Page 33 - TheGoldBug1961-62
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The Gold Bug, Mar. 9, 1962 Researchers Give Reasons For Dreams; Bonnet! Custom Anoymous Donor Distributes Explain Time, Place, Emotions Involved R~!~~h,!~r!e!oLDp"~!m,.~~~,!?~,p!!~~~t,~~r!'dining Though you may not remem- by Dr. Hugo Beigel, professor are flying, it is because your BUG archives can be not only chewed and swallowed the as- hall patrons back to the land of ber it, last night you spent be- of psychology at Long Island leg movements are so much interesting hut also quite in- sorted array of meals placed be- luck and chance. Perhaps they tween ODe and two hours University, show that you can freer in bed than when you are structive ... as one curious fore us in the dining hall. We are unable to see both sides of dreaming. If you heard some- do this by holding perfume un- awake and walking or sitting. student found out. This "Defl- hav:e grumbled, we have com- the question, or perhaps, they a ;~~: ~~~rsi~a;:~; h::b~~ ;r~fn:r:a;i~:;~ n:~\:h;:~:n!; wr~:e~kwi:ntt~ ;19th cen~u:d a ~!!~~n o;he m~~~~:r~~~sv~{~::; ~~:,e~~!~!se;ebY h:v~e:a!~nd ~~~~i;;ar~t~!~d~~: o~n~!~~~eB~~ thing bu~ their own end of a turning on. a light. The sleep- fascinating drea:' P a~hena h: on the shelves in the library: brighter insight and initiative, it is the student who pays for ~~,:e~:!~:~ y~:rd d~~mm~~: ~~.dreams In order not to wake ~wS~~;e~bo~~ !e:!d;t to write ex:~t~!~::\~~v~~o~~~~c:t~! ~~~u~~:..~~~~~~~d i!n~~i~h:e th~:a~e~:, ~ft:a;ll'seem, the !;~m~~~apr;':~l,y :a~a:m~ th!~ !~~d=~c~:n:i: i~::;_ The writer was ~::;:. Louis :he t:~;i~~~m d7:a~~~:;~or~~ ~r:ce~~~O?~;ing with such com- :~~~~~ ~~~e:a~~ei~~~~~~tf~~= street, a field. preted in phyelcal terms. These Steven~on. And the sto? he ment of each particeps crtm- One student, with the best In- ~her steps may lead? One thing fin~~;: ~::t b:!se~r!~:rsOfh~: ~~=.S~oubel~~:e f!~~~g~ y~~~ ~:;:r~t~:~~n: ~~;;\~~s~~:~~ ~:~~e~:S~7inttea~w~ne~1~ca:~: ~:rses:~c~:t!~ea~a~~~~v::eh;::J~ ~o~e:~~~~i~~~b~oto~~r anony- made about dreams. For some- hand IS dangling over the side one knows-Dr. Jekyll and Mr. placed with commendable in- ect the mimeographing and post- ~~~~i:~na: ~o!o~~tJ~ ~!tekn~O~~of the bed. If you dream you H1IM. f::ft~it~p:~~ ~X;:f:~:bl~~ru~~~ ~:nuinfo:rt~~i~:~~. P~a;:S~e~~~ Quiz On Presidents about dreams. similarly closed lips of the op- describing each meal in a glori- . be;o;o:a~:e':~sif Je:~I;~~~~; IF(·ISe Weekend Achieves ~~~:er::te~t Pe~~tt~gant~~p~~ Z~:bl~~O::Chi\t~~~~~Ytod;~:~~~~ ::::e~sh~~e~:e;=bl~Sl~:~tin • P. b IJ IJ suddenly and aware quite ,., yOU are probably of your inner feelings and emo- tlUt,ess. Ilenetl·tlf'n "A,. ,Ie tiality The impression parting digestive activity in accordance the following issue of the GOLD BUG. on the with personal needs. A student them. tions. This was demonstrated ' r V, • V, UJ 'It sensorium c.onsequ?nt thereto ~s no longer stunned upon s~e- 1. Who was the youngest by a survey carried out by Dr. If campus response is any in- "Pier Five" jazz band performed usually culmmates In the sens.e mg the food placed before hlm. man to be elected President? ::;:~!~ogi~~h:~b~~IU!bi~li~:~ ~~~~~~~ o~:;~~~t!!~~~nt~l!~': ~;e!lj~~i ~~!~!~fa:~~er~~:;; ~~to:~p~~r~h:~~~;:~:."and ~eh- ~;e l~~~ee;n:~s~~;~r~~~ ~~ ~~~ sa~~;hat is the President's ~e~i~~'~o::~~e~~ f~r~~ ~~u~ ~~~:~~~ !;~i~a~n~I~U;~:s:. b~~: ~~zbe:;r~~c;!~e~::l~~ti~~;~: 19~:v~r t~: ~%j~~t~~~~:~~:;1~~~~rh~l~o~~p~~:a!~j~~ the 3. W~at state has contrib- dreams, you may be inhibited vs. girls basketball game, a jazz Call You Sweetheart" "Oh Mother never told me about? However, as holds true with ~ted'dt ~'Igreatest number of em~::~~~h time do you think ~~~~;:t'w~~d ~~lloPs~;:~:::Jn~~ ~~~na:~e,,~~~n:~s~~)i~~~ KAMPUS KWIPS ~~t~anm~fu~h~:o;~~!