Page 56 - TheGoldBug1963-64
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4 The Gold Bug, Apr. 17, 1964 Terrors Drop Ten Inning Heartbreaker ... 1-0 de Witt Runs, Hops, Skips And Jumps Thinclads To Victory" Benthem Is Bombed After - Spotlight '64 Kidd an~ Wheatley Sparkle exercise ."h,d- InWashing.ton College Upset Joyner 's Superb Effort Maryland on the has established ule where he also marks his best The. largest opening day were split. w~th Alexand~r and at weeteru desk, Cal' has ,; In hi' three Y"" . . team, track running times. He has an enor- Cal Fuhrmann W~!!l~~~.~v~~~~P~~;t~~;e~p~~r~! ~~~.~~~Ko~~ uis~d~~s~~:ifn~~~r: ~~:e~£f ~~et~:a~tri6~tl \~~~~~ :~::e!a~~~ i~df~~~~~~~e~n~r:i~~ ~~~:~~~·;~dth~o~ll:!~r\v~~c~~s~~~ ~~~s~au~~~~~n~h~~~~go~o:~a~~ ~~~~~~~~~n~laseta~:v~~~~yPlal~~~~~~~~he ':~~~al ase~~:~e~a~tJ!kt~ ~;~dir~Vt~~~h:fs ~~:ne~ishi~ea~= ~~~ r:;~r~~:eJo~ne~~~~t o~~u~~ ~~.:uf~,~:~r~:r!~~ i;:!,e~:~~~nt~! hU~~:. k.ey to Western Ma~y- Saturday afternoon. Although the appropriate box a big capi- mates, is co-captain this year. be best for the individual in his Ple~ de Witt Show. The Green land s victory. ~ust be attrtb, ~~~a~veaJ~se;la;ea; ~::l ans~v~~~ ~~t~bK i · S~~f;l,f~~e t~~:;\;~~~e~ ~~Ii.~~~ar~~~ b~eonn~er~~1"Y~:~~pa~~~~::: e;::t~· Im roved the !;~~·~:~gt;~gegol~~e ~;_~~e~au~~ ~::!r~.~s d~~':rlt~a~e~~d~ts~e~~ they lost 1-0, and the diamond- who are caught watching the participant In sports sl~ce team spidt~allY. y AnPall-out re- ll;g what IS h~ped to be the first ~he bloag t~uml' ~op, ~ep atnd t ~i~~ ;n~n:::~~; ::~:;;'~~~YJ~~~~ ~~~rdi:tl;k~vff~.bYk~S~o~d~!t~i~~gJ~v:~h~o~.t:e ;aor~~:;s t~al:k~ ~~~i~~~ ~al~~~i~idc;nh~~~;~dt~~ 0 ~:::~ ~:ls;;·sPl"ing skies the ;~~:t~ecor~ i~s t~~ ~na:;ra~ l\1a;kovic~i:~ne~~~~a~:rey. ~~:~ll~n: n~~~::r ~~c~~ee~l~b~e:~ :~~m~i!l~s ~~!~el::~t~:l~r!~~m:t ~~~~1i~;:~n~~~~~~~ b~:~t ,~~~~ ~~~oe:~sC.h(~·~t~:o ~~:~:.als:::~ ~~ot~et~~P~c~~ ~~:o;du~~r ~~~ .Sc~tt J oyn~r, sophomore may get t~e opportunity to sit WMC sl~ce ~IS freshma~ year. easily and. the~ were favored to a~~nkt\~~~~) S~~~elethean~ho~a~: ~~~~~ngJc~~ithe ~~o~.~~stt:t~o4~ p~tchmg ace, dehvered a spl~n- at the president s bench and ob- The mll~ IS C?l's ~am race do so agmn th~s year. The .15- !~ ). the 'discus (S'chuele Mc- yard relay and can be written in (~p~·I.smg y B·~l one d ~r rIu~ G I C ~~~ini~rf~~m~~t~~ctr g;;i~gm~: serve. Injuries Costly ~t~d~~ t~~~~si:~m~~~~~w:~~ ~~o~:~:~t~ef~tl~:!y o;h~~~~dth~7.~c;'ea'd'y~ a~d ~ailey) an.~' most off to in~ o~ly 3 hits. In the tenth in- Two members of the squad and this past Saturday he show- is a greater instilled spirit l \~e~e a s ompete mng, with the score 0-0, big Butch Behnke and Bucky Kelly: ed W~shington College ~ha.t it the team .along with the support tir~).ll~~~nhig:l\;~tsa~ere Jack Benthem replaced Joyner have been out of action due to ,;as hiS race as.he won It In a of.a thirty-three man squad the versatility of Schuele and ~~r;; ~~~ur~~~waa~~t~: Sth~~~i:e~~~~~ !~~:nd~~ ~~e t~~n~~~~ ~n~~tt~~ ~';I:;it~·~~: ~~~~~e,~~:n\\~a::al ~~~Ie~e~;~t~~e ~;~~~~sPi~t t~~ . T~e 'Wome~'s Ath~etic Asso- !~~~~~~~'~;ndn:~;~r~fa~~Oa~~!