Page 42 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 42
2 The Gold Bug, Mar. 15, 1963 The Editor Speaks Gold Bug Visits Vetville... Power of One Vote a village for ucicrinas-iams hang- What to your lniml? With campaigns in full swing and now nearing Many Responsibilities Found aut? Vetville, does this familiar w(wd bring or an old soldienJ' h~ rear;.. we are all aware that we are on the eve of an important ity,'r Village, Lnc., alias Vetvillc, is a 8'tIUlll housing here at WMC. As a result of our voting on Monday, a new ad- development on Shaeffer, Sullivam, and Wimcrt Avenues in West- ministration will take over the wheels of the SGA. With Marriage-Study Combo minster where many m,al'ried couples [rom: Westcrn Maryland Many of us are not aware of the power of one vote. Past have established comfortable residencee, Just after the. war, Vet- history has proved that one vote can decide an election. There- was built as a low cost apartment area by the government fore each of us, as college citizens, has the responsibility to cast intellded to last for only five yc.ars. TJw buildings have our ballot on Monday. However, our responsibility does not end until now, howevcr, and ore loo.sed for living quortere with placing a check mark on a piece of paper. We are obligated fi'l"!J~ whick l'cccntty bought the development: fl'om the to study the candidates and their platforms, decide what type of I SGA we want, and then vote wisely. GGLD BUG reporters interviewed many of thc college Each of the candidates who appeared on the stage in Alumni couples for their opinions on the various aspects of the mal'riagc_ Hall is qualified to run for his respective office. Each of them study e01nbin4tum. When questio-ned, the m.a1'J'ied students gave presented intelligent platforms, an indication that the era of h-, very honest answcrs abrntt their study habits, rC8p01~ibilitieB to relevant, immaterial promises is over. Our decision, therefore, th.eir school al!d mate, the l'iving conditions, a.t/d Vetvillc life in lies in what we want from our SGA. We are witnessing gewwal. ginning of a great change here at WMC, and now, as never A'Ilwng tne colieqe students living in Vetville are Mr. and we have the need and the opportunity for a stronger Donald Buhrman, lIfr. and M')"s. William Chase, M,'. and Government. We need, and should eventually be able to see, a 1111'S. Charles Collins, lIfr. and Mrs. Cnartee Dotson, and Mr. and coordinated body that commands the respect of both students and MI·S. Michael Kindlc)·. administration. In order to bring this about, it is necessary to RWlklcB, lIfr. MT. and lIfrB. Charles have strong leaders at the helm. and Otner conp/eB include lIfr. and lifTS. Edwa)"d Shilling, M?". and Shaw, ]H1·S. Robm·t . Our responsibility to the SGA only begins with our After the elections are over we must stand behind and Mrs. Tho-mas Wanlll?", and 1111'. and Mrs. Laszlo Zscbedics. our officers, whoever they may be. They are only cannot do the entire job alone. In order for the Couples Hear Insufficient ment to be at all effective, it needs its members It is our obligation to study the Thomas and Barbara Warner proudly pose with their ravcr- the GOLD BUG, review all the issues, and come responsibilities, John and Elizabeth. Information From Campus Jigent decision. We 1nust get out and VOTE!! by Sus(l.n Gordon ~'0~O"~1o~t~u'~no~u~t~'t~t~h'=PO~Il~'.==========, I",::;' aC~~~~~e::c ~:~w~~n a~:~~ ~~;.