Page 58 - TheGoldBug1965-66
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2 The Gold Bug, Apr. I, 1966 Symptom, Not (ouse Trustees Meet, Abolish Tenure Are Pickets Effective? At the last meetmg of the I have to take what you get and professors, Let's Try It F'"ndOut' The problem on this campus is not environment, it is heredity. WMC Board of Trustees, held like it. Students have a right Fraternities may not be "useful," ."democrati.c," or "purposeful," on March 23 at the Sheraton to evaluate their ~u:yt~~~l ~:r~r~:~~~~~~eaf7:r a;~l\;~!v~~ this campus and they :el;~~er;f~o~~~r ~~lt\~:~e~~ !~~~u::e i~:y w~~~eot t~!r~ltst:l~ , • . Abolition of the fraternities perhaps would be a posltjve step President, pr-oposed a cham- dents. We don't want any Of what value, if any, are demanding, and getting, more toward campus unity and more wor-ld-centered concern; but their pagne toast to the Centennial dead wood on the faculty, do demonstrations on a college of a voice in these matters. abolition still would not answer the college's need for active, Expansion Program. we!" campus? Do they accomplish After all, who is more directly meaningful, and individual-centered activity. The Administration Philip Schaeffer, Treasurer, "No!" chorused the trustees. anything worthwhile, or are affected by them? should not take away one of the only pleasures a t.ypical student s~ted :firmly that he was disap- The issue was brought to a vote they simply a device to "let off A problem of local interest can find on this campus without offering suitable challenge and pointed with the College's ten- and the tenure policy was abol- steam" with much pomp but aroused students to action at incentive to take its. place. It would be analogue to taking away ure policy, whereby a professor ished by a vote of 18·0. little circumstance! While it Yale University to protest the the honey and serving .the stud~nts vinegar. If the Administration can.n?t be dismissed from his Gotta Go, Go would be nearly impossible to :firing of Be~n.stein for rot hav- would take an acuve interest In the welfare of the students and posttton after a three year's Other smaller changes were come to any concrete conclu- ing the requisite number of pub. provide more opportunities for social activity on and off campus, proba~ionary period-unless he also made. No longer will Thc siena about them, it is possible lications to be granted tenure. the need for fraternity control of all major social functions could commits some sort of heinous Methodist Church contribute to look into them a little more Students at the University of be proportionately reduced. The college doesn't have to pay for crime or is otherwise unseemly 7% of the college's income closely, if for no other reason Washington staged a protest the parties and dances that the fraternities sponsor; the money in hi~ behavior. "This system," "It's time we stood on our own than to clear up many misccn- against forced membership in comes out of the students' pockets. The college has, in effect, he said, "has. led to a lazy, devil- two feet" said Lowell S. Ensor o{eptions that. may have arisen. the student association, while washed its hands of the responsibility for its students' social well- may-care attitude on the part of WMC president. Also abolished About a year and a half ago, girls' curfews were the prob- being. By keeping inactive it has allowed its students to divide many of our professors. They was compulsory chapel. C. a group of students at th~ Be~k- lelll. under attack at the Uni- into eight factions with their main purpose being to entertain and have found that they need not Lease Bussard remarked "It's eley campus of the University verstty of Chicago. (Say, that dive~h~h~~st~r~~;e;:;e of the matter is that if a student finds ~~ai~~~~nta~~ti~~:~ ~~~f~~~:n:~ ~;e ;~~tl~~g i~IS:~~f d:::tg~t!