Page 59 - TheGoldBug1963-64
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The Gold Bug, May 1, 1964 BLAND X ISturdivant, Penn Travel To Somebody Up There? SliA Revamps There is a hunger in the soul ..._ which they can't even imagine-- Virginia For ODK Anniversary Constitution a mocking, raging incredulous by William Penn Trip to Washington Segregation, Joy Holloway, chairman of lechery of the soul Fifty years ago, a groullof en~~: c~~I~~~~i:; ~~~~~~~g~h~~'~ 11:00 A.M. Sunday ~~oensSc~~m9t~~:~i!~~~~~~esR;;~~ giving the secret finger select student and faculty lead- tered buses and made an all- posed revisions which will be to the Sunday salesmen of the ers from Washington and Lee day pilgrimage to Washington voted on by the student body in body and blood ~ni~::~:~s~~~n~~n~~e ~~~~~~: ~~dt~:e;he~~dth~ '~~~:l;u:snt~by. Dean Ira G. Zepl) 119~4'the chur~hes began to re- ~l~.~e~alol;hrns~e:~li~~SI~O~b~~~ Come and get it it's free to Omicron Delta Kappa, to rec- Pr~:lde~t r.~nd Mrs. Fred C. Gloria Richardson. CORE. think. the. racial problem (the the changes proposed. sn .. ogn.ize and e nco u,; age the ;:ri~us ~i;tO~..ic/t~la;!!e~~o~~: ~i~~~~~ i~::;;~y ·Lut~e~ 1<~:'~~l~~~r~~sl~~nd;; ~l~or;;:; w~! PI~~~ ~~o~nth~v:~·!~:~al~ o~v~~~ No sacr-ifice IS ever too achievement of exemplary terest were ~I~l~e~, highlighted SUPREME COURT. W hat the most segregated hour In the SGA and a need for additional small character, superior scholarship, ?y ~ mo.del tntttauon ceremony could this conglomeration of week) to the extent that a dec- voting members, a correspond- It's free my boy- r~~p~nsibl~ lea~e.rsh,i,p, lind dis- ~~h~~~t~~'::ros~;~~.;cL:~n~~~~:~ ~;~n;~eJ~:;: hi:IJ.°~fG~~:They ::I~i~l~e;~;;:g~~~:~stsi~~urJ~~~ ~~;UIs;cJ~e:l~rYt~~s~:c~.~~~~~;~~~ So why be half-safe? ~~l~~n;r~~e s~:'~~:~S.ityF:~~ma~~ ~~:~tm:fde~he founding of ODK I~ ea~h case, the. pers.on or .or- ~f y~~~r~~~~,t?~ ~:i~~~C?o~i~~I~ handle ~ll corr~spond.ence: being You can be sure ~~;.y~o~~!r~~i~:t:ff~~~!ei~ l!~~.~~~ Thai! ~al~e ~t II ~an- ~:n;~:bi~lna~~~i~yeda~daf~~~~~~tl~~~948, ·ma~e ~~:dline~i~ t ~~n- ~:~~~~d~h~~eo:neC:u!~~I~~~ ~:~ecd if it's Presbyterian while endea.vo~s f?r 0e general ;~te;;.; o~·th:IC~m~·tit;:~otdr ~~: ~hheur~~~h~o~:n~OCf:llyGI~lev~t;:t ma;;lr~~li~~ se~~e~a~i~an~ ~i~~ by a member Of.any class. Twenty million Baptists good of then institution. . seal:ch and EXploration of the The extreme and often diver-se But it all sounded rather hollow Representative Changes 1 ft~ can't be wrong OZ~d~~~u:h:lo:;c~~i~~ s: ~nadtl~:~~ue~~~g~?;f~. E~~~::i. ~~:~~~~~v~n~~~~e:yeo~~~l"~~~:;: ~~~la~·~ea~. o~en::J ;. f~;~1otin\~~ byO~he~b~~.~n~:\~~~:a~:sg:c~~~~ . ship with the fundame~tal ob- gav~ a stimulating and extreme- evidence the fact that the church gration is so Christian," he organizations are (1) the chair- When better commuJlions jectives of higher ed~catlOn, has ly Interesting illustJ"ated .lec- is unnerved and suspiciously de- ~sked, "why haven't y~u p~ople ~an of the Religious Life.Coun- are sel-ved led to the establishment o.f ture on the recent Amencan fensive Somehow the church In the church been saying It all cli to serve on the SGA Senate Episcopalians will serve Circles at 111 colleges and um- ascent of Mt. Everest. Excel- senses ·that it is being weighed along? Why wait for the Su- instead of the SeA president, them versities thl~oughout the United len! entertainment f 0 11.0wed and found wanting and that it !lJ"eme Court to say ,~o?" There and. (2) also proposed is th.e States. wh'c~ capped. a most enjoyable is being forced to see God at IS no answe;; but, Lord have openmg of .the offi~es of presl- UmtanaJlism-a thmkmg Anniversary Celebrated and mformatlve day. work where it has refused to mercy on us. dent and V1ce preSident of the man's theology Flom the Atlantic Coast to WIth