Page 57 - TheGoldBug1963-64
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Libr~y "eeuer-n Marylar_d College 'er.t i:,st0!', ,~d. Vol. 41, No. 19 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND May 1, 1964 Tile Gold Bug Presents: MAY DAY, 1984 Parade Heralds Spring Theme, Afternoon Fete Society Bantl, In Amphitheater Vibrate Gym Full Schedule of Fun Campus Goes Formal Friday Until Sunday As a fitting climax to the May Day week-end, Pi Alpha Alpha offers "Younger Than Springtime," this year's May Day dance. The hours from 8 until 12 pm, on Saturday, l\fay 2, promise to be only too short due to the memorable music of !he ::~h~~~~eVl!~ie~;Ch~S:~~: Recently this band played at Proceasion to the White House and also for After an Miss Johnson's debutante party. night of The music, the colorful flower-a tionJthe and butterfltsa, and the fresh other' springtime atmosphere all will in the May Day add up to an evening of dnnelng- up at the Armory at 12:30. pleasure and social enjoyment. From there the parade w:ill move up Main Street through Gener-al Chairman Warren the town, past the college, enter says that the formality, the back of the campus and wind i with the friendly tone up on the hill behind Hoffa that pervades ali of WMC's ac- Field. The end of the parade tivities, will provide a memot-, will signal the beginning of the able occasion for all. The dec- ceremonies in the College Am- orations are under the hand of phitheater, under the direction Ted Pokorney; advertisement, Dinger; Refreshments, Bob of Bill Penn, Master of Cere- monies. Buzz Bilker; Tickets and Pro- Browning; and grams, Maurice Presentation of May Queen Clean-Up, Car] Wilson. First will be the presentation of the May Queen and bel' COU1·t, heralded by II trumpet fanfare performed by Craig Davis. Serving the court as Freshman Heralds will be Janet Bauer and Toni Marcus. Jane Earl will -serve as Flower Girl and the Millar boys as Crown Bearer and Herald. After the presen- tation, the Queen will be crown- ed by President Ensor. Following this will be enter- Jane, 11 member of Phi Alpha tainment, including I Mu sorority, has represented lads and Songs" the elasa of '64 011 every May Marv Reitz and Court since her freshman year ett, "Spring Magi<''' by Bruce and will be escorted this Fri- Robinson, and the traditional day by Lynn Workmeister. Maypole Dance featuring the Membel'ship in Argonauts and freshman women. Pi Gamma Mu, assistant busi- Olher Activities ness manager of the '64 Aloha and dining waitressfng in the Other activities scheduled for hall ar-e some of the Q.lleen's the afternoon varied positions. Jane was also match against selected as Western Maryland's 2 pm, a baseball game i entry in Glam.our magazine's Dickinson, also at 2 pm, search for the best dressed coed. Inter-soror-ity Council Tea McDaniel Lounge at 3:15 pm and open house in all the dormi- tories and fraternity and sorer- ity clubrooms from 2 to 5 pm. Formal Dance Then, beginning at 8 pm, the May Day dance, "Younger Than Spr-ingtime," sponsored by Pi Alpha Alpha, will take place in I a senior attendant Gill Gym. Richardson, a A great deal of credit goes education major to those who have organized i Cru-ole, a mem- May Day activities. Alpha ~lu sorority, Program Officials escorted by William Serving as General Chairman -. She was selected year as a member-or is Robert Scott. Frank Rine- Who in .4m.enca.n CoUcges IVho'8 asul hart is in charge of properties, Unive1'sitie8 Jacque Bland-flowers, Candy "", 've., "., •••::; ISC president and has served as and as secretary Criss - entertainment, Connie of the Class of '64. Vanderloo _ programs, Mary Ellen Heggnn-c-publicity, and Also representing the class of ser-ving as Parade Mal'shnl- '64 is Kathryn Stoner, a sociclo- Ron Gunderson. (Continued on page 3) The theme for next year's ner'a novel, Intruder in Senior Investiture Service Senior Class on Friday, May 15. Freshman Orientation Week Dust. The ee-chairmen of the ban- Graduate Records The advanced tests of the Graduate Record Exams will be administered Monday, May 4, 1 pm in Baker Me- morial Chapel-Be Prompt! The ur-ea tests oi GRE will be given to sophomores and seniors Friday, May 8, 1 pm in the dining hall. Attend- L ance will be checked. _j wine.
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