~ ?:tt~~li~\;~~~~~ecoan~~~~~~at:f~~t so~~~s ~:~~!i~~')demonstrations himself without a Greek affiliation, his existence on the Hill will the faculty. While the tenure do~'t. Thel:e's no sense making the administration's free speech are almost as varied as the be practically barren of social life. He will be a social outcast, in ~ystem may be a means of gtv- the kids sit for an hour unless policy. Th~t campaign gr-ad- causes. The most widely pub. feeling and in fact. He is the rejected nickle from a machine that mg the professor security, they want to. "\Vearen't toilet ceuverew into a me.lor de~on- liciz~d, of .course, are those i.n- take~:wae%r,(:~~c:~~ ~~~kl~:~ome a member of one of these ;~~C:Ua CS~:~i:ln:~~tsr~~~;eSa;~~ ~~!~i~ t~~~I~'f:;e'::e~~:li;~;.f. ~~~II~~~r;,a:lt;~'~~i~1ng :a~~~~~ ;~~~I~; "~~;~~~ts~(I~~~.~~te~~~ Grcek organizations, he often makes lasting friendships whic.h h.1S :first. thl'ee . years. Als?, And lastly, Jacqueline B. Hcr- mg pomt for smular outbreaks at the Umverslt?' of ChIcago, serve to enhance his college experience. One doesn't miss what smce havmg acqUired tenure IS ing was appointed to consult the on _o~her campuses. Students, but never carCled through). one has nel'er had, but it would be very painful to many if some_ a badge of worth, some o~ (.\\\' Women's Council and Dorm I'eahzmg that t~ey no lon~er There are other methods, less thing that has become personally meaningful were abolished. better new. profes~ol's have only Cou1lcil about the girls' CUI'- had to ~c~ept \vlthout. 9uestl.on spec.tacular, hut none~~eless el- lt is good that the issue is being faced now. Fraternities and stayed Iintl1 they have been of· fews. "Isn't it ridiculous?!" the. admmlstrat.lve pohcles With fecbve, such as petitions and sororities have been making a penetrating el'aluation of t.hem_ fered tenure, and the~ hr:ve she exclaimed. "I hated them whIch. t~ey dIsagreed, began student editorials. Mo~e. and :~!:~~O~~.ceT~~; :~:I~~:~~ ~~ :fianb:I:~i:i~:::k c!:~~!:t:: t~~;S~:~ ~fs~~:~!e~ ; ~:!~e~:~~~:17; {~~ :~u:t95~atl~ndt~e~no;;illt.heTti:;~: ca*h:lg~~:;on~~~:a~i~;~ge~~uaIlY ~il~~.e,a~!ud::~ki~~d t~~n;;~~~tr~~ attempt to correct them. Can the Administration of WMC say it mtelests of a better..,llltel!ectual should be a two o'clock curfew began With a relat~vel~ small achIeve solutIOns acceptable to is doing the same! AC atmosuhel'e at WM!.-, lh~s ten- on Friday and Saturday nights, number and grew as .more and The effectiveness of such of stu- both. enthUSiastic and one o'clock on every other dents, ure s?'~tem sho~lldbe abohshed." "s ==================ICh~~~:~~, ,,~~~Ig"nc~~r!~d~t th~; ~~~h\e~~01I.:~stGf~~~~:Ju~~~~.~~~r;h~~~oj~~.g~~,al~l:w~:~~~:e~~~d;~ea:~~~ h~:se~~enA:st~~\~:;t~~ Journalysl say folks: ;~ new hl'{Jomsweeps own latch keys. \Ve're not run. lUvplved only ~. small percent- more, for example, students ning a jail, we'I'e just providing age of the entlle student bo~y. were snccessful in having their . clean John s~~e~~w:;~!u:~egf!ested ~:;~,:e!~n~:~~ ~v~~: ~ta r~~~~b~~iv~~.~f~, Sree~k~~; ~~;~~:\~s:~~nd~~t~I~'~~y 1:~~gt;! Threat of Creeping Vegetable-ism !