Page 41 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 41
Library :esterll Maryland College Wi:~liR~ rf.~F'tU~ll cn! r:1 UI:jJ 1'; ee 'c. l:L~.i.r;;',,"'1'. .~d. "We Four" THE' Cagers In GOLD BUG Up Tight Gallery One For Mount p,2 p.4 Vol. 42, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND February 19, 1965 IFC·ISC Spotlights Ian And Sylvia February 26 WMCEnters Glamour Search Decision Near Greek Weekend Provides Midwinter Fun For "Best Dressed" Coeds In (ourt (ose With Hootenanny, OpenParty A t Frock's Glamwur magazine has in- can Airlines tor a visit as the Nation Awa~ts vited colleges across the coun- guests of the magazine. The In State AId try and in Canada to help them honorable mention winners will Final evidence find the "Ten Best Dressed Col- be featured in a fall issue of t roduced in the lege Girls." As in years past, GlwmolU', Wes~!n M~ryland will be Editor Replies The case is destined to , At u tim~ wh~n e~e.ryone participant ill the answer to the question pealed to the United States owns a guitar IS tr-ying- to the guidance of is Glamour interested in preme COUI't and will set the in on the folk music Council. the 'Ten Best Dressed precedent rei- aid to church er- Ian and Sylvia stand , Ten 'WMC ,coeds were Girls'!", Kathleen As- filiated colleges and universittea the crowd by virtue ed as candidates for Editor-in-Chief re- throughout the nation. tegrity and good >e"" mnerenc Dress.ed." T~e~ are : '. feel the years when In the last day of testimony in their every Akagi, PatnCIR A n a young woman is in college are in Anne Arundel Ctrcutt Court, tation. They have Jac~u: Bland, Pamela Graffa~, the most formative of her life. a 21 point test was proposed to and enthusiasm Malone Engel, Astred Generah, The education she gets during distinguish a secular from a with a song that Carol Morelock, Dorothy Mun- these years should mold her sectarian college. The proposed for them until dy~ S.usan Snodgrass, and Carol into a well-rounded, intelligent, test was outlin~d on January 19 ~heil' . Wllk~~mpus Selects. WilJ:tie ~~::P;::s~~~' i;t~;~~~~gth~tt~~~= ~~e ~~~:~e ~~!~~'{eh~~~~!:nco~~~n~delicl1te ?urmg an election III the test it is our hope that being atituticnul la,~' committee. um~y. Through th.e. . grille We~n~sday, February 17, well-dressed and well-groomed The last I fol' the de- then'. ?wn personalities into Carol Wilkie was selected as is an integral part of an educe- fense was Reverend rendition of-a song, they are WMC's choice for best dressed that develops the well- Paul C. . able to rejuvenate old favorites. girl on campus. She will be rounded mind. of St. Louis Ian and Sylvia are blessed with ~~~to:::lt~e~ i~~~iC:k~::= Money Is Unimportant ~~~~dt~~:~~s~~l:~;:~:)h:!ists ;.~~p~~.~it~Vi~~e~~~~I:is~u~i~~~~~~ PU~;eu~~~~~~a:h~a~Wl ~~~~s. th::: a~~~~bU~~eal~n~~o~vq~~~: ~~ie~~~t C~Il!~~TOc:~hlbec~.~~~~: E T ~ ~i r ~'ep~rtoi~'e inc,lud:s sent to the magazine with tion of money or an extensive nized impossible. Father Rein- b~r~s an ta.menca~l ~asslc official entTay form for wardrobe. They depend, rather, el't's'testimony dwelt on one of bf a s, moubn In bm~s~, egr~ ~~~~ud~d~rar~: ~steth:ndde:l~IOi~~~~~e:: i;::r~ the issues of t.he case: ~he F~ee~~h_C:~va~i~ns:n;s.s, T~;i;, first select a group of est in one's appearance. We .·i ~~~l~~~rn J~:l'llC~~?an~~!;~a~r IAN A~D SYL.VIA, world renowned folk artists, relax at ~~~ ~~dt!~~~nt~e~~n~r:ble men- ~i:~re~~te;~s~i~k:\]k;~:n~ ~~l~ ~~o~g~~.ere:rl~~na~ W~nd~".' af~~hi~h.1ighted home on their farm In Canada_ tion winners will be chosen. lege women by showing them The case was then 0 t ell' avorlte songs. The "Top Ten" will be photo- how to enjoy their looks without until February 23, .Tyson",""nodO,'''"_ '" graphed in the spring for the . preoccupied with them. .. day of legal both annual August College Issue of impress upon them that heal'd. A Glamour and will be flown grooming and E. Bowie New York in June via Ameri- all important Anne Arundel for in these high- Court, will follow times." after. Indian Prof Talks At IRe Meeting Plans Become Reality; (onstruction Begins Consolidated EngineeringI1956 .. Seats in the hall will as- the fall of 1963. Also included Jnc. of Baltimore cend from a stage equipped with in the plans are two additional low bid and has a movable platform. It will be dormitories, a new dining hall . the contract for pOSSible to bTighten or darken building with a swimming pool, consciousness. . of the $879,000 the room for audio-visual use. and l'enovation of the present dining hall for classroom use. Following the lecture, stu- The first phase of the program, dents will be served coffee and a new heating plant, is almost will have a chance to talk with completed and workmen aTe now Dr. Hazareesingh. testing the equipment. It is ex- On March 3 pected that it will be accepted spend the day this month. Work on the new D. C. That dining hall will begin upon com- make a tour of the of the science building partment and will also hear year. briefing on United States' for- ---- eign policy. Following this, they plan to visit either the Na- tional Gallery of Art or the Smithsonian Institute. After lunch they will hear a talk and program at the Russian ~m- bassy. February 22-28 Monday, Feb. 22 Delaware Postal Riflematch Tri-Beta Initiation, McDaniel Lounge, 7:00 pm Varsity Basketball, Baltimore University-Home Tuesday, Feb. 23 SCA Discussion at 8;00 pm in McDaniel Lounge con_ cerning the Drinking on Campus with M. Dilson, T. Magnotto, Dean Robinson. Wednesday, Feb. 24 SCA Meeting, 6:45 in Chapel classroom Thursday, Feb. 25 Communion in Baker Chapel, 9:30 pm IRC Speaker, 6:45, Davis Room Friday, Saturday, Feb. 26, 27 Towson Wrestling Match-Away IFC-ISC Weekend featUring Ian and Sylvia
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