Page 53 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 53
rhe Gold Bug, Mar. 19, 1965 3 McCready Heads Slate Of SGACandidates; Pass In Review Underclassmen Compete For Key Positions ROTC Honors Four DMS's This week has given us an op- the student apathy toward the the student body and the SGA will "contribute knowledge, ex- portunity to acquaint ourselves SGA. work together. perience, leadership, and en- As stressed in the February schedule accordingly. Cadet with the six SGA candidates and Beauty-Brains Vie vfee-Presidency Lures thusiasm to the SGA." 19 issue of the GOLDBUG, the Capt. Ronald Raadmond, S-4, is their platforms. Election time For Secretary Slot Experience, Enthusiasm Dan Maps Out Future of SGA Western Maryland College the staff· officer responsible for is ~fonda!, first thr~ugh sjxth Barbara Hetrick, a sophomore Ruth Bowden contends for the Daniel McCready runs unop- ROTC Battalion is organized the issue of uniforms, guidons, pe~1ods m the grille. Two- rociclcg y major, is running for office of vice-president. Ruthie posed for president. He plans and led by t~e cadets. th?m- weapons, and other supplies to thirds of the campus must vote, the office of secretary. Barb's is secretary of the SGA, a mern- to strengthen three major roles selves. In this organization, the cadets. e;en to elect the unopposed can- most outstanding achievement at ber of women's council, and a of the SGA. the top echelon is that of the These c a? e t s h.av.e b.een didates; Student teachers may WMC is the organization of the writer for the yearbook. Ruthie 1. Co-ordinating of student battalion staff. These men are awarded the tifle of Dist.ingu'ish- cast their ?allots bet~veen 6:3,0 Union Street tutoring service. feels that this year's SGA took organizations and activities. s~l~cted for their l"espec~ivepo- ed ~1i]jtary Stu.dent "f?l: dis- and 7:00 In .the grille. Lets Barb feels that the SGA must an active stand for the best ill- 2. Serving as a spearhead in SltlO?S as ~ .result ~f. their lea~- playmg ?utst~ndlng qualities of carefull.y review the hopefuls put aside some of its old meth- terest of the students. Concern- expressing desires, needs, and ership ability, ~lhtary upfi- leadership, high moral char~c- and grve them some more ods and must progress for a ing next year, she stated in as- complaints of students to the ad- tude, academic achievement, and ter,. noteworthy a cad e.m I c t.hought before Monday.' changing student body. "Mod- aembly, "This is the year that ministration. summer- camp performance. achievement, and exceptional Durity Runs Unopposed ern and dynamic" concepts must can b~; this is the year that will 3. Serving as a leading spirit George Harmeyer, a chemis- apti.tude. for military service." Harry Durity, the candidate be co-ordinated with the "stand- be." of the campus inproviding more try ml_lJorfrom Joppa, serves as I Designat.ion as a DMS confers for treasurer of the SGA, is a nrd and popular." Allan Ingalls, president of the opportunities for the, students bat.talion eommande:. Cadet upon .the cade.t the status of freshman majoring in political The second candidate for sec- junior class, is Ruthie's con- to become intellectually awar-e Lt. Col. Harmeyer IS charged, tentative selection for the honor science. Harry is a member of retar-y is Carolyn Seaman, chair- tender for vice-president. Allan of campus life, and encouraging the ACTION committee and the man of the Action Committee. belongs to Omicron Delta Rap- an increased interest in what is Constitutional Revision Com- Carolyn reels that the SGA can pa, IFC, and is b'i-captain of going on out~ide our college ... mittee. He hopes to contribute be effective only when it knows next year's football team. AI- community. ~::p~~ !~d~:-:l~d;~ ~==~~~====== ~~e'~:~~e!~l:ouv~~~~:~;.em~~ti~~ :~~n~tuo~~t~~l"c~\~~~a~~~~'t~r~~:~~'l~0~~~~ ~~: ~~~ds~~~e~~lbo~~ea~~~oad~cer~~~ ~~~;;~~~C~~~:~,~u~O~):~att~."hei~:~~~!