Page 51 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 51
_:~:esternMarylarld College Je~t;t::1i.l1ster, ljlj. SGA , W4t ~nlb Jug Colts - Return Election toWMC p. 3 p. 4 Vol. 42, No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND March 19, 1965 CAMPUS CALENDAR Sir Rahindranath Tagore ded- icated one of his long poems, March 19 - Ap,ril 5 "Krishnakali," to Dr. Hazaree- singh in 1940, which Mrs. Haza- March I9-0berlin Group, 8:15 pm, Alumni Hall reesingh will read during the March 20--National Fraternity Workshop assembly program. Dr. Haza- SOS Spaghetti Supper, 5·7 pm, Grille reesingh was made an honorary Alpha Gamma Tau-Colts Basketball Game, member of Tagore's university 8:15 pm, Gill Gym "Spaghetti Anyone?" in A~::;;~:~ke:n-~:~g~azaree_ !\larch 21-C~~:;~IDean Zepp, 7:15 pm, Baker Memorial Cry SOS Workers ~~~:i~~f:;·ef::h~i~~.:i;::e t~~ March 22--A~~e:r;obl:~~~I:~~~o~:irgh Hazareesingh, gh~~~ d~~~erw~m~~~~:r:t;~:~ 1913, is generally considered ~b~h~~~~ef~~~: ~~~gpp:: ~Wld~ytn!"0Unge 5 and 7 pm, in the Grille. The "the representative poet of In- menu will consist of spaghetti dia" and "India's cultural am- March 23-National Players' presentation of "Hamlet," with meat sauce, tossed salad, bassador- to the west," He 8:15 pm, Alumni Hall French bread, and a beverage. two of his three children are stated, "I have been very much March 26---Delta Pi Alpha Open Party The GriIle will be converted for living in and will return to l'tfauritius in inspired by the teachings of Ta- Senior Organ Recital, John Stager, 8:00 pm, the evening into an Italian res- June. gore and have tried to put into Baker Memorial Chapel taur ant, with soft music and Dr. Kissoonsingh Hazaree-I Teachings of Sir Rabindranath practice some of the ideals of March 27·April
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