Page 13 - TheGoldBug1961-62
P. 13
STAR OF PEACE NG FRIEND TO ALL- MR. FOUTZ A star shone brightly over the earth that night in Rarely does an individual be- giving a lift downtown to some November ~nd Ilium mated the SUSPICIOPand greed come truly well-liked by all walking collegian. During his WhIChp.revaIied. Brotherly love and charity were anti- members of the campus com- years of service, he Became an qU!'-tedm a world "YhIch preferred power and corporal munity-faculty, administra- expert on such things as re- gams to the seremty of the changing seasons. tion, employees and students. pairing broken coke machines, beauty of the autumn stillness was ignored by the This person must be intelligent, mixing up a quick milkshake in cities and scurrying men; there were more urgent alert, friendly, considerate, grille emergency, helping ters to be considered. World hung firm, patient and a myriad of students open stubborn mail in balance among the nations, other characteristics. S u oh box locks, and handling la:te trying either to preserve the state of equilibrium people do not come along very boo~sor~le;:;, perceptive mind, weight the. balances in their favor, rushed from one of~n~stern Maryland College is coupled with one of the campus' ferenc~ fail~re to .another. . now losing one figure of this sharpest wits, made him wel- Flickering slightly, the tm);" ~tar ,:"avel'ed.. high caliber, the seemingly come company with all. Many then fell toward the earth. Blinding light, wailing ever-present denizen of the young ladies in the grille can sirens, the shattering impact, an obliterating explosion, Student Union Building, Mr. remember Mr. Foutz walking billowing, mushroom-shaped clouds. death, devastation Charles Foutz, Jr. After 13 by with a cup, stumbling and ====,;",~=========,,;,,;==~~:!,~~_~:sn :J h c:est!~; emptying the supposed contents peace on earth. .. silence ... Dianne Briggs service to the years of faithful ~~e~h~~e~~~:i ::~~m~n:ve~~ tell smile moving and Speaking Of Inter-est levels. is Recently it to was higher would often stop He seemed mi- a joke. friendly an- To Cut Or Not To Cut nounced selected Mr. the Foutz Branch Charles Foutz, the popular bookstore- grille· post office manager. name. PAUSING BRIEFLY-and that has without t-~e usual bow-fie-c-is Mr. raculously to know everyone by been as Officially, Foutz the tradi- A his made Charlie Charles Foutz Federal Savings by Da.vid Littlefield allow a.ny absences, even Manager of the new Baltimore in himself." reveals look that at this tion that he is-they are leaving, but there will remain is title and Loan As- proper The recent mer-r-y-go-round illness or religious holidays. bank in Westminster; tradition has assumed the the outward signs of his behind for a. long time the of letters, each accusing the The whole mess usually . mul~itudinous du!ies on the varied roles of purchasing interest in Western i of the smiling man student body of being overly down to this: the Hill Will end offiCially agent for the college, manager and its students. bow-tie and glasses Interested in activities starts class five minutes Wednesday. of the grille, manager of the Mr. Foutz was who was a friend to all and an than the particular "to make sure we get the As the 1955 Aloha described bookstore, and clerk in charge found anywhere racket, makes many of us of the course," wastes him in its dedication, Mr. Foutz of are not the 'factors that these from the third floor the post office. But i~1\W'~;':f:.~~i~~~~~~~;S;i~:~~~~1{;;:::~:"ib'Y.