Page 38 - TheGoldBug1962-63
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2 The Gold Bug, .Mar. 1, 1963 WMC Eyes Dark-Horse Role In M-O Playoff Devils DumpTerrors Veteran Terror Track Squad Loyola Win Highli~hts In Final Mat Match ~!;S:~:i~~~;:~~,~~S;~~~~~~~'~1~i~!~~~~~~~"~,~,~T'~~!O "~l~~t~~~O~~ and The Green Tenor rnatmen vin, the other eo-captain, will track ecued is busy ~npacking r·~';4"),. and. sophomore, Frank finished second in M-D l~agueleaTned him a tremendous 19,(; concluded their 1962.63 dual carry WMC's chances in the s.w~at SUitS and stocking up on Kidd (Javehn-:-168.9 ft,), All play this season, could be the seasonal average, the har dccurt- meet season Saturday, falling 130.pound division, In the 131· hnImen~ for the coming season, three men claim they will bet- dark-hor-se candidate in the Imen from the Hill could quite victim to Dickinson College 23- pound class, Bud Knefely, a Track IS one of several sports te,r thes~ marks. Othe~ letter M-D playoffs held at C. U. this I conceivably capture first place 3. Mike Eagan salvaged the fust improving junior, will hold on campus currently on the up- wllln~rs Include co-captain, Jer- weekend. With O'Malley start- honors. The tournament begins ~~~: a~:~~o~iSv~~~;~da~ri~;i~~ ;~~~h, a B~~e~t~~~~ra ~:;:h~v~~ ~~;;~u:re~s~i:~ur~i~!~~~~'t;:~k ~!arfIChs~~~el~100id~:cOu.stsh~li ~~~I',!Ofo~~~i~~~ts~':~e ~imlaas~ ~:/h~f~:rt~:~ c:tt~\l~hU;~~ the clutch, Dickinson's Red shoot for the crown in the 147 team is expected to draw large Fuhrmann (880, 2 mile run), 'when the Clowermen tangle ~ev~~ec~~~rt~lIe!;~:t r~~eai~~~~ f~~:~e cJ~~~nt!:~~;~ h!~ c~~7 ~~~~~~~around the circuit this ~e:~~I~r(;:I:v~s~l~~~ ~:n~:i~~~ Riflers Snatch ~~;~s, R~~~~keth~nc~:m~~~rs~;; Dot- pound class, In this event, Ron pounds, Gil Smink, coming off a Record holders on the '63 con. Schilling, ,ShiTe y , Haines, ~Ioom R d V· t game slated fol' Saturday night. yard ~~~~~do~:/~~.o~~~~:uf~;;~~l~~ ec~r, , I~ory Garvin had t.he misfort';lne of good seas?n .. ~Iso r~tes a chance tingent are sophomore speed. ~on, Garvin, Noble, and Recapitulating some of the ~~:~ ~~~!~,t ;~do~:llofvi~~~~a~ ~~hW~bl::v;~~~~es ~~'C'sG~~~:: ster, Chuck Gray (440 ~l~;~iggha~~leO::;aen~6:~~3i:~!~~~ Rounding out the "Hill" r'P"IJT Jim Gauntt, labeled Dickmson's In the 167-pound class, as does candidates Gosnell, Knowles, Boastmg a Il-win victory slate ately. One of the best all. best man. The loss to Dicldn- Jim Cupp in the 177·pound divi- Mcl ntyre, Rinehart, and Deck- against 6 losses, the Terror around team performances of son brings the total record to 5 ston. er-t. sharpshooters overwhelmed the the year was exhibited in the wins and 7 losses for the season. challengees is Mike Roney, at ~J VII The first meet of the season ~ettysbul'g firers 1411 (nn aU opening game in which the Friday and Saturday, March 191 pounds. , runlJl-r will take place on Allril13, here tIme Western M.aryland I'e,cord) Terrors beat a tough Greyhound 1 and 2, Western Maryland Col· Eagan, Gar':'lll" and Basye at the Hoffa oval, pitting the up to 1379 for the:!' tent,h victory five on Loyola's home court in lege will play host to the Mason· should place hlg~ In the seed- ~nlll( ~ and coming G I' e e n Terrors and fourth s,tTalght wm Thurs· an oveTtime thriller. O'Malley Dixon Wrestling Champion· ings. They are In strong con· against the cocky Blue Jays of day, FebrualY 21. threw in 25 points, and the ships. Carrying the hopes for tention for a first place tourna· Tom O'Malley, soon to be a Johns Hopkins, In posting the highest score amazing Klitzberg hit seven the Green Terrors will be the ment and could.very ,,:,ell bEl.the daddy, can proudly show his 's. of the seasonal schedule, the ~uccessive overtime foul shots stellar grapplers, who have dark horses m then weIght offspring the recent box·score of Terrol' squad placed 5 firers in to defeat the team who event~- ~::;:~a~:S!::p~~~la~~.