Page 11 - TheGoldBug1961-62
P. 11
Library '·;'E"· GOLD BUG "estern Maryland College NOW, HAVE YOU WONDERED ... "y''';;';''''H"to::, Why Sunday evening chapel has to be held in virtual hothouse, with the windows closed and as if somebody would actually try to climb Sunday it was so muggy that rear-pew occupants ex- pected showers to develop and drench the audience, if WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND not the speaker first. And of course, the presence of Vol. 39, No.6 November 3, 1961 """ F Big Brother in the balcony is another fine tool to pro- ';'::;;"::::;';';:::'';;'''========================='===='== worship. mote serious Christian play~Xh~\~~~lshiilh~e~iJinihhail?S~W::lyUK1n~~t~~reshmen Win First Prize MiiittIryDeptIrtmentNtImes Trio number not only sparked the atmosphere hut also I H tOtO .,. "C r. prom~~~J:~t:~h:~i:~~~~~~t~~lle~?:y~::~eemedton omecomlng ompe I Ion NewROr" Women~ponsors be the hardest hit by the flu-bug last week? Why the grille doesn't enter the expanding of the 15-cent hamburger? Sure, it wouldn't be as grade. but a lot of the scraps from the dining hall be ground up and utilized in some way- Why almost all of the letters to the editor are from men on campus. Ladies. with your usual vociferous qualities, how come-no comments? e~ e~~ - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Truth Revealed! the "non-Christian" wo rid. and install one liglJt to contrast ics major who receives top here at WMC. I know of only Intellect's Duty To Man? To the Editor: why not .have chapel speakers against this jumbled hysteria? grades; I could certainly con- two men who ran for leader- T th Ed't . m~~ ~~:~~rc6~I~~~ ii; ~~: ~e::t:s~t~nrg S!~~he~an::li:::~~ ~~: ~:~!onco~l~ve~~~gh!f;O~~~ ;~~~:ds~is~~!semJ:s;;~~-:~u;dr:~ ~~~P !~tef~~tu~~A~~:er~vo~I~ 01 c:nno; ::i p .~)Utsubmit ~y mentioned that Margaret Mead followe~s, which, I might a~d, notice the soft white lights of ceive recognition on "Who's have as leaders? We can't thought;> In ,;rrltm g eoncernmg is a good example of her thesis c?mposltely outnumber Chr-is- our steeple. Through miles of Who" here at W~IC and else- elect them if they don't run! the ~;tlcle Scholars vs. Ath- against impulsive marriage. tIan followers? I should pre- countryside any person looking where. Those whom I would I'm somewhat flabbergasted Ietes. The writer of the letter went diet greater attention, less our way could see that God is consider not well-rounded can at Mr. Littlefield's attack on What good is intellectual on to say that Miss Mead would book-reading, and less "under- a part of our campus life. be found in all departments, the FAC! 1 was a member of achievement in any field, if it not have been f!_bleto accomp- tone" con.versation during Sun- David M. Warner from the athletic department to this organization and at- is not utilized in the light of lish as much as she has if she day evenmg chapel service. the history department. tempted to do my best as a concern for your fellow man? were a wife and mother. The" By ?res7n~ing ~ome of the Yep _ Another Round On to another thought! .1 member, even though I am a !his world con.tains.W? man_y fact is that she is both. She other'. religious views for our To the Editor: would certainly agree that It "C" student. As for being intellects who hve within their has ~en married at least twice ev~l.u~tlOn, comparison,. and Like hark! From beneath a i~ not the :'C" .student w~o '.'permitted t~ process and re- own small world of facts and and IS the mother of a daugh- C.tJtIclsm, a more unr~e~sal mountain of worn books, crum- gives 'YMC ItS high academic ject applications for member- figures. They do not under- tel'. light .would be cast o.n .religlOn, pled clothes, and a dark, reputation. But then, w~ere ship made by A or B students," stan~ ~o: care to understand . Jean Kerschner ~is~~~,al!;hiC~h~sU~~~I~~a~lin~~ ?