the clOSlllg of the con get Involved The church IS No Easy Solullon SGA to membels of the Incom- cut to any man's taste HawaII officers alumm and ac- venhon on Satulday aftelnoon, hele faced WIth an, as yet, un- I am not suggestmg that mg senior and/or JumOI classes l\Iethodls~1 _ cleans your ~;~~,dl~~fuaJle:g~b:he;;a';'~~IlCI~ ~~s~:~lc~\:~m~le~:ed R~~~~~d!t absolve~h:~~~y D~~;:~:;ce ~~;: ~~C~~II~a~I~;~~!':~Jo e~~~ ~h:: ~:~t1~;~r~~lp~s:~o~~~a~~~ breath SturdIvant and Wilham Penn untIl the next National Conven What could the ChU1Ch Jose bonaJJy chalged ploblem But be so manylesblctions put upon while it cl~ans .~'our soul ~~;~l ~~:~~ke ~~t~~:~Ok~~ ~~~ !'~2 d:~nl1~!~;e:~:f;~~1 dt~:~a;~s ~~h!~:rl~ou~tlt ~l~tans:h~t \~~ :~e;~e l~h~;c~a:ttt~~P!S I~~ea~n ~:~I~~ah~~e ~a:~n~~~: d~slr!h~; Congregahonalists umte-- gmm on April 23 to celebrate spectlve destinatIOns aftel a Will have to face tip to being whIch It does not usually excel, run fOl an office you havo nothing to lose ... the Golden Anmversary of me~norable \\~ek~nd. of ~vol~h- more diligent ill our training of na.mely, honest. adnllSSlOn of th.e stale dry ritual O~~~ Convention convened on ;i~'l:. fellowship In hlstonc Vir· r~:n:c::~~Ph:?rpsC~~l~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~i~r;r~bl::lal ~~I~~h~hec~~lu~.~~ May Day ~~sten. a.n:! te With the dance left out Thursday evening, April 23, upon the right hand of God for w'lh~gness to (Continued from page 1) subs~ituting a million sooth- ~~i:;et:; ao~dr;~t:r~n;OI~~d~~~ SGA Bau(juet ~~u~~eff:~~ives:~~c~n ~·~cr~~2,~ ~~oap.~;ts,f~~r;; w~~n-Jae~~~I~;t~cgy. maj.ol" from Hagerstown. ~:d sermon-words for ~:~!.e;:~ ~~a~t~~s~~~t~n~u~~ The Student Government wO~~~t?let us look more specifi- ~r~~~~i~ftf~~o~~. the leading ~:~~-:o~~~~~dh;~r.b;~~~ o~e~~.: Prie~thood, I sal-Jte thee During ~is nationally-taped ~d~ ~:I~i:c;a!~o:qU~~i1~:[o~~:~~n!fa; cally at the racial issue. It was It does no~ behoove th.e ~n~hserv~tl a: caPtal~ ~hl: y~~. Thl,u setter of mankind free! tl:es~. ~~~iti!~ll to~~~r:J~edc~~: 4 in the dining hall at (; pm. ~~~r~~oe~o~~c::t:dth::c~;n~:~:e~ ~~~~.j~hnt~fb~~k i~d(:pee~~!t~lor~~ th~r ia~~e .. e escor e y l- and described the ('url"ent situa. Formal induction of officers gation without any radical ques- strument of God. God does Jumors Elected ,..:~:~~::::,n~~:;,:I.:I:~U~;~:"':":OI:IO!g;:.n:tf!:f~:nd:.o~n=th~,=co~m~m~u~n;~'t-~h'~ld!;;;Wj;;ll;;ta;;k;;';;PI;;",;;,;;,;;t;;th;;;';;t;;ill;;".;::J~~ir:O::n~e:W~~:ot~:~;~V:~~:~i:S~::~~th:il;~h~:IS:,~~~I~~!t:nee~s t~e t~~u~~:·w. ~aeh~: wi~u~~e;~df~~· :~I~e~.I~SSm~~~~~ , tho1"f; ahead of us. He IS Lord of Sigma Sigma Tau sorotity. of th~ church ~nd the w~rld ~nd Judy is no newcomer to beauty THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES h~s hiS finger In cvery hlstoflcal courts having served on Home- If G.od was. not above us- coming, May Day, and Military pIe. ll;g AS~Yl"laas a ]udgmen.t upon Ball courts in previous years. SALUTE: ROD BRUNKER dlsobedle~t Israe~, he IS. not She will be escorted by Ronald English An above uSing RusslII ¥as a _JU?g- Hibbard. major ment upon II decadent Chnstian from Baltimol·e, Judy will serve Like any other business, the Be!! System is dependent on the broadcast industry. After analyzing the group's func- west. as president of Blanche Ward sales, and in the Cleveland office of Ohio Bell, Rod Brunker tions, he demonstrated how they could be merged with God Resorts to Sllcular Aspect HalI next year. Frances If God's .l'ig~t hand wi~l not Sybert, (B.S., 1958) is certainly contributing his share. the" regular sales force in a more unified marketing ap- be a~ ef!'echve Jnstrume~t In t.he is one of the junior a Phi Alph, attendants. Imagine scheduling the collections, which average 9 proach to the industry. No wonder Rod is we!lrecognized r~ahzabon