Page 42 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 42
2 The Gold Bug, Feb. 19, 1965 Voice Without Vote "We Four" Evokes Epitome Of Student Art; ~:t~::!'i::~~':.~,;~;·:n~":::;,;~~Y,,:::;,:~.~t:t:~:~I~vete. Experimental Efforts Make Exciting Exhibit Last year the student . a motion before body defeated . The Student Government Association supposedly IS the one ~:~~:~.~~"!h~:~?::~;:!~~:E~:::.~~r,:~:~:~\~\:~t:~i1~:i:February17 marked ;~i!'~}~~::;~~~~~:~~!:~:~::,~~~:!i"~~:;~;;~;;;~d:~J .. question is, how effective is their vote! Class meetings are no- opening of a special student ulty are urged to visit this fine Trumpeter. A member torloua for their poor attendance and etten the representative is show of the works of Mara exhibit. of WMQ artistic talent! current Vice-President of forced to vote without knowledge of his respective etass' opinion. son, Elaine Mexico Inspires l\1~ra rna Sigma Tau, she is also Classes should retain their votes, but the sororities and Gosnell, and Mara Dilson, one of the stu- captain of the cheerleaders ternities should also have a vote. Their activities cover This dent artists whose work can be served on the F. A. G. In ~:~~ :~~e~:n~u~;fC:;i:~ '::r ~~;:e~:n~i!~:hbeecSaO:!:1the ::=r~r i~r~msSn~~~:n~;:t-~~~~a~eor~:~:!~ht~~~:i~~~;r °il~~~:~t.print's covered by classes and Greek societies are entirely different. say. After college she plans to Fuses Two Muses the SGA is responsible for ALL activities, ALL organizations teach art at the secondary level Another student artist and should have a vote. in the northern New Jer-sey art major, Elaine Recent action by the SGA drastically affected the plans of one of our fraternities; yet, as a group they had no effective area. In the summer of 1963, hails from Woodbury, voice. This is regulation without representation. More than 75 per cent of the student body is a member of one of the social societies, yet as a particular group they have no vote in governing body of WMC. Presently the four sororities have one vote in their ISC presi- dent and the four fraternities have one vote in their IFC presi- dent. I propose that this be amended by removing their power and giving each society a single vote. The IFC and ISC would not be rendered powerless, but would remain as a co-ordinating body for their respective organizations. LJM Casey's Last Stand: Aches Are Aids To Growth took part in a Latin I sey. After graduation in June, Amer-ican study Program and Elaine plans to spend her sum- was instructed in oil pai.nUng mer in further' art study with at the University of Americaa, a-six week.course a"t the Rhode Mexico City. Her' favorite type Island School -of·Design (Provi- of art work is \vjth oils and col; dence) , and a four week course Invisible Wall Prevents • - ~ .,.. 1 • Personal Contact ,'The Haunting Past - '~Of Human Bondage"
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