Page 3 - TheGoldBug1963-64
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:L.i'ur:l1'Y 7estern Il,Is.ryland College ... "ros tml '1~ cer , l'S,]. "Generation Is Not Misguided," States SOS Lois (hilcoat· ~o Reign As Members Complete Operation Philippines Ov~r H_om~comlRg(ourt; ror them since it was best accomplished without their Lanln Highlights GrantlBall by Ali" Cherbonnier hod little trouble with horne- pecially "Who us? Does she really sickness because they were Sunday. They saw, too, the presence. Queen LOIs Chilcoat will class Prom the Eastern Shore, think ,:e don't care what hap- busy every minll:te. other "libraries": about five To Japan a~d Home Again reign over Homecoming res- Linda IS assistant news-editor pens in the worJd outside?" From that night .on, when- shelves of worn, out-dated The group jet-hopped .to Ja- tivities begmmng Fnday, Oc- of the GOLD BUG and co- asked about seventy indignant ever there was nothing sc?ed- books. T~e grou,p feels that pa~, a~ter their, stint In the tober 11, with a bonfire back chairman of SCRC. An Eng- WMC students after hearing a uled, ~he group was entertained the ~OS library, IS by far the Philippines. There they st,ayed campus. lish major, she was also co- critical speech nbout college m,pl'lvate homes of, Naval of- ?est III the ~rovlllce, The tour thre.e days at,the ,InternatlOnal Lois, a senior Phi Alph, has chairman of the Rat Court, students in the spring oi 1962. ficials. The group lived on the Itself was climaxed by a party Christian Un~verslt~ and. a~- graced many campus courts. Freshman attendant, Barbara These disconcerted people set base and commuted early each at the governor's estate. There o,ther three Wl~h private fami- The FAC Canterbury Club, ad- Hetrick is from Dundalk. A up the now renowned W:r.lC 01'- morning to San Narciso, seven th~ gro~p found that F~lipinos Hes. After thia, members of vertising 'staff of the '64 Aloha., ~10dern Lang~~ge m?jor, Barb ganization named SOS (Stu- miles away. drmk, dine, and dance, III that the group could r~turn to the and SNEA are among the IS not unfamiliar with beauty 1c~)~ ~~i:;tu~!~:~de!~~le Se.:;:~ of TS~~~~~~:~ ~,:sstt~~i\~S~~~~ ~~~:;~a ~t~~in~n i~l-i~:ceba~~= ~~S;edal~n;::Ytha'~lso~~~~s. some ~~~~~~e~~~s a~;iv;~~esEn:l:~~ ~~~~~l~s ~f;h re~~~~l a~ M~:: liberation, the SOS decided its impoverished and perhaps a ground, the party was a lively Now these. world travelers Education major, senior year. project would be to sct up a little backwaTd, As soon as one. The governor had even are on~e agam, ensconced, on Senior attendant Car 0 I e The "Grand Ball" will fea- libr:;.ry in the town of San Nar- they met them, however, they hired Il'gots, primitive Fili- "The HIll~" exudlr:g enthusiasm Richardson is a Math-Educa- ture the Lester Lanin Orches- ciso (pop, 17,000) in the Phil- found that the people of San pinos, to do their native dances, about their expenences, tion major from Bel Air. In- tra and will begin at 8:30 in ippines. With the help of the Narciso, while materially poor, The boisterous guests persuad- tel' sorority Council president Gill Gymnasium. Sponsored United States Navy, and the were_ rich in hospitality, ed three of the girls-Janet, Ed-itor's Note: and senior class