~ov~~a~:e:ked;:po~~! B~~~t marriage does exist. Tom's marks went up after each sociology tries to im- of their children was born. all with the dangers of Charles Collins implied that To the Editor: For the second and the respon- since many of the couples in After hearing the campaign tivity Fee money was a home. Vetville do not have children speeches for SGA President a panacea-a cure all that there is they keep pets. Evidently there Monday mornmg, and the attf- examined carefully cures on the respon- is a prolific supply of dogs and tude towards the ACtlVlty Fees at all The suggestion that required, and others of cats in the neighborhood. of both candidates, I do not see trol of the Act.ivity Fee may become ~cared. at the Acceptance of the respnnel- how any member of the faculty have us a~l rO.lhng In money is prospect of bear-ing- this new bility of handling money is or administration could possibly false and IlluslOn~ry. '_Theeug- burd~n; But for :nost ?f our carefully planned by the Vet- feel the slightest inclination to gested uses to.whlch thIS money VetvIll~ans, domestic d.ut.les are villians. Barbara and Tom let the Student Government con- would be put, m place of the ac- met With a mature wIlhngness Warner think that neither the rol the Activity Fee money. tivities wh!ch are ~resently sup- to sh~r.e. ~nd undertake .the re- wife nor relatives should have For the first point, the plat- p.orted by It, are SImply fantas- sponslblhties that do eXist. to support them. That is why forms were stated in the form tic. Any fa.culty member would Housework does not have to it is so important to be fully of demand8. Any knowledge of be led to think the students are be an insurmountable problem. prepared and willing to take on psychology would teU a person o~t to destroy culture over- Don and Jan Buhrman worked this additional burden of mar- that demands take him nowhere, night! out a good system of "you wash riage. In order for a marriage unless he has an .army to ~ac.k I have always supPo.r~ed stu- and I'll dry" and the dishes are to be successful, the couple Mr. and Mrs. him up; and a .slmple reahsbc dent control of A:tlV1~les Fee done in no time! Carol Steil- should be completely independ- with their dog. look at the relative power struc- money because I Imagmed we per finds little" problem in keep- ent. A budget is usually an ef- ~~: o;e~t:a~~nt~:~:J~;;nili~~~~ ~~~a~~m~~na~~~~i~~roa~T~n~:ct ~~!n~:u~l:a~~~~e \;~~Idti~~y s~: ~:~~~a~yeaa~~e~!,c~~~r~~~n~V;~= Vctville's collegiates definite- a. handy green desk blotter to justification for any student to fully and could convince them of sacrificed goofing off in the ners are proud of their success ly feel that they are not as .close dlsc~ver who th.e Ter~ors arc ~:f:~k~~~d~~~anact;d ::k;e;a~h ~~~dsa~f:: t~e ~~~;~~st~~sd;~ ~z:m~f au:.amiliar pastime to a ~:iJhti~a:~~~~v~~~ li~e ~:sCh~~~~ ~u~~~ts~oll~~~ ~~I:h~s ~r~;~! PI~~~g ~no~~t.~:;d~hl~~~~!: the ~:!~~ei~t: c~~~~\va~~~i:Je~;t ~~i~ ~~:~~et!~~; :~~r~s t~~';art~a~ . ~l.o~g with household resp?n- ~~ a~h~ne~oa:~ ~~ !h~~t~~;iewed ~~:~:;!l o? th:~e~:v~ ~~t~:~~): :~~~c\~::~ ~~~~itf:sm::es p~~~~~~ to get popularity and votes and stronger and a more responsible slblhbes the greatest one facmg warned that this is romantic but ther~ appalhng lack of ed by fratermtles. and soronbes. :~s~!:n~~' i~n!e:;St~:na~~;r~ ~:i~~~n; t~z::~nd~~~\e~abvaeCk~e- ~7rri~~ll~~:, :;u~e:tt, ot:~~dy~ ::Jh:~~!;';lli~i~r;t:;~~~:~sf~~~ ~~~~~r~r~~o~'l1 V;;V~llZ;:~oi~ :c~~~ea;~~di~.a::~~~~;da~k~r~~ be quite expensive. , lsI Jackson Day ~~~~le ~~::V~~e n~?~b ~~6 ~~t t~;~~~, ~~u~u;fue~or~t~~e~~~ t~~'sdo;oti;;.o:n~~osti:;;t~~~~ ~~r.n~~~!~~ct~~~; i~n~nt~~~;;:~ President Speaks also came this year. Just this :~~~;~n;n~~V;~~~o~zs~~~Vr~y;~:I; m~n f~c~or Of ~u~c~ss. Rich~ ~~~ts~h~h~~nl~~o~valln~t~~~~nc~f te~~t~os~o:a~'s though, are the (Ccmtinued fTom page S) ~~!\~:~!~;~C:·eh~~~d o~ s~:~~ ~:t~e~;~:~1ai: r~h~a~~~Xt~:~n~~ ~~mea~?meu~~ ~~i:/r~~reive:y ~:~n;~~n~OTCsc;~~~~~~, ~~~!~7::s ~r,al?~:v~~t~~~Yst~l~ we were striving. pus, the purpose of which was had much more initiative in his elcora ml e.l~ th o~eh f e~- special evening act i v i tie s. fmd time for intellectual and co~:e~n~~;int~:h~~~fl:~darI~~ ~~ll~;:mst~d:~~t~o~!