Page 37 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 37
i.iora:cy Be Positive! THE GO[D" BUG Recently much criticism has been aimed at the administration ---criticism which may not speak above the whispers of student gripes, but which nevertheless is still there. The chief student complaint is that the administration cares not enough to open its _ ~~~SC~J~:g:y~~;zi:l~~~:~St~!~~:i~t~~e~J:;.in~~;;:::;~~ees studying I_V=O=L=4=O,=N=O=,=1=4 ====W=ES=T=E=RN=M=A=RY=L=A=N=D=C=O=LL=E=GEF,=W=E=S=TM=- ='N=S~TE=R=,=M=A=RY=L=A=N=D=====M=al,..,-C=h=l=, =19,,6=3 us, the students, is too tight, yet there seems to be a 1- r.l·t • t t ' M .1- . A from us to "the powers that be," Is the .. Ors. o"e~n'fJolnmen'S formulating plan, for new buildings and increased ,;", 1"1 pay any attention to those who are already here? 14 fj r. 11 k S, fJ1 We cannot say that we are dissatisfied with our adrr,',',t"-I.);))' te U., tion-that would be putting ourselves out on a limb' 0 u....'/i'a enr 00 "to reg-ions about which we kMW little. W, can. say, lu, 'Ii U, that seeds of discontent are brewing, The blame cannot entirely on our "Mt, Olympus." The students at \VMC, some- where 'along the line, have picked up and cultivated a negative attitude about the college and administration. It is "in" at West- ern Maryland to be critical of everything the college does and stands for. We wouldbe the last to deny that there is a lack of communication between the student body and those who rule it, but couldn't part of the problem be that the students themselves are unwilling to go halfway? \Ve, as students, must endeavor to adopt a more attitude concerning our college. If we must criticize, have constructive suggestions to back up our complaints. our college-it belongs to the administration, the faculty, and the students. We should work together to make it the best possible institution to suit our needs. It is about time the students stopped playing tug-of-war with the administration. Perhaps, when we start building together, we can fuse the two ends to reach our common goals much faster. Both ends have to make, and only in making them can they supply which Western Maryland needs to make it a more vital institution. "Why was I eve)' destined To such an unexciting statet Why, even 8pirogY'ra Get8 the chimce to conjugate." My Ufe's 80 1Jery boring," The sad amoeba sighed, "The other beast8 have all the /un- While me-I j118t divide." KAMPUS KWIPS
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