Page 46 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 46
2 The Gold Bug, Apr. 5, 1963 Whitmore Sparks 4·3 Win Over Dickinson Nine Trackmen Face Toughlog Tour Jars Crown Hopes ne Editors' ~~~cf rbi's and the game- ~rack and field ~uad will have in a uted three .. . .. . . ~.~~!'!S!."~~~~D!f: 'Torn~~.'!'~!!.!'.a:~.~!~.~!."'!~contrib O'J',~alley (~igh ~ump:6' 1~1.4"), retired the last 21 batters seem~V~~:hf:~~~I~: ~~~~~~usse~s:t;;:~~;~~;e I;;~:~ ~~~ghhae~~ssl~~~s'7~t~;~~t o:e;;s~ ~;'f.FOt~:~~~I~~r~;~:!~~-li~~ row, the Terror nine nipped ;i~~~ing tally, banged out eight tunately, prognostication or crystal ball gazing is the most pleas- The Mason-Dixon Conference clude distance runners Cal Dickinson, 4-3, on Tuesday at ant, but at the same time, IlIOSt dangerous pastime in which the features such powerhouses as Fu~rmann, Mike Schlee, and Carlisle, Penna. to even their Dickinson opened the scoring fan, coach, or sportswriter can indulge. Witness, on the national Loyola, Hopkins, and perenn.ial Ar-tie ~enkwitz; dash men season log at 2-2. in the first inning as they scene, the demise of the Cincinnati Bearcats at the hands of league champs, Mount Samt Jerry Richman, Roy Terry, Tom collected a pair of runs on a Loyola or, on the local scene, the relatively mediocre season of Marys. Bloom, Sterling Haines; weight In going the "route" for the single and two extra-base blows. what might have been \VMC's greatest cage team. Only such Heading the returning rnem- men Karl Schuele and Jesse first time this season, the tal- However, the Terrors rallied to "wagers" as t?e New York Yankees winning the pennant, the bers are record holders Chuck Br~wel"; and .jump~rs Ron ented blond lefthander struck score si,:,gle ~arkers in the sec- ~h~Chv~~:~~~hP~~t1et~~.:acSekr~;~~~~ecs~O:;do;~;~e t~~~:c:~:~t~a~~!~~ SPORT Sh;;:~ :;edsh~de~e;:~;:~~s out out nine m~n. and walked ~~::ne~~ll'*h;l~vti~ni~~d ru~:~n~~ occur. This is what makes the Sports World interesting. for the team this season are one as he limited the Reddevils when third baseman Dennis Thus, at the risk of error, we would like to take some stabs Dennis Gosnell-javelin, Bruce to five hits. Meanwhile, the A,:,ico walked and advanced to at the future. The baseball team has already been soundly cuffed Knowles-100 yd. dash, Craig WMC attack, led by Walker and th.lrd on an error. Then Len- in its bid to recapture the Northern Division Mason-Dixon laur. SHORTS Davis-hurdles, Slammer Smith- Cupp who each got two safties, Bls,:r lof~ed a long ~I! to score els. Bridgewater and Old Dominion applied the lashing on the turkey snap; and C h a r lie AmiCO With the deciding- mark- recently completed Southern trip. However, it can be noted that, Wheatley, Dave McIntyre, and T N . er. as usual, the opposition had a "jump" 011the Tenors, who were The motion for the basketball Frank Rinehart-distance. Western Maryland, the de- i~:c~~:ci~~~~iO;eSld~;gty;~~a~d':pett~~t~~eaC~~'i~~~aoSse~o~~~~a~e~~ion!~~Ap~'~lel~n~~a~OI~:e~i~~~l a;:in~~ error etmen ~::~~~:~1e::;h~~'~ ~~:~;~ All S U "d fending M-D conference base- ting of the second base-shortstop duo of Jack Baile and Skip yea~', has been defe.ated. CounCIL are come o~t a~d roo: ee pset BI ball champions, had a disap- "T~o the ?ay_s of Johns Hopkins. Brown, as well as the power of. Jim Pusey will be missed this fa~" sa~s Athletl.c, pointing tour as they lost two ~~!:~nth!h~i~e~~t~f o~h~h:q~~~si~;n~~::~, e;;;lt:~::n$:I~~~~' W~:it;, i:;:~:n,e:~g~nt~:p n:otl~~a~ ~Oth! ~~:irT~:c~s I"f;al~ fV;~:::1~~~~~ of th'ree games. To further Yobst, and Cupp will begin to boom and the strong arms of Klein, same tourna!,",e~t. .. wood. Thwarted by AU ~~~~~~~f::.?