Page 40 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 40
2 The Gold Bug, Mar. 8, 1963 1 Hitchcock Takes Helm As Rookie B-Ball- Coach ,lettermen Bolster Hopes I For4tllWinning Season With the advent of Spring. year as head mentor, as his baseball enters the Interscholas- predecessor, Dick Pugh, com- tic sports picture at WMC; and piled a neat 1()"6 log while 10s- this season a new coach, Fern ing the Mason-Dixon Champion- The sports department of this newspaper vehemently con- Hitchcock, will be trying to give ship in the final playoff game. demns the handling of the Winter Sports Awards Assembly. It the Terrors their 4th eonsecu- Returning lettermen this year was a cruel stinging slap in the face to every single basketball . winning season. Actually, include Lance Kline, \Vayne player, wrestler, and respective coach. The basketball teams and is not new to baseball at Witmore, Griffith "Mooney" wrestlers competed in 48 contests with other colleges. Winter having played here as a Harrison, Charlie Walters, Dick athletes have the longest and hardest season, and are in strict in 1946-47. Further- Yobst, Lenny Biser, Roy Terry, training for over five months. The winter athletes were rewarded he has had numerous oth- And "Pebble" Willis. Provid- for their efforts by an insult, in the form of a "trial er experiences with the "ne- ing some of the stiff competition assembly." It was disastrously wrong to use an athletic tional pastime" ranging from are Rex Walker and Bill Cow- assembly to test the student body's attendance at voluntary playing semi-pro ball in Mary- don (2B); Don Schmidt and semblies. larid and Pennsylvania to coach- Dennis Amico (SS); and Tony tng at Taneytown and Westmin- Magnotto, Ron Hibbard, Rob Eo-captains for basketball for next season will be Sam ster High Schools. Robertson, Neal Hoffman, and Leishure and Ron Shirey. Ron, a sophomore like Sam, is an eco- Veterans Add Depth Jim Cupp (OF). Altogether. nomics major from Fawn Grove, Pa. Ron sports a 9.5 points game average this season, and is an effective shooter. His ' Hitchcock wi.1Ih~v~ i ~i~re ~~: e~g:vt:e~a~y~r~~i!~: and 180 pounds have helped him_become the leading rebounder- I•• a tough record m his rs playing experience so that a the two years he has played. He is a- member of GBX and =========Isuccessful season seems a rea- Army veteran. Sam was a three-sport star at Edmondson High sonable assumptlon, in Baltimore. This phys. ed. major averaged 7 points a game and was second in assists. Sam is a real hustler, floor general, and Hurlers Up Tight strong rebounder. This 'Bachelor stands 5'11" and weighs over One of the strongest positions Hi5 pounds. on the team this year should be SPOR1---- SHORTS__ - I For the fact-minded fan, this mitting the most fouls year's basketball statistics atoned for this vide a comprehensive, if wildering, picture. In spanning 24 games, the '1''''"' II boards. hoopsters copped 12 . dropping 12. This fourth consecutive tel' year for Coach leaders in various are as follows: pATRONIZE Visit the OUR AVENUE ' ADVERTISERS BARBERSHOP "Everybody \Velcome" KEEPSAKE Westminster & ARTCARVED Laundry at the Diamond and and Wedding Rings Dry Cleaning DOWNTOWN B.. Clothes Flower Fresh LECKRON Open an account ' at Gail Allen at the 19 E. Main St. MRS. FISHER Editor-in-Chief GULF SERVICE DAVID'S JEWELERS in Stephen Bayly Billiards TI 8-9824 19 E, Main St. STUDENT UNION Managing Editor MODERN IDEAL W, MAIN & PENNA. AVE. Westminster BUILDING Donald Hinrichs Westminster, Md. Business LAUNDRY TI8-6929 TI8·9876 See ROAD b'otany:::m'ci'n,)"toll"y MATI CREAMER SERVICE A.N.W. 333 notes quotes trig EVERHART'S Barber Sbop WTTR AM·FM ...dig review stew At The Forks fuss discuss cram What's New in'the Bookstore?? ; • Books! Books for many needs _ William Vogt.'s "Road a copy when he BUSINESS STAFF to Survival." 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