~~p~ ~~~!~~. a~t~~~~~le~a~~~:~d a~~ ;h;e~s~~~' hYghC~~t;:\n ~~;'u~~ S1. Joseph s IX ~~~n~~~'Siet!1r~~~r~~~ee:':v~~ ~~~ :~::~:~n i~iv~~r;n pl:r t~~ S~~~l ai~ai~ ;:~~ Bombs Terrorettes ~:l~ ~!~Et~~a~is~t ~~3:~:S~~I~ ~~e~~:~~~:c~ua:: c~~~e~fJ~~t~~ ~~~'t'Le~~:~e ~~~~l~a35~t~o~~t;~5.~~~o~raO~i~!~!~;~~,;1~~ou~~O~~t I~e~~~~~~~ championship choices, Ron Gar- their classes, sonal high 16 rebounds, which Playing against Mt. St. Jo· seniol' captain, who last week was the night of Emmitsburg ================== ~~;~l~~ hi:e ~q~'i~bea~~:tbi~~~~ ~~~~',sv~~sit;etaus~I~~ba~16,te;~ ~~~~ : ;!~~n~a~~:~eu~f ~~~a~~~ !;:i~~~~hoi'!!~e~:i~; ~~~thilno:;t~ Volleyball on Tap 'lax' efforts," displayed their poorest showing was followed by a 283 from Bob A fitting climax to the SeaSOI} of the season, losing 43-29, shooter Washington a freshman Creighton, trip was the to B h I rs Clobber Betes week's J'I[~, St, Mary s gall1:e',a spark of the tea~ failed to pull port to the Terror varsity, College which saw the Terrors ac e 0 the "'ho is consistently lending sup· Bobbett Pam In the early mOme?ts of last. usually rack up their highest point to· A bJanket of expectancy cov- Jerry Morse broke the ~1it!~~;gJ~~:bles:°iv~~'sR¥:r~~ ~~~d~cco;o:~~r:o~' o~~d4 ;~;~~~ ~:~:c~O\\j~n~i~:~iO~~t~nd pJo~~~~~~~irofbe!~eShsOeO~so;erc~:{ag~vi!~ ;~~~s th;r~;~';! a~oth~e~~m~: ~~:~y f~~t ~~eh~lU;rs~n1ou~v~~I~ ~~~te~nt~h:s~u~:d~h~t~~\~;rn~! player, tallied for 12 points, th~~s~x\~~!~d ~~: s~~:C o~e~~: ~?1'uJley scored 32 and Klitz Bachelors in the final intra- goal tries and got eight of the green and gold scorers, . ~Ichle One of the many problems participating in the 2nd Army Some standout individual per- mural game of the year. The Bachelors lhst 10 points. "P, thus passed Dave Mar,tlll s ca· was ,the absence of t:vo ~f the Intercollegiate and Interscho- formances this year included: Gamma Betes previously had C," wound up high scorer as ~e reer mar~ of 13,01 POInts and startmg team, Sher~ Fischer lIlstic Match, found two shoot- Richie Eigen's 30 points against been the only team to come close corralled 16 points, Charlie placed him belnnd only Art and Mary A,nn ShrIver. An- ers, Ron Cronise and Andy Maravianj Dave Markey's scor. to the Bachelors, losing by only Walters with 7, and Danny Press, another Br0.oklyn, N, Y, other factor In the defeat was Harmantas, with 285 totals ing binge against Towson; the three points. The script for Pearson and Mike Sherwood boy, who played m the early the 2.6 fO';lls the ~errorettes which qualified them for the spark-plug play of Howie Wag- this rematch, however, was far with 6 each also sparked the '50's. cNnmltted III COmparison to 19 "285 club." Matt Creamer also ner whose spirit helped the :~;~f{~J~i:i~o:~~:~~!~~:~:~~~0?f:,~~d~:~~::~,'~E~:f,tl~:~~:n~~~;~\~~b;;~~:"~~:~~iO~~~:~'l~~~:~~dO~~'~~~:t~~:':'~1::.~;~:~t~?'~::::::':o?~t':~~i;~i~!~:;:2~~~;~L:i;:;£~~~ different from the first game. Bachelor's scoring. Gordie r.nke Ea an is given the best made by St. Joseph's, ~oth gained memb~rship by shooting team weather many cri~es; two points. Easily controlling rare '.'off" nights, ~it for only :v~;'s. ar~ ~o: n~~:~i~, ~:b certainly a handlc~p was the whose interest and achievement moving into the number 2 spot ~:7;~:ar::d wi~~ttif:~r ~:er~~~ ~ol~ol~i~~mR~~lla~~b~rdpo~~ ~~sie,. ~eorge Schwebler, and ~~~,~~l~~h~~~al~~zu\y;icStte;~~ ~:;~J~~c;!tr:n~h~~l~~~l'~~'~~:~ f~a~1;~:~O:!