Page 85 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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the gold bug page 7 Behind the bars FOR THE FRESHEST PASTRIES AROUND GO TO BOOK REVIEW WOLFSON'S lUI SHOP The Human Zoo by Desmond Morris LOCATED NEAR THE COLLEGE IN WESTMINSTER SHOPPING CENTER reviewed by Bob Miller April 5 PHONE 848.2133 When the pressures of modern living become heavy, Special Opening of the Margt! Courtney Exhibit: Oils, the city dweller often refers to his teeming world as a Watercolors, Collage, and Prints. 2 p.m.-5p.m.GaUery "concrete jungJe," Demond Morrts would contend that [t One. Fine Arts Building. is more of a concrete zoo. Morris Is a zoologist and has noted that animals in the wild do not mutnate them- Y;Yu A LC!E!!s DRAMA selves, masturbate, develop stomach ulcers, suIfer from obesity, form homosexual bonds, or commit murder. W', March 16 However, in captivity they exhibit all this behavior and LAUNDERERS, INC, Tickets on sale for "Lyststr ata.v 1-4 p.m, Alumni Hall more. He compares man to the captive animal and be- Box Office. lieves that all of man's neurotic' behavior results be- LAUND.R'NG DRYCLlAN'NG cause he had imprisoned himself in the "Human Zoo". TAILOR'NG The modern human animal no longer llves under con- March 18, 19,20,21 ditions natural for his species and moreover hasn't Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service had time to adjust to his artificial social setting. Be- Service for Students in WMC Student Center " Lyslstrata," Arf stophane s , Alumni Hall. Mainstaga, 8:15 cause civilization is only a few thousand years old and Friday p.m. Tickets, $1.00. William L. Tribby Is directing this man is considerably older he still has many biological Monday through adaption of the play within the framework of three time demands that must be met before society U he is to 9:00 O'clock Until 3:00 O'clock Daily periods: 5th Century Greece, ElIzabethan England, and be truly normal. The book is easy reading, amusing, the U.S. at the time of the Civil War. MusIc, dance, and and full of many fresh new insights into our social pro- film are incorporated in this Interpretation. blems and behavior. Moreover, many examples are given that show how many of our daily actions are really April 10 very "ammat,» For instance, a person building a fence "King Lear," Shakespeare. The National Players. Alumni around his back yard or putting up their names on office Earle H. Brewer, Prop. Hall. 8:15 p.m , doors are really sophisticated equivalents of territory Marvin J. Brewer, Prop. marking seen so often in the animal kingdom. Kings MUSIC sitting on thrones, or Popes wearing long robes are Hair Cuts By Appointment March 17 merely imitating dominance patterns of their animal Phone . 848-2820 or 848·5220 58Vz W. Main St. Carol Graves, soprano and PhyllIs Schwartz, plano. Piano- counterparts by trying to appear taller. Moreover, Westminster, Md. voice Recital. 4:15 p.m. levine Hall. Presidents many times in their gesturing throw phal- lic symbols at their audience. This again is a pattern March 22 used by animals to show their status and dominance. Concert; The Cottege Choir. 7:15 p.m. Baker Memorial For these people who think that war is in our genes, Chapel. Cantato 118, Bach, Mass in G, Schubert. Morris devoted considerable attention to showing that wars too are arttnctat to man. They are not part of Tk F,rs} Sense.. March 24 his nature. Moreover, man is the only animal ever ob- Darlene Richardson, Plano Rectta.l, 4;15 p.m.; Levine HaU. served to kill its own kind (except animals in captivity). Indeed, animals But they evolved a whole will fight. CHAPEL series of threat and counterthreat rituals that make G:JeslJht March·22 real violence relatively rare. Man too has these rituals Thfil College Choir. 7:15 Baker Memorial Chapel. but they are stressed many times because of his artifi- April 5 cial setting. In concluding Desmond Morris makes it Expert" Now clear that he isn't advocating a return to tribal existence. Service We; - improve it" Styles Dr. Wl1l1am A. Keese, 7:15 p.m. BakerMemorialChapel. Instead he feels that many of our social ills would grad- ~!r:;:;.