Page 57 - TheGoldBug1965-66
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Library Mar-yl.and coj Lege el':·t'l~~_:S·er-, , ~4t APRIL "res tarn ..:c. Fraternity ~nlb iug Controversy Rages FOOL P.3 ISSUE! Vol. 7" No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND April 1, 1966 IFe·ISC Spotlights Little Anthony In Concert , ' Smith(elebr~tesHolyWeek sosProposes WeekentlRocks With TheAtlmirals; InReligious Drama Program For. Appalachia, Open Party Heraltls Annual Festivities at Caribbean Areas , As the observance of the most chose the play as a project significant event in Christian the University of California hig~ol'Y approaches, Miss Esther several summers ago. She ex- The SOS is planning Smith will celebrate Holy Week plains that she had always been field. in a religious program ream- interested in the area of inter- ing a presentation of Michel de pretation but she again "be- Ghelderode's drama, "The wore- carne enthusiastic over pos-] ~"Wu"~",,, en at the Tomb." sibiJities of dramatic . Beginning at 7:15 pm in Ba- tat.ion as an art form, ker Memorial Chapel, the pro- that summer," ~~a7h;\'igo:~~~d~i~~~I':n~:~;::. Eric B~n~:ey points out that the direction of M~. Oliver K. ~~'~~~Vd I~n one of the few. Spangler, accompanied by than on the n ~~~~.h\~'i~li~~c~~~~~~., °a g~;-~:ll~~:~~a~t matte art student, Will g g g-roup's well-known reo- reading of the Scripture;h favorites as congregation will join in "Tear-s on my Pillow," "Take prayer with a passage from Me Back," "L'rn on the Outside Jewish Yom Kippur service. Looking In," and "I'm Hurt." Interprets Dramatic Past Little Anthony and the Imper- In an interpretative reading ials record for the D.C.P. label. of de Ghelderode's play, Miss Little Anthony has made nu- Smith, Associate Professor of merous television appearances. Dramatic Art, will turn the including a spot on Ed Sulli- imagination back to the evening ;~';:::;I -'--- __ _: I:~~'~n~O~lS~~OI~~~~~tT~'osapde~~:~ of the day of Christ's death, when the women of Christ's life from New York. Little An- are gathered in a small house. thony has played to audiences Through the roles of the Virgin from the Fountainbleu in Mi- Mary, Mary and Martha, and ami to night clubs and hotel Mary Magdalene, the woman spots in New York. who Christ cured, the woman Little Anthony's concert to- taken in adultery, and the wives night will begin at 8:15 pm. of Pilate and Judas, Miss Smith The open party tomorrow night will dramatize the Jives of will be from 7 :30 until 12 pm. whom de Tickets for the weekend's ac- "for-lorn _ ..__ , .. _ . tfvit.ies may be obtained from on the most any IFC or ISC member. the world." you who have not Michel de Ohelderode, a blanket ticket fOI noted Belgian playwright, purchase a party ticket in Brussels in 1961 at the $3 or concert ticket at $2.50 of 63. His works
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