Page 35 - TheGoldBug1962-63
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:~ior8.ry ··1estern mryland College ~~~~I~~~:~~~~0:~~THE GtlLD BUG fall asr:bble\;ga~nst a~ an:t{~d t~nk? ~hey~leUSUl~lt ~nbased ~_-:-:-~c,, ~_· _ :~~~;~~hl:~times~ a~;i~stue::nt, n:g~tf~~~l~t~~t~oonm~~ac~nt.Uf~:~~ Vol. 40, No. 13\ WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. WESTMINSTER. MARYLAND February 22, 1963 S 0 t ¥guments often come as idle l"unnings-of-the-mouth-unjust and _ LOb Issued. Is there not a degree of complacency in our administra, Brill SOS 0 rlglna es I rary ernee !~Or~;::::~~:~n:n::st:et:i:~I:~~onS:ndt:~~t~:n:::O~U::~z: ~ ~nvalid. There is one complaint, however, which might be validly 0 0 DOli rtftes ;;'n:""'~t;~:';~~:n;~~'s~11~~:g:~':h~~'~o~;;:t;~;'!:~::~~~:~:Best Dressed For 'Operation Philippines' Study :~;;;;t;~;n,:.l;~,~~,:?'~rw;:'n~:~~!,.:J;';;'~;:~,~h:;;,h;~:;;:~:"T,h~o~~dn;:n::l,~;~~~nfO~~~d :n the right direction. The SGA patted itself on the back for a ing co-eds as the Ten Best The Philippine Islands wllf JOQwell done and turned to sponsoring movies and getting a stu- Dressed on campus. They are: be the site of a new project dent evaluation under way. Giving credit where credit is due, we Jane Allgire Marilyn Chitten- which is being planned by the did find a few steps being ccnst.ructed-c-thr-ee months after the den Mara D'ilson Barbara Ear- Student Opportunities Service, administration I:!aveits consent. But alas, the Indian summer, the hart, Judith J~nes, Priscilla to be executed with. the aid of one element which allowed any headway at all, came to an end, Ord Judith Reinhart Beverly the U. S. Navy this summer. and our cold, harsh winter set in. Smith Gail Treharne' and Car- The project, "Operation Philip- The walk to the Winslow SC is again the student-faculty olyn ,Vebster. ' pines," consists of the establish- sliding board. Should the SGA sponsor a ski lift? Should we One girl from this group will ment of a library on a "people purchase a force of St. Bernards? be elected -to represent western to people" basis at a smal~ co~- Recently someone has been seriously hurt on that sliding Maryland in the annual contest mumty .called San Narctsa In board. It is a sad thing and we feel sorry for the poor victim. sponsored by Glamour Maga- the province of Zll:mbales on. ~he We only hope that her suffering has not been completely in vain. zine. I~land of Luzon In the Philip- We hope that those responsible for the lack of action in the side- The election will take place pines. I walk construction will hang their heads. on Monday, February 25, in the The Student Opportunities The walkway to the grille isn't the only stagnant project at grille to select four semi-final- Service (SOS) is a new organi-' Western Maryland. The Student Government and the Action tsts. Polls will be open from zation sponsored by Dr. Ear!" Committee petitioned the administration several months ago re- 8:30 am-2:30 pm, closing only Griswold, which is open to all garding publication of the daily menu. The menu publication is during the assembly period. A interested students. It origin{ a small point, to be sure, when weighed against heavier financial committee will then select the ated as a result of .the feeling on matters or problems of the school's increasing enrollment. How, winner. the part of several students thaf ever, the students feel that it is a matter worthy of consideration In addition, two bonus pr-izes they would like to do something. and we anxiously await the outcome. Will this problem be re~ are offered to each of the stu- constructive in the world, but solved in the same manner as the walkway to the; grille? Only dents who work on the contest. they didn't know where to be- time will tell. GFA and SVB Glamour will pay $10 to each grn. The purpose and slogan of ==========""",,======= I~~:m:~~nse~od:cet;:i~g u~~b;e c~~~~7~eg:::~~n~~~~~~~e~r~~~i~e;r~~ lege, guest speakers, outstand- serve." The s e opportunities cation but even more seriously made in favor of San Narcisa ing students and faculty mem- which are provided are both at handicapped by poverty and un- la st week. Any student in- bers, new fads, courses, and home and abroad. ' employment in this area. Maga- terested in collecting books and campus activities. Dr. Griswold discovered ill zincs, periodicals, and current being a member of the field The second bonus prize is an his study of the Belgian Congo books are expensive and cannot service team which the group all-expense paid trip to New that books are some of the most' even be found by a purchaser hopes to send to the Philippines York in June, 1963, ai the time needed and valuable articles to anywhere within miles. The in June will be very welcome of the visit of the "Ten Best the citizens of an underdevel- native dialect is used generally, before the reorganization takes Dressed." The prize goes to oped country. ' but the working I.anguage is place. The group will need the the author of the best letter While reading in Life maga- English, and all the people are support of the entire school. about GLAMOUR: College COIl- zine, Dr. Griswold discovered an taught to speak and read it. Students will be asked to donate test. article telling about a group ot' The SOS later heard from books at a later date. Any stu- ,--------, I~~u~~~~~~~~~~~e~:~n:u;~~~a~~, ~::;a~!et~o~: L~v~iIle:~p~~i~hei~~~~~r~~~~es;~Ii~pi:eos~~i~~ou~~ NOTICE St. Croix in the Virgin Islands. that if the group chose this com~ give his name to Dr. Griswold, Shanholtz, On Saturday, January 26, After collecting these books, munity as their project ,ocation, Sa~dy Roeder, Janet OJ" Nancy Stauffer, between the com- S~lrley they flew to the Virgin Islands: arrangements the Western Maryland Col- to work with the natives in pre- mand and the municipality of MIller before WednesdaY', Feb- lege Honor Court tried and padng the library for working San Narcisa could be made for ruary 27. found a student guilty of a operation. A similar project construction of a library build- --=- violation of the Honor Code. The student was expelled for ~~~s;.~O:o~:~d\;~S t~~c~p~~d.a~~ ~:~k:~~u;~a~::;;~~i~~~ ~~~: Fraternities Select at least three semesters, aft- cr which time he may apply ;~~ojec~eC!~edat~in~~f:;:zepe;~: ~;~lii:e~ti:nfi~l~~e~~:: t!~~'fr~~ Eighteen Brothers for readmission. Corps basis by sending a field \Vestern Maryland to be guests In response to fraternity bids William R. MacDonald service team from \VMC to the at the U. S. Naval Communica- given out on February 14, eight- Chairman ~~lll~~~~it~v;:~ei:~~e~t~ b::l~ :~~~ s~~~~~~1~1"~h~o~~~I,i~~i~~: ;:~te~~~i~;.edged the four local ", The new Bachelors of Alpha - = ======:::=;",:=:",.,:.,,~~~~==~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;::;;;:::;;;;;;;;Iwork with the natives of a fot·- length of time necessary to Gamma Tau are Thomas Bag- _=_ eign country - l t e lers 10 Ine ~"/I'Or- people" basis. COIll-par~icipation In the library com- DeWitt, R?bert Hollywood, and on a "people to work with the Filipino natives F...,.L ~.I..", classifyin~ in the and eant, Lawrence Denton, Wallace books A search for a suitable The Boo~st~re Replies even, on a 2? of profit. Bookstore do~s not handle .used :~;:~re C:~l~lU~~~~w~~1~\e ~ PI~~:n·sos is now attempting Ge;;!