Page 46 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 46
2 The Gold Bug, Mar. 5. 1965 Selective Electives Letter To The Editor Our Haunting Past ties !:h:~it~:~P~a:rP~:n~;:dr8a::s~at~~~nIad:~~em;i~:r~~:~P::d TO~~:tE~i~:S: five people thel:~~~s ~:;;in~i:o l~~:~ ~~!~~on: by Dick Clinc this t.ime! as at all times, any enriched curriculum. 'Voe to the student who enters this great 7"ightto speak for 200? In ask- could vote for a crest that Since the Woman's Council loud jesting- or so-called horse- institution of Western Maryland College with high hopes of ex- ~ng this question, I refer to the wo~ld be representative of the has ~~me out ~vith.thei.r latest pI~'y IS gross." (Nasty, nasty l) perimenting in many fields of knowledge. He quickly discovers, Issue of the freshman class entire class.? Although.West~r.n 7'end~tlOnof l\h~-Vlctorlan leg- At Breakfast .. to his dismay, that most major fields of study are channeled into blazers? Maryland IS a Methodist affili- islation concernmg the morals The ccnveraaiton should be one narrow viewpoint. After fulfilling the basic requirements for At one of the first meetings ated college, the people who se- on Camp~s, we thought it would anima~d but dignified. At the graduation and the requirements for a degree, in a major field, about- blazers, we decided to lected the cr.est seem to have ex- be well If the rest. of .Cam~us s~e time all due care and eau- there are only a few hours left to be filled by electives. have several crests on display eluded Jewish and other stu- could read what so inspjred our tion should be taken to retain Here's the rub-e-there is a vast lack of useful and st.imulat , when we ordered the blazers. dents whose religions are not fine young ladies. This feature, control of one's orange juice (on ing courses to be taken as electives. The most desperate need at Each person was to vote for his sy?"bolized by the. er~ss .. Is it we hope, will answer the re- gal~ days we have cr'angesl) , as the moment is a JOURNALISM course. The "Aloha" staff, the favorite crest and the one ra- fall' to shove a nunorrty .mto a ~ues~s.'!lade by so many of the l~dles never descend, to physical :Csoe~~r~s~a~~~~~p~n~~h:r':G:~~p~~;~'::a:U;l~:h a~~;::~~~g p:;~:~ ~~i;!:~ o~h~hem;~~ke~~teswould ~~~k~fsrt~: ~:~.t~;t~~~~fa~~~s lD~U::~I:~'e Gold Bug of March ~~os~ntc~~;n:o\~~~!~ft~l~o~~~~~~ and books and we can obtain no training in the basic elements of At a later meeting we decided 1 hope that this type of action 22, 1928, a column entitled "As temporartea with frUIt extract." our work. to forget the class' crest idea will not become symbolic of the You Like It"-Rules for the (We. do~'t have enough trouble "Apathy, apathy-the students are apathettc!" is the com- and to use the school crest. Class of 1968. 