~~ls;~re;~inttsrci: 11 was unacquamted with, mm, Gamma Bete's offense with their each. , In the tight race for the In· -=========:0; marked Sgt. Young, rifle team three games during the disap· tight switching defense, the Alpha Gamma Tau fimshed coach, pointing Christmas tournament. BacheloTs reeled off 10 straight on the top of the loo!? with a tmmural cup the Preachers' 1- points before the surprised perfect 11·0 mark. This ~an be lead with 6% points, the Bache· Gamma Betes could score. greatly attributed to theIr fine lors are second with 6, and the EVERHART'S What's New in the Bookstore?? Hustling all the way, however, coach Hal Baile, Coach Lance Gamma Betes are right behind the Gamma Betes pulled closer "Lost Weekend" Kleins' Preach· at 5%. Intramural Volleyball Barber Sbop to the Bachelors only to be over- ers and Bob "~issy" Kleine's begins Monday, March 4, with • Books! Thought.provoking, horizon·expanding books! champion ;=======~ "Raise High t.he Salinger's whelmed by the superior Bache· Gamma Betes tied fol' second, th estart of a two_week season. At The Forks Among t_he newly arrived: "The New Emily Post Eti· Roof Beam, Carpenters"; lor strength. Every man on the In the G~mn:a Bete-Preacher The de fen din g de·I QueUe"; Stravinsky's "Poetics of Music in the Form of Bachelor roster scored as the game earher In the week, the PI.,eachers open their title Six Lessons"; Conlelia Renfroe's "Kitchen Commun. final score was Bachelors 63- Gamma Betes revenged an fense with the same undefeated ion"; Golding's "Lord of the Flies." Gamma Betes 45. earlier Preacher victory and team that copped the title last Clothes Flower Fresh o Simulations of Museum pieces ~ Michelangelo's "Da· ========= ~~~e:y t~~i~r;aa~:r~O~:ie t~a~~ K~~:~h },?eg~am~~l~s~ ~~pesB~J~ at the ,'id," Rodin's "The Thinker," "Queen Nefertiti," Durer's "Praying or an· Hands," to name only a few. (Patina tique finishes) plus our conversation piece Kwan Yuen GOLD BUG man were high for the Gamma do as well this year, MODERN IDEAL Buddhll. Excellent decorative accents for your room now and your horne in years to come. ~~~ -- ~vel~\v~~~~ets~:i~e:a~~:~ • Big news for eampus·scene plate collectors _ we have a brand new plate of New Baker Chapel. Fine shower LAUNDRY and wedding gifts-$2,95. Shipper available. ---'--,---,---:::-:--::=O,----;:~;_- ~~;:;;healreI WTT1I AM·IM See "THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE" MATI CREAMER 8 :30 am to 4 pm daily Fn Mon Mar 1· 4 Sats. 'til Noon Winslow Student Ccntcr Gail Allen Tony CurtIs Yul Brynner A.N.W. 333 Editor_in·Chief ''TARAS BULBA" '-========:1!;::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Stephen Bayly Tues., Wed. Mar. 5, 6 ~ Managing Editor Kerwin MathewGlenn Corbett Donald Hinrichs "THE PIRATES botany':::mo",1',i'ton'y Business Editor OF BLOOD RIVER" ~:~:~ed~~1j~~==~L~~~~:~~~:E EDITORIAL STAFF Thurs, . Sat. Mar. 7 . 9 Elvis Presley A...!.tanl Feature Editorsuaan Gordon "GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS!" COLONIAL DININr. notes •••quotes •••trig ROOM ~:f8~~~~rt;'Editor;:kJ:::Ch7:::: KEEPSAKE 59 W, Main St. & spo1h~;:~f~71;!~1~hsa~:tl~1~El ARTCARVED Reeommended by •••dig •••review •••stew ~:~~~::~:~nSylviB.White. Milton Rep¥§l~[~~B;d1~.B~~i~st~~:.aJ~~~r~ Wedding Rings II~=======~ Duncan Hines Diamond and Co.COpyEditor. --".- ~:f~~GB~~~~I: Open an account "Everybody 'Ve!come'" fuss •••discuss •••cram .t :mi~f_~.~~~~-=----=-~=-=_Vj~~aH~l~e:~ ~:~;,".:'f~iP~:i~;:;':;'t·-=:=-·D~:~ii:g~~h DAVID'S JEWELERS BUSINESS STAFF 19 E. \\fain St. at the exam •••wow •••whew Linda Truitt Ad"ertiaing Manager .._" RonaldLereh Westminster Exehange _._ ..__ ..... Winkleman i=========; Ad.i""r ---,- Mia. Nancy DOWNTOWN Westlninster 19 E, Mair. St. Laundry Billiards TI 8·9824 and Hamilton House Dry Cleaning Gifts for All Occasions 8.. Opposite Post Office MRS. FISHER Visit the
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