Page 49 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 49
The Gold Bug, Mar. 5, 1965 5 Clower, Jones A,ssum,e Respective Positions Head Basketball (oach America And Minor Sports: Emphasis On 'Gridiron' Takes(hargeOIDepartmenl The Fallacy Of Athletics? Switches To Outside Game by John Law and I Currentl.Y completing ?O? The athletic department has recently one year of service football Ed Schein/eldt wr~l t~esls at West Vir-ginta in which Mr. Robert Waldorf resigned from while there. Coach Clower h~s ball coach and athletic director. Mr. Richard In 1958 Ronnie joined the and track coach for WMC, has assumed the position of Maryland staff as a director and Mr. Ronald Jones has been elevated to the assistant, working to- head football coach. Western Maryland is at this his master's degree. its athletic image. In the next few weeks September, 1959, through these changes with "malice towards none and , 1962, he taught in the The article below is the leadoff article in a three County school system, but remained on our school's coaching staff and, in addition, took charge of the intramural program here. Since Septem- ber, 1962, he has been a full time staff member at WMC and last spring, included in his June- tlons, the coaching of the track team. In discussing his plans for the footballers, Ronnie stated the main change would be in the philosophy of the game; more emphasis will be placed on the outside game (wide plays, for those of you who are not hep on the football jargon) and the passing attack. He plans also to platoon his players onto sep- arate offensive and defensive units, with no one going "both ways" on the same team. While a good part of the mn- terinl is basic to what we have had in the past, Terror fans can hope to see several new derenses next season, plus a variety of plays with which Coach is experimenting during drills. The downfield kickoff JUNE BRIDES Who Have Chosen or Are Planning to Choose Fostoria Cl'ystal II~~~I Royal Doultt:m China lIfint(m China Haviland China SHOE COMPANY Colts The famed Baltimore Register at 10 W. Main Street return to Western Maryland T. W. Mather & Sons Westminster, Md. College early this year as they meet Alpha Gamma Tau Fraternity on the basketball court. The "Bachelors,' B-Ball- who PATIO Sandwich BUY YOUR FLOWERS ers, face the formidable lead the intramural Colts in Gill Gym on Satu r- for the day, March 20, at 8:15 pm. SHOP Featuring MILITARY BALL Stewart M. 1Sc Hamburgers ~I2 S .::3-k::E3. Thick Milk Shakes DUTfERER'S SCHMITf'S Pizzas _ Subs DIA""""C>ND RINGS French Fries - Shrimp Boats 114 Pennsylvania Ave. DRUG STORE Homemade De-Nuts Inside Seating Plus Other Sandwiches Westminster, Md. True artistry ·is expressed in the brilliant Rt. 140 E. of Westminster Phone 848·5860 Russell Stover Candy fashion styling of every Keepsake diamond en- gagement ring. Each setting is a masterpiece of design, reflecting the full brilliance and beauty LEE'S MOTEL, Inc. of the center diamond ... a perfect gem of flaw.. u. s. Rt.. No. 140 XEROX 914 PHOTOCOPYING less clarity, fine color and meticulous modern cut. Carroll Theatre S.E. of Westminster The name, Keepsake, in the ring and on the Westminster, Md. Perfect Copies On Ordinary Paper tag is your assurance of fine quality and lasting Mar. 7 . 9 Sun .. Tues. Phone TIlden 8·9095 From Bound Material As Well As Single Sheets satisfaction. Your very persona! Keepsake is "Pleasure Seekers" Prompt Service - Reasonable Rates awaiting your selection at your Keepsake Jeweler's store. Find Keepsake MARYLAND BUSINESS SERVICE him in the yellow pages under Mar. 10 ·13 "Jewelers." Prices from $100 Wed. - Sat. & 257 E. Main S1. Tel. 848·7155 Westminster, Md. to $2500. Rings enlarged to "Psycho" Artcarved show beauty of detail,®rrade- mark registered. DIAMOND and Mar. 14 - 16 WEDDING RINGS ANGELO'S Sun .. Tues. Hamil ton House "Crack Open: an Account Italian Dining Room in the Wor1d" Gifts for All Occasions DAVIDS Opposite Post Office Phone 848·2848 l\Iar.17·20 JEWELERS 85 W. Msin St. w-a.. Sat. 19 E. Main Street NORCROSS CARDS "Sylvia" Westminster Westminster, Md.
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