1 feel ashamed Proper Conduct of the Young makmg It, to breakfast, do we--- mon cry from the higher powers. This time we're not apathetic. Also at this meeting, cranberry of m_yfive or te,: classmates w~o Ladies of WMC: 0 no, we ve got to be cheerful Quite the contrary-we're asking for a course that would be use. was selected for the color by a earn.ed out this .undem?CratlC "Upon Rising. . to~.. No wonder we had a de· ful both now and after graduation, especially to future teachers. very small majority of those at- election for something- so impor- The decreed hour is anywhere PlesslOn!.) . How abol!,t it? I..JI\I tending. tant ~ t~e enti~e cla~s. If they from six to six-fifteen, this left "Morning- Worship When I was measured for my can Justify their a?hons, I ask to the discretion of the student. The morning chapel should be blazer, I saw no crests to vote them t_oanswer me III a letter to Thus the students will have am- attended both by the students, .i for, so 1 assumed that the school the editor. pie. time to dress and engage in and by their spiritual advisors, Somebody up '''ere? ;~~st ~~~ultn~:gf~:d'myThs~I~:~~S~ ~~n;:;l~~' ~:~~~~tio~li~!f!~:u:r~~kaf:~t,.c~t ~~~fi~~~~e~~.t~hi:enoJ~:s~~n~: when I found a gold outlined and souls of young ladies, and leaf with a white scroll and a f~11:~;~~su~~e~1~h~!a~:~ig~~~~~Student Reviews Old Gripes; rigid attention should be given. COIIlUlunication Is :'n~i~¥ae~\:~leSI~;:i~;!f'i;i~~~i~~~ th'k~~~,hr have found out that Is 'Basic Barf' Valuable? Core of Community the words, "In His light, we see rection of the- gentlemen will either five or ten people, no one ,~~~h~Sen~~~e::S~~~iJlr~~~:~~:e'Z (I der you an object of odium." is sure of the exact nUlJlber, se- Questioning the v~lue of educa- the inconsistencies, seemingly wondr what kept them awake in b D Z lected the design from three tion courses: Itrivial assignments, and long chapel.) l~: ~~~eo!~e~::~ in~~sb~olum~ ~~ am:~~:~ o:a::~o~tt~:~~\~~ ~~!~v~r~:~:dm!~:do~~~!~:e;et~~ ~: ~Voh~~ego~:uca:t~o~he~~dents~~~~~i~~!; I~~l~~re~:~~~h!~~n ~~ i~e~~:~::nd ~ager attention comm ni 1"a "ou~ p;o em 0 ( o:v~r 0 :ab~l), may \;e be pie why we didn't use the school learn anything from required the college education courses? should be displayed. Never be d' ~ t~a Ion t~S ;r ~o~e remlll e~ t at If we deSire a emblem, he said that someone, visual aids, guidance, and prin- Examining the 'gripes' in too confident in your remarks ~~ IC~ ~~ a ma. er 0 met.o . commmmty here we should be he didn't know who, said that ciples courses?- light of these purposes I be- 2nd always defer to the words ~iO~S::a d:i~yne~npe~~:~u~~:~ ~~I~ec~~~e:er~e~vbe~U;n~a;~ni~fi~~;e~~iSc~~s~r:~s\~h~'l~~e:n,~r~~~ be3ju~~0:!dp~.~~a~~udd~~~~i~c~~~ ~~:er:;:otn o~~dC~et~~~di:~ :~: ~!h:~Urter~g~~~~~u:t~;~~ial~r;:. ~s ?mptomatIc of ~ far deeper mtely more concerned about senior class have a crest? Also, ture without all the so-called ed- so-called 'madness' of education. tention is that of note-taking. O~~re~~rC:i~~: ~~r hfe ~get.he~; knowing each other's "name." why couldn't the privileged few ucation 'basic barf' courses? Thus, the education depart;.. It is quite disconcerting to a points t( a mor~o~~~:~C:JIO:s_ to \t~fe e~:~:::.o~h~o:r:;i~~~:~: ~~~tSh~e\~~~r:~~~t:~e~~C:;e~ ~~~~:~so;en%n~~~etI~;~€~a~~Utl~~ r'ronress 'S Ir'roliuctive,. tr.angement in our relationships JM'.