Page 64 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 64
2 The Gold Bug, May 15, 1964 Change, On The Hill??? Somebody Up There? Hello, A/olio! Mattingly by Sherriet this ~~ll~;~ti~fo~h: ~fe~~S~~~~et~.t~ed~~~:nIO~~I ht~~t s~~dCt~:~ Sure by Alice Ghc1'bo1111ier green ~~anhi::e'~~ s~~~seal~h;~~rp.a~e~ Here's Dr. Ensor, we see more is pretty. That point with pride to all three of its major publications this year. Are You ~'1eant? n~b~Jy 't~O~~~t~~ll~~~lI:eafl~~~:~Really clever, their giving little The Aloha speaks for itself! Improved layout and a new full ~~ :he\~~rner. Looks almost too ~:~:~~~l~nO~a!h:r~:~i~~:!''Ne~~~ :.~;:~;: ;;~et:::a~~sih~i~~~;xe~~~:t;~t~~~~rast which also con, pretty to open ,up. A'~, heck, did learn who all of them were. It can be noted that the new Gold Bug you've been getting ?~ahead! open .It. :rf at s what It's a little late now, but any- ;~~li:~:i~~~; c~~~~Sa~~k~t~e~aS~~~~1~:';:~;:s~I~;~~~e~!Sn:~I:~~~~ .by Dean Ire G. Zepp, Jr. ti? conte~t. which ha.s t~ do ~~~::~~'~~l~!~r~~:~e~l:!~~p~~~ w~~~:e:~: 1~~:lth~:Ch', an In erage on a planned front page and inside news briefs and rea, The question used to be, "Are with the will to meanmg. the Iittle open window Clev Memor-iam to President. Kenne tures, a full feature section including columnists, and definite im, you saved?" But today the The "Why" ei Oh my gosh! Get a load dy with hIS Inaug ura l Address, provements in the sports section. symbol of salvation is void of Fj aukl takes with radical of Dr. K~pman's making faces It's really fittmg there What The Publications Board has demonstrated that worthwhile content. The question now seriousness Nietzsche's observe- Really good candid shots, some he said IS like a message to all ~~t::~tc:~o~~~e about on the "Hill=-c-just stop complaining and ~~k:dy~~' ~'~r~Jeo~I:~~~~~~I~~ ~~~,~y'~~~~'hits e~~.:te:cnt~~ '~~l~ ~~~~~;d~; 'l~i~geY;n\\:~~~~:~~:!of TUhs~writing. in this yeal:book ==================1 From sophomore to psychiatrist be able to bear with almos~ any studying and his head is caught and all the pI.c~ures and Ideas This Is Freedom? . ~~es~f::~t~~an~~~Oli~g~~~ed t~; :;~~~~~:~~:«~::a!Ob~0~1~~~;~~I~:~~'ib~~eth~n:~~~bOO:r~b~~~~ h~: :r~~r~f~IYD~etl~~f~~,CkI'I~~~::I_J:i~ ;~~~~;; ~,~:~;~~':~'~~:'~~,:~: ~:~=t,:;"~:~od:ut '~~Ul:h,k~:~ ;;.~~\ s~o~::K~g. ::~;~ft~lIth;~~ inf,H,duul 'mi~::d outstanding When the Dlstnct of Colum- except for a few speCial week- leaders of our time pose the Wltz concentration camp. T~e green. Uh-oll, here's a gU'1 at see the supplement,. hia removed a law from the ends where doors must remain question of meaning~Paul Till- book could not have been wnt- her worst. At least she has a ---- ~~~:i~a~l~~\~;n ~~;c~w~~~;~:o~~ ~:~~~~~g ~el~Snh~~b~:~~~'a~~t~!~~~\~~~to~is F;~~iih-~;i~~log~: ~~~i~u~~t~~~ ~~o;i~;n:~~~nfuaacl~~~~~~~~db~,;~~~~~~~~ like my little (Dsey ~~~::ic~nc~~:!l~~~~~~:so~ea~!~~: ~~a~:fi%a~~;~~~e:a~n ~~~~!~~~~:~l~~~:S~~~li~gy:~e T~~II~~~O~:~~;~t~~ii~l'~~~:: a;:.o~~~ s~:el~ Sn~~~l bs~~~~~~gW:~~~arb~tl~;~ Strikes statement that "The progress of where they can be isolated and din:-ension which has to do with me~nmg? For, .if not, t~en ing' lectures,' concerts; we ~yCi~~id:!i;e: ~;~r~:d=~~u~~~ ~~~~I?l~:e~~~'~tea~~~~g;h~~:r~~ ~~~~~~~Vit~oi:ce;i~l:;:the~~~~~~ ~~tJ~~~r~i;alt;he;:rISanl~f~le\~~~~! ~:adJl~.Pl"~~~kg:Otdi~:;e a~~~~a~~ Out individuaL" ley, has blundered its wily to ~canlng depends upon such a page 32, making out on the . mo~~:~~o~sy:;~'n~!s s~:;~;~:t~~~ :~~hc:n~~~~ti~~;:u~o~~~.rat~r:l!~ Anxieties of Mount: ~1~':U;;~;c~aSno~~\~~~atO:;; ~~~~~e~I.P\~~ot~~e~t~~.