Page 59 - TheGoldBug1965-66
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The Gold Bug, Apr. 1, 1966 3 Fraternity System; Indictment, And Controversy ~~,~l"~t~~etl~I;~I~:~i~~~ai~~ ~:~: i ~~;c~er::~n~~g hC:lt:~~s~e~rs a;:~ A A M W·th AS· 0 f t Open Letter in tr'ying to live up" n verage an I enous e ec Th;, pas .m,n'h h"'. wit, our "h'ln~": extroverts, in'''-I,p,n, J nessed a definite formulatlon of verts, 111USIClans,and artiste. or down to his "label." But how ideas for and against the fru- A third generalization .was can a superficial label define the by Ron Boone I Johnny's average middle class eyes tightly, rubbed his hands ~:~i~:\~i~d c~~~e;~~ternity s~s- }~.le1~~,I.a~:~~~~/~:e~~I;:11I tl~S~: ~.~~: ~o~:~y o!th~r p:;~; ~vo:~ SC~:~lllira~::t:nfr:~~r:~e a~;r~' ~a~;~I:~t ~\:e~.~e;e,t~~~~~~~~~t: ~;:~edt~~~lm I~O;~~~y,E~~~'y~~~~ The syst.em itself has been most fnendJy with men who smell as sweet." age middle class neighborhood. liber-al arts college out west was Bob's. His fists clenched suspended between stagnation since have become member.s. of Once one has been accepted Johnny, however, was unusual where they knew he would be tightly, every muscle of his body and revitalization. Now frater- the othf>'I·. three rreterniues. by a group he should not allow in two respects. He had a comfortable. So Johnny went. shook, and his eyes were forced nity men acting together have T~ay, I still number among my his individuality'to be smoth- serious physical defect and he But when he got there, he found shut, Then came the awful, ~~~~~!~~~~:f ~h:t~~w ~;d~rC~~~ ~~=~~:n~::.t Xr ~~oe~e~~~~~ ~;~ ~~:~tb~~hn~ ~~:~)~ ~~e:ej:i~e: ;e~~ine;p~~~~~ \;7;~1~~:;~: fO~ ~=c~~a~;'~V::r~h~o~~~~{table. In ~~-S~I.~t~l~I~~;;i~I~I~e~ec~~ stituticn that will hopefully lead with a person who JOins an- particular organization for the As time went on Johnny be- HA HA HAA--d.efecL John- to a more mature development other fraternity surely your sole purpose of using its name gun to hear the word f?'at&rnity ny's eyes opened almost invol- ~!r~~::e~~~t~h~:~~e~~ti;;~Vi~r:; ~~~~ell~e~;" \~:tn~otthea fr::~~ !:a!!~~~:c~.h:h~;meac':;~is. AI:~::St(Advises ~~~lt i~nads~~\;~~~d,aC~~~tt~fs~:~· ~I:~:~il~;gh~~~de:;~in. a?'~o,thne;, for the potential maturity that deep one. "Again, the. generah- equals "party girl."· Therefore, - reason for IllS dilemma. no~" s?bbed_Johnny, bUrying his uninhibited Cam 'Pus Vroa'P'S starids behind the ideals of ev- zatlOn of .. , unwl'ltten . , , a girl who joins this sorority is L day he stopped a fraterl1lty chin III hiS chest, The faces ery fraternit¥" Tho s e who pled~ of estra~gement " ' :" said .to be rather man to ask ~lim son~e q!!esti~ns.: were featureless, T.he mo:king choose to ahenate themselves a.nd : .. brot~elhood contladl~- (It mn't always true!) Another He op~ned sllnply :vlth GCOlge, laughter came agam. Fmally from their fraternities fail to t~on "lllherent III WMC. f.rat~rm- drawb~ck of social grouping is Hehind the mechani?:ation of whllt IS a fraterlllty!:' . the laughing degenerated into a ~~:~iZ;l"O~~~fnot:I:;i:la:~:ci!~i~; tle;fl'. d;a:~;e:,~s~::C~~~~i:~ce~f !h~!rll~:;.y lI;~::fc:I!h~o~Od~~f~~:admin~~ti'ativ? anfz:::~<~~nt fs0l~ pn~!~~r p~~c~~:ta:;'a~~,lll;l~;q~~~~ ~)~fs~e/ll~:forese;~~~ny m~~~~~~ ~~~S~~lt;;:~e~ ~:~:~~g ~:~~es~;u~ip!