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Library THEMCOLD Terrors Finish " Salute BUG to With 5·8 Publications Record p.2 p.4 Vol. 41, No. 20 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND May 15, 1964 Dr. Morley Delivers Commencement Address Seniors Don Black Gowns major one of music-education replied Beginning this year, Western Pennsauken, New Jersey. f i'omjdo ? Miss Humphreys engaged to She'~hat if she were the female students,of .. NELSON SHEELEY SPLITS his personality to play the r" ,.. ,L ~1al'yl~nd College will be chosen was selected from the field of someone and planning to marry 'ritA A ~i!h~.of twin brothers in the Commencement Play; next Friday Jelerts ~mlt" ~srOl:IJ~~isW;~;~~~l~nA~~:Yl~~i~i~~~r~.tsR:?se~O::~d~adngtS~en~~~i:~~~g~hetoW~~lda~~O~: ~~~~~~ Hall "BELLES Bruce Read : 'L ti'ave~totl1tlcontestfort~etitle manaeeeor New York Life In- that she did not like the ring A~U~I~~:a~~a~Vi~~ ~~~~~tful g!tI;E c~~t"~~~~EKS~/3~!~re~ S ..uairman ~!ss~l~~~\~~ry;i~n~o:~:I~/h:~~; ~~~~n~~ l~h~a6~~~~:~i~l~dJ~l~i~l: ~~l~n\~Ult~tj:!:I:l~=t at~~YI:o~ make-believe: a combination of n o u r ; MESSERSCHMANN, At a meeting of both the out- of being .Mlss America. Chamber of Commerce; Sal fo)' another. the Cinderella and Pygmalion George Klander; ROMAIN- going and in-coming Honor Mcfjuniel Loung~ was t~e Pe-titti, of the marking and rc- At the conclusion. of the con- stories. This delicate fable has VILLE, Gary Crowell; ISA- Courts Joan Smith was elected scene of the selection of this search staff of the Westinghouse tests, Miss ~~:nFI~~~~~u~IJd~:~~apt~~r f;~~~~~tEER~iaJnO;~eBr~g!~~II~E!'6~a~~~7t~e,;~:~'s ~~::p~':.:~~~rnJ~~ry:=n~ ~~~'l~'~I::~iOo~~~~i;i~~~~:~:~~a~odIected by who calls it "a charade with GENERAL, Casey Julia; A The 1963·1964 Honor Court Pageant; John P. Mallonee, of m~~:"fairy tale starts on the FOOTMt;.~du~:i~C: i.~~a. ~~~~s ;:i~~o:~II'th~n;~~ri~~n~~~~';' Alumni Storm 'Hill' ~)~~:,n~;ae;~i~l"~rJeent?l~er:heCC~~ eve of a great ball held in Miss Esther Smith is direct- the 1964-65 COUl't. • tonsville Junior Chamber of ~~:~:~:e to ~~:~~~~~~'er ::~ehee,~ ~1~y~h~~Si~~r~y C~n;I~::~~e~~~~~be;nh~eJ:~:~~':~~e~e~~~~.,~ hs~~~For Day Of Reumon , f:;~~~er~~, th:ef~~'~:s TI~~\'Yl:~~ Frederic's engagement to the by as Technical Director. ior representat.ives : D 1a n e western Mar-yland alumni Pageant, and a former . daughter of a multi-millionaire. The student production staff Briggs, Ben Laurence, Barb will converge on the "Hill" for of Gamma De,,,,"'" ,',,,,e,,,,,,' The story is made up of the includes: Edward Scheinfeldt, Petscbke, Joan Smith. Ralph a day of reacquaintauce and at'VMC; I magic ingredients taken from Master Electrician; Bruce Smith, and Peggy Van Dyke. f~n?n Saturday, May 30. Pes- landar, 1963 Miss Glen old fairy tales, such as the wick- Read, Stage Manager; Judith Next yC1U"Sjunior represent- tivities will include an alumni- and a figure in ~~ot~I!