~it ~ ually begin to clear if more aUentionwaspaid to the bio- April 12 . adorn I! ~ must begin looking Rabbi Martin S. Weiner, Temple OhebShalom, Baltimore, logical demands more of our specte s.v-wa - as an animal with realistically at ourselves 7:15 p.m, Baker Memorial Chapel. G"!JJ o,t,·Cio.KS different but not necessarily superior faculties. DISCUSSION March 18 I E. Main Sr. Westminster, Md. CONTRAST HE LITERARY MAGAZINE FOR WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE IS NOW ON SALE Did you ever take a close look at the record selec- else they play the old songs because they are sick of the tions in the Grille juke box? It has the finest selec- old new songs. Or else they play the old new songs be- tion of old, dull and just plain dead songs that can be cause they are even sicker of the old old songs and its FIFTY CENTS found anywhere. The selections range from Jackie just a matter of the lesser of two evils. Or else they Gleason and Paul Anka to the Doors. I ordinarily wouldn't save their money and buy a Macke hamburger only to CONTRAST CONTAINS A WIDE SELECT· have any objection to the Doors, except that "Touch discover that the heating ovens have been stolen. Or ION OF POETRY AND PROSE WRITTEI)I Me, Babe" came out in 1968. The tragic thing is that else they don't go down to the Grille at all. BY STUDENTS AT WMC··PAST AND PRE· considering the records in the juke box, that's about SENT··AND A SECTION OF PHOTO· average age, So what's the story with that damn thing, anyway? GRAPHS. I can still remember last year--back when the cnue Obviously whoever owns it (who does anyway?) put it really was--when they--meaning some mysterious forty- there to make money from it. So why are Jackie Glea- WE WELCOME MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS T always siUing over on the left side son and Vicki Carr year old salesman from wur lttzer-, etc.--put "Turtie doing nothing? And have you EVER heard the Mills Blues" in the juke box. I came down that night and there Brother doing "The Glow Worm?" Hell no. Why can't THE MAGAZINE FROM PARENTS AN was a good crowc-ctnere was always a good crowd around ALUMNI. IN ORDER TO GET YOUR COP 10:15 last yaar c--and somebody put on "Turtle Blues" some decent, recent, popular albums be substituted for WRITE TO for the first time. That funky bar-room piano and the this garbage? Even the little man with his Pledge can crowd noises really fit the Grille atmosphere. But now doesn't listen to the Mills Bros. Why can't Booker T. JUDY BIAUCE after a year and a half it seems rather stale. All the and the M.G.'s and B. J. Thomas be replaced by some- EDITOR OF CONTRAST songs In the juke box seem rather stale after a year and thing a little more recent? I realize that WMC is a little a half. Maybe that's why nobody plays them anymore. isolated from the rest of the world, but why must we be WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE Actually, there's some sort of a syndrome eme rgtng ' left so musically uninformed as well? The important WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND 21157 concerning the juke box. Every couple of months some- thing about music Is its immediacy. never No matter what PLEASE ADD 10. FOR HANDLING gciing to life the Wurlitzer man thinks, we're body will mysteriously put in a couple of new records-- Jackie Gleason, and Otis Redding died three years ago. don't worry Jackie Gleason will never be replaced-r-and Oldies are fine, but not for a steady diet. 1 guess everyone says, "Hey did you hear the new songs they put in?" So everyone rushes down to the Grille and whoever put that juke box there must not care if he makes ON CAMPUS CONTACT YOUR LOCAL plays the new songs. And they play the new songs. any money or not. But it's no good just to say "The hell SALESMAN/WOMAN OR SEE JUDY And they play the new songs. And then one day everyone with you, then," because this is our Grille (what's left decides they are sick of the new songs because they got of It) and it should be responsivetothe needs of students. BIAUCE. COPIES WILL ALSO BE SOLD played so much that there was no pleasure left In hear- What we need is some decent music and we're not gt!tting IN THE CAFETERIA. ing them. And then nobody plays the juke box at all. Or it. l! the present guy can't come up with some new songs, then he should be replaced.
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