peaceful relationship of all aspects of must set it ourselves." wmc college rings gifts equality." The most nationally famous member of the panel A Nebraskan, Wickwire went to panasonic expert Union College Dr. Chester University before was Anthony Scoblick. A Pennsylvanian, he went to Yale St. Joseph's Seminary before being ordained into and keepsake becoming the Chaplain of Johns Hopkins University his the Josephite Order. He was sent to a black parish in Baltimore. program, In the conference in eastern Baltimore City. Then in November, 1969, diamonds vitality and dedication are mentioned, and these he was a member of the "Boston 8" who destroyed qualities show in his face. He defined the topic draft records in Boston. He subsequently married ;9 East' Westmtnster.ol differently from Begus' concept, "I take it that another member of that group while on leave from Main Street Maryland when we do talk about civil disobedience, we're ~ his order. Presently, Scoblick is pending trial along discriminating a deliberate with Father Philip Berrigan and other members of and talking about violation of the law for a social purpose." Wickwire the "Harrisburg 6" for the alleged kidnap and said that someone engaging in civil disobedience his reactions of futility and frustration during his bombing conspiracy early this spring. He explained must consider, "Whether or not his cause is really - news briefs right? Whether he can develop some kind of ap- experiences in the inner city black community. He said he felt it was a great injustice to young blacks propriate act that does focus on the object of protest? Whether he assumes some kind of in- to send them to Vietnam to fight for liberty and dividual responsibility? Whether or not one, in equality, values which these soldiers did not always Johnada Elliot, senior music major, will conduct thinking of civil disobedience or the law, and of- experience at home. Scoblick said it was when he a lecture entitled "The Development of the Toc- fering on the basis of conscience, is prepared to realized this that he became involved in actively catta" at4 p.m. in Levine Hall on Tuesday, May 11. accept the right of the state to inflict punishment?" protesting the draft system in this country. Scoblick The lecture is an honors project in partial He concluded his remarks by saying, "It seems to was asked to explain more about the Josephite fulfillment of her requirements for honors in the me that we do need to be prepared on occasion to Order by another member of the panel. He ex- music department. . become involved in acts of civil disobedience to plained that the Order was specifically founded to College Singers will present a concert on Sunday, help the state to shape up, to do something about help the poor and the oppressed. He left the Society May 16at 7:30 in McDaniel Lounge. Selections will moving the bulky conscience, because we do sit when he was told to curb his actions because people include a program of madrigals, two pieces by lightly and easily in inequities and injustice." might stop contributing financially to the Order. Gilbert and.Sullivan, folk songs, and a variety of Attorney Leonard J. Kerpelman has drawn most Further questions among the panel members numbers from the musical "The Fantastics." Mr. of his cases from civil rights, constitutional law, followed. The two subjects with which the panel Oliver Spangler directs the group, and Miss Arleen and constitutional environmental litigation. When seemed most interested were the question of Heggemeier will accompany them. the violence erupted in Watts in 1967, he withdrew Baltimore County Dale Anderson's alleged racist Lantern Chain, the annual May event when the from the NAACP and other such civil rights groups attitude toward black movement into the county, a freshmen lead the senior women through a because of the riots there, and was subsequently discussion which relied on a knowledge of the ceremony marking their final days at WMC, will criticized by many in the black community. After political background of Baltimore County; and the lake place on Monday, May 17, at 9 p.m. on Hoffa mentioning those who have either used or moral and ethical aspects of sharing guilt for the Field. discoursed upon civil disobedience such as Gandhi, causes and the results of civil disobedience. The Art class students will display their work when Martin Luther King, Thoreau, the Berrigans, and latter subject touched off a hot debate between the next art show opens on Tuesday, May 18. On Anthony Scoblick, he said, "I think that the limit Attorney Kerpelman and Professor Begus in which opening night demonstrations of various art does not exist because I think that the perimeter of Kerpelman said the one who sympathizes with a techniques will be shown. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 acceptable conduct is always changing and I think cause is as much at fault for the actions concerning p.m. The show will close on May 21. that as civil disobedience can create a change in that cause as is one who actively participates, The Trumpeter tapping ceremony will happen at social conduct and in personal contact between whereas Begue maintained one may be morally and 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 19, on the lawn of the individuals, it moves the borders of acceptable ethically involved without sharing the guilt for president's home. conduct farther away from where they were before, violence that might erupt. Some members of the Other upcoming events: so that we often have melting and changing and audience also asked questions of the panelists. • May 21 - second semester classes end. resolidifying and recrystalizing borders which can The general consensus of the panel members • May 22- exams begin at 1p.m. be brought down by civil disobedience. The limits of seemed to be that civil disobedience, when it did not civil disobedience are infinite and for that reason I include civil violence, was a necessary process to • May 29 - exams end. think that it is an instrumentality which should be' the restructuring of the social system of a country. • June 6 - Baccalaureate: speaker, Dr. John explored farther. Civil disobedience, as I un- Certainly, as Professor Begus pointed out, civil Bagley Jones, 10:30 a.m., Baker Memorial derstand the term, means a passive and non-violent disobedience does have historical connections Chapel, public invited. disobedience." Attorney Kerpelman concluded his which include the actions of the Biblical prophets, 10:30 a.m., "Baker Memorial Chapel, public in- remarks by mentioning that civil disobedience was Christ, the Boston Tea Party, Coxey's Army, and vited. proven successful ten years ago, but that for the the restaurant sit-ins of the late nineteen-fifties. ROTC Commissioning ceremony-Decker lecture past five years that success has been forgotten. He But, as most of the panel members also mentioned, hall, 1 p.m., public invited. said, " .. .it is my hope that we will begin again to civil disobedience cannot be successful when it Commencement-speaker, Jacob Hay, 3 p.m. in . investigate the uses of civil disobedience as op- includes civil violence. As Judge Howard said, we Alumni Hall. posed to civil violence." must set our own limits on civil disobedience.
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