Page 44 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 44
j 4 The Gold Bug, Mar. 15,1-963 Spring Football Meeting Scheduled March 18 IGrid Program Boosts Tke Edi~02"S' ~~~cf' ~~I,I.~~~c~~~~..~~~~,~~~ . will be conducted March 18 at not participate in other spring Over the past four seasons, a great deal of color, along with 7 pm for all those interested in sports and other athletes who determination an~ even success, has accompanied the athletic ef- playing spring football. Pol- would like to try their hand at Biser. From a 145-pound quarterback to a stand- lowing the meeting in the Gill football. Coach Bob Waldorf and from an erratic tlyc~aser to a ~ompetent catcher Gym classroom,. a twenty-sea- emphasizes the fact that the sums up the career of Len Biser. Yet, It doesn't tell the sion spring practice will begin. success or failure of this pro- story. In order to minimize inter- gram depends entirely on the A Poly graduate, "Bise" came to Western Maryland at the ference with classes and other number participating. He ex- suggestion of his high' school grid coach, Bob Lumsden. C~ach academic activities, the prac- plained that 15 members of last Waldorf took one look at the 145-pound Lenny and made him will be scheduled on week- year's squad will be lost by fullback. His judgment proved wise, for in the third clash of evenings. The squad will graduation, six are presently rookie year, the Hampden-Sydney game, Lenny got his a 5:00 and drills will start ineligible, three have dropped the ball for the first time. The eye-opening result was at 5:30 and last until dark. for academic reasons, and one scrimmage. For the whole campaign, Len No previous athletic experi- on medical advice. This brings carry. In his sophomore year, running ence is needed for candidates the total to 25, not counting posted a B-yard average. Against Lycoming, for spr-ing football. The spring football players who participate clash that year, "Len" rose to the occasion grid program is planned for in other sports. enemy pass and returning it 30 yards, thus . rally. In his junior year, the now a 5-yard average per 42 points personally for been Lenny's first love, his "sport," but, in his stay here, also contributed mightily to our baseball fortunes. Formerly an erratic flychaser, "Bisev developed into a first- rate catcher. During his sophomore year, Lenny tore the cover off the ball on the team's Southern trip, hitting at a .561 clip. Since then, it's been hard to keep his big bat out of the lineup. Thus, Lenny Biser has contributed to campus athletics. Still, ""=~;;""'===============I,:,h,~the has done is more than what is written here in the sense that he has added a touch of color and an example of determina- tion which will be missed next year. Others, like Lenny, have made solid contributions-but the former Poly graduate has long deserved single recognition. SPOR1 _ SHORTS _ KEEPSAKE Westlninster & ARTCARVED Laundry and Diamond and Wedding Rings Dry Cleaning Open an account S.. .t MRS. FISHER BASEBALL DAVID'S JEWELERS in April 19 E. Main St. STUDENT UNION G--Mount St. Mary's 2:00 BUILDING 13-Baltimore U. 2:00 Westminster 20-Washington _. 1:00 24-Hopkins 3 :00 30-American U. _. 3:00 EVERHART'S 1\Iay Sandwich 4-Susquehanna 1:30 WTTR AM·FM Barber Shop ). C. PENNEY CO. PATIO 13-Lebanon Valley .__. 3 :00 At The Forks TRACK 56 West Main St. SHOP April Featuring 13-Johns Hopkins . 2:00 30-Dickinson _ ..._~ 2:00 NOW THREE WAYS 15c Hamburgers May LECKRON "Everybody Welcome" TO SHOP Thick Milk Shakes Subs Pizzas _ ll-Loyola 2:00 French Fries - Shrimp Boats 14-Lycoming . 3 :00 GULF SERVICE Homemade Do-Nuts W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. at the Layaway. Cash or Charge Inside Seating Plus Other Sandwiches Rt. 140 E. of Westminster Phone 848-5860 Westminster, Md. DOWNTOWN TI 8-6929 TI8-9876 PATRONIZE 19 E. Main St. OUR ROAD .... gym tumble .... Billiards TI 8-9824 ADVERTISERS SERVICE Carroll Theatre UNUSUAL CORSAGES flip flop lug... tug for the Fri., Sat. Mar. 15, 16 Military Ball Rosalind Russell push jump leap . Natalie Wood from "GYPSY" Sun. _ wed. 1IIar.17 -20 Stewart Dutterer COLONIAL DINING Stewart Granger ROOM "SODOM AND GOMORRAH" FLORIST 59 W. Main St. ... chin lift pull . Thurs. _ Mon. Mar. 21 - 25 Campus Representatives: Tony Curtis Recommended by "40 POUNDS Wayne Whitmore Duncan Hines OF TROUBLE" Laszlo Zsebedies ... run puff uff . Clothes Flower Fresh BAUGHER'S at the RESTAURANT Hamilton Honse MODERN IDEAL y;: Mile Off the Campus pause Delieious Full Course Meals Gifts for All Occasions LAUNDRY Try Our Hamburg Subs Homemade Ice Cream Opposite Post Office See and Thick Milkshakes NORCROSS CARDS MATT CREAMER Parents' Welcome take a break ••• things go better with £!'.!!~ OPEN EVERY DAY A.N.W. 333 60ttled under the autho'ilyof The ecce-cere Companyby. BOTTLING CO., INC_ WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA
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