Page 15 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 15
OCTOBER 5,1970 GOLD BUG Hockey team shows hustle and spirit BY /'I,'ELUE ARRINGTON field behind the Grille. Coach Weyers hopes for good With eleven strong members of last year's varsity home attendence and support at the two home games on returning to the squad this season, Coach Joan Weyers the schedule. foresees a winning year for the TertoreUe field hockey The returning varsity are Kay cenotes. Debbie Clark, team Mel Coleman, Nancy Dashiells. Yvette Dawson, Mary Although this is her first year as WMC hockey coach, Louise DiDomenico. Nina Knaper Fran Ann McCabe, FILM she feels the team is stronger this year than it was last Jean Meyer. Melissa Smith. and Janee Watts. Nancy year Dashiells is also coaching backfield and Melissa Smith Thursday. October 8 The blond hockey coach was extremely enthusiastic as acts as trainer for the team TilE MYSTERY OF STONEHENGE--Sunrise, she reported, "The girls show hustle and spirit. ..and The season starts on September 29 with a scrimmage prehistoric m~n, and the computer are linked together to enthusiasm." and ends a month later. The toughest game for the team solve the most ancient of modern riddles. Decker Outof the thirty-six girls who came out for the team this wi~l be the away game with Towson State on October 8, auditorium. 4:00 and 7:00 p.m. free. year, sixteen are freshmen. said Coach Weyer When questioned about the strongest section of the Schedule' Thursday, October 15 team. Coach Weyers first stated the team was fairly well Sept. 29 - Gettysburg - Away - -1:00 - varsity balanced, but added, "We do have a strong goalie in Kay Oct. 3- UMBC-AwaY-II:oo- varsity TEPOZTLAN /\I\'D TEPOZTI.AN IN TRANSITION~~The Canoles." She did not think the defense would get cold due Oct. 6 - Essex - Home - -1:00 - varsity traditional and changing lifeways of contemporary to inaction during the game. Oct. S - Towson - Away - 3:30- varsity. jv Mexican villagers. who are decendents of the Aztecs. For the first time, WMC coeds will play hockey on their Det.15 - CCC - Home - 3:30 - varsity Decker 4:00 and 7:00 p.m. free own regulation field. This new field is the second large Oct.l9- Hood -Away --1:00- varsity,jv Sunday, October 18 Cross-country opens; tough season ahead 'nne SII.ENCE Ingmar Bergman, Decker. 7:30 75¢ When Western Maryland College cross country team two runners high in the finish at most of the meets. DRAMA meets Washington College and Lebanon Valley in their Rounding out the veteran learn are Mike Waterhouse, Thursday, October 15 opener on October third, the squad will be lacking the depth Bob Chapman, Glen Scheib, Gary Clarke and Bin Me- OEDIPUS HEX National Shakespeare Company. Alumni of any freshmen members This year, Coach Cormick Hall. !I:15 p.m Raymond Phillips' team entirely consists of upper- When questioned about the outlook for this fall's team, classmen. Coach Phillips gave a noncommital "We shouldn't do any RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES Led Bernie Pfeifer, and Calvin worse than last year." His obvious lack of optimism stems October 16-18 partially from the absence of any freshmen recriuts and the eleven difficult meets the team has scheduled ~i~~l~~u~;i~.reness Weekend at New Windsor. Religious The Cross Country Schedule: SPORTS AT HOME Oct. 3 Washington H Oct 3 Lebanon Valley H Saturday. October 10 Oct 9 Randolph Macon A 1I0i\1f<:('()MING football vs. Lycoming. Hoffa Field. 1:30 Oct 13 Bowie Stale H p.m Oct 17 UMBC A Oct 21 Loyola A Tuesday, October 13 Oct 28 Dickinson A Cross-country vs. Bowie State. 3:30 Nov. -I Mt. St. Mary's A Nov. 11 Gettysburg A Nov. 14 George Mason H Saturday October 17 Nov. 17 Johns Hopkins H Soccer vs. Catholic University. 2:00 Nov. 21 Mason-Dixon Championship ... Washington College Scholarships and fellowships up for grabs are several graduate scholarships ~nd fellowships sciences. Also in the post doctoral program. a limited available to interested somers In several fields of study. number of awards will be made in interdisciplinary areas TilE FULlmlGllT and rerateo awards arc lor graouaie Persons, holding a doctora.te in one field and wishing to study abroad and require the use ortne language of the undertake high-level work III another area of study sup- intended country of study. ported by the National Science Foundation may apply in The \\'OODBOW WILSON award is for graduate study this competition in the U.S., for students who are willing to consider a Further information and application materials may be career in college teaching. obtained from the Fellowship Office, National Research Council, 2HJI Constitution Avenue. N, W., Washington, D. The DANFOBTII Gn,\DUATE FEI,I,OWSIIII'S are C 2IJ-IIH. The deadline date for the submission of ap- also for' students who have a serious interest in college