~v~er~~~i~~ r:~\;~at' President never you spend dreaming? Believe the students. and will probably for the occasion and led by a the.hands of the Administration. went to school? it or not, you probably spend be repeated m the future. zealous balcony group, the audi_ For many students, eating in I: IS rumore?, but .hard to be_ 5. What . three Presidents 22 per cent of your nightly rest The IFC basketball team met ence showed its appreciation for the dining hall is just another heve, that thiS f?nnldable group were assassmated? in dreams. University of Chi- its nemesis Friday night as it the music by marching around form of procrastination. takes a rather dlm outlook upon 6. Who was the only Presi- cago scientists also maintain was defeated, 27-25, by the de- the theater and snapping their • '" • progress, and plans, upon first dent to face impeachment? ~~/;~us~~ ~s:~~ma:~ ~~:~ !~r:~n~~ t~!~rs~e~~~rte;,U~I~~ fin::~s :~mt!~e o~o:~: ~::~~nd Ar~~,:!e~ere served at the ========="'====~="';';';;"= ~~;n ~ro~: ~a~ ~~r,m~~u~~~ i~:o~!~~u~a!~!ai~~m!~e~u:eai~ ;::Ur~haeyo!~~/r~~r~~~n~:~! Standards· at· V:MC are im- Sill Y PUTTY more dreams, lasting 20 to 25 slowly diminished until a 21-20 of refreshments and two bands, proving-last semester it was The process of seeking some knowledge minutes, and at 90-minute in- score resulted at the end of the the "Dean's Men" and the "Five a final exam this semester it's Hopefully searched for in college tervais. Your dreams tend to third quarter. High scorers in B's" were the highlights of the only a quiz.' Can be seriously hindered or hampered last longer as the morning ap- the "battle of the sexes" were party. ... • '" By a feeling of having been pampered. proaches. Pam Bobbett with 14 points for Conrad Cohen was the chair- Since when has a member of You probably didn't know it, th.e ISC al!d Mickey Bloodsworth man of the weekend, which our religion department been a ~tned:!:~~~~~! ~:~u~~t~~tb~:\~~~~::~~: but you can even force someone Wlth 8 pomts for the IFC team. represented the combined ef- member of the "Pier 5" Ja2.Z' To choose your own choice, vocalize with your voice to dream. Studies conducted On Saturday afternoon, the forts of the IFC and ISC. Group? is a trait desirably searched for. But seek as you may--one never can say in a college so "]J1.trpose/1dly" planned Tha.t your mind or your thoughts ' are your own to subjectively mull o'er When your "gooJs" have been salted and "canned". It would seem then-appropriately wise in a college "decidedly" libera.l For advisors to simply advise, Sign up for KNOUSE EJ By: I. :M. "Moulded" Advanced Patronize Our Advertisers Army ROTC ... Service Station CROWN And right away, ~======~ WTTR AM-FM you'll feel better about BeIUUf'd. your Military Obligation.•. KiicItue Coffman· Fisher Dept. Store COLONIAL DINING ROOM n E. Main St. Because you know, as an officer, 59 W. Main St. Recommended by EVERHART'S Duncan Hines your military service will be a stimulating and rewarding experience. You Barber Shop will enjoy the pay, the prestige, the traditional privileges of an officer ... Carroll Theatre At The Forks your military service can payoff handsomely in later life. For example, in ROTC can be tremendously helpful when a man starts his climb up the Fri., Sat. March 9-10 civilian ladder. Success in the executive areas of business and industry Chubby Checker comes earlier and more substantially to the man who can lead. 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