Page 24 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 24
The Gold Bug, Dec. 6, 1963 Hoopmen Seek First Win In Washington Fray Bachelors Delent! Net (rown Loyola Edges Cagers· The Edito»'s' .6 ,Against Hot Fraternity Foes • P II S .' '; ~o~s ~"~'~~'~~~;i:~~:m:'~tu;~t:Alumm u urpnse f'i'\"'\ ~ .r: ;~~;;h:h~no;'~;~d:t~~; Mike Western Maryland's "Green- John Sloan. The team is also football nopoly of the backboards. Bachelors,. intramural ~ \.s champs, will have a tough cam- Sherwood, Danny Pearson, and Terror" basketball team under filled with many sophomores paign ahead in their quest to George Harmeyer will roam the the direction of Coach Jim Bra- who led last year's freshman . r~;~!~i t~~~rth~a~~f:~al~a~hi~m~ i~~~.~ou~~or~;'ileGe~~~~~~~:~~: gonier will be seeking its first team. , Last year at this time, hopes were high for the Terror net- ~ow. they have mosi of last Rex Walker, Doug Mae Ewnn, victory of the young cage ca~- In WMC s first appearance of ters-very high. With the likes of Klitzberg .and O'Malley many year's starting quint back. how- Bob H?'llywood, and Ron Ho!lo- ~~~~nh~os~lo~~O';h;Jg\~~s~~n~~o~t~~ n1!1~3-~~u~as~~~~~i ~::~ g looked for the Terrors to go all the way. As It turned out: Coach ever, and 100m as the bl~g,.,.__ Li~d~"M!\.~«~I~=======::,1 105 to 44. In the aeTial de· I '...... of three games, which will be and Sam Leishure obtained 10 r~:r~fil:~u;eEd~)~l:.~e:eT:~:;;: UNUSUAL CORSAGES ,~:rt~~~; ~~;po~~~~~rsi~ellt;~;; SU~a~fLa~S~r~~;! ~;~i~~ t~: ~::= ~:' th:or~~ii~;tm~~n~~~~ :~t~n~ ~~S~~~!ivt~;t,~~i~~~;e~; a notable 5.40 R?n Shirey has been ~utfittcdI~::::=======::::::::====: SusanGordon for the r:~~~e~a:~~gC:~~I~~eS,a~:ets }!~ ~eived in the scrimmage with t'h'Omg~meswill be declal'ed the only 9 o.f 19 foul shots while ~~~f8~a!d~:ri:B"Edit<>r_:eJ';'),nML~ Conier did net 244 in his air ~t- Shepbel'? College last week. c a pIOn. Loyola. hit 14-19. Copy Write,.,. ------she;;i;tM~~ti~!i~CHRISTMAS DANCE tack, averaging versity of Richmond, and theJ'e- PATIO front yards per pass thrown. ~~~\~hc~~~~~~~:~;e~isth~~a0~~~ Skip Shear, who p'layed for the Stewart Dlltterer .Alumni Monday evening, is a Sandwich FLORIST transfer student from the Uni- SHOP fore he is ineligible fol' ball this See our WTTR AM·FM year. Featuring 15c Hamburgers Thick Milk Shakes Pizzas _ Subs French Fries - Shrimp Boats Homemade Do·Nuts Inside Seating Plus Other Sandwiches Nt. 140 E. of Westminster Phone 848-5860 What's New in the Bookstore?? Carroll Theatre Open an account • BOOKS! Oh, what exciting and wonderful new books! Books to give with the greatest and pride. pleasure at books to "ask Santa" buy yourself to bring, books'to DA VID'S JEWELERS MARLBORO CONTEST ENDS!!! because you just can't do without them! Fri., Sat. Dec. 6, 7 Books make lasting presentation gifts from groups or Laurence Harvey Lee Remick 19 E. Main St. departments, are far better t.han an "apple" for the teacher! "THE RUNNING MAN" Westminster latest "Tut.ankhamen," new arrivals: Among the Sun.·Tues. Dec. 8·10 DEADLINE for Marlboro College Brand Roundup $15.00; "This Was thc Chesapeake Bay," $10.00; "l'tl.arks Cliff Richards Laurie Peters at WMC AM and :lHonograms on Pottery and Porcelain," $5.95; "Let- "SUMMER HOLIDAY" is 10:30 Friday, Dec. 13 (Note ters of Robert Frost to Untermeyer," $7.00; also "Se. Wed., Thurs. Dec. 11, 12 Change) curity Is a Thumb and a Blanket," $1.00; "Christmas Is Sophia Loren Westminster a Time of Giving," $1.00. "5 MILES TO MIDNIGHT" o CHRISTlUA"S EXCITEMENT! How can it be helped, Fri., Sat. Dec. 13, 14 Laundry with the wide range of Christmas cards surrounding us, Robert Mitchum and Each individual or organization entering t.he cont.est must the beautiful Christmas wrappings, the nostalgic Christ- "RAMPAGE" Dry Cleaning have their packs ready for counting by the deadline date. mas booJs:s,the attractive Christmas gifts7 Come shop Packs must be separated into bags of 100 points each. A in leisurely comfort and convenience. Finish your shop- BM representat.ive of the Phillip Morris Company will be at ping and cards before you go home, and have those won_ derful holidays for l'isiting-and sleeping! Visit the MRS, FISHER WMC on the 13th to count the packs and award the prizes. • LITTLE BLACK BOOKS (also red, green, tan) You'"e been asking for these, though we can't possibly imagine in why! Now in SIO::"::_. _ AVENUE STUDENT UNION THE COLLEGE BARBERSHOP BUILDING Each entrant must contact Fred Wooden for further de. 8:30 am until 4:00 daily BOOKSTORE tails before Wednesday, Dec. 11. Winslow Student Center Saturday 8:30 am nntil12:00 N.
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