Page 31 - TheGoldBug1961-62
P. 31
-,....iorar" I THE';:~tfOl.DBUG Students Favor Administration Contacts Reduces Page 2 Chapel Cuts WESTERN MARYLANDCOLLEGE. WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND Vol. 39, No. 15 March 9, 1962 Committee Interviews Manager THREE PLAY SERIES SET FOR MARCH 16 'On Loeal Integration Problem The College Players will pre- fred Kreymborg, is the first Marsha Bendermeyer portray the third play, The Bald So· Four members of the Human Day and staff show that out of sent the Junior Plays, Fridny, pla.y of the evening. It is a. the young lovers, while Nelson primo, by Eugene Ionesco. This Relations Committee of Carroll 234 repr'esenfafive campus votes March 16. No admission will tender play in poetic form Sheeley and Barbara Terry is a comic play of the avant. County interviewed Mr. Charles 162 were for desegregation of be charged for the three plays about love awakening in the portray the girl's g-rundpar- garde movement of the French W. Schek, manager of the Car, the theatre, while 46 were presented in. Alumni Hall. The ~earts. of ~he young and stay- ents. Kreymborg, a well- theatre, which many have roll Theater. Among the inter- against. program begins at 8:15 pm. mg alive III the hearts of the known American poet, has called "the theatre of the ab- viewers were Carolyn Webster After hearing Carolyn's ac, The BaUad of Youth, by AI- old, Stephen B ayl y and written such plays as Lima surd. The Bald Soprnmo at- and Dean William David, who count of the interrogation of Beans and Man·ik~n atld Mini- tempts to point out the mean- was acting in an unofficial capa- the manager, the Student Oov- kin. inglessnese of life under the ~~~ ~t~~~~ni::~~~~d the re- :~~m::c~d:~n~~~~~e~n~i:C~~~:~~ Miss TerryAnnounces New Stall ~il~i~~ to D~~i~;;lan~ragiC ~~~~~n~~!~ i~e~: aO~o!h;letSe~~ fO:C~:r:t :~:k i~V~hiSi:~~~a~~~ ~;:i~~~d t~~;~s t~n S~f; p!r: For PuIJlitation Of I~L3AL nu A ii~~~Q~!n o~ S~~~: a.n~b~~; ~ns~~~~~anii~:~!.'~on~!co s~.~~: Human Relations Committee of tton, that we will not be corn- g, vn#l plan to secure II Catholic kmg If It IS a crtttcrsm of anything, Carroll County, made up of aev- pleeent in regards to our stand. Barbara Terry, editor-in- Crawford, Marian Emery, Bon- to rule Scotland, is the second it must be of all societies, of :rt~~::som~~~nt!~~~r:n~tht~: ~:~~:;s ~~\h~'~t!de::~~~/~: ~~:u:!edth~e;96:ta:lo~:; ~~: ~:nc:ri~~iey;er:;;d ~it~!~~~~~y~fI~:Q~:!~gi~S ~~~n~':;h ~~~r::e~u~:e c~~~: ·a~/~I.;; clergy, is working in the town mdividuals to write letters to coming yei\r. The staff will Raver. Castle. The play utilizes the ever presented on the Hill. :;:r~;!t~~~ea~r a:~:~r~~ t~~~~~ ~!~s~c'~I~ke~:r~~~~;n;h:~~ f;:~~ ~~en ~~r\:;s ~~~er p~bB~:= Cr~~:;~~~ ~~d~~~1:r'H!~:~ !