Page 53 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 53
The GoldBug, Mar. 11, 1966,,- While Men Were Sleeping • •. The Message Came Robinson Thumps Greeks; "Macbeth" Tryouts A Parable; The UnCUltivated The Department of Dra- Fraternities Could Serve matic Art will present Shake- 2 ago, t~ere lived fl;lowly. farmer stems and leaves supported by a sun which was behind the head Once upon a time, long years vigorous strong, apeare'a Macbeth on June young man but lithe system. None of the his field dirt farm TRYOUTS I do not believe 1 have the within the fraternity house. and 3, 1966. will be who tilled the SOIlof h1S small were rooted out; all were at- watched was falling. where the OPEN grain He looked dill- tended each day with attention with singular ~:~~~ti~; f::ter~~~~:~~:re d:t kn~reod~ee 0~v1;ate~~~tysNfeh~i~~ ~ellt~~~g~l~::h a1r~~!t~~~u~~~ ~eo~~i'ng~ s~~~~ethe:r~hou~~~~ !~u~~:~:' C~~::I~~e~lan::sd~e ~~~ ~;~ssa:\:n!~~t i~~re g:J e ;:~J. Western Maryland College 'or tell you these are essential, ed to prepare anything in of other farmers and especially with soft strips of rags to He looked and he considered. ~;y:~:~'e i~~:~C~s b:;~~~n~~:; W~:rOt~!r~~::, \~~~~al system r;:~~n;:es~~t t;eSh~:'t°~.!'ad~~~ ~~~~:n~~gt~~e ~::tte~e!:~~e;; ~~~rdS~i1~ti~~:~l:~~I~ed~u~~~~~ ch~~:d ~~~ tG:~:I:rie~~; r~aac~ (and sororities) serve to defeat can improve only to a certain from the play. producing strong, healthy crops. tered; the undernourished, he tion and then collected them- i~oen.purposes of higher educa- le;~l ~~~hO~;at~:~hf:s:i1if~~·oSi_ ~?ii·~o~~~~i~~'~~~~:doi~eSr!~tt~:l;o~:~ ~:t~:ed ~~~~~i~~saJpitffO::ld~ard~~~:!;e~uin~~o~V~heg~~~~~n;nlc!t~ Yet, under present circum- tiona, you might conclude that bo~~dy!~ ~!~::~:~~~stions, signed to him, trying to nourish with patience and Joving care. ed with their sun-dazzled eyes :~~fee~u~ o~~df;!t!~~~;S~~l:te~ :::r/:~~ern~~~~ hal~th~~ng~ rei please contact Mr, Tribby, ~e:~tsh :osuWu~~o~:~,n~l~~~~uh;,~ fr~~eu~af~ear~~V~S~~t~;,!~eu~ld~e:~,ong Any criticism of our frater- and SOCial.programs. 8) Become mtegrated ll_Iembers It was a strange method he and in an effort to break t?e gram? I went ou~ ,in a ~~;i:isde~~:i~nbet~::;pe:~~y bYh!~: tio~~ec~dae;t d:!o~!~:~~~ns~~~t ~fa:~~r~~I~~eus;o:r~~~~;~~ ~~_ ~~~co~I~~~~t~~:;,~a~h~C~~~:~f:~~ ~~~~~t~~t~i:seC~?:;~:trow~~.:;t;r~ ~~:~-bt;a,i::~y~~h!;:e t~;t y:~~e:. not had the facilities commonly adequate facilities and profes· visors-as adVIsors, not as twisted at the stalk base where heart. "But all varieties are ~ut th1S IS too much! You available and necessary for an ~jonal leadership produce resi- chaperones. he had overestimated the qual- needed in this world. each has ~lther get out ther:e and plow effective program. denc~ hall programs more at· The irony is that, with m,a;d- ity ~f the soil and its ability to its place to serve, By placing that whole mes~ under ~efore. \ Very fe~v successful systems ,tractIve th.a~ those sponsored mum ~ffort, the frate~mttes rece1ve that see~, Other pla~ts each grain where it can best de- the boss ge~ wmd of thIS and 1:;e~:. ~;~:;tu~;is~ral~ i:~~t bYd~~!e;~~~~e:~ities are to meet ~~~l~n~~:s~e:;~~e e::I~~~~ala~ ~vn~~e~o~~~~~~ ~~ t~hees~~~~~~~ ~:~ol~iyrg:,l~itno~~~ ;~~ i;~~:i~ t~~S ~~u~~lel~n!~~th~~r~~~::"or ficult'to locate a thriving fra- this ~ompetition, and there, is t~e stud,ent body. ~ do n,ot be- rays of th~ late morning ~un. satisfaction. And if I phnt An~ the farmer. wept within. ternity that does ~ot have ,a;n- ~o eVldence that they yet view hev:e thl~ opportumty w1I: re- A, few attamed a modest h;lght them together, they may even- Pe~hap~ he was In e~ror, . He pie space for SOCIal activ1bes It as such, they must promptly mam forever. Dean Robmson With sturdy, well-proportIOned tually be able, to develop side by nevel claimed to be mfalhble. in The the ~~~ searchmg, -- condemn - ~":::=======================:::;:==========~~side crop reciprocal harmony, ;Sut he could, not, after much mner small is know .-~~~- I but .. ," -' , earnest effort of the lithe young th~\~'i~dic~n~a
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