~i::cedei ~~'wh~~s~~:~~~r~!iti~~ef:e~~~:~~~1~~~~~~:1 ~~~:Cil~all~il the ~;':~~, ~'~\~~;la;~Uttl~~~P~~eb~p~ ~;:~'~l.the familial' to~e of th.e f~~ro~i~/rat~:~i:~~~el:~: ~~~~ ~~~w ath~)~o~!~e~ti:~es?~:~g~la~:~ ~:~;~. \~:p!~o~~~\~~ \~~;~~r~~ Ult~,hiSnc:~mc~tuc:;~ios~:!e~)~L~~~~~:l'C~::lskn~,a:\V~~::ne~,~:~,~ta~~~;th:;h~:;~'I" l~~;~~~dS~I~~I~~,~\'h~l~ f~r~~~::~ ~u~~l~~l C::e~~Z~~fe!h:! ~~~seoro\h1:,~~u;;~d~~:;~~'at~~~~. ~~~~:~; ~\~SaljOgl:~s:, i~ono~,~i~;~~~~~;.~: :~~ttst~~~il~;ll~~:~~~m'~ ~;l~~~;l.f~~~~~,t ;~: ;~'o,~,~a~.~~:~~:~~~v/I~~~:I:llll;;ei~:~lf~l~~h:~~: ~~~~alm~~~t~;c~~n:mt~:~rre~eo~~ ~~n~n~i~:n t~~ O~hee:~~~ui~~:#~~f~~~':s;o o!ff~:~ world and what ~~el;~ts~o~~m;::~~~iOCon~~lt;vet~~~~r;~~~;~~c;P' G!~~;en~~,;~i:k- ;~~t~hi~f cl:~~~~t~~I~~::~I~~~;{~ sible for their actions and those Nor are OUI' biddIng sess~ons Each person must decide gether OI1(,e a 1l1onth fOI' a Iy C[uened, Whuts that. Th.e lllg In the al'tlficlallty of thell' ~~hr~~~~ ~~~~~:::~ ~h:~e c~o:d~; ~~~I~~~s~~~:I~:v~fh~:~~do;st;~~ ;I~o~:erwifr c~~~ri~llt~al:!cu~~: ~~~~e;i\llgev~[ua~~~:~:l~l~~~'p~~~~fen~[.~~~::~;~~h a n\~~'~:~It.'~l~~~~~: ,~~~~c~e~~~~~'i;~:m:OJho~~~ expressed but little accepted a~ seven hours (8 pm - 3 a,:,) growth. Everyone has got to grams and then advises the rasslllg than thc first; PcrSlst- ll¥ ,the l·eJ.ector. J 0 h n ~'y opinions against fraternities) wIth two or th~'ee c?ntroverslIll lcarn to think for himself, be- groU]l in chlll'ge (whethet. it be ent, ~ohn~r askcd still another rhdn t nced It. He c?uld h~e ;~~~:rg~ti~:~ organization of the r\:~p~f ai~;:e b~~~~.s~l.s~~:~e~a~ot~~~~\~:~:lc~~h~~~e~U~~~i~~e;~~~~ ~Xm~~~t~~~.~ii~~ov~~~:~~:~~0C:~\~i~I~~:~n~~!~yh~ga1~c~h.ea /~'l~d ~~~n~;r:R~n~r:e~o\V WIthout It. Y ce~t~; f::!e:'n~~ie= hd::~S~~s~~~: ~'~~n~~;fbi~J~'es:;~~esl~e1l'On~h~~:~~o;~d:~ ~~i~:e U~O~~d\;~::~:eo~~ :~~t~~ejve~~vi!!s~~r:~~oll~:~OIl~~\~~~~~;ai~;~~W;, but qUeS.hOlllngl sp:n~I~~e ~::r~f ~~~e~ra~~~~~~ cerning their responsibility in prevIOUS fra~er.lllty and IS perhaps it would be HONESTY, dation;; ~ll:efollowed, George shrugged hiS shoul- In sobel' reflectlOn, their judgment on GBX for its wrong to apply hIS feeble knowl- for if one is honest with him_ When the SLC Wf\~ formed, dCI~. uncomfo.l'ta~ly, buttoned Johnny thoug~t about his open party of March 12 because e~~e to t~e other three frater- self and with others, and sincere it outlined ib purpo~.; as fol- up hiS fraterlllty Jflcket, turncd daSSlTI:ltes that lllght. He said ~~:~~irT'::kre~~~~~i~i~!;/:ot~~! ~~~Ii~'s.w~~,~;o:s~knowledge of ~~l~~nt~:!llh~~;~'kh:o:ii~~~~.e~ lo~~o (JOlleenl itself with CU1lt- anffo~v~~;e~'!las\';~itt.~~distrcsseg a ~~~~~~:l;~~~~~.~~mto see that college community when spon- It IS obvIOUSthat I advocate gardless of his classification. pl18 life ill all its l)/wSCS . To that lllght .a~ he lay down to a .flatelll1ty Isn t necessary on soring these parties has been fraternity. life. I have thor- Sincerely, ~Qli1Id_olli sl.m/mlt opil!ioll ?nd, sl~.ep. A vlsI.on o.f Bob Berthol thiS or any othe~' campus. Help recognized both by GBX and by oughly enjoyed my thl'ee years Lynn Browning 011 the basis of its delibcf-atlOJ!s, drifted befole. hml .. To most them find a plllpose--one they ~~~ole~r~~~~i~~sP~~~~~~itya~ith~ ~~atin~:~~~~~;ts !~~t ~a~:l:; Debbie Sturdevant !~CI:;:~:lIS(!~[;lit,;:::t;~'~?I:~~;:n:i~:~~~~:~aw~el~ S~~~~a:\~~~ :~;'le~~y~~SSto~eei~r~~em to find erto not accepted points to only equal place WIth the fraterlll- till) staff 11p0111Gho8C coopera. 