~~%ae~~;' of ~~h~~~o~~:~ki~n~tut~yai~:e i~~~~~:~~es~alu~;leSj~st t~ s~a;e ~~I~ ~~~;; ~~d~hr=rhe~~~~rth~J~,;) ~~~t~~:; p\~;~~:s. sho~t fS~O~i~:' not convinced yet that we made Some projects that we have of the wives who work while lege hfe With her hus?and;. ~nd BUG delivery; they have to pick paints, and enjoys traveling on the right move in withdrawing planned for this spring are a their husbands are in school rc- for the most part, thiS OP!UlOlltheirs up in the grille. As if weekends. The Yobsts enjoy from that organization. This presentation of the meaning of garded it vital for the wife to was expressed by the rest of the this were not enough, the Vet- working on community and year our activities began with CORE by two members of that have enough consideration to couples in Vetville. ville student can't even consult church activities. the used book sale, which seem- organization and a banquet to realize the time required for • t· r .1- A .. t ed to be rather successful. be given for the student govern- studies. Vetville's proud fa- I. IAIL ;:~i~o~~:~,Wfo:n,;;,~ha;.':c';".~~::::~\n';;:;~O:~n;a~'p~a~~i~,ai:: ~;::;, ::;ai~:~';;":t :hn,~!::: imoglno Ion JporKS por,men 'S Frnere fj Il·· ~ . l . A mas time we went caroling May Day weekend and the Ugly prefer to study in the library. /1I' .. n 'II' e through the streets of West- Man contest, which was estab- They can feel free to spend their 'If)a~1f) '.. a ....... n minster; and, of cours.e, we had lished last spring. Inte~spersed home hQurs with their families IliU.1Ii III •••• :/ ~",. 1Ii~ U' ••••• :/ the hassle over the sIze of the throughout these proJects, a once school work is accomp- deal been lished. of work has Colona great chapel. bll Bevorly trees in front of the Hall and done on the recreation room and students Many of the married Although Vetville living con- "1II.~It•.I. '..... BY GO LOB UG ditions from the exterior I' a n c e, The movie in Alumni grades their said that grille show other problem spots on campus. of the redecoration the in conformity a p pea • • ~ A Mm·,lnndColi,., ,·"i· W"t"n and s~~wn ?istin~t dents.hav~ ..... 7",1 AU " 1f.T: r-a. 814UT11$ Officialstudent neW"p~pECof WestErn ~~::r7~;g ~~~V~~~~~I:YS:~~~~~~ '" 1 ,(I'" MarylandCollegE.publishedweeklyon " -" -. - S ~tl' J; Fciday from SeptemberthroulI'hMay. attractively furnished apart- ~7 T. Bli '2 JJ'" - '~ ~E~:1~1~~~~~~F:i~:.t~rar~}a~~~ E~~::t!~~e£~~~~::~;~::~~~~~ CAItI~tJ51FJ)/ {,. - Subscription Price $3.00 a Year decoration. Within the four or • . .} H ':I /, Gail Allen ... !:ec~oo;;~gf~a~~~h ~etvi~~~eflai~ I!J,., EdItor-in-Chief shown, ranging from the very . Stephen Bayly modern to the traditional decor. IJl'lCTJ"," ~el EDITORIAL STAFF th' b,th-po",,,,, it, own ~ 711£ GOT-S.I'IIE... Donald Hinrich:lanaging Editor en~~~~ °fi~h:grO~o~~~t~:e k~~~~ 7J1e 4JI&II/UMI'E-ItfIJIIKrrI S"""ItY.s Business Editor room, the children's room, and Cd"'~(/' p fp NewsEditor. :---._- .~~::!t;u~:;;i ~~e~~~ :pe:rt~:nf:n~:alsl~rl:~~ Richard . Yobst receives academic encouragement from wife , Asot.News.EdLtor.---t..~~ndc"""M.g;.;;~In each ~iving room, there is a Susan. SS J,. Fea~ureEd.Ltor.-.---,- Dlanne Br.'1I'1!'Scentral OIl-heated stove, and the bors disturb each other uncon- Since the college has sold Vet- 1ItI,.,.,u 'l:_ it ASSls~sntFeature E.lLtorSusan Gordon other rooms lead from this main sciously, for the apartments are ville to a local firm, many people ...... Sports Ed,tor --~..,.-- Jerry Morse area. All of the apartments connected in a long line of not affiliated with the college [J. A••I"t.IlntSports Ed torJackHutchinson presented a cozy and neat ap- single units. The entire con- have become residents of Vet- 1 .. Sports Reporter",. ~ichard Klit:zberg,pearance. struction of Vetville poses some ville. Now, it seems that only ~ --, ~h~.~w!:.r'J~;;~;ms~:~r~' ~\J;:r~ Even. though most of the Vet- problems, for it is. built on low the minority of Vetvillians are 7R£ "B()6"~ ."WOO./e; TIlE NvAlJU6-.FLIlI/I
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