Page 52 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 52
The Gold Bug, Mar. 19, 1965 H~!~w",!~r,,,~~i!~~~~.:,:'d,:t:, Campus Responds To ,Appeals the SGA, Dan McCready, "It is time for this student body to become aware of world events outside the walls of western Maryland." To the Editor: To the Editor: meant to the college community contributed to the lives of indi- Ot would be nice if students were a~ least concerned with campus The Dean -of the Chapel has May I use your columns to to which you now belong. Not viduals and organizations. Most :rse;!:tin~ol~e ~~::e:t~nJe~C~tt~~~:~~!a~~s :~: ~~!i~~f~~a:s~:!~ f:~:~Oa~e!~;~ i;:e~~et~n i~a:~~ bring to ~he att~tion doftn:remi only was he a richly gifted ~fsa~~::~l~~~:~;::i~: of us with bly.) field of civil rights. This is the bers of t e facu h Yt n n~u :;e young man but he used those Even if you did not know him The eyes of the nation and of the world are focused on impression which may be body t?e fa~t. t d f ~u h s . gifts rather prodigally to en- personally, I hope that many the recent violence in Selma, Alabama. Contrast the concern of caused and this is tho danger of chat be~n: r~o.;ere th o;.~ e _PUI- rich the lives of those of us who will wish to respond with some the nation in the recent protest demonstrations in Chicago, De_ Dean Zepp's trip. case 0 .00 s. or : I ralY:~ knew him. None. of us will gift toward acknowledging our troit and Washington with the apparent unconcern and lack of What has actually happened \ menllOrial:0;9~ibe kBro';ln I soon forget the moving perform- debt to Al for all the ways in interesf" on this campus. is that one member of the col- ~ e c dis 0 d th t ecen y f ancea of Al in J.B. or in Inherit which he gave of himself to a Ch~i~~:'anZ(~~!~~df::n~~!~~nl~~te ~l:~d~~ ~~~n~;~ !~~~:;~u~~ ~~1~gC~~a~~~iihi~~: ~~~: ~~Ued t:~ef~~:I~~ve:i~.knot~ kn~~~:h!~, t:~i~~·e;~:~:r~h~~i~I~~O~~ ~~~~~!~~e y~!~s ~er!h:s c~l~~~= :~~~s~nodf ~:/ ~~:~~g~~:~d ht~!~th~: ~n~~gtrOat~:~isi:~~oa~:~! !~\":eopl~gt~~:e:o~~~~~~;~Z~h~~ ~~ow~ tom::: ny Ist~~~~~/o oe ~:t~7~etim~\og;~: \~~~~in;~n.~~~~:~;~r 1~!~yno~i~~·g~v~i~~S\~~~ undergone physical abuse while peacefully crusading for voting 01· not we feel called to do the Since we now have on campus Student ChristIan AssoclatlOn. help us to do thlS. rights are Americans. As·long as there are members of our na:' same, we should be proud that a generation of students \V~o He was a loyal and valu~d meJn- . You may send your contrib~_ tion who are persecuted and denied the rights that are supposedly one among us has the courage of did not know Al perso~ally. It ber of Gamma Beta ChI frater- tlOn to Sandra Roeder, Presl- guaranteed by our Constitntion, we as Americans should Ilrotest. his cony)ctions. But t.his is all. ~ay be ~iffic_ultto stir mtel'est nity. He served ably ?S a news dent ?f. the Student Christian It takes active participation to preserve a way of life, both You have not done your duty III contnbutmg funds. I am reporter for thc athletic. depart- Assoclabo~, or to Dean Zepp. on a local and on a national level. As 'Vestern Marylanders we and I have not done mine until sure that I cannot convey to the ment. I am sure that lD many Smcerely your~, 14 should be concerned and we must act to ensure student regulation we put into constant practice present student. body what Al other ways, unknown to me, he Charles E. Cram of campus life. As citi:zens of the United States we should also the principles of this revolution. 