~~ta~~~no~~iwa~h~~n~~l~~~~_i~~'~h:e::ts s~~~ forcement and the power struc- tion of a "gentleman's agree- would not be worth hvmg at Wish that binding wasn't there. at \VMC.. As should. have ~~:~ ~hei:c.;:~p~sM~~Ju~~ ~~~~ ~~;et'~h~i hUaS~Il;oj~~~C~~le:~~~~~They Need Women! ~ll~ow he. finds a. lac~ of mean- ~'~!hm~~regi~~l:a:e~ii~!~t~~~: ~~ ~;:;ed~XP;~~~s I:ak:~s tom~~coan~ ~:I~' li:'ra1°;~ur~t~or~~~ ~~~~ fie~I~Yoft~~e~~U~r!r~~~~;:i~~.the Do they have t~ ~~;tynO~e~lff:~~~t?I; ~~:\~~~~~ ~~~:;sh~;: lo~~\~~~h~l!oorAnf~~~ ~~~Ict~~~~r Oftea~~~ngPro~~~~i~;~ and higher tolerance q~otient intelligence and integTity of the COlne into our body at the UlllversIty of VI_ hair's certainly grown since that Ho~veve~,I.n most of the courses f~~t~;~~i~~:' ~~~ ~~tn1;:sei:~ ~~~;;l~e~!y co~:;:r~tud~~~~teli~ dorms to get them? FI~;~ ~!:r~acte o~a:~l~:~in~ ~: r~:~~re wi;~asy;~~~~, Lf~o:ori~!;~.~~:n~s~~~~ provements, everything else that seems that in at least one aspect On a languid Saturday night, that. IS, ~ verse by Frost, given a whole and m~ormat)on whl~h the stu- has changed is not. Campus we have regressed; and as us- last week, while all the other lack of IllltJatlve, loss ?f llltel- page! . Dedicated to Dr, dent WIll hav~ to make up somc- :~~Sta~~~g~~S! one cares, °L ~~e~n:~~ ~~~.\~~sh;.r ;i~o~~ ~v:~~/!o~~~~ eS~~~~i:h;t::e:i~lgemlt:~ e ~p_ ~~il~;s~'t ~~~n~e;~a~:r:uro~~ ~~;:'n~e;~r~h~~sc:~~~x~:·s t~~~ =================~ ~lo;:cheSi~:;aal"d,Ofwa:rs:tanflf~; i~'~I~:hw~!~~~:'. aa~'Si~~~~e~;I~~~:~ a~~~c~~!, he~~ a~!~:IY t~~~'~ J:d;:u~:;:t~~.~U~disber~~:O~nef;~ All Aid Foreign Directed; before her mirror in a clinging proach .to salvation. And there what I hear. And he sure That is cuttmg cla~s IS mo~e Importa~t Sudden- IS no sJnlple ,,·ay out of mean- liberal-minded enough! slip teasing he)" hair. th~n the lnfor.matlOn he Wl.11 ly there were heavy footsteps inglessne~s. The bowery bu~, sermon he gave really made old gam by attendmg and that If What' About Home Front? ~~:~is:~, ~~w~. ~~~ti~~~~ c~~~~ 1~::t:~~~~: ~I~~v:~n~~~;:%!;~~ ~:::;ec~~~~ao:,~a~o~~~~~~~~!o.i.t~ ~u~t~td~:i :~~~~ t~~t d:uc;~:~e~~ ing. In walked four boys from know better than a g~od man.y All these pictures! Really, a.lty of a lo,,:ered. III addl- by Dr. William M. Dav~, ~r. United States ,and the so.cial ~!~tle~t. d~~~~Y'~nC~~:gebed!,h~~ i~·:a~~e~·\oh~~on~o~l~~h~~~~~l;~ ~~~~:/ i;"o~:v~f :~~so~m:;~ ~~~set; the lllfolmabo:, he has al!~~ :::~~~~!e ~~~~:~~~c~~o~~S~~~:~n:t ~~~!t:~e.the Umted ~~te~"'s /o~V~iS:;: b~~~fed,~~~ proclal~e~· of Rules jh::le:ll;ee ~~;:l~~:gon;y c~~:~.~ I. Wi~~e~~~:~o:a~~O'Uld ex- times quite puzzling. I wonder ~Vhlle our students h~ve passed about among the intrud- In tl1e words of a sympathetic around here. pJaln the ~amp~s-Good Humor if the students themselves are raised m~ney for Hungarl~n el'S. J. G. told them in so many but impaticnt c r i ti c, "The Wish I could have been !Jere Man relatIOnshIP. ~o . me. It ever puzzled by them. . refugees lfl the past and III wOI'ds, "Bag it." Church's message is irrelevant to see "I'll Be Damned!" so I seems, .as far IlS thIS Ignorant Some. yea~s ago the que~tlOn m.any other \~ays have r~co~- They walked out of the room, because the recital of rules, could have a means of compari- colummst can see, that the was raised In the SGA cabmet, n~zed the speCIal needs of ~n.dl- no doubt disappointed. They proof-texts, moral ideals, and son for this year's Follies. Good ~umol' Man has been un- and it has come up several Vidual students,. the deCISIon walked into an unoccupied room, little pep talks which 1Ja;;;;for They were amazingly good. To dercuttl~g the