~(It I IJ J, the minds of future teachers? Iy prepares its futUre teachers scratching of an anxious pen. rr,r. With .one another. J Enumerating somc of fhe for the hard facts of public ed- Naturally and properly, stu- mouse game "71 Is It not true that we playa:l B M A prominent gripes- ucation. dents are disturbed at the loss ki!ld of cat and Not one of LJ "n"~s ew ''''S';nLt of any possible information, 'but With one another? ·.:'II1n their first consideration should us is innocent of duplicity, MJ :I'iI. IIJ :I II, ,:," ·""' ..... LETS SeE - 'Iou (,,0"10 ""'o~ H(&H ~ be for those who are at its doubletalk, conniving, jockeying. :#a ~~O;:A "" "To C"""JE"I'I!.LF/I'"P Aria ,/0" r.;.o ,,\ ,\( I ~ource." (The composers of \\\ l;/ for position, or scheming for by Dcan Robmsl)n In my judgment, the raj;e of <> "p,,"L'5 rI/Yr.· .." ~~ this document were evidently t~;;~r ~P;~i:SI~v a~:d:~~c j:a~~\~th!tf~t~:gbn~~~:!~s~~b;e ~~!:~1;:~ltrhr::r;~;~~ \~:l\th~naveth= ~ . ~ ;~!~rr~~~r:o ~:Cohn~;s"~:,n :~~ ties and staffs who are "red in in life until after it is gone. profo~rrd effect on the char?ctcr ~ many need.) "If anyone has tooth and claw." We hide behind Things change so suddenly and of the undergraduate expenence such poor breeding as to pass Oll r personalities (perSQ1lae- without advance warning, that at 'Western Maryland College. you a note in class, take it but masks) and, admittedly, it is we are often witnesses to mo- New Breed Breeds Change do not read it. Be woman ~::~jJf?~;iil;~,~:~~~~;:~f~;~:;:;;';;",,~~~;::;h;;;~#:f:v}~irt;g:i~:~~~~f:~ lE~t:r~~t:;::~~:;\r~~~l So.let us ?e honest. Our pro~ alize, at that moment, that our centered faculty of the thirties Iy were not able to read any. lem IS manifestly not mechB:llI- lives have been permanently is about to be replaced by a mo- how.) "It is agTeed that faint- cal, but personal; no_t haVlng changed and will never quite be bile, society-centered generation. ~;t 8l~dlt~~~~~neslsa~~~lii~dY-~~:~ ;~i~~i~gt~o~~~n~~otb;I~:e :::~:r;_ ~~: ~:~eat a::!~~aJ~; t~:!ini~ thi~l~e~~~!:~ ~:~u~!~i~O~! ~~ ~;:~:;;~;-;~~~::;;;~;;;;;~~::=~~~::~:~:':~hn~eJ~"I:O~:~~:'::~;~)~(~In="=Ub- ~~g\.:~;;hebe~~~~en~~e~ee:~~~ ~~~;~ i~no:;\'~~:;sesi: :~::v~~ ~~~=~:r~~~:.upt Bao~~p~~~~~s .1. Since early in grammar so. why Up Periscane meet, not the right word, but fimshed and a new, uncertam lh h d t' f d . g school we have known how to the 7"ig~~relationship; not the one is beginning. m:tur::i by I:-:~s,oand ~~:e:~I~I~~close window-blinds, :ru~t~~lc;~~t~.f reports, but acts Change is inevitab:ej progress est benefactors of the welfa~e ~;:~~d :~~c~~i~e;eb~e:~ ~~~~~l~~ ,., .,. . I su~mit our communica- ~c~: or may not be Its by-prod- ~::~' t~~i: ~~\;k f:ul~~es:;:! I' by. bein~ ,giv?n instruction in ••• • hon WIll J;>eImproved when we . .. Maryland College as those the' ~hls baSIC art for college cred- TurnIng POInt 111 South VIet Nam? ce~se mampulating one another, TranSItIOn Brmgs Tremors ;;ucceed have done. Jilt? ~~~~~ne~~eWi~~o~~:r~n:~~er~~~~M!;y~~~~ ~~iJ~~:~~~tp~::~tl;~ h Unlike t;heir prdeftssors, di:;u~~dth~~:~~~, ~haeve~;sto~; p,.obaS~ ~~: ~.~:; thought ~~!a~h~sS~~!~~~~~o::~e~~~~t~~ when we begin to treat one an- reached the point where basic owev~.~ I eton~w d ~c.ur da: and purpose of education. What about of current eve~ts are the wants to share the spoils in l ~~~erh~~~~rs~~~1~~~~1p~utt~: ~~~g~f ~~~n~~~i~~th,::ei:raep;~e~ ~~~wn~~ :at~r .