secretary claim by Gamma Beta Chi, the dance students, facuity, and friends warmth, and friendliness, Most Carol, and Sandy-to sing for Because we had 1wt received Carole's free time. A member will feature a southern planta- of WMC, the group accumulat- of the houses were ncpa huts, them, and they were reluctant 0111' plates from the plwtoen- of Phi Alpha Mu, she was also tion motif. George Knefely is ed 10,000 books and $10,000 to- thatched buildings on stilts, to let them stop after an hour. gravu1'es by the time the GOLD on FAC. general chairman for the af- ~~~;::/heAoSi:l~i~~~n~n~fO~e~:~ ;tl;:c:~Od:; ~~~a~a;a~s co:~ da~;e fr~~ui O~IY :pe;t d five !i~t~r:;e1~~~~I!r;~SS;0)~h;hi~hri~~ is RZr::enii;j~e~~e 4~7~orBC~ft~~fa~he Lanin orchestra is known stude,nts was selected to set up annex to the town hall, Un- at S;n Nar ,ues ~ ? un t a~, sue ((,)'c 1m-able to be included. morean is a member of Tri- for its "tailor-made" music, the ilbraTy: Carol Davis, Nan- like most of the buildings the lished the I~~s"o. ,av~~gt e~,a - These pictures would have high- B:ta, Newman Club, and Sigma enabling him to please both a cy Miller, S:mdra Riggin, San- library had windows. 'New they left lar~hlll ~ 11~~t lighted the SOS and Homecom, .. Sigma Tau. A Biology majoT, cafe society crowd at EI Moroc- dra Rocder, Janet Shanholtz, and windowcd as it was the li- "wear out t~O, er wo,~(; inn a,rticles. This n~isha.p has "Bunny" has reigned as Miss co and an Ivv League gather- Steve Bayly, and David Rob- brary was too small f~r ade- sides tl ,CI~ ~v~hco~~i' , e- Ml(..8cd the staff 1n'lwl~ difficulty, Chesapeake Bay and Miss Tide- ing at a Princeton prom, "The son. The team left the United quate expansion, so the guvern- to f~elleih~~ant~e li~ra: IP~~~: and w~ arc S01-ry for this in_ wate:, USA, , secl'e~," claims Mr. Lanin, "is States July 29. ment, pleased with the outcome really th~irs, and this w;uld be conVOnlencc to our ,1'cu{/e'I's, ,Phi Alpll Lmda Mahaffey knowmg ,w~at to play and w~en Will represent sophomore to play It. Tl!h~I~~o:,~1Ipl:n~~!~ii four ~~,o~~ep~:~~ecf~rhtahs :~ns~:~~~ THE GOLD' BUG the e hourslateget,tin~intoHonO-tionOfaneW'largerlibl'ary,.to All the SOS lulu, so they dldn t expect any- be built this year. one to be at the airport to wel- books will be moved into it come them. They didn't reckon wIlen it is completed, :~h ~~~t::~:~o~~tk~!s ~:a~e~i Just about every place they th, d'p,rtm,nt of "Iigi,n and ~~~:t, :~~dg"~\',,;",t~'d g~;~; i~;~~~~~:'a~~~eh:~r;~~' a~ht~~ qthuantities of it,' partlydbecaut'I' ~V;:o;-I-;4;-1-;N~o-::2------;;;------"';-----:--------------------- h ey were cunous an par y . , . WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND 0 t b 4 1963 ht c~ten~~d S ·t· ~;~l:\vi~~ ih: t~:~~i~~;l cI~Ts~because they di?n't. want to re- coer, ftl _, IAI I DT. Holthaus made certain the !~ls\hany ~:pltality f::m" wh.: oron leS rreiCOme rierlges 0 aug er Of F ormer UN P rexy arrangmg df~r k~he they were accustomed tOt "ado- A g"up go' full enjoym,n' out food ,~~; diff".:~r t rAt T . of tl!awa1i t' BU ~~~I~ngouOtri,g~i;:r:t W:i~r~ ~f~~h~o~~~~~f\~~~~~e~i~n~,!