of the. equality, dlg- Originally from Florida but million dollars in revenue a year, from some 21,500 coin for his competence and efficiency. IIlty, and worth of all men who now residing in Savage. Fran telephones. Besides the daily supervision of this activity, Rod Brunker, like many young men, is impatient to bear his illlag~. he is not frus- is majoring in sociology. Next will serve as photog- year Fran Rod has contributed many worthwhile ideas that have im· make things happen for his company and himself. There b·ated. He Will use the.secul~r hiS raphy editor of the Aloha. Je- to movements accomphsh proved efficiency and reduced the cost of operations. are few places where such restlessness is more welcomed purpose and to speak a word of rome Baroch will scrve RS her Earlier Rod had managed a special group that serviced ·or rewarded than in the fast·growing telephone business. judgment to the church. And escort. ho\V~ver mt1Ch we .rese~t the Junior attendant Nan c v tachcs of one ~loJ"la Rlehard- Whitworth, escorted by Gcorg~ ~~~g:~di:~·O~~ ~~~~'?~\~~O~~rele~s~~~~~e\~:~;:r~p~~~~OI~~n~~~jO~ :~7~1~~:e:xo;s~~~%o~~r ci~::.~ mem~el" o~ Sigma Sigma Ta~ ly evident in thei)" mo~ements ~~~~l"l!~~tl!~:~~.ves~~ I~C ~~~s~ ~b~d~~~tC~~lG~onee again to be ~~~::~:~.~~fo·:l~~~~~~~~n~f~6;.nd Sophomores Selected Rose (up Rite sO;~~~~I~ ~1~S:ui~he;~YC~fNt~; Honors Seniors ~;l"i~~~li~~y~a~~~n~~o;r ~~;~.~ time cheerieadlllg, as vice presl- The annual Rose Cup Cere- dent of Iota Gamma Chi sorori- mony will take place in Robin- ty, and working for SOS. An- son Gardens at 4 pm on Thurs- tonio Magnotto will escort day, May 14. The purpose of Joyce. this i:upressive t~·adition is t.he Sophomore attendant Karen ~on?l·lng of semor women by Criss is a biology major from JU~lor women throu~h enter- Darien, Connecticut. Can d y, talnment and the passmg of the who will be escorted by l\Iichael Rose Cup.. . Sherwood, served as SGA rep- The semOl women, who Will resentative for the class of '66 be dressed in white, will sit on and is also a member of Phi blankets in a sen_1i-circlea.rou.nd Alpha· sorority, BeL"!.Bl:'ta the garden while t~e J~n~or Beta, and the pom-pom squad. ~on:~~e~~~t:m~~~~ i~~r;l"I:~~: '66A~~0~~~~.:se~~~:ff~e :~:;:t~! ~o:d\~l~~~t~~i~~b~esctt~! ju~ro~ by Lt. Joseph. Spear" Lin:!a, a ~~~ta~n~~~~;n~:neto~s~s \~~:~ ~~;l~:~ O!~~I~·i:·~:~;~~' :a:~ completed, Barbara Petschke, ern ShOl"~. She represented the viee-president of the Junior sop~omole class Oil. the Hom~- g~a;.s, '~~\~ras~::~u~~n~~~ R~:: ~~~I~~~t~~u~~I~n~ll~. news edl- drunk from the Cup, the entire Freshmen Picked group will sing the Rose Cup Duchess for "the class of '67 Song. Then Nancy Whitworth, is Carol Wilkie, who will be Junior Class secretary, will pre- escorted by Kenneth Patterson sent a long-stemmed rose to from Aberdeen. Carol has each senior woman. served as treasurer of her class The ceremony is traditionally and is a membeT of the pom- closed with the singing of the pom squad. She is a biology Alma Mater as the seniors file major from Havre de Grace. out of the garden. Jacque Bland, an English ma- jor, will sel-ve as freshman at- Marines to Land tendant, escorted by David Re- The Marine Corps Officer Se- ger. Jacq.ue is from Cumber- ledion Officer, Captain R. L. land and 1S on the SCRC. Beckwith, will be on campus Virginia Hess will also rep- from 9 11mto 3 pm on Monday resent the class of '67 and will and Tuesday, ]\fay 11 and 12, in be escorted by Charles Sohn. the college grille for the pur- Ginny is from Philadelphia and pose of diSCUssing with inter- is at this point undecided about ested students the various Ma- her major. This year Ginny rine Corps Officel' Training Pro- was ROTC sponsor for Compa- grams available to them. ny A.
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