~:{uai:~ult~y pe~~~l'In=~~{~en~s~UO~~easn;:e~tn~ay\~~Sadjourned ~::~e~f~a~t\~ :~~~~n~ ~~o:I~t~~ ;;.ou~~~ a:O~ie a ~::~~~J~~!~~~~ Certa';;{l;a:: !0:'80: been :~~~ ~~r~isa~~ll~O:'~x;:r~:~~~ ~!~t~~e~:i'h:~~.n j~~U sh~~IJ;,~ ~~i:;el't~~t~;\~r ;:ol~he Alma f;::I~~l~~ge~f Western Mary- ~~l~!h:c.h!~~~~uc~f asB~~~~~!~~ as said about the hypocrisy of such increases. If this were simply Not only students demon- Umverslty, have estabhshed a {;ollege backbreakers as irrele- restricted to his academic out- SomebodY Up There? strate, however, for often they sj'stem whereby students take ~~~~ cc;;:'s:~d ~i~~!~~~~~sinwt~ ~~~~eiti;v~~l~~~~i~:de:~:~~tb~i ;:~UI~;P:~;;:~el':.ndInjO~:~~, ~~ ~~~;e~~o~:~ticismof courses and co parenU8 rules on curfews transfer into his personal life. faculty members hav(' Not all protests, whether or and drinking, t.hat what I could Afraid of Love? I nit I ate d protests. At St, not they reach the dimensions ~:;i~\'O~~dt~~ o~~~v:~~~;t s;o;J pa~s~~nco~~~~~dh~~n~~'~~i~~v~:;~ Modern Marriage ~~~;~:s~I~~~eg:~:~~r~~ta~~e, ~~~ ~~c~~ss~~Ta~nde'::~~i~t:i~~onih~~~ ~i~~P'toR::~:ineW~~! :hew~~~i~ ~~:~~:~~)n~r (;~ep;:~~\: ~~~ and Miscegenation :~~~~~~~d~::~~~~;at:~dfol~i~~~~ ~~s~:~'~ea:~s~\l~~~5~to~e~~~!~~~ tudes prevalent among the fu- comfortable or public to be salal'les. attention .to the pro~lem. This t~lfe teachers, doctors, seien- meaningful (backseats, back- _The reasons for t~.e protests may ultimately brl,:g about tlstS, or career men and women campus, the clubroom). The ale many and yall~ .. They some sort of res.olutlOn. And of I~e~i;:~rallY bemoaned that ~;~~:d'scOI~~~~;:1. h~fs !~~~b.Y De(1JnIra Zepp ,e\lslav:d to. t.he myths 0: ~.ure ~:.~l!~~~·~~~O~:~:i~sP~~~~C:I~~~!~fve~'ina~~'i~~~~~e~~~naadb~ni~~~~~ when this generation takes its dwells.C01lstantl ~n that three- .l\l~rllage has. recently made blood.and"lace. :he 1~~stel,lCal.VIetnam war and segregatlOn- tion to realize that the students place. of I~adership in society, letter word tha/ends in X. He ~\~gn~fica\ltheadlmes around the IJ~~~t~~~; t~V~~~dTl~?Ua\\~:~I::~:' Yeniversi~ of Ka~sas studen~ ---or the faculty-have opinions te:d;dcab;V~!d~~:?~~~i~k~~~n:~~ ~aesis b::O~~.aiJo:P~~~~YthaStl[i .o~~\~. rules on mixed mar. ~~~~i!y~.:~e~~,sh;h~a;u~!e~f s~~~ ~ii~?o~;tlt~~edun~~:I:'~i~~'sseffr:et~~_~~rnm~~t:~s;t~~!t s~h~~s~~~n~on~ demonstrators. Yet nothing is downrigh.t impossible ~ nages frOIll the Holy Se~ h~_veually abusing the NegTo woman of les. and sorolltles-t? tO~lCSchance to be heard. . y could be farther from the truth. any mcaUlngful relatIOnshIp, ~?ftened. somewhat the lestll.c- for ccnturies-from our found. MaPU,lel local ?ampus mtelest. Some school~ have .aheady iuh:ct\~~:tlil~f~~~.;~e~t~de;s~~~o~ ~;he~~~~:ai~ex~~1o:etchi~s:~ive~~ ~~oens~~hel:\;a~a~~~iCa a~r~o~~ in.g fat~er~' mistresses to the ing n~p1~e~~:dP~~!I~:m~r~~~:u~h:f~·ad:~~i~~u::~;u:~:~~;:, :~~ edu_cate.d vegetable.' The col- "afra~d of getting hurt," ~r C~tho:ic {>artnc~·s. This .1·]llesent a). . ~~nsldered the prel~o~at~~e. o~ more s~em to ~ follow~ng suit. leg18n IS, fOI' the most part, all "afraid of getting caught." He ?-tlO':IS heartenlUlf fllld glatlfy· Freedom of ChOIce , e..~aculty and.admlmstlatlOn. NotAl .. The. pre- ~ensation and no feeling; all is afl'aid of being profaned by mg In a~J ecumenICal age. . . The Stat~ does not have a ~~I."culum, g.l.ades, curfews, 8~Htcd 1-n thu; art/.Cu was pro- regurgitation and no creation. a four-letter word; a word The gist of the .new rule IS J'Ight to dictate. \~ho should hl~lllg and. fil.111gof faculty. vided by ~fr. Jerry Solomon It makes me cringe to think that which is the basis of every o~,e that the pre-nuptial c?ntra~t mar!'y whom. ThiS IS a matter ":Ith an IUcleased sense of /1'OI!