plicatlons for graduate fellowships is November 30, 1970, teaching, and who plan to study for a Ph.D. degree, and and for regular postdoctoral fellowships, December 7, who have evidence of concerns which take ethical or 1970 religious questions seriously. The Maryland State Scholarship Board has announced The BIIODES S('1I0LABSIIII'S are for graduate study the procedures through which candidates may apply for a in Britain. In addition to academic achievement, they use General State or a Senat.orial scholarship. When you know criteria including literary and scholastic attainments, A student who wishes to be considered for a General truthfulness, of manhood. must file an application it's for keeps qualities in sports. and other qualities. courage. fondness for State scholarship Statement (PCS) with the and a Parents' success Confidential Educational The :\li\BSIHLL scholarships are also for study in Testing Service. Princeton, New Jersey. Applications Happily, all your special moments together will be Britain. Very few of these are awarded, and they appear must be submitted no later than December 15, 1970. In symbolized forever by your engagement and to be highly competitive addition, a student who also wishes to apply for a wedding rings. Ifthe name, Keepsake is in the Students interested in knowing more details about any Senatorial scholarship must file a special application fing and on the lag, you are assured ot nne quality of these possibilities should consult Dr. Ridington in room directly with hts State (not United States) Senator prior to and lasling satrsracuon Theengagemenl 301 Memorial Hall as soon as possible. The awards have April I, 1971 diamond is uawtess. of superb color, and precise varying deadline dates for applications. The earliest Awards are based upon the student's scores on the cu\. Your Keepsake Jeweler has a selection of deadline for application would be October 6. It takes Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and demonstrated many lovely styles. He's in the yeuow time and thought to complete most application forms. financial need. Scores earned on the American College pages under "Jewelers " The National Research Council has been caned upon Testing (ACT) examination are acceptable for students again to advtse the NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION who have not taken the SAT and who must take the ACT in the selection of candidates for the Foundation's for college admission. A student already attending college ~I2SELk<2' program of graduate and regular postdoctoral fellowships. who has completed at least one academic year may applt REGISTERED DIA,"'OND RINOS Panels of outstanding scientists appointed by the fora State scholarship without having to take a qualifying Research Council will evafute applications of all can- examination. Detailed instructions on how to apply are on didates. Final selection will be made by the Foundation. the applications' forms. Forms may be obtained at any HOW TO PLAN YOUR ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING with awards to be announced on March 15, 1971. publicorprivatehighschoolorcollege in the State, or from ;;~:1~~'~~:£F£o,~~!~I~:'o~;:;"~~P.~~;i",),o~"f:,':o.~'s:~-~-,"o<'"':~~~ii Postdoctoral and graduate fellowships will be awarded the State Scholarship Board, 2100 Guilford Avenue, for study in the mathematical, physical, medical, Baltimore, Maryland 21218. biological, engineering, and certain social sciences, and in The Graduate Record Examinations include an Ap- the history andl or philosophy of science. Awards will not' titude Test of general scholastic ability and Advanced be made in cJincial,, or business fields, nor in Tests measuring achievement in 20 major fields of study. history or social work, nor for work toward medical or Full details and registration forms for the GRE are law degrees. Application may be made by college seniors, contained in the 1970-71 GRE Information Bulletin. The graduate students working in a degree program, and Bulletin also contains forms and instructions for individuals wishing to do postdoctoral work. All applicants requesting transcript service on GRE scores already on must be citizens of the United States and will be judges file with ETS. This booklet may be available on your solely on the basis of ability. campus or may be ordered from: Educational Testing In the postdoctoral program only, fellowships will be Service, Box 955, Princeton, New Jersey 08540; offered for aoclied an empirical studies in the field of law Educational Testing Service, 1947 Center Street, which employ the methodology of the social sciences or Berkeley, California 94704; Educational Testing Service, which interrelate with research in the natural or: social 960 Grove Street, Evanston, Illinois 60201
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