~ra~~o~t~o~r::,ir~in~~~= ~~~~~', ~~'~~;rt~:~~es~~:~y SC~~~ G~~de:te~~~:S~eaYJ~~~~Ja~icJ~~)~ [~~~~~~n~,o~fotft~;~~~~se~;it;I~;: ca~~:s c~~~~:Wt~~'llbegan i ella. . field, George Klander, Jqyce ~ey, Grayson Wintcrling, and faculty, a receptIOn in McDamel ~n llltervlew con?ucted Sheeley Plays Demandmg Role Russell, Furniture; Dorothy Mike Kindler. Lounge at 4:30 p~l"and finally Judges. After thIS The most demanding acting Groshon, Carol Yeager, Costume The new, sophomore repre- a. ba~quet in the dllllllg hall be- dress event was .. assignrnen~ that of playing the Mistresses; Martha Taylor, sentatives ':,'111 be: David Car- glllnmg at 6:30 pnl. At t~e by the talent I twin brothers, HUGO and Music and Sound; and Mara rasco, Chns Connelly, Chuck banquet Dr. Lowell Ensor wIll Humphreys, who {REDERIC, is in the capable Dilson, Roberta Love, Publicity. Miller, and Caroline Von Kleeck speak, ~:t~" c~~~ll;~l:tc~e;:as tion. The bathing suit Newly Elected leaders Direct Campus Social life ::::::i~:"'l:::"':::i"dpl'''"g Elections for next semester's tive, Joyce Neff; SGA represent- Goldstein, sunshine chairman. Feal'Y, and' Knepp are ~~;;~Il~el~~~ !lo~~tu\~~i~l~a~~n~7~ officers were recently held in the ative, Esther Thompson. IFC representatJve~; John Baer th ·t t· TI ~~~~~!ty and fraternity club- Phi Alpha Mu The A~~~~a~~~e7.: '~;u Alpha ~ld~r~:I~;~~~t'a::n'~;'lll~.ra~~~~~ ~' Ie g . Serving Phi Alpha as Gamma Tau ,He: president, ard Cline SGA represe~tative; een f p anllln i to Delta Sigma Kappa president next year will be Ton)' Magnotto; vice.president, and Calvi~ Fuhrmann and Eric one or sever~ years. Leading D~ta Sigma Kappa Peggy Van Dyke. Dorothy Gro- George Fulton;. secretary, Mike Wagner, social chairmen. was tSUl'~ of ~he ttyp~ , sorority is president, Pame!a shon is vice·president, Joan Schlee; tre~suler, M~l"k Ka p : Gamma Bela Chi ~;\~eve:·l,ngher afianscee Maryland. Joan is a ~e~~':tt~s V~~~:~pre~;~~~~r \~~~~ ~~~~~a~;da~~a~:~!~~r~~e\:I~pae:~ \~~~~~~;; ~~~=:n~I:~~;~~I~' ~:~ ~'he'brothers of G~mma.~eta aware of this. O~~ anoJ ~~~as~:~~r:sC~~'c~~~ Carolyn ~0\~11 as treasu~e~. tilvel\ IJlhe follo;in~ ~~rl~ w.i.lI ~!~~:~i:~Yba~~~e:!~l.o~FCef:~= ~~~rsh:av;ress~~:~~~;~O~:~l ~~t~~~esc;~~I;~i~;us: \~Ill~~t this ~emester. She has ~~:f::o~hl~~ab~t;e~san~:~, ~:corod= ~~~el, 0chap~~in~ ~~~redi~~g~~~ ior. repr~s~ntativ~,~ A'I Ingalls; ~haau~I:~er~iC:~~~~:~~.ent,R ~r~)c~ tractive ring. What Calltel~~~~~dCI~~e~:I~n~ex~fy!~~ t -y'.. ing secretary; Eleapor Kilmon, bart, alumni secretary; Karen selllOl' SOCIalc~a)l'man, George S L~\~'. 'Ot~~r offirc:~'~u~~,~:ch~p~ Trumpeters Tap and second vice president of : d J h 'th' corresponding secretary; Criss, ISC representative, with Harmeyer; jumor s~cial ch~ir- Delta Omicron. Joan is also a • • ~:~~n;u~~!~~n !~~a;:;~~e ii:~~~?I~~\>a;~al~Ce~:ge~~rna~te~r!~J; ::~~~t~~i~tOI~~~~Od'Tlia~i\::;:; lain, Ja.n;t~ ~ckl~i~~Cho.use ~~~~ Eight New JUniors member of the College Choir, tha Taylor, chaplain; Barbara Carolyn Jennings, SGA repre- histor.ian. Tom Bageant; corre- ~:~~~r:;i~e 0Rnobe;;" Scott· X~\~l: ~~~~\e~~~ 1J::r ~~e;ca~i~~· i~~;~~:~'l~~to::p~'~se~:a\~~~ ~::~~!