~s:;ac:f ~~~~\ue'p;:::~~~a; ~~~l"YB~:m!i:e~tlO an~eat~:~ accommodations in Westmin- ulty member could take five tion. are writ~rs and Mary Lee Americ~n tourists and moving dal?e Hackett as Mr.. and Mrs. ster, including Benny's Kitchen, minutes of his time to write the Carolyn Hoecker will assume Nuttle will 'handle typing. back mto time, through a S';,John Grabowski and Pa- Munch's Drive_In, Snaks by ma.nager a letter backing our the position of layout editor, dream sequence, to the year tncla. Webb as Mr. and Mrs. as. r.. B George, and the Carroll Pastry StUdent Government in its stand and Claudia Fetrow will be- 156,6, whel'e the Queen and her Ma~lll, Dagmar Joer?s por- Shop. There is a Committee on on integration, this cause would come photography editor, r. ,,_ maIdens are. found. tray~ng Mv;ry. the maid, and !~!e~~~~~~W~~Chc~~;~~nd~~~:~ ~~d~~~h~:~~h~~~:id:::r:z:~sa!~ ~::ingbihe ~~~~:r s~:t~~!r:;~ ,rl- eta ,anes byTh~ia~ur~~ti:I~:w,PO::~e:! ~~r::dC~i~~ls m the role of the :e~!~~~~~s~~~~:~~/o~~i~n~r~~~~ the S.G.A. g~~~;;.nConkling and Srerling New MemIJers ~~cG~~~:;s~i~~~ ~~~~ ~~!;= Fr~~:~CO ;lsa~vr~~~an~~nh~o:~ made up of students and faculty Students Take Part In char f th rt Twelve new members were ery. Theodore Pokorny is the wOl'ks, such as The Chairs, The alike, was previo~sly under t~e ~f the e~orts of student-letter tion are ~o~nie ~:~~ns :~dinitiated into Beta Beta Beta guide. Mary Stuart is por- Le88on, The Killer, and The !~~~D:~~~~;~rl:s~::s ~~ ~:~~= ~~~::~m~a;~' h~~e~de~~ef~:u::~~ ~nald Cronise. Their staff Western .Maryland's. ~~ol~ ~:~Y~:di:: b~u~~~OI:g~:bs~~r~ Bald Soprano, ~ave caused ings. ~~d~S;lyPO~!:~~s~~:ti~~~Si~yb~~ ~:~~~es :Gra~,an~cha~k 0~1~:~ ~:::rpl::lf!rt Jo~eda~~lt~~~ ~:~n~~tat~a~~~m~~~OI T~~t~~~ ~~~~ :~~~oversy m the theat· Mr. Schek va. S.G,A. arrangement for transportation berg, Bert Lazaru~, Gerald Sle· 5, at the home of Dr. Isabel thor, William DeLisle is a Miss Esther Smith is direct- Miss Webster's account of to other theatres was discussed. gel, a~~ ~oseP~ Spear. &y~r .at 7 pm. well-known American' poet- ing the plays. Mr. Byron Av- March 5 of the H.R.C. interview Address letters to: ACtlVltJes wdl be handled. by Jo~mng as full members were dramatist. ery is set designer and techni· with Mr. Sche~ pointed out that Mr. CharJes W. Schek Ma~garet Hoey, Carole R~ha, Edwm Cla~sey, Barbar.B Mc- Ioneaco Highlights cal director, while David Sut- !:~:g~~~;:r l~fmo~~IlYt10:at~!: ~~~ol~t;~:tt~estminster ;~~It~~a~~~~~~cele:;n;~~: ~~::~~~rEl~~~th a!~CG~b~;:~ Highlighting the evening is ton is handling the lighting. Carolyn told the S.G.A., how- It was brought out that this obus is in charge of art, with YVillis. Provisional members ever, "Mr. Schek is against de- is the most important thing the her staff composed of: Susan lllcluded Carol Barker, Debra segregation basically from the S.G.A. has done In several years. DeLuca, Barbara Moon, Helen Dudley, Mayk GesE_lll,Carolyn Democrats Elect Sitter; businessman's point of view. He It is hoping that the students Tempel, and David Sutton. Grover, Ahce Krizek, Mary feels that a decline in patronage will do their part in expressing Copy editor is Barbara ]',loon, Ann Shriver, and Leabah