~~j S ~even ,-rour eeep IuS 0 Speak On Indian Culture !:~C~heA ~l~~~~:h~fOfa t~~li~~~I! ?n a ~pindle; and many fruits, Of"the 101 girls .eligible for ,Sigm,a Sigma Tau Madame Rita Pandit-Dar cal Affairs in Washington, student, Alicia, who was study- Illcludll1g bananas and avoca- sorollty ,memb.ershlP" 74 ac- SIgma ~Igma Tau welcomed will speak on "India in a World She received her early educa- ing at the East-West Center of do~. The group mar:a~ed to cepted bIds FrIday lllght, Sep- 2~ new Sisters. Among them of Conflict," Tuesday, October tion in the United States befoTe the University of ~awaii. ~~~~s~o~oht~~ ;oo~o~u~~:l:ic~; tembel' .27, Following formal ~:n,Rui~a~o~v:enCu~~rn ~~~- 8, at 11:30 am in Alumni Hal!. studying at the Univers~ty of ;~;y a~fe~Jedallth~ayo :~i~h~~ food, they cogul~ buy ~amili,ar ceremo_~les, the pl:~ges Judith Goldstcin, Ma~th; ~nt::m~~~ne~st~Ondhe~~m!~~in~Udoli~:~e;~a~n a:ii~~a~e t~:n~~t~c~l; P g th E t-W t Th t products. They found It qUIte entertallled by then ne\y SIS- Goode, and Susan Jacobs, The what is happening in India to- and int II t Il'f f h th:t ~7~~t, ;~e p~:y wase~~ ~ co~:r~,st to, see a ~al'mer out tel'S, Singing their sorority Si~gma~also_.\vel.......,,'(!!' ::.:;i:J_ ~,~ ,by, lkfarlRme Pandit-Dar will try, e ec ua 1 eo er coun- sistrata. performed by students 1'1 hls ,lice, paddy With a Coke songs, the pledge classes walked iL'k DI~na Long, Carol M~re- suggest that tne students and The lecture is in conjunctio e of ,all n~tionalities. ~ne of the bottle I,~ hiS han~. through the halls of Blanche ;~litz, Ift:r ::, ~~~:;s'an~e~~I::~ guests view concepts o~ democ- with current study of non~ ~sn~~~~fte~t::~~a~e ~~~~i~~~a;~: ll1i~~~:ll;:n~hcwe~~liP~~!S' ur::~~ W~l'd and McDaniel dormi- Reckord. ConcJ,udin~ the skunk ~:~~ifi:;e~~o~e e~t::::;s~f ~~~!~~I~~esW~t~st:ix ~;~~e:: Oriental or Occidental ~~~~g~e~~e~mt~s ~1~iS\~~~~~:~:tones'Delta Sigma Kappa i~~~~:a;;a~Ud~~~ld~~~veB~:e~~~ ~~h~i~'c~~!~~~'~~e~,eople,and set ~1::t~~~n~:tro~t~~t~~~: s~~:~ On to the I'hilippines about, cur l' e n t affairs a.nd Delta Sigma Kappa wei. W':~~ri'ek;=~~ Ja~:tCn\~i1l~t~~~le ,!he spe? is the niece of which will lead to inclusion o~ The group landed in IIfaniia Amencan customs. For Ill- comed 11 new girls. Among Prime MInister Nehru, the new courses in the cUl'l'leulum and proceeded to look over the stance, ~hey had, hea~d about them were Sally Booth, Nancy .... , .... daughter of Madarl1C Pandit, of each school. ~~tY'gr;;.~eYc:~~r:~t,it ,~~t~e t~~l~ ~~~dg:,ac~~~ :~~~;hnt t~e, s~t~~~~;ooc~~~ou~'en~I~~:,b:t~d ~:~;I~n~ THINK: IT HELPS U~~te/:~ati~~~;id=~~ '~~fe ~~~ Mote-tl-A-,-t-l,.'St modeTn buildings 011 one hand, tlon to be wors.le than It ,~as. Koerber, Other new Delts in- • • .... the InciIun 1'I1Illlstel'for Pohtl- , I and tin back-to-buck hovels on The group, tried to achieve clude Sherriel :Mattingly, Car·I=========,========= n· " the other, The streets were anoth~r ~f Its goals: to present ole Roemer, Susan Sachs, Cath-I' _ IAI .1_ narrow, barely adequate for A;nel'lca I~: good lhght ~t su~h erine Sa~r~, Barbara Schwartz, Japanese Artists Present Concert II/splays rrOr" ~l~et;:~en~:~:e~OlU::r of t~Te~- ~1;I~i:~ns didn't ~i:: th!iro~~l'~ and Patl'lCJa Stahl. . Featuring Jluta Dance Form Miss Gail Mercey Washing- •• The traffic, too, sh:wed con~ en~s because as soon as the Iota Gamma Chi