~~a~dI~~a~~in! ;:e::;~~~t=nr;a;~~ ~a~~et~nd~~: ~~I~;; ~~t~~~:r ;~:Ikl~~~i~i:~ ~:~;~n~~et~:~. ivt~~~io~~o~:'~ s uni.ting. and ,reconciling ~ove hensive, but exciting. ;f thise~s;~Ptf;: i~ncorre~t,e;~~ 0wn all of the so-called knowl- people, having been accustomed suspicions would be confirmed. ;~~c~ ~a~.ods most precIOUS th~ti~:~~b~~a!~~e ,~~t ~~c~~: ~v~~uaet~~~~~~i~~~h:~\a:re:::~ ~~~e a~~inh;Vt:oa~~~u?late~. Is f~l~SS~O~~;~;~~~hsin~v~e;,:e:~~ :t~~:a~~r;~~' :~~n~es!~: ~o::h lna~much as ~he .first break- cnd that change in our case will so during the past 25 years. .3. When It com.esto trymg to the recurnng guer~'llla ~ncI- ylet~amese people, greatly dis_ down In commumcabon occurred be beneficial, not disruptive. There are advantages and dis- dIscover the attnbutes of good d~nts, and the locahzed VICto- 11iuSIOned by the anarchy in ================== advant~~es to faculty turnover. =;e'!nsb~~ b~a.~~e~~e t~~u~:~~~ :~:~kae~db~e~~~tA;:rneiS~~~~i~~I,;~~~::,n;::~!d :n~ar:~e guerilla THE GOLD BUG ~sa~t:::u~tal:;::Se ~~~~::~:es ~::~fe~~~ras~~~~~eIVee:~mp:he~~ ~~~;:~~ S~~tees~a~;~.t~~~t ;~~~ W~~~: ~:t~~eG~:~~:;;s~:~::n if b19~~a1.studklt new~~rr Wgtern Maryland College, ~~e:~~.~~~~~~' ~i~~ll~~: f,~~n~ ~:c~er~ 1~:rt!~~I~nn!~ei:d;:~ ~~~~i~~m~~!~aTadndw~~~f~lw~h~~~:~i:~ t~~eho~vfi~tm,:il~p'a;;:ctqute:- y k~t::ed as ~':;~~d ~l:;s m~tt~y ~o~ ppt:o'ffi r t~oufh. Mt · side" world-the other great i,.n- education department. ing, the fact is that for several course of the waT. There ar: r Maryland, under Act of M!!rch 3~ 1879. os ce, es mms er, stituti0n~ of our. l~nd. New What Are Its Purposes? months we have been losing the those who say that it will great- , faces brmg new ms,ghts~ and AllY timid futUre teacher ex- war in South Vietnam. In re- Iy limit our frame of action SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $3.00 A YEAR demand a constant evaluatIOn of pecting himself to be miracu- cent months, advocates of "ne- making OUI' responses depend~ our programs. lously transformed by the edu- gotiation now" have ~prung up, ent on North Vietnamese initia- Although we stand t? gai.n cation department will be sadly leadin~ many includmg. ~yself tive. This seems to me to be too LINDA MAHAFFEY much from new perspecb.ves, It disillusioned. If, however, his t? beheve tha~ the Admllllstr~- narrow an interpretation of our Editor~in-Chiei would not be unduly caubous to sights are set on more realistic tlOn was putbng out feelers In overall policy. The AdministTa- ALVA BAKER measure ou.'"steps wit~ care, or and attainable goals, the educa- this area and that it eventually tion has not adopted a totally Business Manager run. the ':Isk o~ lOSing those tion semester can be more re- WOUld.resort to some. sort of new and rigid policy; on the cherIshed ;ntanglbles. that tool{ warding. negotlO~ to fill ~he P?hcy vacu- contrary, it has added a dy- Alice Cherbonnier a century m the makmg. One of the purposes of educa- urn whIch was In eXlstence. namic factor to its present William McClary Western Maryland College is tion courses is to introduce the Why Escalate? policy, giving it a definite shape Feature Editors a fine and noble institution per- prospective teacher to the condi- What, then, is behind thi~ and yet making it more flexible David Carrasco forming its duties