101, valsl~Y athlete. To Joh,n~y, Help the freshmen too. Lo.rd. ~;:te~~~:i:~ ;~tb!~:r:~!~r~h:~ ~~e:t tl~~~v~~~;e ~~in~~ep~n~~~~l~~Why Not Change? :"ti~);I(~~e(f:t~~7t'Ydepl~~~~nmel;(~~ ~I:\\~~\~sfa~~~ta~~bjoh~;~ ~~~;~ ~~lfhl~;ee7s ;ootS~j~~~i~~'eb~C~\~~ . th t (and the school administration). tiOllS mId. to arid its own (!uthoJ"- walkmg In search of hnn. ty. Help them to sec that an III Fr:t:r~ities can develop lead_ do not I'<:llllizethat abolishment TOLt~; Edlto~:. h b b itll to those it beiie!u'_s S/lOldd FOI' a while Johnny just wan- image, 01' a jacl,et, or a club- e.~~~p ~I~t::t~~;%~ ~n~e~in~a~~ ~~'t:I~~~~~m\~'~li ~~t t~:a~:a:~:'~ wit; t~en~~at~~:7el~ut tell y ~~II?;~~~;:;:~C1.ld.e~i~ d~t:~d~~tt ~~: ~;~~dto t~~eO~~g;e~~~;:~:ti.O:~ ~~~;:e!ss~: ~ll:~: ~~e~i~;n L~~dd~ ricalPfiell for learning to ~ork equality, that though the s~'steln Hllvlng.l~ad the statemen~ .on lel'fcl'lJ with orgUln-i.:wti011S as flew down.a fhght of stall'S, from thems.elves. H.elp them ~~ect;velYf in t~~ sOlcial ~i~~ad ~;St~~ ~~~~1i~t:~cr;t fi~: s;:~~~ ~~~Idn:sOsl~~i~go:hat:~~~~:~::: th~-~ ~~lclh;~~tdl~~~8 y~II~'s" the ~~O~llha~~~.m~~~ntd~~l~h:p~ll~:d ~~~e:t~~e~e~: ;1~e~~~~~~~nSoht~~~ IOn. ;sof a~ liS e:r ~~v\ al e at \VMC. Dean Robinson hit WIll be the next target), we find SLC h s initiated the honor suddenly and hollow shrieks of just them to imprisonment. ;'~s~:~·c:s uthe~seh~ve ~varl~~~ ~:~le~a~loro:nt~~a7~:~io~'h:; t~: ~~~i:~~S fault with the fault- ~~~~~Ia~:e c~~~elw:~~e~ss:om~~ :!~,~~l1~'Ilsau~:~erh:~~~,~dJ~hn~; ~\~ffe~~~~iss~~~r~~~~i~~~~a"J~f; t~~y .ha~e ~u.~~the~selveS. B~t entil'c student life. The build- It seems a great shame that ~lude Easter liS a vacation screamed trying desperately to them understand that one or t I~ IS t e' a.ll;g 0 any Orgal1li ing of the new dorm will create those who do not like "the sys- This yellI' they lire trying t~ be heard. Everyone ce~sed two defects don't make them de- l ~atJ;n tint! Fit t a7~~;c facilities for the independents, tern" should be the ones to de- persuade the library staff to re- whllt they were doing and look- fective, Lord. Help them sec ItS a.u ts. ra erlll ~es a, I d but this is just a small step for- pledge. Instead of giving of main 'open on week-nights until cd to the door. "Oh my God!" that they can live and grow ~~~t!~~1ao~~~~:\~omtp~ss~~; ,:ill ;ea/~tr Yt~\~~;l:ln:~t~:~;il~~en;~:: ;~~~:~ll~~~g~~~ ~~~n;y:~~I~~t~~ni~~\~lt~~~~I~i~~J~c~~~~m~~n:SI~~;: Johnny gasped, He closed hi~ (Continued on page 4) ~~~~~~~:~;~f~~~i~;u:~:~:;::~':::'~;:j1~i!:~~;di~~~~:;~;~ir~~~,:?~t~i~::f£~:,';?~?~;~·o:c,,:,',~::;n:~~;,;,~::;,K;;~~~::M b W' . Cal't~r B. Adriance of the ca~lpus. Taking this ho\; it ~ffects classroon~ partici-!~e~~:~~:~y: Dia·ne Bennekamper: ay e e re All Hurting PreSident IFC burden off the shoulders of t.he patlOn IS a m?ot questIOn), but Dcan Jftmc~ Robinson; Dr. _ .. , . ~;:~~~;~~ti~';,i~~e~ndab~o;.~et~:~~~:l~nt~tes~::~.~~;~t~:~~~~: ~~i:~= ~~~~l~·d ;JO~~~~ l~fnd:ep~;pe!f:; ~v~Il1~; J~e I~en~~tot~~: ~:~~~ il~~~ ~I,~~\i:u~o:;~;~r;~ ~;~~~:~~ Brotherly Love and money on cultural and Cdll~ out abandOlllng It entirely? The Daniel McCready; Allan Ing- }ear, It ~ee.medlike a good t.lme hood Into self-love . Is To the Editor: cational programs, put aside \'el'y ones who are depledging aIls; Alvll Baker; and Philip fOI: refle)tJon on the student brotherhood, that hard. to find?