Win- Republicans To Hear Speaker would result from integration." their convictions. whose staff includes: Mary ter. She noted that the manager is To qualify for full member- interested in public opinion; Poll Reveals Results Chapel Allows ship, a student must have had YOUNG DEMOCRATS pose of the YDC. The mem- however, he did not appear to be . The of a ques- ten hours of biology with a bi- The Young Democrats at bers of the club hope that many worried that the students of tIOnnalre dlstrlbuted by the In- ology index of 1.75 and a 1.5 Western Maryland College met more students will take an in· :o~idt~:v~ s~:~~~lae~~u~:l~~;~ ~~r~~i~~h~~mp~!!~e:ted~f the Three Cuts oV~ro~~i:::~a~embers must ~I~ ~~~ a~~;d!~m~~al~la~~ha~~ ;~e:~e~~!g;rKfa;~h ~~~e~~/~~ v~ction~ to effect any decline in 1. Would you like to have Ad~jnistrative !acult:r mem- have had at least three hours dress by Charles Moylan, Jr., pm, in :!;loom 307 Memorial :~~i~~sh:e~~o~~gardless of what ~e~~M~~~ents on the campus !::s, a~~ Cj~~~~;at~~s~!~cS:r~: of ob~IOgy with a B ave~age: ~~eB~:;~~;et ~r:y~'sA~~~r~~~ ~~~' i~ :~~co,~~~t~~:to: ~~m:e In an earlier session of the American Negro 331 yes 132 no have agreed to alter the tradi- . tal~:JS: the Orgalllz~tIOn address the group elected it.s or she would be interested in S.G.A. on February 12, the fol. African Negro 346 yes 128 no tion of Investiture and subse-- :;~ T~ new Mm~m ers. first slate of officers. William becoming a member of the or- lowing resolution was passed, 2. Wou~d you willingly accept quent wearing of caps and e~d ar~e, omas uh.f:r der . Sitter is the ne.w president. ganization. supporting the HRC in their ef- Negroes m your donnitory? gowns by the seniors at appr~ Pyesl en~d J:na~an WII~a~. Harvey Lempert vice-presi~ A Jefferson-.Tackson Dinner forts to peacefully desegregate American Negro 268 yes 115 no priate functions. ~Ice--pres) e~.; . ?wn;Yh rice, dent and progra:n chairman' is planned at the Hotel Emer- the ;,~e:t~;: Resolved That the Aftc~nOUI~e:~~ 2:: ;:i~li~O~~~ fr!~Ve!tit~:~d~~ ~:~in~o:~ ~:~:~:;; H~~m~OI!e~~mh~~~ ?r~:~~rer. Richman, secretary~ ;,oo~t~~s!~lt~~~:;~l rt~~~h a~~ ~fGt~~ ~:~~r:eit~eb~:C~~ ~::!:at~;grO student as your ~:~b;~e~t:!~dM~y ~~~~ ~e S~~: o~::~ral members of the Wh~o/~~vid~ ~ v~icl: :ro~gh ~eo:~rtofW~~.~:~ ~:~e,~:~~O:~~ tion is not taken toward American Negro 119 yes 244 no gular chapel time. This will group plan to attend the Dis- M ICI de s '~l e::e ~l :; r;; scheduled to speak. For fur- its integration." M~~a:tro~;1:d;; ~i~~e~4~~; ~e ~:ar~nal chapel service of ~~!ri~~-t~~ver~ft~V~~ti~~tu~~ ta~~t~~ v~~~abl: f~Ii~if:l ]x= !::l'a:;t:~~e:':U~!h~~g::!~ S.G.A. Urges Support 123. Since this plan involves the day, March 24. The schedule pe~ence so.~s~n ~~ III t. IS ay tion. student D·g t S "s~i~;fBr~~i~:~~: '~~i: :!:o~ SC:~I:::~~:: ~~~dCO!~f:~t~V~l~ =~:~~:t!~d t~e ~eqru~:~~a:i !