~e:o; were Whi~~re" H~rrison, Joyner, and Lins s~ould be able to tame the son-Dixon chiefs was a move to Terror Golf Team Recently decided by the Ma- o~poSltlOns tillder. Two losses are a big defea.t but the Terror Hampered by gale-like winds, T.he first ga~e on Wednesday ~~:~n:;:ve:. should come on strong to make a bld for the Mason- prevent .persons with too man,y •• the H~rtmen open~d their 1963 ~V~~l;~~t~!~~~~~t~~d ~~~, ~_~~ . Turning to the courts, the net scene promises to be interest- ~~~I~s6~~~i~~chf:~mthelaMi~un~~ Eyes Opening Win cau:p.algn by droppmg a narrow as Whitmore, Linz, and Harri- mg. Though Loyola and Hopkins threaten to dominate the con_ d' y, P Y g It deCISion to a powerhouse Amer- son quelled enemy bats while ~erence~ WMC IT_l~strate ~ "dark .horse" r~le. Boister~d by an :::~:-t~atl~ti:o~~~~a~e~~:. sea- Against AU Today ican University contingent 5-4 ~he Terro:l"s ra:ked W~L pitch- mdef~t.lgable spirit, as eVldellce~ In Captam Jerry Miller, and son too late. on the winner's court yesterday. lllg for nme hits. Bl"ldgewater k:~~~~~g c~~;:t1~:r~ig~~;;e~~eg:~~~d~ ~~dt;eO~'oi'c;~~~~:?,th~r~;e~ Howie w:gn:r, ~-ball spark- gofr~~ea:~ ~~~:aSY'it~~~~ ;~a!~~ Splitting. the singles.matc~es, \~~v~das,I~\~~thht~st~~~~e o/~:~ ~~~~~~Uth~~~~~~' paa~~s~~II~~eC~a~dc:r~~h!~r~~!hla~~t~/~n~~~~e~; ~~'~piSa~.~:~~UI~~;:~~~~.thSo~;~ ;~i:~at~~,:r~c!~e ~~i~~~'Si1ft:: :~~ I~~~I~OI~JO~!~~te~'~~rt~I~.~ ~he:r~~Si~~il~i~lm:~~y 1~~~:m~~ number-one llIan may be overlooked. girls. ~ * • . ~::;'~:'i~h ~e:_7cl~:CO~.~~s::e~:~~ ~~z~:l~~ld~~~~oo~~n ~h~n~U~c~;;. ~~.d=~~tt~~ni~~~~~.e ,,~~:;; to~~ Intramural Muddle Wl\[C's tracksters have been eran players are hoping to be't- one slot! fell victIm to AU as did theH second conference.l?ss as Preachers Cop Net Title., i:i;i~;~:~;:d~~ti~~~~~}Y~:"£~'~,~~:~~ot~!l~k~i+h~;,:!£";::p~h~u"m;;;~~:;:d~:;;": bOW;dtoOJdDomm"n,9 • • Grapplers Finish Tourney ~il::e~\l~ t~~£~g~:o;::b~'~s trip, b:e~ ~~~w/lason-Dixon sC~~~e~!~~! ~:;;;~ LiQ~~~'b~er~~h~~!~r, ~rc~ dud:: t~e t~; ~vl~esa~el~::;i~:~~~ ::~d~I~U=~:d ~na~l~l~'p~Vt~~~~gb~~ play, This year': b:se~all not inc~~~csi~o~etu~~~Cu;;tte(.:~~ cl"ucial doubles o:l:s' the Put the volleyballs away till er, William "Quote" Miller, and as distant as past b:ips, was cut tain), George Fulton, Dave l\Hller and Quinby teamed up at 11 .385 clip. Also contributing next year and crown Delta Pi the ROTC department's Col. by the short vacatIon ~nd lo.w Markey, Stu Abrams, B.ob nUmbel: two double to CO))the considcrably to the Terrors Alpha the volleyball champs. Frank Anderson and Sergeants budget. However, thiS .trl)) Grace, and Ben Baernstem. lone Victory for Coach Hurt. were catcher Len Biser and out ~h~e:~~:c~~~~ :~~e e~~fl~e~!~~ ~~~s ~:p~:~tc~n~r;::h~;' a':i~i~~ r~~~li,~e~a;:~~I~q:S.~auge of the ~~~e~~:~:,f~~sdh~i~':e~~~ ::Oi~~ ~~~i~~:ud~~,dt:;;r:~'a~h~i~Ut~~ fielder Tony l\Iagnotto, wh~ dled all opposition-all that is really showed the younger gen-. . to bolstel' the team s ~fforts. number th]"~€ combo of Wende- strok~d the sphere for .500 and exce~t the league's, added at- ('ration. how to. m?ve. Sepond te~~:!1 t~~~:e:eth~~ ;;; IV~.nd~~a~:u~es:~:rs~~~s of ;~:;,~ roth and Price. .300 averages respectively. :;:~~.lOn, the men s faculty i~~.~~;; t~~eG~II~:U~\~~::, ~~ih Still spccu~ating, it. would wre~tling coach, the team is This fOI'midable group in- the Bachelors and Black and seem approprIate that, In sea- looking forward to a more suc- Students Offered Study ~li~de~'S~~~m:;~hv~~~Ses:s ~:an~ ~~~~~~sre:;~~~i~ne1y. third and ~~:~'e;o l~~~d a s~~~~~.