1;"'===""",====================== S rI4 be· concerned and act to ensure the freedoms and ideals of our Rightly conceived, these are the ".. ''''nt'S to AI...L,..,.rl-a,. of two M'r''M r' 0••' notion, Until ,11 peopl, i. thi, I,nd '" 'm, no on, i,,'m, Foe "m, ., th, p,i.d.l" ~J ..Jj U~ people who have waited 300 years, tomorrow is too late. Today is ot.her rev~lutions. One started Uj lUI." "tiD •.. ~I(I Co.nco.rd; WIth Lexm~on the day to wake up from this century-old sleep and protest the ot~er. WIth the CrnClfiXIO!l.A . t 1M and against violcnt discrimination! AI,. ' I Can our generation afford to bear the consequences of in- The prmclples are (1) a respect t"UITe 0 "ew ..ORten 0 IIR S lmll"e action? LJl\l and concern for all other human .,1 l' :1' ~~=============~;;",,= ~ve~~!sw~e:~~a~l; c~~~:~t)w~~~ During the Christmas vaca- of 010· Hawaii SU1nmer work I w-ill forget what the speCLk- Somebody Up There? ~~~se(2t~e~t::e b~~e~a~habt~~: ~~Oen,~i~~~beQl~:d~.~;n~~ra~o;~ ~:ni~.e:: O~~{:lf~e:W:'o°u~:t:~~;::pf:i~, 11~;~t::~mt~~e~eO!s ~: .,. rights of mean come not from ference of the National Meth- gethel·, renewing .and deepening shared won't fade M easily. the generosity of the state but odist Student Movement w~s ollr already-speCIal bond. J~y The air has leaked ou.t of the f(:OJn the hand of God" (quot- held in Lincoln, NebTRska. ThIS spea,ks for both of us (below) In balloon lIP(l'n which I floated ing our late President). was a week of lectures by. well- hel· 1·cport of the Conference. away fl·om Lincoln. As many Nudnikism vs. Individualism no~v~~~e~·~t~I~';;~;n:n~i~I~~~e~:= ~i~~wngr~~~~~ers~lU~~rg:iScd~~~~~~oh!a;~J~~:~:~~~t:sw~~:sin :x~::~~~e:n~~nl:CL~e;;;!tde~li~t~: lege community becomes a truly groups, a hootenanny, the per- vain, fOl· the week turned out to little world which was soon open society. Speakers have in- formance of t~ree new canta~as, be exciting and stimulating. kickcd out frlYln under me whoi'!, timated it and proclaimed it, bOlt Holy Communion, and most Im- Shared ideas, thollsCLnds of I landed back on "the Hill." they have not been taken seri- portant, the meeting of new and hands clasped in ulluierstandi71g, Howcver, the Teal test of th.e in- by Dean Zepp ~obrx:Y! If you are II confo~m- ously. It is imperative to tal,e wonderful kids"from all over the eyes meeting sqwJ,rely asking fluence of such an experience is All our talk and discussion 1st, J1:'s~for .the sa~e of bel?g this step, despite any temporary world. As delegates, WMC sent fO'i' honest answers, street COT- whether CLperson can stand up about dissent this year has not ~hat, It If you dId not eXIst sac r i f ice s of preministerial Louise Nelson, President of th.e ner debates in CLwindy city, dis- Oil. his own two feet and haVIl dethroned the campus and cul- many slg111ficant, person~l, or scholarships, athletic scholar- MSl"II;John Ballard, vice preSI- c·!lssions l~ntil 4 CL110CLnd sore thc ooll.1'CLgeto face the chCLl- tural god of popularity. We human way ~vhatever. It I~ n~t ships, or anything else which dent of the MSM; Joy ~olloway 1nuscles after grabbing CLfew lenges bTol!ght. to the fore after continue to pay homage to it in real populanty tha~ yo~ gam II will not handicap the quality of and Judith Jones_ Each one ·)f hours sleep on a hal'd floor, Ihe bCLlloon has been punctured. obvious ,;"ays. We dress (')r your ~wn personahty IS suffo- our education. Let the College the delegates presents one facet angry southernel·s, determined Thol·e's a song in lVest Side undress, as the case may be) for cated m the effort to conform. appeal to the Church for help of the conference that meant the yowlg lnen. and women, l.enelval, Story which SCLYS,"so-mewhere it, speak for it, compromise YOlt cannot be popular, m~ch in the name of the Church's most to him. need, l·elevance of the c1tuTch in thel·e's a place fOT us, a ti11l.6 standards for it, act for it, ~ess accepted. and love?