Page 55 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 55
The GoJd Bug, Mar. 11. 1966 5 Highon the Hill KELLY'S "Jaw, Sweetheart" Add Spice STATIONERY STORE THE TIMES ToWMC Sports, Greeks,Socials HOME, SCHOOL and OFFICE SUPPLIES Westminster, Maryland' 47 E. !\fain St. 848·5553 Westminster, Md. GENERAL COMMERCIAL PRINTERS Always Insist on the Finest in Meats and Meat Products Ask for This publication is from our presses MYERS' A Complete Line of Fresh and Smoked Meah Frankfurters and Cold Cuts Made from Finest Meats OPPORTUNITY WM. F. MYERS' SONS, INC. We~tminster, Md. TI 8.8710 For a future with a well .---.:.__------.-'.k=========;-;=========lll ~:~;~in:;i~'~~t Manu- Order Your now offering for a distributorships CREPE 'PAPER, patented product. No GEIMAN'S FURNITURE DECORATION and competition. Factory trained personnel wiU as- PARTY GOODS sist you in setting up a tried and proven adver- in tising and merchandising program. 100% mark ELDERSBURG Gifts for All Occasions Your Club Colors tip. Investment guaran- Minimum invest- teed. RADIO NORCROSS CARDS at ment $1,000. Maximum $14,000. AU replies con- RCA VICTOR SORORITY MASCOTS P. G. COFFMAN fidential. For informa- DUMONT - EMERSON Company tion write Director of Fast Radio Service Marketing, P. O. Box 185 E. Main Hamilton House Times .Bldg. 14049, St. Louis, Mis- TI 8_3066 souri 63178. 'Westminster. Md. UNITED MARKETING ENDICOTT COMPANY JOHNSON 6828 Bartmer Avenue St. Louis, Mo. 63130 SHOE COMPANY 10 W. Main Street EXCLUSIVE Westminster, Md. FRANCHISE Featuring 15c Hamburgers Thick Milk Shakes Pizzas - Subs Road French Fries - Shrimp Boats NO COMPETITION Homemade De-Nuts Inside Seating Plus Other Sandwiehes Service As these are exclusive for. Rt. 140 E. of Westminster Phone 848-5860 mules in demand by all busi- March 16 - 19 nesses, industry and homes. Minimum investment - $300. "JUDITH" Maximum investment - Charles Lindsa.y's $7,000. Investment is secured XEROX 914 PHOTOCOPYING HOMESTEAD INN by inventory. will Factory set trained up personnel help Perfect Copies On Ordinary Paper G. C. MURPHY CO. March 27 - 29 your business. 15 Washington Road For complete details and de- From Bound Material Or Single Sheets COMPLETE "SEVEN WOMEN" Westminster scriptive lit.erat.ure wrtte: Prompt Service - Reasonable Rates Serving the Finest Foods VARIETY STORE CHEM·PLASTICS MARYLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC. Pizza - Sandwiches & PAINT CORP. 251 E. Main St. Tel. 848·1155 Westminster, Md. Main Street SIEGMAN'S Platters 1828 Locust Westminster TEXACO SERVICE STUDENTS WELCOME St. Louis 3, Mo. YOU?' Portrait Photogra.phe1· Westminster Shopping Porterfield Studio of Photography Center GOOD HEALTH Westminster TI 8-3460 77 E. Main Street Westminster. Md. TO ALL TEXACO HAVOLINE GASOLINE OIL from Serving you: REXALL DRUGS IS OUR Maryland Hotel SCHMITT'S BUSINESS 'Supply Co., Inc. Russell Stover Candy 225·227 S. Hanover Street ROTC HAIRCUTS RHOTEN'S WESTMINS Baltimore, Maryland BARBER SHOP Tenpins Westminster Shopping TRUST COMPANY Center - In Arcade WESTMINS1'ER LANES POULTRY - MEATS Hours: Mon.• Wed. 9 - 6 in the. Shopping Center In W.I,mlnl'.11 71 Eut Maln'5,.t;TI"B.9300 Thurs .. Sat. 9 - 9 Students - Until 5:00 p.m. $1.053 FROSTED FOODS DOUG RHOTEN, Prop. Including Games ~o-U.;;~til:~rl:!~!~nB~:I~·:r~5Phl)n. 876 •.2112 Shoes Phone TI lden 8_3620 "'_b., F.d.ral Depolit Inluranc. ColpcUOtlort Mon. - Fri. 848-6570
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