~e ~;~~~'na~~~neR~e~~~ s[~~~~~~~l~r;s~~~~~I:I;~',s~~~°?l~;k~ geant a.t ~.rllls, J~ffrey Bak:r; Du'ring the Truillpeter Tap- Miss, Humphreys ?opes to tcach Nancy Gocbenour, sergeant at Griest and Carol England, so- over; scholarshiP. chairma~, Jim ~~~balet.eS:~~b:e~iaIC~~~~~~ ping Cel'emonev: on President public school musIc. :';;~~en~~~:~:, Gardiner, SGA ~~~Sh~~:i~~:~r;na~l.aire Rolker, ~~~\ei~~:~~~s~~~ i~~;~~~~~~i man, T~~~~S Bloom~ ~:Sj~.~si~::'Iu.;s:I!~~.en~~~~;:~~! Outstanding Citizen C!2. ach ,Skip Shear II Alpha Alpha outstanding leaders of the cam- The Rotary Club of West- Iota Gamma Chi Sigma Sigma Tau For their officers, the mem- pus. minster has presented Dr. Iota Gamma Cbi elected Jac- Sigma Sigma Tau elected the Dclta Pi Alpha bel'S of Pi Alpha Alpha have The outgoing Trumpeters: Lowell Ensor with the Out- queline Harden to her second following officers: Cathel"ine Directing the activities of elected Bruce Knauff as presi- Barbara Cook, Carol Davis, standing Citizen Award for term as president of their so- Arendt, president; Patrida Delta Pi Alpha next semester dent, Robert Dinger as vice- Nancy Miller, and Helen Terry his contributions to the town. rority. Vice-president is San-. Jones, vice.president; Mary will be Benedict Laurence as president. The following also tapped the following girls on He served the Westminster dy Callander. Assisting them Ellen Coleman, secretary; and president. Under his leader- hold an office: Edwin Welch, May 14 as their successors: Methodist Church for eight will be Joan Roberts, corre- Mary EBen Heggan, treasurer. ship the following- will hold of· corresponding secretary; Greg- Catherine A rend t, Dianne years and has presided as sponding secretary; Lind a \Vorking- with them will be: fice: Dennis Amico, vice-presi- ory Carson, recording secretary; Briggs, Mara Dilson, Joy Hollo- president of WMC for seven- Burkhart, recording secretary; Judith Rowe, alumni secretary; dent; William Falkler, record- John Ballard, treasurer; Car- way, Roberta Love, Barbara teen years, and Mary Lynn Englebrecht, Jahn Buhrman, chaplain; Re- ing secretary; Samuel Helms, ter Adriance, chaplain; Duane Petschke, Sandra Roeder, and This award is presented treasurer. The other officers becca Lord, ISC representative; corresponding secretary; and Lins, sergeant at arms; Alva Nancy ·Whitworth. annually to those citizens are: alumni secretary, Elza Kathryn Coleman, sergeant at Ronald Giesey, treasurer. Mi- Baker, social chairman; and This distinction is the highest who have most actively bene- Hoffman; business manager, arms; Suzanne Jacobs, SGA chael Roney is the new chap- Richard Sanger, IFC represent· honor awarded to a female stu- fited ·Westminster. Paula Cullen; ISC representa- representative; and J u d i th lain; Robert Basye, Richard ative and house managel". dent at WMC. ~
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