~ * * * ~~~~ei~:oe':;e:~ :~~oo~~~o~nfo~~= ~:f;:d ~: g~~:c;fstZ\~ ;haev~eaa~~ shot PU\ and discus could come ~:~O~~~~\d 11;.s U;~~g C~h~;!~ ly hit by Artie Mundis. Susquehanna-1 sees the relay team breaking the enthusiasm. an~ me~ ~~dd' b f the University of Maryland, Fern "Praises" 'Vestern Maryland-O pl'evious record in that event by Cal agrees therc are prob-. ~~n I t"~. a s~nce t rom and Western Maryland partici- ne~:si~~se m;~:i~~~:n~e~ot~~::h Cupp .._ ~~ ~ r~i th~::dofofC:~'~S ~l::~o:utstand_ ~~r:sO~a~~~iC~yi!h~ t;~~; tt::;: ~~F~:~~11~~~E~E7~~~r:!oe:: ~!~~h~~.y~h~~~f:nad~~~~~i~~ort~ Hitchcock was quick to comment Carey ... 3 1 0 ing features is his ability to However, ~e feelg that the team to Washington College's Magee Western Maryland cop e d on the all around hustle of the Walker. .. 4 0 0 work hard and push the team is overcommg most of the other with a toss of 169'9". first and third places in archery squad. He was disappointed, MarkOVich 4 1 0 toward improvement. Coach Ron difficulties, and he expects a The dashes showed that as with Carol Rueger shooting 365 however, in the lack of offensive Joyner ._ __.__ 4 0 0 Jones, who himself has a great "winning season this year" de Witt goes so goes 'Vestern and Elaine Brown shooting 338. punch and especially at the Ho~man 4 0 0 deal of enthusiasm toward the which would be a large improve- Maryland. The same goes for Sue Agnew from Hood placed number of strike outs which AmiCO 3 0 0 team, feels Cal is the hardest ment on the two wins of last the hurdles with Frank Kidd second with 339. "caught us looking." As a re~ Jngal~s _.. _ 3 0 0 W 0 1"k e r on the team. The year. The spotlight feels that who broke his own school record Tn golf Sherry Fischer placed suit, Mr. Hitchcock has chosen Schmidt _ 3 0 0 'Sports' circles hold Cal in higp Cal very much deserves recog- for the 330 yard intermediate first with a 50 and Roberta himself as honorary president ---- regard because of. his courage nition, for he has become the hurdles. West (U. of M.) with 51 took ~~~~~~~~~ I;=~~~~~~~=; 0 and determined attitude. A mainstay of the track team. The middle distance events second. Joy Holloway won the of the "backward K club." 0 2 The 32 r pre-medicine major, he has four Milt Tipperman special award for being first on most often, and she a week and is also the green laboratories "Everybody Welcome" ~e ~~~~gt~:l~i~:a~~~ra~~tce S~;~ - Bachelors Cop Crown ~~S~oj~e~Vii~rC~el~~l~dT:~~~rer(ti. BOHN PONTIAC ti;e:fo~e w::~. track season one There's Ii hobby' for you maT~~:'~~~:!o~~~ ~~i~~~~: o~at7:~ of ~!~~iS singles were high- at the could almost always see Cal Art Snpplie., Model Railroad. Intramural Volleyball competi- lighted with the fine playing of On the final night of reg- Lois COIN SUPPLIES SALES running with his weighted vest MODELS of all TYPES tion. play they nosed out the Roeder Kievit (Hood). in Sandy placed this gymnasium on after- ular the second in DOWNTOWN noons. On the wall above his Gamma Beta Chi entry in two event. The Hood duet of Linda and Boato, Planeo. Car. and Monste.. very close games, to clinch the James and Ester Paist took the BOBBY'S SERVICE 19 E. Main St. HOBBY LOBBY championship. Finishing in doubles championship while second place, for the third time Ginny Knapp and Maggie Elgin Dorothy Elderdice Billiards TI 8-9824 this year, were the G·amma won the consolation doubles. 