~whlch Founder. So much is spent on Jack Seeks Involvement the wm·ld--i'tnp1·essio-n8 flood and place for l(S ." The place "make out" for it, and study for Il_lvolvesa dlffe_rent.thmg than things far less important. The . back as I think of the week in is here; the time is now; the it. A book entitled, "Ten Easy Simply populantY~l! .you are chapel itself is a luxury com- The emphasis on. a world ttl Lincoln.. challcnge is ours. S. . W'th praye?·. S ~t~~~~~sa~st~e'i~:~~t~~e :~~~~ fyno~;;no;\t~n~n~~t ~;h~~hex:o~~~:~~l~b~ti~;Sto ~~eths~a~,ll:~e\~: ::f~~!~o:e,Pf~~e~h:h.eOP~:i~:; ~================= of an ~cudemic interest in dis- formlty In~ltes .you. If you al·.. are proud to claim in the cur- lect1tre to the closing the ervlce I a wing' sent. a conformist,. If you look and rent legal proceedings, let us Throt!gh every address The PrIce Is High act..and talk hke ever~body else, make a contribution to the "wind of.revolution (was) blow- • PO~~lea/r~~e ~v:ce~~rn;;~ ~~;h~ ~~~~~~ ~~~Od~~i;hntd'a~~v:~1a~: ~~~'Sgr~~~~~~s~e:~~th~Ii~~~ld~~ ~%~;s, !!j\~~~~of:?:~g~~f~: What Jazz Rhythm Rocks Rafters ead If you arc popular, it means 4 lD fac~ slll~e ;t0U ,~re al- greatest need~hl!man beings, self has be~ S"1na.shcd... that you have conformed to all ready dead I~ pnncIPle.. of every description, intellectu- ~e need 18 a. ?lew ~~Ila.gc:-<= . nd the essential vadIU'th"t YOU For sOllle people, "religion is "not enough room to jitterbug." goahlsof ~h~~~r ~~PP!l~a~~~m~n1t~~i\~f~~ =~!.~!~~t:Pi;~~~~~h ~v~t:~~i~~ ~~:a~~~J. T~':uw~~;TOO B:!!~~ yo~rhp~ers An t· a th g ht a,:,e J From Death to Life Before the may yet save the world. Ch.urch ?·enewaJ e"l1thus1a.sts religion nnd jazz is jazz, and All in all, for these people the n.o.. a t~ cre~tlVe llou m Funeral." William N. Thais paillflllly cloar in protcst but never the twain shall meet." reaction can be summed up, ~x t man h s. Id rea y ~ean~ painfully lacki"l1g in creativity For others, anything goes. To "Spice is Nice, but not Twice." ha~e ~:u in~:er~~ . your sou an. R R h R 1- and deptll." . i\fT. LOllis Fischer, a backgroun~ of jazz c.omposed Swing Along With Zepp Th·· gt y II f h liFe eVlses U es; "Th.e Bomb l8 OUI''[ft"esent guar- by Summerlm and played by I 1\I~rnO d~ ca or ~ oea US antee of peacc." The Chris- Tom Bloom, Jeff Baker, Mike The people who onjoyed the : ~~: ..::n;o:;:'~ty.lsa-¥~:e~~~~t~'s the rmphaslzes Personal Contact nan's r~sponJJibility is to be in- Idoine, ar..dJoh~ Eiseroad, Dean service were impressed with the • not necessarily free from v?ll.lC~ 11!, thc center of r~VOll~- Zepp read scnptures and .led music and the \vay it seemed to danger of conf~l"mism. He ma~ ~. . . ., ;~m:slt:r:~:I:Yt~:fg~~':;:;~:d~c~ ~~::!l"V~~d a.l;~~;e~S~m~~;I~~ ~:~~~ce~Vi~n:h:tu~:~~a;:~d~~,i~: be as conformIst as any advo . ThIS sprmg WIllmark the sec- the precedmg year s freshman of actnal existence that God the congregation left early, pre- music fit the words so well that cate o.f the.s~tus quo. and year for the revised rush men returned as sophomore~. ·reaches man.' sumably because the service one could feel what he was say- EXlst~nt~ahsm Is Selfhood. procedure for the WMC fra_l~mokers for the four f~at'erUJ- I came awaY'fl.O'In the Confer- we~t. against th~ir concept of ing!" Anothel. comment; "In in:~:d~~l~;;. aa~aJI~~~~~~:!