· TH E GO LD BUG and wonder just making sure aU his what the has become a "WMC tradition have Ward ("Man in the dents here ARE interested in. people are there, and ~~~':~/~~1.USpastime 'should ~:i~~gt';~iC~o~:s~~~in:o:o . . But is it only the students practical purposes, reading his who are responsible for this lecture out of the text. apathy, or does it stem in part 'Vhy even bother to worry WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND ~:~~Sin~hO~~r~V:;!re:toi~ld .. be ~~eU\:y c~! S:O~~emt:: ~v~~! Vol. 39, No.7 November 10, 1961 a Sy8- ==,;",==============================,;",== ANYTHING!? (To those problem is to inaugurate are not M ' 0 ' C' don't realize to whom I tern whereby students f' • ~~:i~~i;i::'=~':~~ ;;qU~"~'~'~''';O~l~''~.~~.::~en S JOe/ety NSA Asks Member Colleges rg~mst ~ves !~~:;:;~~~~~IJioen/ettsIiW~~""bjer.sIToSeek Opinion On Testing S!?!~r.,~~:li!~I'k" ~r~s~~~re ~:~:n;; ri~;r;d:!~I!r£g po~t=~:;i~~~';~e~~~ wO~~~J~l::s~~ n~afor him the Men's The National Student the Soviet Union as a dishonest Memorial Chapel, Frederick system at WMC? We do adds to a student's ciation's headquarters . act endangering Rheinharrlt will present his an unofficial one whereby only through his ed the member and senior organ recital, featuring f~s~:r\h:reD~:~r~~~d to ~~~:~~~s h~sn0 w led Edmund ~~~;e:~ud::S;ing. Gove~~S!~e:' Atsh: ~il:~!~Oe~Sil~::Ck~i:~~diBa~~:rc, those students who cut class, why not give. Jos~ph NSA co-ordinator, Western Maryland As a member of the Ameri- times. There is still time to do this? :e~be~~w:e:d ~~:~ ~~I~~~v~n!a:~~~lution endorses every action can Guild of Organists, Fred d~a~~rh at~i!ol;:~ttn;~e ~~~~se:o~~~l~vi~!e~g Dean Mak~sky, Dr. Whereas, the Union S~:e~:n~~~ltudi~~ :~~ ~~~mi~:n~~ ei:e~is c~~I~~er;~:: professors interpret' research. Dr. Sturdivant, fac- Socialist Republics has b,,"" II mnptinn ?f atmospheric test- math major has given many re- ~!~~~~~onth~:eifo:~~~~ .of offi~ers ,~as ~~!~d as~:~~e~~spe~~~~g .i p~~e~e:s~a~~1' f~~dt~~ ~~t:~~~~~~ti~~ar!g:~s ~hU~~~ we'd attend anyway, ~t thiS meetmg Wlth clear testing and resist aggreSSIOn. in Baltimore. He is also the bother to take attendance ~r~c!~I~~~~:en~~s~~e ~;~t~of'~:re~~it~~e ~~~~:: _The SGA, whe~ presented official organist at college as- :~~ ;~~ o~~~a~~d U~:~lil~~e vice-president; and Dr. Price, zens and future' ;;~~het~~:~:~~:~~e:n~~~~ t~ ~~;~~:~i:i~~ i:e:~~~~~:ib~; ~~~ secretary-treasurer. ligated to voice their place before the student body. Alma Mater. ========""';=========4========= "hn"._m,'u',tu':,''n'di""h"Y'"' The resolution will be handed The recital was originally L L " in mimeographed form to the scheduled for November 17, b~t - LETTERS T0 THE EDIT0 R - generations and students at the assembly. Mon- had to be changed because of Wh",,",'h' "bino' Nmmbo,13, ., wh"h'h' Th..hgi,ing pl'y. Ad. The Still Small Voice odist Church, we did choose your life also, for those ~i!~d~:~r:::;:~~:n.t they will vote on the mat- ~i~~i~i~~~ free and the public ToI:he y~~~tor:conScience your ~~~e r~h~hi;o:C~~lto a~:e;t times you could have had Western Maryland guide? If it is, can you act?- rules .. This is .not, therefore, d~o~e;t~~t ::~:; ~: de~t ib:::~~:~;t ~~I:p:ty o~atS~~da;ou~~c!:n~~ ~~~~~;mIt h:::I~;\i;~~~~I~~~ affect y~ur:: ;~:k '~~llP~~:ure Marylan~ Or, does something in that ister such a complaint. happy. "still small voice" tell yOl! that However, it is our right to If you find you would like compulsory chapel is not right? obey only the letter and not. the gi\'e up some' .