Page 65 - TheGoldBug1963-64
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The Gold Bug, May 15. 1964 Brain Trust News Of The Week In Brief ee Sh Iey, ac "G t S S rt" SOS Features Sarah Cecil any way possible. of he?' interest. New Members Chosen For existenoe of in the varioM lingl~is- Ib h This concert 0 ome ma S different Student Life Council At Goucher Concert is an expression tic groups states. Senior Argonaut Nelson Shee- sylvania. Th~ S~ldent OppOl·t!lnitic8 in~::t::~~. ~~~lIe~~cis :l::k v':1 m~r·o/;:; S~~~s~~n~:ie ~:~~~ f:;;i8P::::;ka::~ol!';W,~iJ:n;f~:~~ ley has contributed much to both Nelson has been industrious Service liJlll spousor a concert WMC's SOS. Goucher students cil has announced the selection the Ford Foundation program academic and extra curricular' his many' by Sumh Stafford Cecil o?~ the are P)'ese-ntly'forming a similar of'the new members of the 1964- Mid the other, a fellowship frum activities during his four G01(.Cher College Campus May organization. D)'. Earl Gris- 1965 Council. They are: Debbie the American Instit1tto of In- at ~ia:'~S~:I:1,:e~rofe~t ~;C~'l::~~:~ ,V,,;~;~,~~u;:'~:"h~;~I:.:r: 1!;'t~~~'::~r::::~ ~~f:~~re~:~.~:~~Zl~~ ~:y~~H~~:r C:;~: ~~~:e;~:o\t~:l"~~v~~I~;~~.Mere- and [nture plans of the lno)"11.1IIg to spoak on Oporatwn Economic Thought and G)"owth dHril/.g her visits to WlI1C Phili}Jp~l1es and Project Puerto Price David Plan Indian the Deoelopmenc of the In- vpltmteered to aid them in Rico at a 8choolwide assembly. Tra'vel for Sabbatical dlan Economy." i Ensor Reviews Battalion, Presents Awards C"i::~"p~j~~;:rA: ~:I~:~a~;S;;~ Weins-'o-c-k-W-j-ns-Silver enoe, and Dr. Ralph B. Price, Reed and Barton Silversmiths Dr. Lowell S. Ensor received mend, Gold Medal; Cadet Cpl. Professor of Economics, will of Taunton, Massachusetts, have the Presidential Review 'I'hurs- Scott Joyner, Silver Medal; and leave t-his SlOnmer for a yea.r of announced the winners of their day, May 5, from the ROTC Cadet Pvt. Barry T. Cana ras, sabbatical stltdies in India. recent Silver Opinion Competi- Battalion on Hoffa Field. Dur- Bronze Medal. Both have been engagod in the tion. Phyllis Ibach came to WMC ing the Review, Dr. Ensoripre- The Daughters of the Ameri- Asian stltdies 1>rogf'ant spore- Locally, Ann Weinstock, a from Roebling, New Jersey. sented the Baltimore Sunpapers can Revolution Medal for out- SOI'ed b·y the POTd F'01mdatio-n. junior, won one of the 100 her four years here she has Medal awarded annually to the standing achievement in leader- Dm'ing the Sl0mner, Dr. Da- "starter set" prizes for her en- en much of her enthusiasm, I outstanding member of the ship and good citizenship was v·id wiU be participatimg in an try. As one of the major prize ent, and time. Phyllis corps, to Cadet Lt. Colonel presented to Cadet Captain institute on lndirm Civilization winners in the contest, she will as vice president of I C. Stephens. George A. Gebelein and Cadet Wider a Fulbright award. The receive approximately $50 worth Also awarded annually is the ist Sgt. Gordon M. Bateman. fall and willteT w-ill be Sp&1lt in of sterling, fine china, and cr_ys- Superior Cadet Ribbon, a pre- The American Legion Gold l\Ie~- st1tdies ~l11de')' ft partial. Fonl tal. She selected the followlll,g sentatioh to the outstanding al for outstnndmg academiC POllJndatwn gl·(l.nt. HIs .re~ patterns: Reed and Bartons student in each academic class. achievement was presented to scarch 10ill pertain to J"oIatW1H1 "C.lassic Rose" sterling silver, Dr. John D. Makosky presented Cadet Major Thomas E. Bow· b~twee~. Ih~ eentral u?vornment FI~ntridge's "Blac~ ,Co~,tessa" senior and junior awards to man. Jerome P. Baroch, Jr., oJ lud!a and the /Juhan Stotes china, and Baccalats Long- Cadet Captain Robert D. Price student me~ber of th: Marine alld tho p'roblems posed by the champs" crystal. 1 ,./ and Cadet Captain Benedict Corps, receIVed.a Marm_e honor ==============="=== r. II Laurence. Mr. James E. Rob- from the American LegIOn. 'lew elluers ~merge ~~~~~d]lt~esC~~:~h~~.p~~~~O~~~~ pr:si:~~edMat~Ua~a~e~ar:s~ \;~~~ ard J. White and the freshman George Harmeyer, Cadet Cpl. Juniors Preside Over The scope of the WAA has award to Cadet PFC Leslie W. Allan S. Ingalls, Jr., and Cadet Counclis Next Year been broadened to t/zcl1tde /110m Carter. Pvt. Leslie W. Carter. Seczet ballobng In the glllle l11te)ested w?J?1en. .Everyone Major Noel Burnett, Fort De- Lt. Col. Frank E. Anderson, by all men students May 12 who l~as parttelpated ~n at. least trick, awarded the Association AlS, Professor of Military Sci- elected John Law chairman of on~. mtmmu1"al sport. w:" be of the United States Army encc, announced the awal·ds. the Men's Council. John will eitg/ble fO'I" me-mber8htp m.the ROTC Medal to 1st Sgt. George preside over the two men's fall. Barb !,etch,~e expia111.ed R. Fulton for outstanding lead- dormitories in his senior year at tIL? new pollCY:' iVe ~wpe to ~:~~~Pi~ea~::~l~~~gO~:er~,Ol~ R~~'~~:ntadt~~nNp;~g~a~el W~tC, a meeting earlier this ::':;:1~~,~re;I;:;e~~ntt~~:8~7t:j,l)om- . ,::~~~~~~ ~~ed~: j~:i~~~U:~~~o~ Mr. [(eitl~ IRichwine, ~hai?'- :f;c\~'d ~:;s~~e~~~i'~~l~thw~~~ Tri-Beta Enjoys Pi.cnic, acted ill many college and class A R G 0 N A U '1 PH Y L LIS lllore, and freshman classes 'II:-an of the P'l"esh.mam OnCJ1ta- en's Council. Constance vander Elects 1964·65 Officers. ~r~~~ti~~~m~aS!to~~m~~r t~: ~~trgHin ~~hol~:shl~:t=~~IYact\~ "~~r~p~se~ted I~yis~~el ~~i- ~!;::lI:~;e! 3~::;~t!~~\~~usreO:;_ Loo was elected secretary. ne!e~~c~r:t~o~~: c~~~~~dye~~ Teotem Pole Playhouse in Penn- Ity_ 0 . . Ot~~l:S~ award~ wer: ing f01" the Orienu:tion Week \VAA Selects Leaders at an afternoon picnic in HaT- ~~~~~~~~:; 1~~:o~::teeann~nP~c~i~:n;~rtici_ Ronald W. Read- r:r:f:;;?)~ial~:~~~ w~1i~~~:::;~ee~ ciZe~:'~j;ao:Ir:;~~:OI:I~~;t~~eAe~:~~ ~~ry ~~~n~Alrc~r~ri::d~~~~.a:~ KEEPSAKE r~FiK1~H~\~~~!i~:?~~;~: ;::{~:~¥~:?~n:::~''f;~I:;'';;1~~:~}~lJ,:~::{~r::;~lh~~,~~:i::~!;:~::::~~;:~:Z:~~?~f~: & ARTCARVED i~:~em~~~. ~~e;hdod~~~~n~~~d~;: ~:~'re::1~~!'s i1!~:~i!~7~~:~?~~.~~~C:I~;n~~~-l;:~~~l:.~;: 1I~~:Jg!e;; !