~~dO~ ~pe~~ :~ic~ ~~~ci~ ~V~tUl~h!h~,~~"s~~~~~~~beT:~!~~ ~ee:a~;ena~~~~ ~~~er~e A~a~ ;~;. individual as a human be- A Proper Ratio accepted by us because we have lectually inferior "C" student. ing classes, 1 guess! reflect on those selected for If intellectual achievement To the Editor: never been expos~d to anything to defend the "half-educated Bah!!! to the idea that SGA membership, 1 have no doubt has the only goal of an "A" We attend college to broaden else.. We are In college to athletes and social giants"- leadership should be limited to that those selected were the average, and all other human our experience, knowledge, and q~eStlOn and no~, to accept those poor stupid "apes" who "B" or better students!! Un- very best qualified. Three sensit.ivity is forgotten, then ideas. But are we really doing blindly whatever IS hurled at will be better able to find their der such a policy we probably cheers for the "C" student who this intellect will follow the so? us. places in society and much bet- wouldn't even have an SGA made the selection though I course of its possessor; to live Let us look at religion. We Sincerely, . ter suited to do'the same than doubt very much that such a awhile and die. IntelIectual are intimately associated, con- Gerd Petrich many intellectuals I know! person exists. Mr. Littlefield, achievement, developed one day TURKEY DAY ~~~~~~~ ~~ic!n~~dri~::~hi~ Wanted: One Guiding Light ma~he"ba:~:~ q~'i:ll~~~;:nd:~~ ~ee:~~!fd ~~nfin~o:~~\o~ ~!h~~X~eifrn:;~:e~ ~:a~iI ~: ~~;i:~a!~:e:~s:ar,~ :~:t;~,~ToO~~: ~~:~~: from the fertile ~~~~~~~e:;'s~n~~~~~ ~h~the:,~ AT HOME! me;~:~s d:: ~~~lt::I:Cn~~i_ ;~~;a~~ O!is~~:s=~~~n!e c~~; ideas are seldom. brought to us valley of ideas comes a thought standards to be used in decid- tude towards learning, let diseased, and just plain say for evaluation or criticism, as- that must have struck a few ing who is "well-rounded" and Contrary to the informa- alone a deplorable one; each :'hello" with a smile. Yes, the pecially here in a Methodist af- individuals--why aren't there who is not. I feel that I know tion listed on the SGA blot-. faculty member and each stu- mtellect must steer clear of the filiated college. If no other lights on the chapel steeple? quite a few well-rounded stu- ter, Western Maryland stu- dent has his or her own atti- disaster of existing within his except Christian ideas are pre- Western Maryland is indeed dents (by my standards); odd- dents will be able to spend tude, which is as it should be. own small world. sented and drilled into us, what fortunate in having one of the Iy enough on my list are in- Thanksgiving day with Our present situation is good. In conclusion, I believe, that else can we be but Christians-- finest campuses in the East. cluded such people as an eco- their families at home. Of- I am proud of WMC, proud to to categorize individuals ac- f:gi:~heists. This only follows ~~~': o~h~o~/~~~~~n~:~. s~r;: ~;~~:s f~:i;~llw~:: ~~~~~i~~~I~~~:~;, re~e;~e:~rb~i;' ~at IP:~ oo;e~;ya::y,~?r.~u~ f;r%ngel~mi~a~hO!:!i~o~;~r~~ tia~~::e~I~~ ~:~:l:r~. ~s; :~~~~n~t ~:~h ~ p~t s~ t ~:;~ ~7ol~:;'tm~jo;~Vii~te~I~~~,a~;e:' ~~n~~~~ON~:m~:~ 2~1~te~~ ~:odu~~ ~e/Vc~~~!~:' to~~~~:;~~:~t~~~!~hot~~~~~~s ~~ have only Christian speakers in use? age or better (8.'3 intellectual pm. The blotter incorrectly our situation should look else- more force than the words of chapel? Variety and diversity In a day and age when the as anyone else), an intellectual lists the vacation from No- where for a better one-and go an intellect. fl:re the spi;e an.d education of scenery is confused by a mass math major, and I will include vember 24-29. there! Sincerely, Respectfully, life. To dissemInate ideas of of blinking lights, why not stop one of my roommates, a phys- John W. Grove John DeMey
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