~ After reading the letters by specified amounts of money for al'e the one8 who should bc tl'Y- Mcredith. This spring appJica- ]lhllosophles of the year, ~ath- Very l1lce, very mce, Misters Idoine, Cohen, and future expansion of housing ing to change the system. tions will be available for sopho- er thlln set myself up as a, College is where the student Sautter in which bitterness, and dining facilities, and be- Within the present structure 11l01'esand juniors to apply. ~ prefcr to quote students OPlll- finds himself in the middJe- confusion and misconception come integrated members of the there is plenty of room to im_ The SLC functions under the I~ns. Although th~y are not ,",oth sides thrown at him until reigned, I feel prompted to re- college community." The emer- prove. Why do a great deal of prcmisc that" ... education is oll'~d quotes, fcw WIll de!IYthat he must choose his position be- ply to their mimeographed pro- ~ence of a strong, universal stu- backtracking to fulfill needs II \went\'-fou\' hour process and these were proba?ly said, Oh lwcen the extremes. . Yes, I tests. Unfortunately fo,' the dent organization will create an wllich could be met without not just something which takes well, I'.ll offer thIS.. to you be- ulwllys find myself in the mid- freshmen each letter writer IItmosphere in which all tlle fra- abolishing fraternities? Social phl(,e in thc classroom." c~llse .It seemed like a "vel'y dIe lind I usually end up just generalizes the fraternity sys- ternities plus the indcpendents runctions C,ln be lllnot the source Margaret A. Eveland doctrines. What do we really parents don't give mc an allow- "Alright, young adults; what tions. If anyone wishes to per- of your unhappiness. Remem- Nancy V. Fisher mean bj" wh,tt we ~ar in church? ance in the summer. They SU]l- you've got to do is define form "community service" there bel' .. you may not like OUI' Karen K. Holm What realities are we tlllking port me in a better ~pil'it when things" .. He's so right-we are hundreds of groups avail- parties, or homecoming ban- . about when we use n word like they can tell their friends their must try it _. \Vestern Mary- un- 1A1LO Il Uol able to join such as the Red quets, our participation in in- (''XI? Is freeing the w»ld of ldd is going to "College". . land College is? . a bla.nk- Cross, SOS, YMCA, Lions Club, tramural sports, decorating y n4 G, <1 fl'om a crced. liturgy and Besides, where else can you find blank nunnery .. , He sure UNICEF, NAACP, Heart til 5 am for dances, searching rru II! y language of a bYJ!one wOI'ld so such organized fun? Very pegged "this place" when he Fund, March of Dimes, Union along super highwa~'s and garb- atheistic! nice, vel'y nice. called it bland find narrow. Street Tutors, Masons, etc. age dumps for l\furlboro packs Also inspired by letters r~- God is still vel'~' personal to- College is where you're bored Very nice, very nice ... Yes, but This is not to say fraternities to win a T.V., composing thl' centl" appenring in the GOLD dar: How much morc personal to ~eath by the pI'ofeSS(lr~. . what makes up this place but a~e deaf to the needs of others. Bachelor Song. obtaining II BUG', I too would like to com can you get than by admitting 01' IS it the )lrofessors are bOl'cd lhe students-you, me . , . Us? For instance, AGT e:lch Christ- ~kunk's footprint from the ment on the idea of being holy that God is neither "here" nor to death by the students . Eland-narrow! Why it's the mas gives a basket of food to a WlIshing-ton Zoo, eu,. Thi~ i~ Today, there is a large telid- "there," but ·the very basin of What do ~'O\lwant to do--be a administrative lim i ta t ion s needy family in the area. Also, your choice, However, \VE ency on the lJart of some of ttJ.e GUI'individual existence! brownie? Very nice, very which keep us from bl'anching the fraternity sends members to LOVE IT. older generation to try ~m! Today's secular 1V0rld is a !lice. out. And jf the professors Montrose Girls' Reformatory to Sincerely, maintain conservatively b(!:- changing one whcre we "hotlld Ah, but college is where we didn't give us so much silly entertain the girls with basket- Rowland Creitz, Jr, lids thHt arc out of f{fcu~ wirh all be cll'f\\vnto a reappl'ai~al of set the standard~ by which we work we'd have 'nore time fo)' bllll and volleyball games. Ac- the ehanging world today. III what OUI·f!lith means to us in- ~)I!lnto live Sure, I signed intellectual stuff. . Very nice, tivities such as these are not I'egal'ds to relig-ion, most oT the dividllllily. This means forget- the paper-they won't let you in very nice . But, WMC does ~~~~o~s th:fr~ro~~h~~gesu~ge~': Honesty at last! ~~!~:..I~e~~:~o~~~ft~~:;~.~;~~~~~~dtl~~i~~~:~~:tf~~'~!~~::I~·o:h~l~ef~~~~:~iV~~\,~~~'~ext p,~~t~l, I'lllV~I~~~~~:at~o;:t~n~:ft~~r:~o~ as ~~ when he states thllt, "Even the Reflections to the Editor: fast pace>=-of Jl)~cle.l.")l-th!'ological rOUI' parents al'e and br re- nice, very nice. course, we all had to be brllins constructive projects of fra- The majority of freshmen thought. What I am <1L1estion-thinking yom own l'cligiol's 1'0- CoJlee:e i.~ Experience-meet- to get in here ... Money, re- ternities are not free of selfish spend much of their time trying ing mainly in this J.!Uer-how- ~ition in tel'ms of Wll:.t you ing all types of individuals !igion, area, "etc." had nothing IJolitical motives." to "fit in," academically, and ever, is \\:hat constitllt!'~ b;;;ing really believe-not be discard- from all classes and to to do with it! . "Malcolm A second common theJ?le is above all, socially. Thel'e is con- wholly holy? ing your beliefs, just by ques- know many facets of life. . Who!", Very nice, very ~~~~~::m~n~~:~~:~~t~~ a:; o~ ~~~~ b~r~~seur~le~~,·~:da~ott~: f,aJ:::~ ~~~hn:l~=tc1~~~~~~vser: ~i~;~:~tt~~ll~~c;~ ~~~;~ :~is: ~~~i~htB~~:n ;:~~e ,,~agdka~ ni~ititude check1 I hate ganization are transformed into too different.' This searching kind of "religious club" where kind of unchanging entity, It's ... "One hearty, cash-paying this place and it's not my fault a common form, But to say, reaches its peak when it be. through llctive membership in like t,'ying to fight the Civil crop is more profitable . This place. you.. me for instance, that to be a Bach- comes time for sorority and fra- the aitRI' guild, church school, \Val' ovel' again-It just can't Vel'~' nice. very nice . "'Ve. . Gold Bug. our education ~~~.J' ~~u s~l~~!l P~~yi~:rs:~~:~: ~:~~~tYon:I:~!in~. cl~~';i~edt~~ ~~r~~o!~,aOt~:i~f~~dG~.m~:e t~~~ be done. Linda Sullivan {~infi~~at:;;~~~~'~~i~ni~n ;'\t~:~.fJ ~ice. o~p;~p~~~~~~es Very
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