~;,.;,;.;~1,;---------, 1 Yes, in chapel Sunday eve- spirit of the law. How does it to search and ning, we heard our PI'!;'sident affect the worship of a devout But if you find you from Columbia Univers- speak o~ the irreveren~e ?f the ~ethodis~ if his neighbor sits happy in your work, ity. His experiences are var- student In chRpel. Thls 1S cer- sllently lfl chapel and reads, afraid to search for nn"hcn"l",i,tI ied. After serving as a re- tainly undesirable, but can you rather than listens to the ser- more meaningful for search associate at the British correct this by forcing students mon? If the sermons (as lib- only real trouble Museum of Natural History in I to attend chap!'l? The :..nswer eral and all-encompassing as this is that you probably London, Dr. Montagu was cu- is a quite obvious "No." they generally appear to strive know what you want. If rator of physiology and anthro- I cannot feel that because I to be) mean nothing at all to should be the case, do pology at the Welcome Histori- attend WM, part of my some students, is it not prefer- worry, because you are cal and Medical Museum from tUitIOn goes to pay for my re- able for them to read some- right. 1929 to 1930. He served as !igion. If it does, then the "re- thing beneficial than to sit and professor of anatomy ligion" I'm getting is not worth waste an hour? _ the Hahnemann Medical a plug nickel. If you pay for For some of us, chapel serv- One Red Face College and Hospital in Phila- religion, it's not religion. ice is meaningless. And since To the Editor: delphia, and as chairman of the department of anthropol- ~o~l~~~~ ~a~s~;~:~:~ t;inr~~ :;C~;uJ~~~e~us~o a~~~m~~:~ gi:: Y ia:~I~ ~~~ea~~a: ap'l"I~'u"m"; ogy at Rutgers University. From 1953to 1957 Dr. Mon- ~~~~s pO:~s;n,~ev~:~~;io~ttl::~:i ~~~:; ~~te;u'~i:toughts dwell on ~~~g~;h~hec:f~; o~h~he tagu acted as director Of re- come to hlm personally. The Pat Lawson as well search for the New Jersey rebuttal here would quite ob- . Committee on Physical Devel- viously be that chapel is pro- Byword: Individuality opment and Health. Active in viding- a chance for this "re- To the Editor: situations concerning racial ligious experience." -But is it: Every summer I have problems, he has been an ex- If you are forced to attend very fortunate, because I COME BACK pert witness on the legal and chapel. how can y?U pers~nally been able to experience a ,scientific problems relating to be free w move thiS experience. facet of life through race. He wrote, financed, di- You can't! Religion is a per- employment. This LITTLE MU rected and produced the film s071al thing. . mer, I had a very Wandering los t some- '''One World or None," and was ~f your conSCience ,;ere your perience that responsible for drafting the guide,' would you be m chapel hind me. However J where, probably cold and of race for UNES- Sunday night? a great deal from 'this hungry, is one of the cam- D.M.W. ence. If you would learn pus' leading figures-the four-legged ball of warm c~t -,----.,.,... apply this knowledge to Tau Sunday Literary Hour life, you would be much fur caUed Mu popular Mc- Daniel. The yel- To the Editor: pier. President Ensor's gentle plea Essentially, it is this: lowish feline disappeared to consciences Sunday evening your life as an individual. earlier in the week and it is has fallen he feared that stirs some comment. this, I mean you should prey to scheming cat-nap- Every student on this cam- every minute gO pus is, in a sense, indebted to self, get the pers. the Methodist Church -for its Examine your life If anyone has seen or financial support. It is alto- what ratio of work knows the whereabouts of gether obvious that our tuition best suits you. Then this impish creature, please cannot begin to cover the elt- If you spend too much notify a very concerned Sue penses ~t this school. I~ is the searching for pleasure, you are Hauck or the girls at Mc- Methochst Church and Its. do- wasting your ability and in- Daniel House. Mu can be nors who supplement our fees. wardly you will not feel good identified by his yellow fur There:f'ore, w~ether or not we about it. However, if you do and gentle disposition. share the behefs of the Meth- nothing but work you are , --' ._
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