~~IU;~~~ ce~~~~e}~a~~~t home match. the "Stretch" David, Frank "Spike" . sented to an outstandmg mcm- team ':111 cncounter AlbrIght, In European Programs Tate, Dick "Gentleman" Clow- Intramural wrestlIng suffered ber of t.he basketball team at the on Apnl 12. a setback, however, when "Kill- conclUSIOn of the season. The I~:::::::::::::::: Vienna, Paris, Oxford, Frei- and history, all of which will be COL D BUG el:" K.elso decided not to defend ~~:c~:~~~~r:f °ftst~~o~~~~~dc;~ i i burg; and Tubingen, West Ger- taught in German. ~he Paris many will be the site of several Honor Pl"?gra':l, offermg. stu~y what hiS btl~. But the boys he decided aftel' the idca of giv- lacked III color they made up mg individual recognition to Westminster programs conducted this year at the Umverslty of Pans, Will Laundry by the Institute of European stre~s contemporal:y Euro~ean ~~~r~ln;r~;ili!~~:~:~~"~~httdr::;tk~~:~y~~~'r~n ~~:~;. ~o~ ~lcott1~~nnl:d ~~:;be:~al!:~a~~~~~:s p;~:eor~: ;~ and Studies. German Combining and English ~tu~les and admIts qualified Ger- ]UlllOrS and a few ~ophomores. courses and Denny Noble; ~::====:::::: ~E~:@~~;~~;@:r~f~~r~=i~;,:.t~rar~i..~~~ crown; Ralpnh ~~lith1eruled a~ accepted. Dry Cleanin1! man language instruction, the Each progl:am w~1I offer. two 160 lbs., pinning s.. University of Vienna program field-study .tnps, With Institute Subscription Price $3.00 a Year Dave Blizzard pinned ]\[ilt Hen- ~~~lho~or~~en to juniors and ~~~tu~::~iinl; f~~e:~;~ca~i~~~P~~ drickson for 175 lb. laurels, and EVERHART'S MRS, FISHER June 5. Gail Allen in Juniors are eligible fo)" the Full details on any of these Editor-in-Chief handsome Stan "Hercules" Sun- coul'ses conduded at the Uni- programs may be obtained from Joseph S,pear derland collared unlimited hon- Barher Shop STUDENT UNION versity of F rei bur g; these the Institute of European Stud- Managing Editor ors, pinning Streett Broadbent. At The Forks BUILDING studies will. emphasize political ies, 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chica- go 1, Illinois. literature, science, Donald Hinrichs ;:::========;l..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ philosophy, Business Editor N.w.i'.~;~O_~IALS~:g'R"~::';II-C-a-r-r-o-"-T-h-e-a-t-Cr--'e • A •• t. New. Editor•. -.- F~~nndo~sMT;;!!; 8a.m.calcilllis':':'"~'late Fea.tur@Editor ._ DianneBrigg. A••i.tant Feature Editor Susan Gordon Fri., Sat. Apr. 5, 6 Sport. Editor __.__ ._. __ Jerry Morse Charlton Heston James Darren As.istantSportsEditor Jack Hutchin.on '"DIAMOND HEAD" COLONIAL DINING Sport. Reporters: Richard Klitzberg. John Law, WilliamPenn, Michael Sun. _ Wed. Apr. 7 - 10 ROOM rush arrive quiz . Sherwood,Joseph Spear, Wilford Robert Mitchum ii:~~~~k;~nSylvia White, Milton Shirley MacLaine l\~porter.: NancyeBaker. Linda Burk_ "TWO FOR THE SEESAW" 59 W. Main St. hart. Sandra Callander. Judith ~~~,::,ein. Susan Sach". Carla Thurs. _ Sat. Apr. 11 - 13 Recommended by Kirk Douglas COpyReaders: Elizabeth Han.en. Ju_,'::=======~~=======~ CO_COpyEditors -...-:- :ir:f~~G~~;:'.~~ "THE HOOK" Duncan Hines Eng read write . dith Rowe. Janet Willet1~.Linda ~;';~;et; Ann Wein.tock, Carolyn TypiultEditor __ "Everybody Welcome" KEEPSAKE Typist. . ._._ JOYHolloway & ... correct Psych . Ph?to\Irapher.._. ._ DavidSutton EdItorialAs.istant _. Denni. Dor"ch ARTCARVED BUSINESS STAFF Adve,·ti.ingManager..__RonaldLerch at the Diamond and Exchange__...__..__. . Linda Truitt Circulation._. DennisQuinby Wedding Rings psychotic neurotic Adviaor_._..._ Mias Nancy Winkleman DOWNTOWN Open an account Clothes Flower Fresh 19 E. Main St. .t at the DAVID'S JEWELERS Pavlov bell... lunch Billiards TI 8-9824 19 E. Main St. MODERN IDEAL Westminster pause 0 LAUNDRY whew Visit the See AVENUE take a break. ""things go better with £~"~~ MA'IT CREAMER BARBERSHOP A,N_W_ 333 Bottledunderthe authorityofThe Coca-ColaCompanyby: WES~~~~I¥EGR cgoJf_~'OLA
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