~tb:o~~~ t~'~eel:~~~~,°ll~~~ LETTER TO News Of The Week In Brief THE EDITOR To the Editor; Stager Presents Recital At the one-day session an ap- nnd refreshments: Bids for the "What hm; the SG.o\ done for Next Fj"iday 1zigfLt, March 26, licant. lllay take the Common party will come out the week you?" The partial answer to John Stager will present an OT- Exam~nations, which include before Spring Vncatioll. t~is question lies in the dirty gan ree'ital (lot 8 :00 pm iJn Baker tests In Professiona.l Education .. * * little jobs on cmnpus that no o~c I /lJe1YU)rialChapel. John, a sen- and General Ed~catlOn, and one Delta Pi Alpha Presents else wa~t~ to do. The S.GA IS ~~~let:~soy:~r~;':i~~~U SfI~i~t:g:!f~ai~~n;~ Teaching Area.Exam- Lib~ll~a RJ!a.!lP~f:r~~at~~ed. The award want to make changes, this is tion drflmatizes the return 'lf cate With any fratermty mem- 1 goes .fo the .m.ember of AGT the time and the way to do it. Orestes to his native town ber or other freshman that has DIAMOND and w~o, !ll the ~pmlOn of their exec- Don't Eit back and put up ano!";- where he joins his sister Electra pledged a fraternity. Upon ac- l:tlve counCil, .demonstrates the )'lllOUSposters. Thc only people in the revenge of tbeir father's cepting a fmternity bid for WEDDING RINGS \;est s.cholarshlp plus the most thnt can uo t.his are those who death. Other well-known plays membership, the pledge will be Hamilton House Open an Account ~~J~~:~a~l~Jt~~~ b~~~n~~~~'~;St~~ ~~~;oln~~~in;ot~ll:ff:~' l~e t~~ ~~h~a~~':pei~~~l~e ~~~~tit~~~':: :~1c~~e:i~~n h~ ~~!~:~~o~:~~ aCfldemlCyenl'. m:Jking fools of themselves. If and "Dirty Hands." , i~.dicating his choice of frater- at Gifts for All Occasions II;====:- ~~~~~~~ ~'Ol1 ignore this election, it will The price for the excursion to mty. II These outstanding events em- DAVIDS Opposite Post Office unl).' prove to the administra- Washington, D. C., is $2.50 per body the formal rush procedure person and is open to all West- tion that we, as students, cannot How- JEWELERS J'ulc ourselves and need their ern Marvland students and fac- at \Vestern Maryland. are the A' party will be held fol- ~ver, as !mportant "guiding hand." nlty. NORCROSS CARDS 19 E. Main Street Diane Bennekampc) lowing the return of the group. ImpreSSions given by the fresh- man to fratern~ty .members dur- ing the early part of the school 'Vestminster - __ "';"_-:Z:=:_j I ;========~=========I year. These impressions will '-========='--=========11:========:; ENDICOTT JOHNSON Harris Pastry Shop most likely govern the opinion of the fraternity members in de- ;- • to SHOE COMPANY QUALITY CLEANERS Carroll Theatre 10 W. Main Street ;1!d!r~;S&F~::t~a~~r~:: I ciding to invite the freshman at~~ ~~;i~~tOe~;rtot~e~~;r:h~;t~~ & LAUNDERERS i'tIarch19-20 Fri., Sat. West.minster, Md. Order: TJ 8-314.5 ' fraternity. I~~~ Management and Staff of Quality Cleaners & "SYLVIA" Launderers is pleased to have been privileged to be of LEE'S MOTEL, Inc. service to the students of 'Y 1\1 C since December 1, PATIO ~_,andwich u. s. Rt. No. 140 1963. We trust our service has been satisfactory in every way. We at Quality are continually striving to March 21 _ 23 Sun. _ Tues. S.E. of West.minster be of greater service to you and your textile service SHOP Westminster, Md. needs. "FAILSAFE" T Featuring Phone TI lden 8·9095 15c Hamburgers March 24 _ 27 Wed. _ Sat. Thick Milk Shakes This will eliminat.ethe Pizzas _ Subs ~ winter garments home and then toting them back next "THOSE French Fries - Shrimp Boats JUNE BRIDES fall. Please discuss it with lIIother and Dad. Call for CALLOWAYS" Homemade Do·Nuts details, and remember this will cost you nothing until Inside Seating Plus Other Sandwiches Who Have Chosen or Fall. Rt. 140 E. of Westminster Phone 848·5860 Are Planning to Choose OFFICE - DRYCLEANING - TAILORING Aprill - 6 Thurs. _ Tues. Fostoria. FUR & GARMENT STORAGE "GOLDFINGER" Royal Don/tm! Crystal China 1 South Center Street, Westminster, Maryland Mintl)"l!. China FULL SERVICE LAUNDRY 1\IURPHY'S SCHMITT'S Ham'land China SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY & DRYCLEANING April 7 - 10 \Ved. - Sat. DRUG STORE Register at Englar Road & Monroe Street "BABY THE RAIN 6-8 W. Main Street T. W. Mather & Sons 848-8050 - Phones - 848·8051 MUST FALL" Russell Stover Candy
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