192 Pennsylvania Ave. COSTUMES and FORMALS 21 E. Main St. Betes. Third place went to the Sherry Fischer was chairman FOR RENT Westminster, Md. Freshmen, followed by Delta Pi of the 1964 Sports Day. She by; the following Phone for Appointment 848-4350 Alpha, Pi Alpha Alpha, and the was assisted Cathy Arendt, invi- chairmen: Dean's Beattles. 75 W. Green· St. Tl 8·4630 '-::=======~~::::::=::=::=,Itations; and guides; Pam Mary Ellen hostess Bobbett, l~ Cole- man, registration; Joy Hollo- Join the LECImON way, refreshments; and Dolly Rayfield, programs. The Sports Day was conclud- Charm Club GULF SERVICE ed with a picnic lunch at which WESTERN AT W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. the new freshman group, Take Westminster,l'ttd. Five, performed. MDTDRS COLONIAL Tl 8-6929 TI8-9876 JEWELERS Road Carroll Theatre 32 W. l\Iain SI. Westminster, Md. Service Fri. - TUes.", Aprill7 - 21 Authorized dealer in Natalie Wood Steve Mcqueen Buy Five Charms - "LOVE WITH A IMPERIAL Get One Free. PROPER STRANGER" BOWL CHRYSLER It is not necessary to Wed.-Sat. April 22·25 purchase them at onc time. With Jackie Gleason Tuesday Weld PLYMOUTH Chief "SOLDIER IN THE RAIN" VALIANT Wesbninster Pokomoke Laundry Sun. Wed. April 26-29 and Yul Brynner Shirley Anne Field Dry Cleaning Tenpins "KINGS 279 E. Main 8t. Soo WESTMINSTER OF THE SUN" Westminster, Md. MRS. FISHER LANES in the Shopping Center Singing goes better refreshed, in Students - Until 5:00 p.m. Thurs.-Wed. And Coca-Cola - with that speCial zing 848-4141 STUDENT UNION S1.00-3Games April 30 -May 6 Walt Disney's but never too sweet- llUILDING Mon.. Including Shoes 848-6570 "A TIGER WALKS" Fri. refreshes best. JOBS ABROAD thing'gO SUMMER JOBS b~~th Largest NEW directory. & TEACHERS of per- for STUDENTS STUDENTS Lists hundreds in Europe, opportunities career South manent job summer CQ{{e America, Africa and the Pacific, for MALE or NEW S'64 directory lists 20,000 includes exact MALE or FEMALE. openings in 50 states. Un- Gives specific Totals FEMALE, 50 countries. precedented research for students addresses and names prospective U. S. employers with foreign subsidiaries. Exceptionally. high pay. pay rates and job details. Names employers and in industry. summer their addresses for hiring free travel, etc. In addition, enclosed vital guide camps, national parks, resorts. etc., etc., etc. and procedures necessary to foreign employment. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send two dollars to Jobs faction guaranteed. Send to: Summer Jobs Direc- Bottled under the authority of The Coea·Colij Company by, - Hurry!! jobs filled early. Send two dollars. Satis~ WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA Abroad Directory-P. O. Box 13593-Phoenix, tory-Po O. Box 13593-Phoenix, Arizona. Arizona. BO'ITLING co.
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