~ a proJect CO'Ilduet'ed by Oll.f> these people, as adults, will read of the world's great religions: rna? no longer ?e reqUired III (·f personal. freedom. Negl'~s fleedom, however, students are of In8 cla-88B8. ~r f;~~it~~~i~~ ~o:\n~va;~n~~d Love. Years of Indecision ~:I;lt~~.h.~~)Jleannd~r.~h:;t~:. ;.~~ ~~~p~o~Ld~:~~.a~ i~a~:Yal:h~~I========='!""'======== FL .L 1 L' but t~vo then go back and re-read their Undoubtedly these college sponsli>lhty of the religIOUS all that Irreslst1ble), l~~al~~~I~: InroUgn ieD S lens ~~c;/i~~~~~:·d ;oheress;~~~n~n i~ b~~r:h:;·eS~~~~'tOfbein~::~~io~i\~ht~l:~\~:n~r: ]nedictable way to oversimpli- )10 decisirYll. The college stu- ~Hthohc part? IS asked I? prom· not. fied cues. . dent has a I'esponsibility; to his Ise nO.t to m, With ,th.e Now it is naive ~o assun?e As I said before, I am con- parents, to society, and, most ~atho!lc'ty s light to pJac- that this freedom to choose Will The Oscar ~~dnet~u:viiha~tu~~~tm:t~~~d:~ ~n~f~~~~J':: b~i~:~lt~w_~~n~~~~g.~~h~~~cfa;;I;.t~~\I~~nf\'~~~;i~I~;;~~~.bew~u~t~r:~~Yii;:l;~~:~:~i indictment of English profes- stagnant, or complacent. It is hiS d~ty to b.rlng up the chll- or Fl·ance and in our societ)' in- sol's. If the students cared his duty to be pliable when nec- onsibility . . there was more to O'Neill, or sonal grandstand-whether it Protesta~t mlms~er to assist In for paying the price, however, . by Ron t~e perenmal flash-back tech· Camus, or Golding, than 10 be the 7-day a week library; the a Cathol1c .weddmg, but .not. to ~hould be the people involved, ThIS week T thought 1 woul.d llIque. As the movie progresses points on the next test, their in- omnipotent fraternity _ sorority take. part JT\ It. That .IS, 1m- not the solons in the State cap- treat yo_u,deal· fans,. to a typl- wc :find out that Frankie is a structors would show a lot less complex, or the blandness of a' afte,~' the serVIce, the ita!. Parentheticall~', it is in- cal glonous Hc.llywood extra va- l'eal creep because he haa hurt!~e d~~~ ~~xt~~~~e~¥:;~;~nfi:~~ geI~o~~ ~~~ls~~~;I~:ruI:~~:y [~:' ~~~~~!:~;~e:I~:~!ns~7:ty,e~:~'J'i~;es ~~ f:;:t~'r f.s~~o';:I~~l:tUt~i~f !~::~~:,y~;ryC~~~~~ !:;;;:se,I~b!~~ not feel, he reacts. Unless he worlds to conquer that we in- l'athe.r than W?ltHlg until t.he tween Caucasians and Orientals \Vo~ldposItIvely be .the. last ever dons hIm. That's the story, but is a unique individual, he be- evitably have nowhere to go but wedding. rec.ptlOn to do ;;0. are almost completely accepted. fOl me: ;rhe mOVI~IS Jos?ph now for some words of praise wIlen we feel we have no new down. We ~~~e:I~J~o~~~s::r~e new th!~ ;~te~~:it:a~:ed ~nt:~r~~~:~ ~;dL~v~~:,: p:~~~~tl~~,e~fO~:~~·~fOl~~~; ~~t::s~lJ so bad that I'll THE GOLD BUG law does not substantially alter marriages :lre usually happy Before Th~ 08001' receives the have to mention those stars ;~~tle~~:\l~a~;~:~lsa~fa~~rl~~ :.~:ge~at~ol~~i~:~Sii~O~ti~nn~~~~~~~ae;~ ~~~~:~~g~~~:n a~~nl~:~~ ~~;Ie\ehdat~:e~~Sm~e~~t;at~n:~in! Official student newspaper of Western Maryland Colle e sary for the ma1'l'i.age lo be dOCumelltation to the contrary. out some of the tr.uly magnifi- unmentioned mediocrity. k~~~:~ddasb~-~~~~~IYcl~~s~l;tt~~ Iroilie Sp~s\eO~~e t~~~f!inr:~~: ~l~~;d~;t10~e:~a~e~~~n~t:l:r~:;~ !