Page 60 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 60
'rhe Gold Bug, May I, 1964 Seniors Merit "Whos Who" Honors,For Diverse Activities Foundation Awards Grant To WMC Biology Dept. Dr. Stm'div(J!nt, chairman of department, en- the Grass Founda- a1va1'ded WMC a The fll-nds are be- buy equipment, 81~1)- ercpeuses ,and Imm- and Qssist thc physiology lab- The grant i8 ,'cJlewal. Dr. '~lpi1tg to de- for the 1964 II which A11g1lst 24> 25, and Dr. and Mrs. Miller Receive Honor Dr. and !'III'S. William Gene Miller of the department of psychology have been ap- pointed as Danforth Associ- ates. This is an appoint- ment given to faculty mem- bers and their wives who have demonstrated personal concern for students, com- bined with scholarly achieve- merit in the field of teaching. College faculty chosen for these appointments must have major responsibility in classroom teaching and must be highly respected as teach- Poised and ready to play for the Freshman Class sponsored er-scholars by colleagues and Sadie Hawkins Dance, May 8, are "Dam ion and The Classics students. They arc chosen Five." because they are actively Males will be invited to the dance by WMC females at a price concerned with the intellec- of $2.50. Gill Gym will be given Dogpatch Dress, and the folks tual, moral, and spiritual attending are advised to do likewise; anything Dogpatch growth of the students. even bare feet. l\larryin' Sam will also be there. The band is led by Michael Stup (Damian) a graduate of Peabody Institute. The group has recently its first anniver-sar y, Theirs was a prosperous year toget.her; they played in and around the Frederick area, at several prtvate clubs in West Virginia, and at other colleges, including Hood and Shep- herd. They also played at the Dunes and the Sandpiper in Atlan- tic City. This summer they will go on tour, starting in Boston. The ages of the six members range from 16-23. Junior Follies Dorothy Elderdice The best Junior Follies this COSTUMES and FORMALS year will be tonight at 8:15 FOR RENT True artistry is expressed in the brilliant -----don'tmiss the show, gang. Phone for Appointment fashion styling of every Keepsake diamond 75 W. Green St. TI 8-4630 engagement ring. Each setting is a master- piece of design, reflecting the full brilliance Clothes Flower Fresh and beauty of the center diamond ... a at the LECKRON perfect gem of .flawless clarity, fine color GULF SERVICE and meticulous modern cut. MODERN IDEAL W . .MAIN & PENNA_ AVE. The name, Keepsake, in the ring and on Westminster, Md. the tagfs your assurance of fine quality LAUNDRY and lasting satisfaction. Your very per- TI 8-6929 TI 8·9876 sonal Keepsake diamond ring is awaiting Open an aeeount See Road your selection at your Keepsake Jeweler'S at MATT CREAMER store, Find him in the yellow pages. Prices WTTR AM·FM DA YID'S JEWELERS l'tfacLea C34 Service from $100 to $2500, Rings enlarged to show 19 E. Main St. Westminster beauty of detail ®Trade-mark registered. "Ever-ybody Welcome" BAUGHER'S Buy Your Flowers for There's a hobby (or you RESTAURANT Art Sapp"H. Model Rallroadl att.he May Day COIN SUPPLIES ~ Yt Mile Off the Campus lI-lODELS of all TYPES PI.neo. Carl and Moniter. DOWNTOWN Delicious Full Course ~feals at Try Our Hamburg Subs BOBBY'S 19 E. Main St. Homemade Ice Cream Stewart :1\'1. Dutterer's HOBBY LOBBY lind Thick l\1ilkshakes 21 E. Main St. Billiards TI 8-9824 IH Pennsylvania ..he. Parents' Welcome Westminster, Md. Westminster, Md. OPEN EVERY DAY 848-4350
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