in a superior tions and realities of the teach- seemingly distinct change of and effective. All the whi1e Sports Editor fashion. Those that are here ing profession. This may be policy - the U. S. attacks on emphasizing that we seek "no love her not only for what she done t.hrough lectures, reporti>, four strategic areas inside the wider' war," our government ASSiI~i~!,~A\~r;Ti~~:~a~~~~ib~~r~!i~~rl)~~;tdnet ?"ay become, but for what she and class discussions. The pre- borders of North Vietnam? has proved that it will back up Heath. Advertising Manager: Diane Bennekamper. IS. teaching class periods often take Communist guerrillas mad e its commitments to the South the form of student-led discus- several attacks destructive Assistant Advertising Manager: Joanne Lieblang. The Let Us Look Forward pro- sions on such topics as non- the past year sim!lar to those in Vietnamese. future the certain As for the near that fact Publishing Editor: Alva Baker. grams or procedures are incor- teaching d~ties in th~ high at Pleiku and QUI Nhon with air strikes will probably' not Editor of Art and Photography: Judith Goldstein. porated at other institutions is schD?I,.gett.lllg aio~g \Vlth. th.e no significant U. S. ~·esponse. ?ring any significant changes Typing and Copy Editor: Dorothy Dragoo. not, in itself, an adequate rea- a?mmlstratlOn, fittmg the Ir:dl- There are several pOSSIblecon- In the war. The tension, the Circulation Manager: Lynne Marck. son for their adoption heTe. 'iVe ~,dual's conc~pt .of !earmng siderations which, added to just guerTilla incidents, and the gov- Exchange Editor: Carolyn Henson. are obliged to investigate each mto ~he t~achlllg SItuatIOn, and plain frustmtion, provide II ernment coups will probably Photographer: Maurice Browning. proposal for progress in light of teachmg In the modern class- plausible reason for our escala- continue. In fact, most experts Pamala Graffan.the unique responsibilities that room. tion of the war. The first is evi· agree that complete elimination . DorlsBr~wn. belong to \Vestern Maryland Practicality Is Best dence of increasing impatience of the guerrilla menace is prac- Lathcol'.DIane College alone.,. Or the same end may be real- on the part of the A~lIerican tically impossible. In the long . . 'iVith full appreciation to ized in a more subtle way. For people that U. S. pohcy has run, however, our firm stand ~;;::~:~"i~~a;oi~;;:;~~~~~Titt:~~~.c~~:~~~ri!.~n~\!~O~~~~~i~aa~!!~~- ~~?:i::~~~~g \~~~ ~::; i:~r~a~;:aar~Pl~,o,~O\: b:~;~~v~:I~~~~~: :~ft::f n~h:~:~~a~~:t r~~~.~sa~~ :ig:t p~:~::uto n~;o:i:~i~~t~~r:~ CarolWllkenson,Kri.tine Miohelsen.Mary Ann Julia. . ness, let us look forward with cream cone tastes than by ac- more Americans are being the North Vietnamese, one cOPYEI~~~dB:~"'n~ai,i~c~:Jr':!~'i~.Mat"$:aretFi.her. Karin HeM.Gail GraCEy,confidence t_othose who. will be tually tastin.g strawberry ice k!Jled. Als~, the pre~en?e of So: based on a p~sition of strength sl'or!'di!!:eE~:iC~:::'''e.~~~:e;d:cl,~id~~rde{ChuckMiller.MikeKindler,Jtoger ~;!7;~~~e;th the remalllder ofI ~;:a~; o~: 1~:~~'P~e~n~~;~t~~~ ;~~otmf~~~'e:idK~:~!I;d I~V~:~~~ ;:~er~~:s:~~~gso~th ~~~~~~~~c
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