~~;~~:cr~~.::;~r~;;a a~~ke~a~~i Diamond and found bme to be a member of WTTH AM·FM Plese?:1 stuaemts ale also. ?C- Biddle, t)"eas·Hrcr. lIIa11Ugers of Barker, hlstol"lan. Wedding Rings re~~ ~~~i::aet~e:t 0:' the St1;l. ~~~st~:ok: ~~7tb~t~:~e s~~~e~!:o;;:~ t~~1~arie~ sports offc?'cd for Jones Heads Wesleyanettes . t' uca Ion A sso- bookstore' next week. Letters coe s were als? selected: The' ~Vesleyanettes have eleet- Open an account clap~00iis' plans for the future 1I,'i/l be sent to f,!,C1tlt.y.and Stlt- ~~~~;~tR::~elj1:~~~1~~lt p~~~~~~ ed ~hdr new officers for the at include graduate school at Rut- , as well as tlloommg /1'esh- ba-sketball; Carol lIJoreiockuol- eOmtng ycar. J~dy ~ones as- DAV:~'; ~~;:~~ERS ~~:k~~::'~;~~tYh,~~h~:,t~~.;,'~;;l Join the ;:~L?'~~~~~:~:':';";;"I~':t;,;: ~~~~~/i,,~l';;;:;f"';~;:r,;;,:,~dB~:~,:~~::,F'::'1t;:;,~~:"~ '-N---E--"'---.'-' ~~~~~~c!~!O~Yf~i~~l~;'~~Ca~::r~ Charm Club P u . 1r'~~~~~;~~;~~'~~:~:~!:i;l~ ~:;gasa:e~:~~;';e~o:~~n(i:a~I; Westminster COLAOTNIAL badmmtOl1. Powers, chairman. StilW as worship .. WeslIninsler J. C. PENNEY CO. La~:try EASY TO SHOP JEWELERS 56 West Main SI. "~!S;:i!::~~,~~~. ART Dry Cleaning NOW THREE WAYS s~ SUPPLY MRS. FISHER Buy Five Charms - TO SHOP CENTER STUDENT UNION Get One Free. Layawa.y _ Cash or Cha.rgt' I. IlUiLDING It is not. neccssary to purchase them at one time. Carroll Theatre WHAT'S NEW IN THE BOOKSTORE 111 Fri., Sal. JUay 15, 16 • CORRECTION _ t.his is NOT new _ our nlOst sincere best wishes to the seniors, as they leave us to embark Sean Flynn on their chosen careers. Good luck to each - and "CAPTAIN BLOOD" come back often to The Hill 10 visit us. • WESTERN .l\1AUYLANO SCHOOL TIE Andy' prize-winlling design has bcen tra?slated into a consen-alive. pure-silk tie, incOrl)O' ratmg the coliege colors. $2.50. Perfect gift to a Sun.-Tues. May 17-19 friend with tics to The Hill (no pun intended!) or a Robcrt Mitchum nostalgia-filled "Old Grad" returning for Alumni Day. Show your colors". wear a WMC tie proudly. Great "MAN VISIT OUR NEW SELF·SERVICE "Father's Day" gift! IN THE MIDDLE" ART SUPPLY CENTER. SELECT' • BOOKS! BOOKS! Con- We al~ays ha\'e new books for your tempting. BRUSHES, PAINTS, PADS AND rad [lIchter's "The Grandfat.hers," $3.95, arril'ed to- OTHER ART MATERIALS. 1 day! Word to undergraduates-books for the summer Wed.-Sat. May 20·23 reading programs of Dr. Makosky and Dr. Price, I)hls books for the F AC "College Colloquium," now in stock. Burl Lancaster Kirk Douglas Be reminded what a perfect. lifetime gift a fine KELLY'S book can be! Books are especially suitable for group "SEVEN DAYS gifts. and graduation STATIONERY STORE o~ committee gifts, memorials printed books _ start_ IN MAY" Just time to get that second wind. Have a Coke. )\'1' ha\'c some fine, beautifully HOME, SCHOOL and ing at a mere $1.00 and ranging to a handsome $18.75. Coca-Cola - Its big, bold taste Our attractive gift-wrap is available at no charge. OFFICE SUPPLIES May 24 26 never too sweet, Sun.-Tues. 47 E_ !\fain St. 8..8-5553 THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE Shirley MacLaine puts zing in people ... refreshes best. Westminster,Md_ Daily 8:30 am until 4;00 Winslow Student Center "IRMA LA DOUCE" Alumni Day, SaL, May 30, until 6:00 pm thing, go Clothes Flower Fresh LECKRON b~WIth BOHN at the There's a hobby for you PONTIAC Arl Sllppli.... ~fodelR.ilr ....d.. GULF SERVICE COIN SUPPLIES MODERN IDEAL MODELS or aU TYPES W. !\fAIN & PENNA_ AVE. CQl
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