~r~:;I~~:o~urple and gold To the Edlto~. The answel IS obv.tous. They books, we beheve the PreSIdent poverty stricken one which through Lieutenant R. C. Cul- for Delta PI Alpha, are John As the editor. of. the _GOLD could not. At 110.tllne has the of S.G.A. will confirm that we would not ordinarily have ac- len, who is Assistant Jor People Abel, David Blizzard, Richard ~UG stated e.dltonall y I~, the Bo?kstorc ev~r mcrea~ed the have encoura~ed and assisted in cess to libl"ai·y facilities, a place to People .Matters at the Penta- Feary,. Daniel Hope,. Arthur Issue of Febluary 15th .:. p1'1ce o~ ~ textbook to rncre(lse any W?y posstble the used book where the people could read gon, to make al"rangements Renkwltz, and John Tramor. lm.o~~edg~able, con s t r. u c t~,:e the malgm of profit. FurtheJ'- operaiton they conduct,-which English, a site at which the citi- through the Navy for transpot"- John Dudley, Edward Earp, C:ltlC,l,smIS the. only valId cntt- mO.I·e,the students have o~ly to should prove to some that the zens could el'ect a library build- .tation of a field service team Bruce Faulkner, Ronald Green, ~~~:~s, ~~r J~~~r:~~~~~' ~v'rs~~~~~:k~o ~!e~1;~~ .~~~nta~~~1:~I:!~~o~~~lc;;"est of !~;~i~~dt~a~ac~~p~~~~Cho; ~~~~ ~~'~:. o~~m~~~~~~/oM~~I~/~~:.I!i~:;: a~~h~lu~t~:~;:eB!~~. new that Mr. Joseph Spear had first Books In Prmt m the Bookstore 6. " ... ask a few of those dents from our campus could that he believed helping the, Pi Alpha Alpha welcomed ~~~;:~~~\e~~~e !~~~:!~r~g ~~~ ~~r~~n~~r:;i~~~~:~/~.~o~~·e-~~ ;~~~~~!~se::~~re~u~~~aese:f :~:~~ ~:.~i;atl~i~o~~eWlii~hr:~;~;;i~:;r~~ ;~~.~~.~l:;:::: i~n~o~~t~'i:~eli~i~ ~~~l~;~' Crouse and Charlcs ~:~:e:o~~~ea,£~~~.In hiS recent ~I~~t::;'o~Paes~n~~~sP;~; d:t:~~ ~~~~d al~~os~~ dqo~~~~iO~~e~cI~ inlhO:~'~~o~'l"st became aware ~~eo~~e~~b~~Ce~~ iheh::i~iP~i~~S ha~ea~h~~ :~;Seen~~d~~m w~~:~ ~;os:~b~:O~~c~~~~~~~gI~:~ce~oo~~Spear advised that the student of.this community whe~ they re- IPresident's pe~pI~-to~.~e00 pi: Students Seek rl e ~~~e~'f~~~t" ~~ ':is~~n:e~';io~~ te~~bo~~~ .a:b~;~a;~:~rbaCk sells ~~o';;~Of';~~ ~.el~:~~e~O~%U~~!I;:~~e~~~d\~.l~~:~t~~~n~t:~~:::t~i I~~f~;:{l. ~~I·~~o~'~in;.hICh .the G "II Ch anges be corrected. Then perhaps the for $1.25." We asked Mr. One would expect to pay less t~e Naval CommunicatIOn ~ta- A defimte deCISIOnwas Just d f dl .' d S t th I for anv used merchandise'! tlOn located about seven mll",s , :f;~~ingOwo~~e h:~: b:~~~o~~~ w1~:~h: r~;e~;ed a:dv~:~~in~= 7. " ... it wasn't me~nt to fr~.mht~e town o~ ~ar~isut , • gr~~;t of f:~~'den~~ to~~O~y~;~~ ~~e?to~ ~:d Men S Society e~, somet~ins: n~w imp~ssible ed out The Vintage Mencken. be tn?t :v av (:t nr~fit-:n~;inp." ~; ~~O. a~i:~~~~n~ 'themselves to temporarily cre- With the dIstnbutlOn of hIS un- Apparently, Mr. Spear over- or,!!"anlZl1tlOn). but lt IS. It h 'd b t th SOS . t ate some atmosphere in the fO~U~:~~y~d untrue charges. ~~~~tl~ht~~reO~asT~:enV!~~:r~ ~ve~~I~p;\~p;~e~()~~pr~~e~e;dti~~7At~:~U~ha.t:e AH:ericaln.ldi~~tJ'hel~Ytr"n'S M"m,Le,,'S ~~!~~~sby~~~yinfo~~n~~~:i;c~i~~e . .. fi bl' Th d' sSOClaiIon. eexpame a ' .. ,... Iii, 'U.~ .'. ' ha~' b~~U~ it~h~i_~o~~~a~~Or~!~O~~~~~~~e~I~::r$i~~~ ,::I:~~nir~~~e~ ~:O~II~afe:i sne ha~ f:i~ert~;~~~ t~e ~rovince ~f ~amb~les is on; Having shown outstanding :~~\~~ :~~~;~d~o~~ft~:~stoi~O~~! send the WMC student to the ~placcd there by the publisher snon~ibilities .nlaC'ed on her if ~h tIel m~re f ~c war ~r~as.o leadership ill vadous phases of grille could change considerabl:v ~~:ks~~!eas o:ge~~V;~;Yt~~2~1~~~:r:~~~::).la~~i~ ~~~n~q~~~~ ~:v~oo~s~~r:sf~~~t~n~P'~;r~~~ sp~ns:~? f~~.~e~zf~e~~enrE\F ~ae~~I~sr.~~I~r, Si;h~i~~ Bpa:~~: if ;~at:;~\i~~r~~e \:e;;a~:~;i~~~~ lege stocks only those textbooks the Bookstore paid a proportion- itable" in the sense that Mr. ~n o\~er~, th eop e 0 I :ofh e and Robert Price, have bee~ cess of this venture the Action that are rcquind by the faculty. ately higher pdce to obtain the Spear suggests, the facts belie t~~Iaml d e ~e~so~ne 0 t e elected to membership in the Committee, explain~ chairman t ~~~t~~ctef;:~u~t;e::~~~rB~~~~ ~~~k95-:,hiC;u~~~~~~d;tsei};~~;! ~7:e c~:rr:~ io~~rs~o~seI(~~C~_~.:~:d~~~~i~nl~; ~tli~O~d:~'.:ars~~~e~ ~~~~~.