Page 33 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 33
The Gold Bug, Feb. 15, 1963 3 Kap~aAlpha Mu Announces Silver (ontest Pris Ord, Allen·~onesleadThe Hill' I M ..' V'" '. Photography Competition ~f!~~~on~'i~~~~~t·S ,I~~",;~~;;~i~g~'~h~~:'1:;~;':165~2gi,~~~::'m"'thavbeenOPin~~~~thO~::;~i~'C;~~;;i' erve n any, aned Orgamzatlons arion, The World Book Encyclo- taken since March 1, 1962. bon. The competition, in which by Gail Alle/~ ~ournalism was the reason describing Allen as we know pedia, and LIFE magaz'ine an- First place winners in each of Western Mal'~l~nd ha~ been se- "Jack of all trades and Prts spent last summer in the him. nounce their: seventh annual in- the other' categories shall re- lected to par-t.icipate, IS open to ter of each" aptly basen: ent of the Washington Y~u've certainly met him. III tercollegiate photography com- ceive a set of the internationally all, undergraduate women on role of a certain senior at EVfJ1tmg Star building pounding viewing- last year's Junior F'ul- petition. ;- famous za-volume World Book thiS campus. This blonde has earned a typewriter. "You have to lies, you evidenced Allen's great The deadline for receiving Encyclopedia, plus the 15-vol- I~. th~, "Silver Opinion Com- times over the . start ::t ~he bottom, you kno;;, literary eetent, and his ability prints is March 1. The rules ume set of Childcraft, the fam- p.etlhon, twelve designs of ster- w~ars. Not only IS she and th~s IS really the bottom, to get along With "Conk." Not '
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