~:l t~~e~:I1~~~~~o~d~~~~~~~~:dan age WI e mam pur- YOUNG REPUBLICANS lution was made with the hope enable a qualified Negro student program scheduled for Ma.y 13 the presentation of I es Speaking at the March 14 ::Sat5~~~~~d:on\~~:yc:Uos~~?'le~~ '~f:i~r:: t~:'::'~i~ yes 261 no !~:p~tma~~ ~~s:~~;c~n fr~~ i:°;:~'th:~:\;r~~~~~s~~~~~; ponsors ~~~ti~~u~~ t~:p~~~t;:~~ '~l~~; ~~ice~ti~rt~~.1~~0~t~: ~~~~ A~~c~~I~ef:~e~I~:e;a~~~;' ~~~~n~ s:~:~r is being re- Hospital. Story Contest ~~~~e!t~;O~eerii~:li~hg~ ;:~~bl~~ S:~~~dcl::: Anthropologist ~o:th;ol~t~:tf :r stili~eni.r~t~~ ~~ac~~~;~!. ofi~:7~~~~~~?:n \vi~ie:be:~u~~~h~o an!~~~; ~~~e8t h~s ~;cent!~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~e~~:~na!~onD~~~ The results of the N.S.A. poll, SISts of several members of the gown nnd to march m the pr~ W'II Add Committee of the S.G.A." C:ommlttee of the S.G.A. con_ Investiture service i~ cap and their 16th annua~o:ol~c ~o~hort gates .. The meeting will te t' room h place m h·gh prizes .. conducted in the fall by Jackson st~~ent ~ody, fIl;CU!ty,a.nd ?d_ cession a.nd recession in the re-- F I ress story c :o~al~ng1$20~01cwilicasbeHall at 4:.30 pm. 307 Memonal . .. same manner n u • mlmstration. It IS lllvestJgatmg quired to do at the Baccalaure-- acuity Club awarded .. The toP1C of Mr. Ylllghng's as they are speech is "The Role of College lif. neggemelef and planning for possible action and at Commence--. . se~~fbl:orto p~~:fs~~g 1~0~~1; ~~~~~ ~~a;~I~!~~~edH:r~~ o;~f- !~~~;t~~:a:fd full ~~nt~rvice ~~~.~ntual Will A ttentl rll;~;~:~d t~;a~%~~::~:~ ~~=~::::n col~:r~:rSa'nr~ni!!~~i~~:: ~:~~~~~ h~7seg~t:;;~:r: 1~:I~ Annual Meetinn I - N ews Of Th W k In B ne . f - I stitutlon, WIll VISIt Western all over the have their stories present Among his activities at of world. Contest lege. ee e' M.aryland M.arch 15 and are the presidency 16, win~ers ~Il Dr Arleen Heggemeier ~_ Sophomores Hold Party That night the seniors are ~e~s~~%~~ I~r ~~~;o~~o:: ~;~~~sh~lu~e t~~ ~r:~aIC~l~::; ;~~ :,:~~:te~u!i~anis Club sociate professor of musi'c, is Sophomores, don't forget. the invited to attt;nd a clo~ed party The -:'--ll1:ericanAnthropolo?ical Wri~ng. Other activities of t~:~~~ng representing the College at a class party tomorrow mght, at t~e American Leglon Hall. As.soclatwn and. the NatIOnal PrIZe for the best short story Republican Club include the ~~:C~nSir;:.eeting in Madison, ~1:~~ha:a~g!;~;:g~~~;:o;~~~ ~!::~f~ll1::~~~fl~:t~ro~n!d e~; ~::~:;\i~~undatlOn are spon- $~g~itt;~:nS!~~ndonp~::e W!~t~ !~~m~i:;i~~g o~ ~u;O~;ti~:~~~ She is attending the annual ~d theIr d?tes :nil be ad- the Jum.or Class. Specializing in archaeology, will win $350 and the third ington, D. C., open to all stu- ~e~~~:;,s m:a~~~~alofA;~:ei!W:!~ :~~~d i~:~!r:~el~f.ue:w~:; ev;;;n~~~~e ~hag~:fd fO~la~~~~~~~n~~:~~~~I~rr. i~~e:::t h~~ ~~:en::~~;h~~ ~~~ve~s$~,!WiI.d,'_n"_. ~ Featured during the meeting out at 8 pm, and will run until seatmg; William Gillespie, en- made a number of field trips to receive honorable mentionli O :~~li~~~~~la~!