Page 43 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 43
The Gold Bug, Mar. 15. 1963 by Mary Ellen Heggan Perhaps the best way you It is ha1·d to give a plat- can learn about a candidate iorm: on tll-is ca1npus built on is by reading between the THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES tradition, but I do stamd for Although I know that the of- lines. I would like everyone fice of secretary entails many a more unified campus through SALUTE: DON GEORGE written responsibilities, I feel to know that I would be very that one of the primary pur- more repreeeniction: of organi- poses of holding an SGA office proud to serve as treasurer Don George (B.S.E.E., 1957) is responsible for putting both non-management and management personnel. 111e5e is that of representing the stu- zations including represen- earlier steps provided Don with opportunities and proved dent body. I would be honored of the Student Government, together a $20 million annual construction budget. Don is to have an opportunity to serve tation of dayhop8 in the SGA. Senior Engineer for Plant Expansion in Southwestern he could handle the difficult job he's on now. you in this way. and I feel that I am quell- Bell's Oklahoma City office. Don George and other young engineers like him in I put my past experience be- A well mfo'I"TMd student body On his first assignment, Don was an Assistant Equip- Bell Telephone Companies throughout the country help fore you: president of Student fied to handle this position. Council, Bruce High School, means an intere8ted one---a.nd ment Engineer. Then came a promotion to Senior Engineer bring the finest communications service in the world to the \Vesternport, senior year; sec- I have had high school exper- and the challenge of supervising eight people, including homes and businesses of a growing America. retary of Student Council, jun- interest means pa1·ticipation. ior year; president of 'I'r i-Hi- Y; ience and have held the of- secretary of Allegany County Remember a vote for M.E. ill a ® BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES Sportsmanship Commission; fice of sec-trees. of our band. delegate to Maryland State Stu- vote for you. dent Council workshop for three --- years (member of staff for one Ben Laurence year). by Ben Laurence F. Rinehart Through the years, Western Maryland College has grown, by Frank Rinehart and through the coming years it The primary issue of this will continue to grow even campaign involves the control faster. I think every student of the students' activity fees. is anxious to see this Both presidential candidates and remember-with have urged that the Student there must be progress Government Association assume with what awaits us tomorrow. the responsibility of controlling With this in mind, I sincerely In principle, I agree believe that the Student Gov- candidates. After ernment Association's budget are to pay for must be increased in order to they should have finance many of the things the determining what students want but cannot get to be sponsored. through the administration. is reminiscent of Such things as social life for of "No taxation the off weekends, better facili- representation." I do be- ties in the grille, and . however, that the admin- ment of safety for the istration should retain some trians in the winter are voice in the disbursement of ac- impo,rtant. tivity fees in order tbat there is Therefore, to make SGA play some check to hasty and ill-con- a more important part in the sidered student action. I be- life of our college, I feel we lieve that if student and faculty must expand. This expansion co-operate in the control must be commanded by the stu- .. fees, a closer, more dents' desires and must be relationship would be brought about in part econom- engendered. Thus, I pledge ically. These are my beliefs myself to seeking a program and, if elected, I w:ill try that would allow more student carry out these beliefs to voice in the control of activity best of my ability. fees. The leadership While I agree that good en- which I have held in tertainment should appear on include: campus, I also feel that an equal A. President of high school emphasis must be put 011 main- Student Government taining- and improving the cali- B. President of senior class bre of our assembly speakers C. President of varsity club and on increasing the number D. Treasurer of Preacher of good cultural events that Fraternity take place here on campus, of E. Member of WMC honor . the National Symphony court best example. If I am elected, I will cer- feel that my qualifications tainly put my past experience the office of treasurer have and my ideas for the future been fully outlined during the SGA into effect in the best way Assembly. I pledge myself to I know how. I hope you will a year of hard, conscientious help me do this both by your work if you elect me as your vote and through your interest treasurer. in SGA.
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