~;e 1fd:~e~m~~~~Chtoa~~c~~~~~! ~~~o~s~~~~~r~~ t.p~:Ym::.:~.o!~ Bo~~ew:~:n o!x:etl~;~t ~x~~h~~ Maryland 21157, under Act of March 3, 1879. ' , bond is mdi~soluble. such a couple aftel' they are in Immense all-atal' cast, beautiful of "Batman" acting. Tony Although. for some of US,the fact, married, there would 'not color photogmphy, heav~nly Bennett should stick to record "ew rule did not g~ nea~ly ~ar be as many divorces among this s~ts and costumes, and !In m:fi· ~Ibum sales, Jill St. John spoke ~;o~~~ a(f~ll~ttt::. ~~b~li·~~)~t~~~group as there are at present. ~1~ ::~~;t f~;';,;:gs:~;~~s~ ~~dt~l~;~a~O~;e:f 0: :w~~~y:;~: DAVID CARRASCO Protestants could continue to All of One Blood two out of a possible ten. The year old, and finally, Milton Editor-in-Cnief learn much from the serious- A Christian, is free to say thc only redeeming qualities that Berle just isn't the same old 'le~s with which our Roman unsayable about interracial comprise the two rating are Uncle l\Iiltie that all of us used ALICE CHERBONNIER fl'iends take marriage. If there maniages. Let it be said tllat that 1 didn't have to stand in to know and love. Managing Editor DOROTHY ATTRIDGE ~:nt~~~lth~~ed~~r[t7se~~leP:l\O~I~!~~~~tOJ! a~~~~:~v ;~:~~.~:~;~ ~~e~f~;a';? ,~~ci~~tsIa.~:tt~:~~:~an~l~epecr~;~~~~~nWel~:C~;~~u:~ Business Manager ment of marriage. . gists!) are qUite clear that God very comfortable. an extravagant scale, neverthe_ Sherry Joslin Joyce Ferguson Along with Rome, An,:apol.I~, made"all people of cne blo~ ~l1d The storv is the stel'eoty{>ed less, they were unbelievably Harold Marks William McClary Maryl?nd, has been makmg Ill- that there IS no such t.hmg as h;'lppened throug:h the years in trite. For example, wheneve;' News Editors Feature Editors ternatlOnnl news lately becallse Jew and Greek, slave and free· nse to fame of actor Frankie a pretty woman was speakinJ!' Ronald Boone the Senate :fi~all.~'repeal?d a m~n, male and female.: for ~?U Fane (Stephen Boyd). He pro- the :film would become sort 'J_f Sports Editor ~tate law forbld.dmg mal'Clages ale a}} one person In Chllst gl'ess~s ~r?m an entertainer in misty (and so would ber act- Publishing Editor: Donald Heath. between the white and c.olored Jesus .. (Gal. 3.:28) . a strIp _lomt to the spectacular ing). 1 W.{lSalways CO!:SciOllS right in nomination the of the db'ector sitting Assi~~,~~is:~~it~~~:I~ifesaAr~~id~n'V~u:~d~~i~~ae:;:C;:::Cy races. That the House WI]]fol- Le.t 1t J;>e .sald that thel·e 1S best actor .awards. The of movie front of the actors, and I was low. suit, is son:ew~a~ proble- not~mg Blbl:call y , ..mol:all y , an~ aca~emy Brown. • mat1Cal, but agaIn, It IS only a r~tlonally wl?ng \\Ith .lDter1l1al- bC.ln.nswhIle Frankie is in an also aware of who -the actors Advertising Manager: Ronald Kobernick. F.ditor of Art and Photography: Jacqueline Rayner. 1l1~~i~:~e~:~~~:~is still a taboo ~~~~e~a~~~a~: i~eno~al~ri!~~:i~ :~:~~%~~wa~~~~it~~gbe~~~ h~:~~e;·;a~; of seeing them as Cil'culation Manager: Gail Gracey. Typing and Copy Editor: Kristine Michelson. subject in America. The Ne-I~ ~atter of sex, race, 01' re- long time pal, who is also there, All in all, the film. with all Exchange Editors: Margaret Wei.s, Carolyn Henson. groes may be out of slavery, llglOn, but a matter of per~ons Hymie Kelly (Tony Bennett). these credits would make Photographer: Robert Lance. but 0111' minds certainly remain and love! begins "emembering what halO excellent TV'commerclal. all
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