~CUs~:~ti~~p~~ :~~~P~~tio~ ~~ :1N l~~~:~: ~:~i~~:::~tio~so;n~:nic~c~~= ~~~.!ri::t~~rS:fu:a!;~~~~s~~~ aw;~:s ;;i:: ;~! being - ON THE AIR - ing are deans of schools of 7.45 f;om the front of Baker ney, refreshments. Also DaVid studIes of the area. provided by The Reader's Di- Every Saturday afternoon music where the degree is of- MemOrial C~apeJ. ~ance to Pond, a:ra~ge~ents; Janet He will address an open gest Foundation, which recent- at 1:30, WTTR---1470 on your fered, heads of teachers' agen- records and md~lge m .the re_ Wa~ker, mVltatIOns; WaYl!-e meeting of the faculty club, ly offered cash prizes in a com- dial, presents Campus Cor_ cies, and recipients of the ap- freshments whlch WIll be Wblt~ore,. clean-up. DaVld Thursday, speaking on the petition to find outstanding ner with Ron Roth as disc plied doctorate. During.a pro- served. Dro_bIs Will serve as general "High Culture of the Andes." news and feature writing jockey. The five-minute pro_ gram which will follow the dis-. chaIrman. The lecture, to which the pub-- among college newspaper em- gram includes a feature art_ cussion, Dr. Heggemeier will JUnIors Plan Banquet lic is invited, will be in Baker tors. The Digest Foundation ist of the week and high_ play two of the Debussy Prel- A banquet, honoring the sen- Argonauts Give Tea Chapel. . On Friday he will is adding a grant of $5000 t.o lights of the campus news. udes. . ioys, on Saturday, April 14, McDaniel Lounge was the speak ll~ormally to several cover administrative costs of Initiated by David "Pea. A graduate of Oberhn Con- WIll replace the traditional scene of the Argonaut tea class sessIOns. the contest. nut" Warner, the program servatory, ~he pia~ist received Junior-~en!or Prom. Presented Thursday, March 1. All fac~ Dr. E:-oans. graduated from Contestants are urged to pre-- has been on the air since Dc- a Te~cher s .CertJficate from by the JUlliOrS,the banquet will ulty members and Argonauts the Umverslty of Southern pare entries as soon as possible tober. Station time is do_ t~e Ddler-Qualle School of Mu- take pJace in the college dining were invited to attend, as well California and received his since the deadline for the con- nated without charge to the SlC, and the ~aster of music hall. as freshmen and sophomores Ph.D. from Columbia Universi- test is April 20. Manuscripts college through the courtesy from the Obe~lm Conservatory. The seniors agreed to the with a 2.0 or better average. ty. He is a fellow of the should be from 1500-9000 of WTTR. The possibility ~;~t ~;~:=I~~ ::~f:~dpi:~~ ~~e;,a;eth~~r~e~~~g~~;leM~~; pr~~~:\~;~~u~~ :~sf:a~:; ~~:~~~~ a~n~~~~:~ca~f ~:~ :U~~~t;~ 1~~gt~T~~ySh~;l~l~ ~:islt:n;;~!n!~e ~:~fr;~arw~~ at Northwe~u:rn University in banquet will be open to the the occasion, Susan Hogan Society of American Archae-- ZINE COLLEGE CONTEST, enough student interest is :;!~la~~ef;~~~:: i~h~9~~~stern :s~~!:t:d:fatc:a:lh~~~~~rs will :~!;:ain~::~re furnished vocal ~~fetya~: ~ha:h~~~~pological ~e~~:~t~I~;eN~~er's Dige8t, ,,,,",,d. ,
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