tun, D, C. artist, will' hold a one trast: Jeepies, pony-drawn chIldren .ma,Try they" ~ove The 12 ~elllbers of t~e Jota man show at Gallery One, West- j=::~er:~:\t~~s.autonlObiles ~:~~r~w~%~len;~~:h~nP~~:~1PI~~: ~~~:aa c;~s1~r~~eL~~~: 1ll~~I~'~~a ~~~~~:tses:~~il~J:y:Vi2cfo~:ni I ~eish~~~:ine~ud~~~!T:~~~a~g;~ ~r~o :r.gcl~~:~d2~.ollege, October The group visited the Mary paTe~ts .. In SPlt~ of these a,n~ hart, Betsy CollinS, Paula Cui.. at 8:15 in Alumni Hall. Kimio dao Nomura, who plays the There will be an opening re- Johnson Hospital, wheTe they o~hel miSCOnCeptIons,the ,Flh- len, Jesse Hahn, and Jo Anna Eto, internationally known ko- shakuhachi, a bamboo flute, ception in honoi' of the artist spoke to the nurses about life PIllO~ are veTY pro-American, Hambleton. Among the other are the participating artists. Sunday, October G from 2 to at WMC, Then they went to pos~lb~y because we. gave tllem Io~e hopefuls are Maure,en , 5 pm in the Fine Arts Build- !~~s be~~~~e~lsi~~ili~!i:r~ \~~~; ~~~~dlnb~~~e~~~~~~se~~1947, as ~~~:~~: :r.~a::Oly~OUg~ar~~~i!~ CRC Panel Features of O~~eo~r~~~a~,e~~~:l f~:tu~~: ~~yOfgr~:ua~~~le~~on~li~~e:tIeC:~ were guests of that school's The job of setting up the li- Mary Ella Tharpe, and Reyna Local CIVIC Leaders dance form of JlUt~ on whlc~ Maryland College in 1958. • • SGA for dinner. The next day brary was abetted by everyone Tosta. M~i ~to and ~uzu~h~ Ha.I;~yag~ One of the artist's prize win- :~~~en~enre~~:Tsto f:,~~~h o~~:!~f:~:\~:~e~.c°u.:~e tOgO~~~I~:m:~~ "Phi Alpha Mu The Student Government ~s- ~~id~e~~!e. kot:' and ;~~~ ~~e ~~~gne~~I~[bl':;;_d~~i~~i~~:~st~~ schools and discussed school had trained a girl named Sonja [hll ~lpha IlIIu h~:h tl~~ larg- sociation, undeT the directIon samlsen as the symp~thetIc m- ('ampus. "Shore Memories" won ~~tOb~::~wsT~e:: ;~~:raq~iteon: ~~eb:a~~ra:~:n~sw~:e \;:~u~bO~! ~!lv~ ein~~udci:;sC~v:oJynA,k~~7. ~me~:~:;e~e\V B:t~he ~:~~1;~! ~~~~en'~:i~~ t~: ~:tlch:~~; ~~ ~~~2,:~~~:0~5~e~~~~ua~w~;~iO~~ paper glVin~ ~he rou;' visit were Anita, the mayor's se~re- Susan, Ambrosen,. Nancye Ba~- this fall, In the two-day Cam- J!uta. This will be. one of the al Exhibition of the Washington three columns of c~ver~ge and tary, and another gil'l named er, ~lane Bennekamper, DoriS pus Relations Congress, over hlg.h-sp?ts of an ulllque eonc~rt Watercolor Society held at the a picture. The president of the Teenie. These girls became' Bro\\ n, ~onstance Bue,. and one hundred student, leacers w?lCh lllclu?es features whlC~ Smithson,ian. Institution. !he Philippine Women's Universit friends of the group, and when Karen Cn~s, Dorothy ~Iag:o~ and .faculty, togethc; With t~wn might nevel b: seen by prlllt III 1963 won f:rst SGA will be comin to the U; departure time came gifts were CaTol Eng and, !-'ynne ort u offiCials, met to diSCUSSvltal ?entals, cvcn III J,a?an-aS It pnze at the Outdoor ExhIbit in October, and ~h~ group '~ili exchan~dSO Th~ Fiii,pino girls ~;~z!1,:;,ab~~d GI:OO::' ~~,:~:~ ~~~t:~~~~~~~;~in5u:~:d ~~I~~: :~V;;:~I~~~~ ~~I~r~.l'IVll€gedart- :e!