Page 44 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 44
4 The Gold Bug, Feb. 19, 196.5 Clowermen To Host Mount St. Ma'ry's Tonight (agers ToPlayBelore (opacity (r~~tI; MatmenContinue Winless Season on their imi- 19'::id:~:I;!~~:~'~~written wrestling meets P eight team has suffered just as many defeats. The team is a young one and has had a large be replaced by share of injuries this year and they cannot be criticized on this account. However, a majority wsi. o~ the ,~restlers lack an etten- srve spirit out on the mats and dod's resignation does not be- present a mediocre performance. come effective until the end of The team has been sparked the college year Coaches Clow- occasionally by a few match ei- and w.iil assu~e major ~~~~. l~,t ~~z.a~~~~~~";, °Ge~:;~ responsibility In planmng Schwebler, and Bob Moore in re- spective weight classes of 157, 167, and 177 each won a deci- sion. In a drumming by Loy- 34-2, Moore tied his oppon- for the 2 points. King Hill, lbs. weight class, Schwebler, Moore won decisions against Gallaudet as WMC lost 19-9. Gettysburg handed the team a 27-2 defeat February 10 at Gettysburg. Schwebler provid- in.'",.in"., <" the grapplers with their only western I~'"." in tying his opponent. past Monday the matmen fell to Dickinson, 27-2. Gary Kulick provided the only high- light with a tie in the unlim- ited class. Speaks Well of Students In commenting on his years at the college, Coach Waldorf , said, "I feel that the students and athletes at the college with top five whom 1 have had first hand contact are a particularly wonderful are Shelton, Creighton, group of people. The large participati~n of the students in the and Harmnntas. athletic program has been an enccurag-mg aspect of my years be . to 110te weetem Maryland." Ever so often, in the world of sports, averages differ only top by which significantly alter the landscape of athletics. The reasons the are madel[=:~~~~~~~l changes Terrorettes Drop . the team is in the be said, is. that the students, both athletes and non-athletes at are seldom given and usually they are unimportant. What should Season Opener of firing in the Second college, ';lsh to extend many thanks to ~ob Waldorf for the program at he has made to the athletic Intercollegiate Postal eontrtbution This match is fired by Maryland. ~========;I schools in the should be Ir--------, ""_"~..",,,.C" and scores Second I "-========:; sometime in March. Mysterious footsteps on the match fired last year the snow covered track mark the ENDICOTT~oiiN"SON' r the top third of first sign of the coming track -SHOE COMPANY which fired, and season. Hark! 1 hear the hope that they can do hom of "Calvin" cry. - 10 W. Main Street . this year's match. Hamil tou House Westminster, Md. Gifts for All Occasions Sandwich LECKRON Opposite Post Office SHOP GULF SERVICE NORCROSS CARDS Featuring W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. 15c Hamburgers Westminster, TI 8-9876II~=======~ Md. Thick Milk Shakes TI 8.6929 II Pizzas _ Snbs Frenc~o~~~ade ~~~~.itsBoats Road Plus Other Sandwiches ~~~=h~OU"='====~:====~~p~hon~~848.~586o~~~s~em~.ce==:II~ED5T~~~N Charles Lindsay's Holiday Greetings cos~~r:~:a~:d;~~:!eALSCarroll Theatre 1ft HOMESTEAD INN FOR RENT . from ,Phone for Appointment 15 Washington Road Fri., Sat. Feb. 19·20 Westminster 75 W. Green St. TI 8-4630 Authorized dealer in Serving the Finest Foods QUALITY CLEANERS "BECKET" Pizza - Sandwiches & LAUNDERERS Join the IMPERIAL Platters Sun. _ Tues. Feb. 21 _ 23 Management and Staff of Quality Cleaners & Charm Club "WHERE LOVE CHRYSLER STUDENTS WELCOME Launderers is pleased to have been privileged to be of HAS GONE" service to the students of W M C since December 1, AT 1963. We trust our service has been satisfactory in PLYMOUTH every way. We at Quality are continually striving to COLONIAL W"'. Feb. 24 be of greater service to you and your textile service needs. "HIGH AND LOW" VALIANT ANGELO'S JEWELERS 32W. Main St. Thurs. _ Wed . Italian Dining Room vy . 'Westminster, Md. Feb. 25 - March 3 winter garments home and t em back next fall. Please discuss it with Mother and Dad. Call for "FATHER GOOSE" 279 E. Main St. details, and remember this will cost you nothing until Buy Five Charms _ Phone 8018-28-18 Fall. Get One Free. Westminster, Md. 85 W. Main St. 1 South Center Street, Westminster, Maryland Thurs .. Sat. March 4- _ 6 848·4141 Englar Road & Monroe Street 'n IS not ~ecessary to "GET YOURSELF Westminster, Md. 848-8050 - Phones - 848-8051 purchase them at one time. A COLLEGE GIRL"
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