sal~s o! a campus times since then, of solicitations was that to raIse money f_or swiped a Delta Pi Alpha drink- sermons are the problem, not the think there's so much talent me~cantlle Or~alllzatlOn. by of- of onc sort 01"anothel' on cam- N~g~o s.tuden.ts would be dls- ing mug, left a pretzel, and de- solution." As one individual here. Almost seems as if some fel"ln.g a . WIder va~lety of pus. The first time it came up cr~mmabon III reve~se,. And parted. asked, "What do ~'ou do when pcople are wasting their oppor- goodle~ at tImes and Pl"l?es more it was in response to the con- thl~ then seemed t? Justify a This is a true story. The im- you know all the historic ough!s tunities by only coming out for convellle~t f~r hungerm~ ~t~- cern that was felt because too pohcy. ~f. ~ot assumlllg any r~- plications are many. First of and could~t care less? 01', If fun, when they could really be dents. NatUlally, ~uch Illsldl- many people were knocking on sponslb~htles for any s~udent m all, a non-coed school definitely you cal'e, don't do anything Somebody if they worked at it. ous black-marketeermg had to doors for too many causes, The need, Negro or otherWise. has its disadvantages. We real- about them?" Really a great layout in some be stoppe?, and what more question was whether it would In other words, once again ly sho~ld feel sorry for these Will the advocates of religion placcs. and the Operation ~ral or SImple way of stoppmg ~~d \~~~e ~~e ~:~;~~aJ~iv:~~~t~ ~~:d~e~~~~~ed~a:e n;~~; ~~~:t:!~~~~~~:~I~~~:ifS~~o~~I~,~'n!\~~ i~~I~c~o~I~~a:l"~~:l)inte f~~l~oi~ :s~j~~P;~~I~S~~~t,io;ini:~fnbi;o~~= ~~dco~~e;~:~~ :?~hO~~I;~ a\~~f the pro_c~eds to be allocated. to race or not, they were not of ample of the WMC coed: cool, identify with the suffering, pain, ens the scope of thc yearbook, as. has been ..saId before, ~ny- The deC1SJOnof the SGA was to concern to the students. I have calm, and collected even under and meaning-lessness of the instead of all being here on t~mg for town-gown lela- view heed With integt"ity the ad- .:::;;;;;;;;"",,=====~========= have no con~o!idated c~~pai,gn the feeling ~hat among the stu- such' han'owing circumstances. world and ~rom this ]Joint of campus. bons," and to prohibIt all SO/IC"/tatum dent body m general this ab- Thirdly, and most important, ~i:nt:~s.~~~i~~~s~uhdeen~~~l~~~=~~~~:,o~a~~~;~r;rl~orb~~ll~~ts!~= ~~~:~ni:ui~t~e;, ;, t~~:~ :~cete~f :~!s \!~;;;~~~;i;?cl~:~f; Let ter to tbe Editor ed to be Insulated from any feel- cluslVely of Negro students, is turbing a fair WMC maiden, than ever before that men do To the Editor: to trial by a three-fourths ma- ing of responsibility for matters not limited to financial matters and drinking hard liquor, ac- not just live~they are loved; '. jOl"ity vote of the IFC, and o~ concern to the wider commu- but include the special needs tually stole a highly valued that men do not just hope or Recently Delta. PI Alpha fra- found guilty of an infrllctioll. mties. they may have for friendliness Preacher mug from E. M., a lose hope~they are always temity held an eIght hour rush Suggested penalties ran g e d More recently the question as well. first floor Blanche Ward Phi hoped for~ that m7n do not just party. was found to be from $500.00 to $100.00; or a was raised regarding the will- It is puzzling that this situa- Alpll. This is out-and-out lar- find or miss meamng~they are all infractIOn of the rules pre- semester on so~ial probation. ing~ess of the stud~nt body .to tiOl.1should exist on a campus cenr, burglal'y, thievery--eall it me
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