~.e gi~ic R;~,:~a:ioGeg:i~ar~i ~;~~h:~mapnu~,brlllg her to the ~~:deet~~ pi~e:~~~ek~~~~O c~~~ ~~~h:.ccePted ,bidS to the Phi slogan "Happiness is ~ c~rdi- In its dance form, the Jiuta ~he Washblgton Star sll:id: the is simply but nated campus commumty, After this brief Manila, intro- (pina cloth), and gave everyone ~ther a~~w m~mbers of the CRC ope?ed Sunday, Sept~m- danced, The a poem or ballad- iror_n the ~lstrICt ~nd from the most, The aTbsts s~ccessful ~:;:~,W:~!;;:££~p~:~:i~~:~~~~;;:~~0~:::::ht~:;~';:t~f~;,~'~~~~;:':{~~~i:~gjJ;~i,:i~~:!t~ft;;1~~;~}i~~oE1t~~D;f~~g;~~';sr;:i~~S~~:;~ni~~i~Al~;;)~~:i~~~ SOS spective look the large at most The hats. character- straw ~~~':' O:eT~~;, t~v~':Tetot~~; th~ tJ~i;, nt~e ~t;~~p o~::;I:nt:r~ ~~~d\~f:eha~::;lo~nn~l!~ar~~~ and t.he Outside World.". Japanese that not onl? po:ms ~;i:~~fes~~I~; woodcut, 'Shore spcnt a day with Kay Stevens' talT~ed at many social affairs, cepting bids were Charlotte On Monday,. :Sept~ll1bel 23, and ballad~, but sltuabons Miss Mel'cey, who workcd as i~i~~td~rm~ th~~~i~i~~ll/~~~i!:'; ~~~~~ \~:s ~~;enN~~:1ni~~ste'be~~~i~:r'N~~~:abet~a:~~;:h~'mft~- !~~u;~n:;.e;i:C~I:~d'~~ll~~~a~~~~~ ;:~~ Kcao~~:lr~dNOi;t~laY~a~I~~~t.~~i~!i::~e~ll~~;':~rh;~r b!:~ Their visit there was climaxed fore the formal dedication of Lyn Smith Rosemary Waller' Commumty Structure. ?ance for~. Suzushl Hanayagl commissioned to do a painting ~t ~m~oo~~~~~ti~:y;:~e~~c~~~:' ~~=ye~b:::;'~th~ngst:;~!l ~~~~~ ~~~l~ra!:.e Warren, and. Bonit~ fO~~r~~e~ ~~~~~;;~;i;~edinbU~~~ ~~ui~ea::~d~~~h:xkoanbe::i.of the ~ol~ust~f ~~~nbcii~~:ctC:t~ol~~~ The next day Ens. Barkman dances to Amcrican Indian tin will be distributed to all Tickets are now available be- hia. DUTing 19133 she has Te- ~~:~lt~~~h~n~a:~r~a~~dot;:~ ;~:c:~.o~~ s:~l:~~~~a!~t~~aet~~ The Office of the Deans ~~~~~~: ~;r~hen~~Cw~~~kS ~~I~ ~o;:th:~S~ l\f:f;I;~eet~n;~~~~leA::I~~~~ !~~ Miguel, a five.hour journey. the Philippines" by Irving Bel' has announced that starting be covered there. minster or the McDaniel Hall League Arts Club; second prize Commander and Mrs. Miller lin, in the native dialect, which Monday, October 7, all sched· This Con~ress was deenled ticket office on campus. On the for prints, Annual Southwest and other high Naval officials pleased the Filipinos. uling of activities will be ~o:thy by all who attended a~d evening of the performance, ~utdoor Show; second prize, entertained the group at dinner On Sunday, the last day of done through the Student It IS hoped that the CRC Will Al . H 1l . k t ffi 'II bOlls, Harper's Fel'l'y Annual ~~a:n~i~vr;;~~:~m!h~c~X~:::~~: ~~~~in~~it~l'~haeni~~~el:o~i~~_~~~ ::;:~~:t~:!sA~~:c:at':~~h ~~ ~~~O~~ll.ftnF~~~:e~l i:~~~:ti~~ op~:m a hc e 0 ce W) e ~:~;~~: ~~~: P;~~~~r,:a~~~~~:; of eating too much alien food, motorcade to take the group on have an activity placed on in the, fo~ of a n:im~ographed The public is invited to the Show. This one had to stay in bed in a tauI'. The group felt the the calendar or to resene bulletIn Will be dlstrlbuted to concert, which is under the Hours for Gallery One at f; e~~!~~ou~::ens~c~on~~;ue~~ ~~~; ~:~~ea a:t:dtoon:iS~ec~O~~~ facilities must contact the ~~e s~~~~:!Se ~~r~~e n~~~ ~:~;~ sponsorship of the Asia Society !;e~~~:~s~1:II~a;~~~llS~~d~;;S:, first and last time, The group schools, which were open es- S. G. A. will be covered there, Performing Arts progl'Rm. 2 to 5 pm; closed Mondays,
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