~~~~~~~;n~~i::·OfIt~et~~h~:t~:a~r:~~~~ I~~~~~::~~ ~f~~r ::::o~x~~:~:~ ~;;;o~:r::g GCLoJ.:r~~~:nn;l~dtl;: ;:I~~~P~.~:ye~~P~~!SI~~~t~aj~~~:~ ~~a~an~y c~~~~he:n~ve~;~~; r~~ f:~,~~f~!~ri;;~:~~~a:~~~:1 ~~~=~~~r:::Je~~~t~~s a :~r!~~lY'~~~~ I ~~ r~~~1p;tdt~e~o~e:e;~:rs~~~ ~:~lt~ ~.!la~:dl:gte,:: ~:~r:'~j~~!d s~!edsert~i~! ~~~~ ~s~~~~_,!Ol":~ld,th~T~:e~~noc: Ii~ son 'Ie meet, and to be. ~u'-I ferent system from the one used \\ere dls~l"I.buted.a week after stead, I ask how I can be in- much, but many added that th.ey should be a part of the church sel~es, a pers.on. ~V::ham i~ the spring of the last two th~ smokel .. ThiS. system af- volved, at the growing-edge of would n~t w~nt such a sel"vl~e just as well as anything else ... ~;~m;:~II~~V;~~s ~tr~veI~·st'~~~ I~:ears. . fi~~~ee~h~~eC/~t:~~~yth~e~~~~= ~xistence WheTe God reaches ~UI~ceh:~~r~IZ;~nd~;~ '~~~e 'i~1~:~~;:,~ss~l~dS~~s~\t::=nhrt~~ eve;'-"ybodyelse? I will tell you The old syste~ p~ovided for a men in social situations. 1Itam.. enough." sacred and the only thing for plamly who you are-you CLl·6~ormal rushpenod III the fall liS 7 Hours Determine Choice? Music Is Reward for Louise Fundament-alists Say No the church. Jazz is not saCl""-l- The new system was devised Fro))t the moment I walked in The reaction to the service ligious, but very expressive, and THE GOLD BUG ~:h~~~:e~~ ;~6~~~4~prl~ggP~~vti~~ffr~~:~~g~~etrr:~;c;~:~:;e1t:il ",,--,-;---------- -, ed for in the Constitution of the the three cantatas, Twas caught / TH!NJ( T/I!'/ I../JJ.ED ,.,. ; 811" publi~~~a~/\;~~kl: ~~w?ria:; t:omWS:;~~mt~~r~~;O~g~~I~~;;: !~~ke~~c: ;~:;:~:~~ly\V~~l~~~I~ ura~~n; :0:~~i1Il !te~u::a:~t ~~ V/I) Yo(/ t;VV If/We 7'0 /JjE 1j(t51r{ Entered as second class matter at the Post Office, Westmmster, Iv dist:ibute invitatio~s to meDJ- that 300 kids front allover this STI?~CT SU!O fOR ·771t "PojTJ..UO~? Maryland, under Act of March 3, 1879. bership. Each fraternity must cO'wn.try and fJ"lYIn otllm·8 co~!ld " also limit its smoker to three blend to s01md as one vOIce. --__'::::==::::":_:::::::"::":::::::'::::"::::::::::"':::''::::::'':':=-- __ Ihoul"s and its rush party to four For me this expel·ience WM one ~ hou,'" 01 th' moe' mean;nglnl lor 1 ~' ' LINE~fto~I_~!ctr:rEY ~ wi5h~: :e~~I~nt~~r~r~\~Oe~~ ~~~!n~er::~s~tw:/rm~p of vel1/ _..b:. ALVA BAKER ~ '" Pi Alpha. Alpha Gamma Tau Th~ three cantatas that we~e ~ Business Manager 'I" ... will hold its smoker on April 8, '[ft"C1nteredby the ClrO"J"1_I.-8at the PRESS Pi Alpha Alpha on April 13, and Conference were WTlttf'1b by _ ~~ " Murphy Alice Cherbonnier Gamma Beta Chi will hold its three conte-mpot"ary CO'lnp08crs. :"Il Judith Rowe William McClary smoker on April 20. Smokers The text was taken from the News Editors David Carrasco Feature Editors ~~~~e~~rt';,inb~~nt~:~e~!~~y e~~~ ~;:kr;:'U;:iO}~~G~s::~ o.~fJ~~: Sports Editor elude an introduction to eaeil composers had a veTlJ d~fferellt L:::'~.q-'C_ _:s,=o!__;'~:_ __J ASSiI;~~!, ~tiA~~~i~~:~~a~~~~ib~~r~!i~~~r£~~~ldnet ~~a~e:~i;lai:~~n~e\nS~~e ~~~~ ~~!~::~~,ti~7tho~;~ v~J·%.:~ can be fairly neatly divided into the church is one place where Heath. ;,peaker whose to~ic may range in the modern idiom, was very pro- and con- camps. The peo- people should be able to expreSi; Advertising Manager; Diane Bennekamper. tmorl·;;:~~eEr~e~!,"n';,a.ME~~",.~d:ce~id~!~d[·ChuckMIller.MIkeKmdler.Roger (Continu{'d on page 3) fef·eru;e W(lS the planned rennion only disappointed that there was ligious experience.
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