Page 50 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 50
6 The Gold Bug, Mar. 5, 1965 . The Sports Ed£. like to apologize for Tuny Ma.glwtto's pic- with the other pic- senior basketball Despite efforts to ob- picture- of Tony in uni- none cmtld be found. mQmy thanks to Stan. Mak- over who served as "The Ola SCQut" and did a fine job of re- porting the ba.8ketball game8. With the advent of a rise in temperature and decrease in the wind, Wester-n Marylanders are adjusting their day dreaming accordingly. Many a ballplayer, who hopes to represent the Ter- rors this spring, is concerned about his three etrikee-c-think- ing about swinging more and hoping not to look at as many last year. But about fifty on the Hill have been represent the sororities, fra- ternities, and the Freshmen. The bowlers are in their tenth week of an overall fourteen week session. Each week, or match, consists of four points. An in- dividual bowls three games. The total pins of all the players games are added up. Then the team with the greatest total Co-Captains Leishure and Shaw pins for all three games is ~ubstitutes Always Ready aw;~~e'kl~~~th::(r~~~ites and Th a tallest of the Green 'I'er- Preachers are tied for first r01.·sall~ a veteran. of four cam- place. The latter has dominated 1S ROil Shirey who col- the league the entire year with 96 rebounds and scored the Black and Whites the only 60 points. Coach Clower's .em- other team to be kingpin, but phasi s on speed moved Ron into their rule only lasted one week. '~:::::::~=::~=';':;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::~I~reserve role where he played The Bachelors are the only In twenty one of the twenty two other team which has been able the top, and they The reserve back- to stay near ball games. Sport Shorts cour-t pair of St" Makovar and are two games behtnd. Tbe Dick Eigen was the same Tony Magnotto have had several Iotes, Phi Alphs, and Delta are great shooter he has been for things in common. Stan and fairly evenly matched in fourth, the past two years. Sport fans Tony are both short, have al- fifth, and sixth places respec- will be able to see him again Coach ways been hustlers, and have tively. The Freshmen, who next year in his senior year. made up for their lack of have failed to show the spark Skip Shear proved to height with quickness and speed. that they had on the basketball one he is as good Stan, a letterman and three court, follow. The Sigmas are year veteran, saw limited ac- the Meta of the league. Han as did Tony who was moved The outstanding female bowl- Richmond's loss was our up to the Varsity this season. er of the league has been Elaine the high and I'm sure everyone agrees. Previously, Tony had been dress- Brown. She score holds individual for for both Junior Varsity and woman's i Stan Makover is someone I contests. game, three game series, and never did understand. If you Of Things to Come avera~e. Bruce Conway has want my opinions on him, come Next year's squad should also the high average for the men, and see me personally. be a good one Returning for separated from Rex Walker, Buck Kelly really Mr. Clower wili be first stri~g- Bill Spangler, an_d Don Schmidt ers Skip Shear, Ralph Wilson by only a few pins .. and Dick E!gen. All three are wh~~~p~~e:~~gha:s~~,aPth!Ys!~~ . t~e trackstars Watch the Netmen players which ?emand oppo- are the league leaders in team FACULTY . I .to:ar~ ~ Prospective tennis players are nents. ~:spectf HIgh ho~~s.lare standings. But the 'I'err-oratta t m {esc ~ea~~~·t DIALOGUE ~::~::~men 0 O~';a~~z~ seen darting back and forth ;;pe~la y.uP] or/o~ng .150n£ have managed to win some mor- e !~~heI~~s te~~Vs~ :~~~:~nt~~rg;:::oc~~~~ ssz. an e~~Ser~~~~~~y~al~:l~~:~\~d :!or:~c~:\~~ih "Christianity and History" Fe~~ ~i~~~:~Vdkr.~~~·~\~,o~~~~~ ~;~~~~ :~o:~~wf~~:t \~i~~.~~.a~~~ f:o;:~: ~~rm~~~o~:s~l:t.a~;~~ League Standings: wins losses Speaker: Mr. Darcy izational meeting to launch the Hurt, who recently received na~ Kroe and Bucky ~elly, both Delta Pi Alpha 27 9 Respondent: Mr. Phillips baseball practice sessions. The tional recognition for his dedi- boardmc?,. WIll also be Pi Alpha Alpha 27 9 After Chapel baseball team will play 17 reg- cated contributions to athletics, Two .add1t;ons fr?m the Alpha Gamma Tau 25 11 guide the net- a 5 game will once again PLUS March 7, 1965 ula}" games during spring vaca- men. Be on the lookout for an . VarS1ty Wlll pOSSIblybe Iota Gamma Chi 16 20 21 15 Fass and Jim Reck. Phi Alpha Mu trip McDaniel Lounge The team will travel to open letter from The Profe~sor A Poet's Evaluation Delta Sigma KapIJa 14 22 the team Carolina, Tennessee and in a future issue of the GOLD It was Grantland Rice Freshmen 14 22 IVirginia. Rumors are that this BUG. wrote "For when that last Sigma Sigma Tau 6 28
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