~~a:ee:iso:i~~~C~:~;'a:?en;~ ~;~;~s~~~IY, ~O~:~I:te:r~;:~~! mits in writing the books that Mencken is listed in Pa1)e1'bound quired, non-essential, and lux- ~use.t ey \t't ~ I~was an the top 35% of their class are were presented to the Student we must order for his/her Books in Print at $1.25, as any ury items on which the "mark- Im.el"l~a~ a hi uF~i" e e7- eligible. They must have shown Government Monday evening ~f~:s~'ete~~~ne~o;k~~~~ it~t e~i~ ~~:s~l:. is welcome to check for ~::~~:n~~;h~~s!h~~a~O~~r~hho:n~~~r:Ins~ri~u:;y t i~ter~~i~~oi~eZdu= ~~~S\~~;!~:~;a~::::~~~ ;~fe~ar:t :~i~~~a~!re i~ov~h~n:O!l~;;~~~ tion or volume. Thus, the bi- 4. "... why do the IJrofessors elsewhere would charge for the -- I~ conSIdered to be one of the 1. that curtains be obtained :~~aUtlv~:~:~~Y ~~ ht~r:l~a~r~~ ;hh~~g~se~~ti~~~:oi:r~;~i~~tl~~: :~:"~'g~~~~~,a~~~St)he~pust~~isse~~Seniors To Peal Out ~~~~e~:~;~;gfor men students !~~~lf~ree window sections in ~~~d~;t~~store to pauperize our ~o~~!~~~ ~~t noo;e~~~il~edpr~~ ~;~~t~~:;b~~~iss.a semester on a Days of School Career po;;un~f;~ ~~l\b:c:':ea:o~:~~~; di:;l;~h~~ ~~~n~~:: ~:l~uo~gt~l~ 2. "... there has to be a rea- sume it is "in the interest of Perhaps it would be pertinent "In our four years at Western later this semester, after most grille. e a ~~~tff: ~~~:~e:e~~~~: ~~~~-~~ ~~r~a;::~P;:ar I!f::r y~~~ew~i7! !~e Obts::v~c!:-:e ot : t:~t:::~: ~!=~r~i~~~ha~~ll~::~ b;o~~:r:~~ ~~v!h:a~~j~~a~:.mpus elections ch!~ed~hat potted plants be pur- our friends in the book shop." concepts, discoveries and points trade. Students come to col- begun by the class of 1963. As The MLS is drawing up a pe- 4. that unbreakable flsh_ Here is the key to the whole mis- of view in the world changed, lege to acquire an education. graduation approaches we pIa!! tition in order to become a mem- trays be purchased for the conception~the Bookstore dolls would the faculty not then through books primurily, ami to uphold and carry further ber of Omicron Delta Kappa, a tables. not plaee a mark-up on any )'eally be criticized? Further, thus oriented, the purchase of this reputat~on," stated David National Leadership Honor So- A sub-committee of interested book in the Bookstore! Book publishers frequently replace books would seem to be the first Humphrey, president. ciety for college men. They workers is to be formed from price.s are determined by the current editi?ns with newer expected e.xpenditure of any ~n order that the class ma.y feel. that the establishment ~f the student body, under the publtshers and all textbooks are ones or not lllfrequently COfl\-student. Smce these ~aculty- flrmg out the I~st days of theIr OmlCron Delta Kappa on thIS Chairmanship of Carole Yeager. bought by the Bookstore at re- pletely withdraw a book from selected books are prOVided by college career In a proper and campus would be a great asset This committee will carr" out tail ("list" or selling price) less the market. This obviously re- your Bookstore at a negligible suitable mann~r, this Sunday and honor. the approved proposals' and a £0% discount!! You are in- quires a professor to spend con- pront, prices having been pre- evening follOWIng Chapel, the The major activity of the study and construct other feasi- vited to solicit those among your siderable time and effort in determined by the publishers, class of '63 wi\] peal out its la~t MLS .this year has been the ble ideas. A campaign to cen- family and friends who are in searching for a replacement for we feel that the recent criti- 100 days. The ceremony. WIll plannmg of the China 'Veek ter about appreciation and business for themselves and ask us to order. , cisms were without basis in fact. take place at the Alumni bell program, which will begin in cleanliness in the grille will be bow many of them could stay in 5. "This prevents us from lsI Mrs. Grace Z. Leroy and all stud~nt~ and faculty and end the first week in conducted by Carole's commit- business long, or even break buying used books." 'tVhile the Manager, College Bookstore members are InVited to attend. Aprti. tee.
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